Major Medical Journal Publishes Study Validating Mammalian Omega 3

A study sharing the positive results of Auum mammalian omega 3 The University of Toronto has published its Research Study using Auum mammalian omega 3 seal oil in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN) and now in the US National Library of Medicine (PubMed.) For the past several years, it has [...]

Natural Immunity

On board with natural immunity. You cannot see it easily. You experience the heat of it. It causes redness and swelling. It protects you. What is it? THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Life dishes out a cold here and there, perhaps a disease comes about. Doctors say that an underactive/overactive immune system is part of the equation [...]

Amazing Almonds and Surprising Facts

Do you eat almonds? Get the most out of amazing almonds. Almonds appear amazing in many ways! Is it only the amount of almonds per day you have to calculate? Did you know? Almonds (Prunus dulcis) are part of the Peach family (Prunus persica) and have been classified as a fruit. This past Summer I did [...]

2020-11-07T06:49:12-05:00November 3rd, 2015|Tags: , , , |

The Sky is Falling

The sky is falling? Nope...Did anyone ever ask the question what is really happening when he says the sky is falling? Cocky Locky, the clever fox, knew what was happening. He read a book.  Just how did he get all the birds into his cave?! Check out the short Disney video from 1943 below! Chicken [...]


Educational, Commerce and Community Events Cheryl Millett is the Founder of the Forest Hill Walk Club since 2008, and Chapter President for the Toronto Midtown Chapter of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce. Both allow Cheryl to participate in the community while in a not-for-profit capacity while adding value to the holistic community and natural health. [...]

Klondike Baked Beans by Pierre Berton

Klondike baked beans is a Canadian dish to be sampled by any person looking for a heritage dish or to bring back our childhood memories of canned beans. Taken from a short essay titled Klondike Baked Beans by Pierre Berton. Warming any way you eat them! There is a certain amount of chilly peppers in [...]

RAIN Splashing for Health

On this glorious morning, the rain that falls from the sky in Toronto has inspired me to write, not only for health but for all the pleasures it creates from the moment we could jump in puddles. The memory of walking with Sally and her son Evan brings a childlike smile to my face.  Do [...]

Cheryl on Adventure and Life

An Evolving Point of View For over 19 years, I worked for one of Canada’s largest grocery retailers in finance and risk management with experience in agricultural and energy commodities, and FX.  Having worked in “food processing,” I have seen first hand the sugar refinery process, flour milling, oil refining, pulp and paper milling, chocolate/candy bar [...]

Bouncing Babies Start With A Healthy Pregnancy

a beautiful mother feeding her newborn with breast A healthy pregnancy takes two, the father and the mother.  Every parent’s dream is to have a healthy baby…ten fingers and ten toes. Today some hope for more – free of allergies and no learning issues. The reality is a healthy pregnancy starts with education [...]

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