Recipes for Your Better Health…

Egg Recipes Nutritious Perfect Food

Farm Fresh Eggs, unwashed Egg Recipes For Your Better Health Egg recipes add to a choice of healthy dishes and eggs are flexible for all meals of the day from breakfast to dinner. Like other foods, not all eggs are created equal. Eggs are known as the 'perfect protein' in many circles, along [...]

Salad Dressing

Eat more greens! That would be easier if you had a healthy salad dressing recipe. Besides being FRESH, your salad dressing should taste good and be easy to make in 5 minutes or less. Why make your own salad dressing? One good reason, the unhealthy vegetable oils in salad dressing on grocery shelves PLUS the vegetable [...]

5 Simple Nutritious Desserts

5 Simple Nutritious Desserts Some enjoy a pie, a cake, or tarts! Try these 5 simple nutritious desserts the next time you crave something sweet or wish dazzle your guests. There is something for everyone and take in the nutritional value and health benefits. Use organic where possible. #1 Just Dates - put out a [...]

Pumpkin Cheesecake

Best Pumpkin Cheesecake Ever This has got to be the best cheesecake ever, Pumpkin Cheesecake, with room for creativity and style. How many of you like pumpkin pie? With some simple tools, and good natural organic real foods you can amaze your friends and family. I choose to make one for the Toronto Midtown Chapter [...]

2020-11-07T06:49:11-05:00January 24th, 2016|Tags: , , |

Lemon Water

Lemon Water to start the day off! If there was one little thing you could do every day for a healthy difference, it could be to drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning. Doctor Seuss has a way with words – repeating the words to help the young child begin the reading process in an [...]


Best Ever Shortbreads 'Tis the season to be indulging (a little bit)! It is only a little shortbread...but you cannot stop eating these best ever shortbread cookies nor can your guests stop asking for more! As a teenager, my step mother made us these shortbreads every Christmas. Thirty years later and with some healthy modifications, [...]

2020-11-07T06:49:12-05:00December 4th, 2015|Tags: , , |

Klondike Baked Beans by Pierre Berton

Klondike baked beans is a Canadian dish to be sampled by any person looking for a heritage dish or to bring back our childhood memories of canned beans. Taken from a short essay titled Klondike Baked Beans by Pierre Berton. Warming any way you eat them! There is a certain amount of chilly peppers in [...]

Chaga in Modern Times

According to many, most North Americans have not heard of Chaga. What is Chaga? a) Is it a Peruvian dance that is now popular in Brazilian clubs? b) Is it a comfortable skirt worn in Africa made of natural strong plant fibers, very soft durable cotton like material? c) Is it an Australian character in [...]

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