Make the Connection – the Mind-Body Connection including topics on Iridology, Matters of Mind, and more…


What is to simplify? To simplify means different things at different times, in different areas of our lives and different for different people. It can mean to live with more ease, grace, and peacefulness, or to be in the process to get there - wherever there is. Simplify can bring on a life of healthier [...]

Life Mentoring

Here to introduce my work called Life Mentoring which was new to my services in 2015 BUT has been picking up momentum since then. Life Mentoring is words that are limited to describe the finer details. Why? Because each individual's situation varies, and my mentoring work requires a level of comprehension between health, mind, body, [...]

The Sky is Falling

The sky is falling? Nope...Did anyone ever ask the question what is really happening when he says the sky is falling? Cocky Locky, the clever fox, knew what was happening. He read a book.  Just how did he get all the birds into his cave?! Check out the short Disney video from 1943 below! Chicken [...]

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