Ω What are Omegas all about?
Ω I get my omegas from my food.
Ω See it on food labels but don’t know what it is.
Ω I take supplements as we don’t get enough from our food.
Ω I eat fish 2-3x per week so I am good.
Ω My doctor and the Heart & Stroke Foundation tell me I need them.
Ω They are good for my heart.
Ω I take a plant oil supplement because I am a vegan.
Ω They are suppose to be good for my pain.
Ω What are they exactly?
All relevant questions and current comments/questions.
Omegas aka Essential Fatty Acids or EFAs
What are Omegas? What happens if I have an omega deficiency? How do I make sure I get enough omegas? Asking questions is a first step. If you fit into any of the above keep on reading.
Firstly, if you don’t know why you need them then how are you suppose to react when planning or budgeting to get all the valuable nutrients in your healthy supplement routine and/or diet?
Secondly, so many will share we need them and why but the other question is which ones do I take? Who do you listen to?
Thirdly begs the question, why am I have an omega deficiency especially if I take omegas supplements or eat foods that contain omegas?
Essential…yes, the body does not produce them so you must get them from an outside source.
Valuable…you make that judgement. Many people say we need them and they are essential.
BIG value…just look at all the symptoms/afflictions happening today, and if there is any grain of truth about the role of EFAs what are your options for getting them.
What are some symptoms of an Omega deficiency (Omega 3)?
Fatigue, Poor Memory, Immune Weakness, Dry Skin, Hair Loss, Heart Problems, Reproductive Problems, Mood Swings, Poor Circulation, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, BiPolar Disorder, Discoloured Patches of Skin, Rash, Dry Stiff Tangled Hair, Dandruff, Brittle or Splitting Nails, Premenstrual Breast Pain, Dry Eyes, Frequent Infections, Soft Nails, Frequent Urination (guys? get up in the middle of the night to visit the bathroom?), Irritability, Excessive Thirst, Alligator Skin, Patches of Pale Skin on Cheeks, Poor Wound Healing
What are the complications/afflictions of an Omega deficiency (Omega 3)?
Acne, Aging, Aids, Allergies, Alzheimers, Angina, Arthritis, Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Atopy Dermatitis, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Autoimmune Disorder, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Cardiovascular Disorder, Crohn’s Disease, Depression, Diabetes, Dyslexia, Dysmenorrhea, Eczema…
There is more?
Fatty Liver, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Hyperactivity, Immune Deficiencies, Kidney Disease, Ligament Injuries, Learning Disorders, Lupus, Macular Degeneration, Menopause, Mental Illness, Multiple Sclerosis, Obesity, Pregancy, Prostate Cancer, Psoriasis, Raynaud’s Disease, Rheumatiod Arthritis, Schizophrenia, Stroke, Ulcerative Colitis. EFAs are GLOBAL in the body!
Click here for more information on omega research and 43 health conditions
How many do you have? Even one of the above would indicate an omega deficiency or imbalance. Omegas are vital for the health of the gut which appears to be present in all of the above. Why?
Cell Membrane
For what science knows today, essential fatty acids or omegas is part of every cell membrane. You have trillion of cells. These cells continuously turn over to make new cells or a new you over a year or so. Cells make the organs work which make the systems (ie. Nervous System) work. Try fitting through a door that is opened one inch. The door will not budge. These membranes control what goes in and out of the cell like your house door would for those coming and going. Put in the wrong fats and the doors do not work well.
For every disease, symptom, ache, pain, injury, infection, there is an inflammatory component which only seems like a logical reaction because the immune system is participating. But what happens when you do not manage the inflammation? Chronic inflammation occurs and the body starts to display ongoing symptoms, discomforts, etc. which may lead to such diseases like cancer. This is a state of Fungation where the cells are not surviving on oxygen, from aerobic to anaerobic.
For every function and reaction in your body, the brain plays a role. Each nerve in your body relies on Omega 3. So how valuable is Omega 3?
Balance is Vital. The current going ratio is 1:1 Omega 6 to Omega 3. Vegetable seed oils like sunflower, etc. and fish oils are usually naturally higher in Omega 6. Flax oil is slightly higher in Omega 3 but there is still one factor that may be in the way. How much of it has is being converted? Click here for more Omega 3 information.
How to Balance. Your choices: plant (must be converted – many conditions like diabetes, obesity, digestive disorders will interfere), fish oils (different molecular structure – like a square peg in a round hole), and/or mammalian oils (mid 1990’s seal oil discovery by Memorial University.)
If omegas (EFAs) are not at the top of your list for good health, keep on learning and only by experience will you fully understand the benefits for you.
Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…
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I read your blog named “Do you have an omega deficiency? – Cheryl Millett” regularly.Your humoristic style is awesome, keep up the good work!
Thanks for the comment! Inspired to write as I speak.