All things Omega and Omega Related…

Cancer Discoveries

Normal Cells Cancer Discoveries What man can survive without oxygen? At a microscopic level, cells require oxygen to survive and optimum oxygen levels to thrive. Important cancer discoveries include the cell respiration research of Otto Warburg (1883-1970) with his cancer breakthrough.  Another vital important cancer discovery is the function of the cell wall and [...]

Fish Oil Oxidation and Effectiveness

Is Fish Oil Helpful or Harmful? Today in North America and according to doctors and Omega 3 research, a deficiency in Omega 3 is related to a number of chronic inflammatory diseases such as Cardiovascular, Alzheimer's, Depression, Learning Disabilities, and more (43 Health Conditions and Omega 3 pdf). One area of interest for consumers of [...]

Eskimo and Inuit

Please don't call me Eskimo and Inuit is the correct name for my people. A story about real food and northern culture. The Inuit people are now a part of my world. After watching online videos, DVDs and reading their news, I appreciate these people that live in the North. Both of these names are [...]

Omega ABCs

Essential Omega ABCs for a Natural Healing Balance and Good Vibrant Health A Balanced Concept - learning the Omega ABCs There are certain things for good health that is like learning your ABCs. Omega ABCs are valuable. Learn four key ways mammalian Omegas are valuable for our health. My focus is on healthy fats, specifically Omegas. [...]

2020-11-07T06:49:12-05:00December 15th, 2015|Tags: , , |

Major Medical Journal Publishes Study Validating Mammalian Omega 3

A study sharing the positive results of Auum mammalian omega 3 The University of Toronto has published its Research Study using Auum mammalian omega 3 seal oil in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN) and now in the US National Library of Medicine (PubMed.) For the past several years, it has [...]

Cranston Natural Meats and an Affordable Option

Healthy Bites Taking in the bigger picture, we understand that on the surface, things appear one way but after asking the right questions or doing some undercover work, we learn things are not always as they appear and sometimes it is what is under a microscope.  Over time and with experience we see a more [...]

Mammalian Omega 3 and Arthritis

Mammalian Omega 3 and arthritis has been researched at the Memorial University in Newfoundland, Canada with good results. A newly discovered source of Omega 3 is gaining popularity with the people, doctors, practitioners and researchers in Canada and around the world. All diseases have an inflammatory component! Most diseases end with 'itis' like arthritis, 'itis' [...]

Supplementing the Equine Diet with Essential Fatty Acids

Supplementing the Equine Diet with Essential Fatty Acids Auum Omega for Pets is also for horses and is currently being used for race horses and other pets (dogs and cats) with much success. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are both valuable for health whether it is a human, a pet, or a horse.  The other [...]

2023-02-15T22:49:53-05:00October 6th, 2015|

Bouncing Babies Start With A Healthy Pregnancy

a beautiful mother feeding her newborn with breast A healthy pregnancy takes two, the father and the mother.  Every parent’s dream is to have a healthy baby…ten fingers and ten toes. Today some hope for more – free of allergies and no learning issues. The reality is a healthy pregnancy starts with education [...]

Do you have an Omega deficiency?

Ω  What are Omegas all about? Ω  I get my omegas from my food. Ω  See it on food labels but don't know what it is. Ω  I take supplements as we don't get enough from our food. Ω  I eat fish 2-3x per week so I am good. Ω  My doctor and the Heart [...]

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