three ingredient banana cookies

As a result of baking the simple to make banana oatmeal cookies with only three ingredients at a nature holiday, here are the recipe and tips for you to make them in your own kitchen. There seems to be several variations. It is just that kind of recipe so enjoy being creative yourself.

The recipe doesn’t seem to have an author from the several pages listed but someone at some point created them. Sharing a big thank you and should you find this page, do share a comment that you created this recipe or comments about your cookies for the author.

3 Ingredient Banana Oatmeal Cookies


2 large ripe bananas

1 cup rolled oats

1/4 cup chopped walnuts

C’est tout.


  • Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Mash the bananas in a medium-size bowl.
  • Add in oats and walnuts and mix well.
  • With a tablespoon, drop a spoonful on a cookie sheet/pan.
  • Leave as is or form into a circle or even a bar and try different sizes.
  • Bake for 10-15 minutes.


Since you may be appealing to kids or other likes, you may wish to add some chocolate chips or raisins, some maple syrup for additional sweetness over the sweetness of the ripe banana, or less ripe bananas as some people do not like the strong flavour of banana. Banana and chocolate were my favourite popsicle flavours but I am learning that this is not the same for everyone.

Some people have asked if they could use frozen bananas. Yes, I have done so but I drain some of the juice, and/or you could add an additional 1/4 cup of oats.

No Nut Alternative

Spices are also a good add-on. I have made this recipe with cinnamon. One webpage had added vanilla but no walnuts.

You can see that you have options.

Different Sizes

I am sure that one of the Farmer’s market vendors uses a similar recipe but they are four times the size with a handful of other ingredients. It was similar in texture and banana taste.

Some of those additional ingredients included pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, and shredded carrot. I also use shredded coconut sometimes.

So what recipe did I use for the Nature Holiday, July 2021 – banana, oatmeal, walnuts, coconut, and cinnamon. Maybe a 1/4 cup of coconut because I did use recently frozen bananas and there was more liquid but I did throw out some of the liquid. Approximately 1/4 tsp of cinnamon.

These cookies are easy to make and very flexible with the ingredients you can use.

Happy creating and enjoy these simple 3 Ingredient Banana Oatmeal Cookies. #bananaoatmealcookies

Cheryl Millett Holistic Nutritionist

Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…

Before the age of 20, it never dawned on me that what I chose to put in my mouth would have such a dramatic effect on my wellbeing.
On my path of discovery, I learned that our eating choices directly affected how much energy we have first thing in the morning or that it would build our immune system strength during flu season. Part of it was coming to understand how gentle nutritional cleansing directly helped overcome my health challenges. People keep telling me how beautiful my skin is or how I look younger.
As my studies continued, it became obvious that there is an intrinsic connection between the mind, body, and spirit which directly affects our health and happiness. Omegas are another critical piece of the wellness puzzle. The Auum omegas alone turned on some switches in my brain in just one day.
I have developed a deep appreciation for the wonderful miracle workers our bodies are in the recovery process.  Our bodies have natural intelligence.  I am passionate to share the connection between nutrition and wellness in my practice and my presentations.

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