ABC Auum Omega 3 Seal OilEssential Omega ABCs for a Natural Healing Balance and Good Vibrant Health

A Balanced Concept – learning the Omega ABCs

There are certain things for good health that is like learning your ABCs. Omega ABCs are valuable. Learn four key ways mammalian Omegas are valuable for our health.

My focus is on healthy fats, specifically Omegas. I will use Omegas for this text but they could be called Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). The reason they are called essential is because our body does not make them. We take them in from outside sources – food/supplements. There are two EFAs. They are Omega 6 and Omega 3.

You can find a lot of information about the Omega ABCs on the web – in articles, the news, research studies, on store shelves, and in packaged goods. Besides being a supplement and in our food, the Omega industry also includes Omegas for pets.

immune system omega 3 from harp seal mammalian oil Auum Omega 3s

Omegas support our Immune Function protecting our body from foreign substances.

The ABCs on Why are Omegas Valuable

I could list dozens of reasons (search Google on the world wide web). Here are the first two key areas:

1) Inflammation: Inflammation is part of every disease, infection, and injury – including all aches and pains. No doctor or expert will argue this. Omegas helps manage the inflammation in the body stopping it from becoming chronic. So now you understand how it would help with conditions such as cardiovascular disease, mental health, ADHD, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, vision, skin, etc. ‘Itis’ means inflammation in the medical field.

2) Cellular Activity: Omegas play a role in cellular activity and part of every cell wall. Ever heard the saying “You are only as healthy as your cell wall.” What would your home be like if you didn’t have walls? Sure would be cold in the Canadian winter, wet in the rainy weather, and so on. The cell wall decides on what gets in and out of the cell, what stays out and in the cell. Here is one of my favourite paragraphs from the book ‘Healing is Voltage‘ by Jerry Tennant MD.

“We now see that the cell membrane is the BRAIN of the cell. It is a CAPACITOR that stores voltage for the cell to use. It is a MICROPROCESSOR that controls the functions of the cell by interacting with the environment around the cell. It is a LIQUID CRYSTAL that can open and close to allow things to exit the cell or keep them in. It is part of a TESLA RESONATING CIRCUIT that allows it to communicate with other cells.”

In his book, Tennant is able to describe in more detail how Omegas play a key role in our health and our healing.

“The key to making chronic disease better is making a single cell work. If you give the body the things a single cell needs to work, the body often has the power to heal all of the cells of the body. That means you get well!” shares Dr Jerry Tennant

So when people ask me does the Auum Omega 3 help with this or that! I say YES every time.

Do Auum omegas help with stroke? Yes

Do Auum omegas help with depression? Yes

Do Auum omegas help with colitis? Yes

Do Auum omegas help with prostate disorders? Yes

Do Auum omegas help with sleeping? YES

Do Auum omegas help with cancer? YES

Do Auum omegas help with diabetes? YES

And all the other conditions because all chronic diseases has an inflammatory component.

[Do you have an Omega Deficiency?]

Is it everything to everyone? No…Omegas are a key piece of the puzzle to good health but not the only essential piece. A person may very well have mineral deficiencies. When I say Omegas, I am referring to the deficiencies and balance between Omega 6 and Omega 3 – two important considerations. Also, the various sources of Omega 3 and their differences will play a role in how they perform. Auum is from a mammalian source shown to be absorbed efficiently because they are like us (also found in breast milk). For more on this, join the Omega Newsletter for future omega information.

cell membrane Auum Omega 3 seal oil

Phospholipid Bilayer from Essential Fatty Acids

Here are another two key areas Omegas are valuable:

1) Oxygen Magnets: Omegas play a role in optimum oxygen in the body and then into the cells. Is oxygen good for us? Without a doubt! Most people haven’t heard of Nobel Prize recipient Otto Warburg. He discovered that cancer cannot survive in oxygenated cells…1/3 less oxygen and cancer can survive.

2) Nerve Function: Omegas are key in nerve function and healing…very valuable for the brain to function and the BRAIN runs the body (i.e. heart beat, temperature, hormonal balances, communication, senses, and much more). Medication dries out the brain including chemo and ibuprofen (NSAIDS).

ABCs on Omega 3s shines a light on how our body functions with them! Now that you have more information on Omega 3s read this comment from Japanese Researchers in 2002. 600 peer reviewed studies show the same results.

“We summarize the evidence that increased Omega 6 and relative Omega 3 deficiencies are risk factors for western type cancers, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and also for allergic hyper-reactivity. We also raise the possibility that a relative Omega 3 deficiency may be affecting the behavioural patterns of a proportion of the young generation in the industrialized countries.”

I hope you found this article informative. Balanced healthy omegas are anti-cancer but which sources. Discover the healthy and unhealthy sources of Omegas because there are ones that are destroying our health like refined vegetable oils. With my field research, the right omegas have produced a wide range of dramatic results from helping children with autism to the elite athletes looking to reduce inflammation and optimize their recovery. Experience mammalian omegas from seal blubber if your current diet and omega supplement are not producing the results you are looking for. At any rate, you are unique and sometimes there is more going on which would warrant a consultation.

Where there is a will, there is a way!

References [Healing] [Athlete recovery]


Cheryl Millett Holistic Nutritionist

Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…

Before the age of 20, it never dawned on me that what I chose to put in my mouth would have such a dramatic effect on my wellbeing.
On my path of discovery, I learned that our eating choices directly affected how much energy we have first thing in the morning or that it would build our immune system strength during flu season.  I came to understand how gentle nutritional cleansing directly helped overcome my health challenges. People keep telling me how beautiful my skin is or how I look younger.
As my studies continued, it became obvious that there is an intrinsic connection between the mind, body and spirit which directly affects our health and happiness.  I learned that Omegas are another critical piece of the wellness puzzle. I became convinced when the Auum omegas alone turned on some switches in my brain in just one day.
I have developed a deep appreciation for the wonderful miracle workers our bodies are in the recovery process.  Our bodies have a natural intelligence.  I am passionate to share the connection between nutrition and wellness in my practice and my presentations.

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