Practitioners’ Resources, Studies, Reports and Announcements…

Egg Recipes Nutritious Perfect Food

Farm Fresh Eggs, unwashed Egg Recipes For Your Better Health Egg recipes add to a choice of healthy dishes and eggs are flexible for all meals of the day from breakfast to dinner. Like other foods, not all eggs are created equal. Eggs are known as the 'perfect protein' in many circles, along [...]

What Most Doctors Won’t Tell You About Colds and Flu

What Most Doctors Won’t Tell You About Colds and Flu I just had to share this article 'What Most Doctors Won’t Tell You About Colds and Flu' by Dr. Ben Kim (article link below) because of the grounded way it presents the innate ability of our body. The body is a miracle! Listen with your ears [...]

Lemon Water

Lemon Water to start the day off! If there was one little thing you could do every day for a healthy difference, it could be to drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning. Doctor Seuss has a way with words – repeating the words to help the young child begin the reading process in an [...]

5 Tips Navigating Holiday Feasting

'Tis the season to be jolly A time to enjoy some socializing, and indulging in the many delicious traditional foods including beverages...from a buffet of choice at the company Holiday party to the family gathering with 3+ courses, these 5 tips navigating holiday feasting will come in handy.  Think of them as life skills. I [...]

Cranston Natural Meats and an Affordable Option

Healthy Bites Taking in the bigger picture, we understand that on the surface, things appear one way but after asking the right questions or doing some undercover work, we learn things are not always as they appear and sometimes it is what is under a microscope.  Over time and with experience we see a more [...]

Autism Connection to Vaccines

A cure for cancer, for autism...perhaps one of several others. As I begin to type, I take a deep breath and drink some water.  You may be compelled to do the same. Setting the Stage First, I am stepping into the thought that 'I am responsible for my own health' not the doctors, not my [...]

Chaga in Modern Times

According to many, most North Americans have not heard of Chaga. What is Chaga? a) Is it a Peruvian dance that is now popular in Brazilian clubs? b) Is it a comfortable skirt worn in Africa made of natural strong plant fibers, very soft durable cotton like material? c) Is it an Australian character in [...]

Salt Water Bath – Not What You Think

I have to laugh because most people think I am talking about a hot soak in a bath. What I am referring to is the internal salt water bath.  It is a great tool to learn...might just as well replace a colonic, but there are differences. It is inexpensive although the kind of salt used [...]


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