Diabetic Neuropathy

Understanding Diabetes, Diabetic Neuropathy and Seal Oil Omega-3 According to Health Canada in 2008/09, diabetes was affecting over 2.4 million Canadians, a 70% increase over 10 years earlier. Stepping forward to today, Diabetes Canada claims there are 11 million people with diabetes and prediabetes. Even with my background in diabetes, I was familiar with other [...]

Fish Oil Oxidation and Effectiveness

Is Fish Oil Helpful or Harmful? Today in North America and according to doctors and Omega 3 research, a deficiency in Omega 3 is related to a number of chronic inflammatory diseases such as Cardiovascular, Alzheimer's, Depression, Learning Disabilities, and more (43 Health Conditions and Omega 3 pdf). One area of interest for consumers of [...]

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