All things Omega and Omega Related…

Superior Sublingual

Superior sublingual references putting something under the tongue and it being the best way to absorb that something into your body. Of course that something must be able to be absorbed sublingually, such as, raw seal oil or liquid B12 (avoiding an injection!). There are certain medications that also can absorb sublingually such as an [...]

Raw Seal Oil is not Special

Nature is all around us, and in wonderment, we wonder how everything works. Stones, plants, and animals exist alongside humans in the way they do. The raw seal oil is not special. It just exists for the reasons it does. The raw seal oil has helped the Inuit people or others to thrive because the [...]

Omega-3 Benefits

This blog is about sharing an article found on the McGill University website on Omega-3 Benefits. This article focuses on the importance of Omega-3 for our body with the understanding that not all omega-3s are created equal. Omega-3 benefits our eyes (macular degeneration), our cardiovascular system (inflammation in the arteries), and our nervous system. The [...]

Seal Oil Omega 3s

Since 2008, I can say that I have learned a lot about seal oil omega 3s and omega 3s in general. The differences between the sources of omegas remind me of the 1 molecule difference between margarine and plastic - a molecule difference could be a small difference but also a major difference. If nature [...]

Brain Trauma Saved With Omegas

Perhaps you heard the story about Grant Virgin. In 2012, he was hit by a car while walking, and large doses of omegas were implicated on CNN in Grant's full recovery. Yes, brain trauma was saved with omegas. His mother JJ Virgin knew a thing or two or several things about health, but the seriousness [...]

Diabetic Neuropathy Research Utilizing Auum Omega 3

  Nerve growth is possible. Nerve growth is reversing diabetic neuropathy. When we hear about the serious complications of those diagnosed with Diabetes, we learn about blindness, kidney disease, lower limb amputation, stroke, depression, and much more. Let's further explore the complications as it relates to another serious complication called diabetic neuropathy. The importance of [...]

Diabetic Neuropathy

Understanding Diabetes, Diabetic Neuropathy and Seal Oil Omega-3 According to Health Canada in 2008/09, diabetes was affecting over 2.4 million Canadians, a 70% increase over 10 years earlier. Stepping forward to today, Diabetes Canada claims there are 11 million people with diabetes and prediabetes. Even with my background in diabetes, I was familiar with other [...]

Egg Recipes Nutritious Perfect Food

Farm Fresh Eggs, unwashed Egg Recipes For Your Better Health Egg recipes add to a choice of healthy dishes and eggs are flexible for all meals of the day from breakfast to dinner. Like other foods, not all eggs are created equal. Eggs are known as the 'perfect protein' in many circles, along [...]

Omega 3 Foods Important Differences

Omega 3 Foods Differ Omega 3 foods and supplements include many. In fact, Omega 3 supplements could take up several book cases in the health food store. Due to the Omega 3 source, the processing, cooking or food preparation, and our digestive function, the Omega 3 foods will make a difference to our health in a variety of [...]

The Effect of Mammalian Omega-3s on Diabetic Neuropathy

THERE IS NO LINK available on the yet to be published results for 'The Effect of Mammalian Omega-3s on Diabetic Neuropathy'. Why? Because the unpublished results are just out. The researchers are tidying up the information so to speak - crossing the 't's and dotting the 'i's and whatever else is necessary. Many doctors and healthcare practitioners [...]

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