Superior Sublingual

Superior sublingual references putting something under the tongue and it being the best way to absorb that something into your body. Of course that something must be able to be absorbed sublingually, such as, raw seal oil or liquid B12 (avoiding an injection!). There are certain medications that also can absorb sublingually such as an [...]

Raw Seal Oil is not Special

Nature is all around us, and in wonderment, we wonder how everything works. Stones, plants, and animals exist alongside humans in the way they do. The raw seal oil is not special. It just exists for the reasons it does. The raw seal oil has helped the Inuit people or others to thrive because the [...]

Diabetic Neuropathy

Understanding Diabetes, Diabetic Neuropathy and Seal Oil Omega-3 According to Health Canada in 2008/09, diabetes was affecting over 2.4 million Canadians, a 70% increase over 10 years earlier. Stepping forward to today, Diabetes Canada claims there are 11 million people with diabetes and prediabetes. Even with my background in diabetes, I was familiar with other [...]


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