Nutrition Education…

Easy Chili Recipe

There is nothing like the smell of chili warming in a pot on a chilly Fall day. Here is my share on a tried and true easy chili recipe that will warm the bellies of many friends and family. The first idea is to get on with what you have available in the fridge but [...]

Raw Seal Oil is not Special

Nature is all around us, and in wonderment, we wonder how everything works. Stones, plants, and animals exist alongside humans in the way they do. The raw seal oil is not special. It just exists for the reasons it does. The raw seal oil has helped the Inuit people or others to thrive because the [...]

Raw Food Diet

A raw food diet is more than just eating raw food of just vegetables and fruits, it helps to reset our body, and not only for the purpose of achieving weight loss. Raw foods have a number of benefits, and it gets you into the habit of incorporating them regularly into your diet. There is [...]

Seal Oil Omega 3s

Since 2008, I can say that I have learned a lot about seal oil omega 3s and omega 3s in general. The differences between the sources of omegas remind me of the 1 molecule difference between margarine and plastic - a molecule difference could be a small difference but also a major difference. If nature [...]

Kale Chips Recipe

Kale chips is a simple nutritious food that can be made into different delicious healthy flavours. Kale chips can be a part of a meal, such as in soup or salads. With raw kale, it can be used in pizza sandwiches or smoothies. Let me introduce you to my world of kale chips. Kale Chips [...]

Dollars Speak Volumes

Money is a wonderful thing and money provides us our basic needs including food. Your food dollars speak volumes to those that operate a retail store(s). Let me share a story on my work conversations while working at George Weston Limited and Loblaws Companies understanding that the consumer is always right...almost. How companies think Your [...]

Diabetic Neuropathy Research Utilizing Auum Omega 3

  Nerve growth is possible. Nerve growth is reversing diabetic neuropathy. When we hear about the serious complications of those diagnosed with Diabetes, we learn about blindness, kidney disease, lower limb amputation, stroke, depression, and much more. Let's further explore the complications as it relates to another serious complication called diabetic neuropathy. The importance of [...]

Whey Recipes

Curds and whey was something I grew up hearing in the nursery rhyme 'Little Miss Muffet' but I had no idea how easy it would be to make whey for nourishing recipes nor how it has been used for a long time by many cultures. Only in the west do we not only ferment our [...]

Canada’s Food Guide

Canada’s Food Guide Analysis The Canada’s Food Guide has evolved over the decades since it was first introduced in July 1942. The main purpose was to guide people on the essential nutrients from food for their good health. It was a start and surely a number of changes have occurred since 1942, so many, that [...]

Fluoride Which One What Risk

Something in the Water Does adding fluoride into our drinking water put you at risk? According to the recent studies including the one at York University, Toronto, Canada, there is a number of possible health problems with the use of fluoride because it is in an artificial form. As I have been focusing on brain [...]

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