Raw Seal Oil is not Special

Nature is all around us, and in wonderment, we wonder how everything works. Stones, plants, and animals exist alongside humans in the way they do. The raw seal oil is not special. It just exists for the reasons it does. The raw seal oil has helped the Inuit people or others to thrive because the [...]

Kale Chips Recipe

Kale chips is a simple nutritious food that can be made into different delicious healthy flavours. Kale chips can be a part of a meal, such as in soup or salads. With raw kale, it can be used in pizza sandwiches or smoothies. Let me introduce you to my world of kale chips. Kale Chips [...]

Omega 3 Foods Important Differences

Omega 3 Foods Differ Omega 3 foods and supplements include many. In fact, Omega 3 supplements could take up several book cases in the health food store. Due to the Omega 3 source, the processing, cooking or food preparation, and our digestive function, the Omega 3 foods will make a difference to our health in a variety of [...]

5 Reasons to Consume Whole Foods

Whole Foods Closer to Nature's Way 5 Reasons to Consume Whole Foods is considering what goes into your body because you are what you eat. Whole foods looks at what happens to the food from the time it is harvested, closest to nature, to the time you eat the food. This article includes real stories to bring light [...]

Cancer Discoveries

Normal Cells Cancer Discoveries What man can survive without oxygen? At a microscopic level, cells require oxygen to survive and optimum oxygen levels to thrive. Important cancer discoveries include the cell respiration research of Otto Warburg (1883-1970) with his cancer breakthrough.  Another vital important cancer discovery is the function of the cell wall and [...]

Omega ABCs

Essential Omega ABCs for a Natural Healing Balance and Good Vibrant Health A Balanced Concept - learning the Omega ABCs There are certain things for good health that is like learning your ABCs. Omega ABCs are valuable. Learn four key ways mammalian Omegas are valuable for our health. My focus is on healthy fats, specifically Omegas. [...]

2020-11-07T06:49:12-05:00December 15th, 2015|Tags: , , |

Major Medical Journal Publishes Study Validating Mammalian Omega 3

A study sharing the positive results of Auum mammalian omega 3 The University of Toronto has published its Research Study using Auum mammalian omega 3 seal oil in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN) and now in the US National Library of Medicine (PubMed.) For the past several years, it has [...]

Amazing Almonds and Surprising Facts

Do you eat almonds? Get the most out of amazing almonds. Almonds appear amazing in many ways! Is it only the amount of almonds per day you have to calculate? Did you know? Almonds (Prunus dulcis) are part of the Peach family (Prunus persica) and have been classified as a fruit. This past Summer I did [...]

2020-11-07T06:49:12-05:00November 3rd, 2015|Tags: , , , |


Educational, Commerce and Community Events Cheryl Millett is the Founder of the Forest Hill Walk Club since 2008, and Chapter President for the Toronto Midtown Chapter of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce. Both allow Cheryl to participate in the community while in a not-for-profit capacity while adding value to the holistic community and natural health. [...]

Mammalian Omega 3 and Arthritis

Mammalian Omega 3 and arthritis has been researched at the Memorial University in Newfoundland, Canada with good results. A newly discovered source of Omega 3 is gaining popularity with the people, doctors, practitioners and researchers in Canada and around the world. All diseases have an inflammatory component! Most diseases end with 'itis' like arthritis, 'itis' [...]


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