Blondie Depression Cake Recipe

With more of a history, this depression cake recipe sprung forth from the events such as the Great Depression and war times when the cake recipe ingredients like eggs and dairy were expensive or hard to find. The Wacky Cake recipe (Vita-mix) included cacao or cocoa. I created this recipe called Blondie Depression Cake or [...]

Dollars Speak Volumes

Money is a wonderful thing and money provides us our basic needs including food. Your food dollars speak volumes to those that operate a retail store(s). Let me share a story on my work conversations while working at George Weston Limited and Loblaws Companies understanding that the consumer is always right...almost. How companies think Your [...]

Diabetic Neuropathy Research Utilizing Auum Omega 3

  Nerve growth is possible. Nerve growth is reversing diabetic neuropathy. When we hear about the serious complications of those diagnosed with Diabetes, we learn about blindness, kidney disease, lower limb amputation, stroke, depression, and much more. Let's further explore the complications as it relates to another serious complication called diabetic neuropathy. The importance of [...]

5 Reasons to Consume Whole Foods

Whole Foods Closer to Nature's Way 5 Reasons to Consume Whole Foods is considering what goes into your body because you are what you eat. Whole foods looks at what happens to the food from the time it is harvested, closest to nature, to the time you eat the food. This article includes real stories to bring light [...]

Good Cholesterol

Better to learn now than never about the importance of cholesterol, the good cholesterol and the cholesterol myth. Have you ever heard both sides about cholesterol? Over the years, there has been much information about the bad cholesterol. People are been given tests by their doctor to measure the amount of cholesterol present in their blood. RECENTLY, [...]

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