Creeping Charlie

Before we crawl, let's be clear that Creeping Charlie is a plant that creeps along the earth popping up small vines that reach for the sky, and not some guy. This story or blog as they like to call them is part of a series of stories that I will share as part of my [...]

Raw Seal Oil is not Special

Nature is all around us, and in wonderment, we wonder how everything works. Stones, plants, and animals exist alongside humans in the way they do. The raw seal oil is not special. It just exists for the reasons it does. The raw seal oil has helped the Inuit people or others to thrive because the [...]

Pearfecto Pear Kale Smoothie Recipe

Pearfecto Pear Kale Smoothie Recipe This morning was a good day for a new smoothie, Pearfecto Pear Kale Smoothie recipe. First, I wait until the pears are so ripe but not yet brown inside. I really do not have any magically way of figuring this out until I cut the pear into half. Today, I used some [...]

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