Nourishing Breast Milk

Nourishing breast milk…and more nourishing for the baby than a green smoothie! Many moons ago and in various cultures, babies/children were breastfed with nourishing breast milk until 5 years old. Then there was a time when moms were encouraged to take up formulas for convenience…then back to breastfeeding and only several years ago the recommendation [...]

Lemon Water

Lemon Water to start the day off! If there was one little thing you could do every day for a healthy difference, it could be to drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning. Doctor Seuss has a way with words – repeating the words to help the young child begin the reading process in an [...]

Eskimo and Inuit

Please don't call me Eskimo and Inuit is the correct name for my people. A story about real food and northern culture. The Inuit people are now a part of my world. After watching online videos, DVDs and reading their news, I appreciate these people that live in the North. Both of these names are [...]

Love Your Liver

Love your liver... is to appreciate a vital organ. What about the gallbladder? Learn the importance of these two organs, the liver and the gallbladder, what major functions they provide us with and the possibility of preventing gallbladder removal and lowering your risk of a heart attack. That's right a heart attack. Cancer too. Love [...]

Omega ABCs

Essential Omega ABCs for a Natural Healing Balance and Good Vibrant Health A Balanced Concept - learning the Omega ABCs There are certain things for good health that is like learning your ABCs. Omega ABCs are valuable. Learn four key ways mammalian Omegas are valuable for our health. My focus is on healthy fats, specifically Omegas. [...]

2020-11-07T06:49:12-05:00December 15th, 2015|Tags: , , |


Best Ever Shortbreads 'Tis the season to be indulging (a little bit)! It is only a little shortbread...but you cannot stop eating these best ever shortbread cookies nor can your guests stop asking for more! As a teenager, my step mother made us these shortbreads every Christmas. Thirty years later and with some healthy modifications, [...]

2020-11-07T06:49:12-05:00December 4th, 2015|Tags: , , |

5 Tips Navigating Holiday Feasting

'Tis the season to be jolly A time to enjoy some socializing, and indulging in the many delicious traditional foods including beverages...from a buffet of choice at the company Holiday party to the family gathering with 3+ courses, these 5 tips navigating holiday feasting will come in handy.  Think of them as life skills. I [...]

Major Medical Journal Publishes Study Validating Mammalian Omega 3

A study sharing the positive results of Auum mammalian omega 3 The University of Toronto has published its Research Study using Auum mammalian omega 3 seal oil in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN) and now in the US National Library of Medicine (PubMed.) For the past several years, it has [...]

Natural Immunity

On board with natural immunity. You cannot see it easily. You experience the heat of it. It causes redness and swelling. It protects you. What is it? THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Life dishes out a cold here and there, perhaps a disease comes about. Doctors say that an underactive/overactive immune system is part of the equation [...]

Amazing Almonds and Surprising Facts

Do you eat almonds? Get the most out of amazing almonds. Almonds appear amazing in many ways! Is it only the amount of almonds per day you have to calculate? Did you know? Almonds (Prunus dulcis) are part of the Peach family (Prunus persica) and have been classified as a fruit. This past Summer I did [...]

2020-11-07T06:49:12-05:00November 3rd, 2015|Tags: , , , |
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