sky is falling5The sky is falling?

Nope…Did anyone ever ask the question what is really happening when he says the sky is falling? Cocky Locky, the clever fox, knew what was happening. He read a book.  Just how did he get all the birds into his cave?! Check out the short Disney video from 1943 below!

Chicken Little believes “the sky is falling” and panics. It struck me as odd that a child’s story would end in such death. So who do you listen to? your mother, your teacher, your friend, the news reporter, the doctor, the advertisements, the government, etc.  I am not saying you should listen to me either. Let’s apply logic instead:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.”

Are you stressed? Not enough time! Not good enough! Not possible! Not enough information! No magic pill! Not sleeping enough! Not enough energy! Not the perfect weight! Not happy with your job! In pain! and so on.

Enough! You are driving yourself insane (it just so happens that mental illness is on the rise, the number one reason for long term disability and a growing concern for businesses.) Look at the bright side and learn about what you do have going for you and what are the possibilities…one step at a time. There are tools and is falling acorn disney

One has to start somewhere. Is it time to start right now? You are enough. You can create.  What does that look like?  You are unique so it will be different for everyone.

Ready – Set – Go…

Any season or just plain old NOW is a time to renew or to just stop, think and reflect. Are you healthy? Are you happy? Are you fearful? Are you hopeful? I am offering a FREE 15 minutes Health Assessment for a limited time…learn about your options.

Gentle nutritional cleansing is a lot like cleaning your house, maintaining your car, etc.

Cleansing and detoxing (tools) have been around for a long time.  In the ancient past, it might have been fresh air, a long walk, a fast, a bowl of bone broth, etc. A nutritional cleanse can be helpful to balance the body including our blood sugars, our hormones, etc. Because the body and mind are connected, it helps with mental function.  I can share that a person who is constipated might be unusually irritated. Ask your questions and learn the ways that can work best for you and your lifestyle. Real food matters!

My reason for sharing this is because there is so much information out there and we may easily fall into believing it because it is in a book, the masses believe it, Dr. Oz said it, etc.  Real food matters!

“If I don’t stop eating meat, I am doing harm to my body and the environment.”

“I must eat “x” amount of fruits or vegetables or I am going to get sick.”

“Fats are bad for me. They will make me fat.”

“Sugar is a big culprit these days.”

There might be a grain of truth here but stepping back we can look at it differently. Real food matters!

For your entertainment (9 mins)…The sky is falling, the sky is falling

So what did you think of the cartoon, the sky is falling and what happens?

Let’s use “The Sky is Falling” to your benefit…act as if there is no time like now. What if doing a nutritional cleanse program is right for you? It is OK to jump for joy or you might want to wait until after the results. With free will in your back pocket, the choice is all yours. Let’s see what others share.

the sky is falling disney Cheryl Millett“I feel great and have a lot of energy. Peoples are starting to notice the change. I lost 9 to 10pds…it changes depending on the day. After the second cleansing day, on the second weekend, I was down 11lbs. I am 133 pounds now. Even with a little cheating during my traveling I did not gain. I feel very good. Micheal from Health Fusion is quite surprised of the change.” Lorraine, Toronto

“After having 2 children, I was finding it hard to maintain a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight. I was feeling very tired and very grey and at times turned to food for comfort but realized that it wasn’t comforting. My friend, being as so enthusiastic about this program, provided me the encouragement I needed to commence. Once I started I have to say, I am very happy I did. I feel better than I have in several years. I am proud to say I have stopped drinking coffee (no more Timmy’s line ups) and can’t believe how much better I sleep and how much more energy I have. It is incredible. I also feel more positive overall. I often suffered from stress headaches and haven’t taken anything in one month and am learning to take better care of myself overall. There are periods where it has been tough but I realize it is worth it because I feel better than I have in ages. I am now on day 28 but at my last check in, I had lost 25 inches and to date have lost 17 pounds. I am going on maintenance in a few days but will continue with the program to continue the benefits for both my immune system and overall health. My children just suffered from the flu and I managed to escape it which is a very rare occurrence for me.” Cathy B

“We are enjoying the shakes Randy and I. Eliza well we have to fight with her from time to time but she will drink them. Randy has lost 14 lbs and I have lost 7 so we are happy about that. I have a friend that is thinking of trying them.” Barb

“Thank you, by the way I love the program! I am experiencing soooo many benefits! More energy, leaner muscle mass and regular Bm’s.” Thanks again, Laurel

Learn about a complimentary 15 minutes Health Assessment and Nutritional Cleanse Program. Read more…

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Cheryl Millett Holistic Nutritionist

Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…

Before the age of 20, it never dawned on me that what I chose to put in my mouth would have such a dramatic effect on my wellbeing.
On my path of discovery, I learned that our eating choices directly affected how much energy we have first thing in the morning or that it would build our immune system strength during flu season.  I came to understand how gentle nutritional cleansing directly helped overcome my health challenges. People keep telling me how beautiful my skin is or how I look younger.
As my studies continued, it became obvious that there is an intrinsic connection between the mind, body and spirit which directly affects our health and happiness.  I learned that Omegas are another critical piece of the wellness puzzle. I became convinced when the Auum omegas alone turned on some switches in my brain in just one day.
I have developed a deep appreciation for the wonderful miracle workers our bodies are in the recovery process.  Our bodies have a natural intelligence.  I am passionate to share the connection between nutrition and wellness in my practice and my presentations.

Contact Me