A nature holiday with the option to sleep in a tipi! Enjoy being in nature around a fire under the stars. Several tipis (teepees) laid out in a central area nestled into pristine woods beside a river. No cars are allowed unless to quickly drop off coolers and other things. Then the vehicles are parked up at the lodge.
Let me introduce to you New Earth Estate, a space in nature. A hot tub and sauna are powered by wood. There is a utility building with washrooms and showers for your needs. All the comforts of home with a few twists.
There are three choices of accommodations, a tipi or if you would rather have a bed then the bunkies or the main lodge is an option for you.
Here are more details and your options for the upcoming Nature Holiday. Limited spaces…isn’t that always the case? Only so many tipis but a smaller group means easier to manage.
Nature Holiday
Sunday, July 25 to July 27, 2021, Two Nights Three Days
True nature calls. Time to unwind and spend a glorious holiday in the forest with the sounds of nature. Breakfast is included and more. There is an option for meals to be included (min. 6 and max. 12 people). Very little to pack if your meals are included. Enjoy some if not all of the planned activities (optional) as well as your leisure time. All ages are welcome. Families are welcome and the dog too (advanced notice required and for a small fee).
#ecoretreat #ecofriendlyliving #adventure #tipivillage #forestbathing
#happytimes #joyfulmemories #truenatureliving #musicforthesoul
For Photos and More Details on this Nature Holiday
Enjoy our planned activities or just hang around – walk the New Earth Estate trails. wild plant foraging. Local trail hike with falls (Monday 3 hours) – vehicles required. Morning Y-Dan stretching. Fireside stories. Spa relaxation. Guided river meditation. Plus leisure time.
New Earth Estate: Markdale, Ontario approximately 2 hrs drive NW of Toronto. Transportation is not included. Carpooling available.
Further directions will be given to the registrants.
Sunday, July 25, 2021, Check-in 3 pm to Tuesday, July 27, 2021 Check-out 11 am
Accommodations plus included
For all – Orientation & Welcome, breakfasts (coffee, hot water, fried egg sandwiches with lettuce and tomato, cut fruit), above activities plus see below. Modern outdoor washing and bathroom facility/utility building.
Tipi Village – various sizes 4-16 people per teepee, comfort with a wooden platform, thick mat, and a luxurious sleeping bag. Firepit. Picnic tables. Heat up the sauna in the village. Others: Bedding. Dishes (kettle, tongs, plates, cups, cutlery), lanterns, towels, toiletries (soap, shampoo, paper towel, toilet paper), firewood (for cooking and pleasure). Huge outdoor bonfire.
Bunkies – deck, wood stove, fire pit, sleeps five. Others, same as tipi such as bedding, dishes, etc.
Main Lodge – shared accommodations with a full kitchen and eating area, patio, electric hot tub and swimming pool, main bathroom, living room with bunk beds. Second room with 2 queen bunk beds and 2 twin bunks (ensuite bathroom). Third room with 2 queen beds and 3 twins.
Optional – wild food foraging, a local hike (vehicles required), a morning walk, and a stretch by the river.
All Inclusive with Food
Let’s talk yummy FOOD…besides being delicious and wholesome, the lunches and dinners will be home-cooked meals prepared by Cheryl Millett, a Holistic Nutritionist with the assistance of cook extraordinaire Negar (Owner, New Earth Estate). Do you have any special food needs? Please include it in your email when you pay and register.
Your Price for 3 Days/2 Nights is based on single accommodations with full occupancy. Everything will work out!
Tipi without meals $226 + tax = $255.38
Tipi with meals $326 + tax = $368.38
Bunkie without meals $250 + tax = $282.50
Bunkie with meals $350 + tax = $395.50
Main Lodge without meals $300 + tax = $339.00
Main Lodge with meals $400 + tax = $452.00
Pet – a one-time fee of $30 tax included
Refund Policy
Full refund within 48 hours (by the end of day June 22).
If after 48 hours but before 14 days to stay, then 50% refund. (between June 23 and July 10)
If within 14 days of stay, then no refund. (between July 11 and July 25)
The above would be regarding the accommodations. Regarding the food, planning and purchasing would begin two weeks prior the first day of your holiday so 100% refund before July 10 and afterward there would be no refund.
More details will be given to sign-ups such as packing list, address, schedule, and the delicious menu.
Please indicate if you would like to register and provide names, choice of accommodation, with or without meals (limited spaces), if meals then share any restrictions, if the dog is joining you, and anything else you wish to mention.
Register ASAP or by July 11, 2021. Contact Me
To find out more information about future events and holidays subscribe to Your Better Health News.
More Information Due to the Indigenous Comments
This holiday is not about learning about the native culture and ways. These are sacred and best shared by the indigenous people.
A number of indigenous people have asked questions about this property and the holiday intentions. Please contact the owner of New Earth Estate directly. She provided me this comment:
Hi Cheryl,
I have been indigenous my past lives. Had visions about my lives then. I love the indigenous culture and have admired them since childhood. Had a dream and elders (chief Joseph) came to me and asked to make such a village.
[At New Earth Estate] we had indigenous advisors and they blessed the land which belonged to the Ojibway nation a long time ago.
This place is using a tipi structure which has very smart engineering and they are sustainable as multipurpose use, including a place for retreats, individual and group meditations, and ceremonies belonging to all cultures. We as a diverse society learn from each other and use the best of our collective inventions. Together we are stronger. That’s our mission to grow larger than boundaries, flags, races, religions, genders, and species, and become one with the universe.
We have been through a lot all over the planet, we cannot change the past or become bitter of being victims or cannot treat the abusers with abuse, we need to learn from the past and become love and heal humanity.
Kind regards,
Negar M. Khorasani
New Earth Estate
Dear readers,
Many comments have been shared here and on Facebook referring to ‘cultural appropriation’ which was apparently created in The Canadian Encyclopedia in 2017 then edited in 2020 (authors are kept private.) For the record, I had no idea this existed and will always appreciate learning.
Thank you for your comments here and on Facebook. They have been approved here but your anger is apparent and really isn’t the teaching tool to help people to come together and for your healing. In my opinion and if you are healing then shaming, name-calling, threatening and such isn’t the way to create a healing space. The main reason I share them is so others can be aware of your strong emotions lining up at this time.
I do have my questions so that the truths may prevail. No one is perfect. This is a journey for all Man.

This is horribly inappropriate. Do you havr elders, knowledge holders advising you or is this an attempt at monetizing on indigenous ways of being. If you are truly about being wholistic you will want to rethink this.
This is disgusting cultural appropriation. What part of reconciliation don’t you understand. It appears your path of discovery includes your white privilege
How is this not blatant cultural appropriation to you?
Please , if you are interested in indigenous experiences… seek out indigenous communities and businesses for authentic and meaningful interactions.
This is a really misguided offering.
So, you have appropriated pieces of our culture to create a retreat that you believe is “woke” ?
Who gifted you the privilege of building these tipis?
Did you follow the 14 steps of tipi building? If so, which Elder helped you with this?
I have many more questions, and would appreciate an email from you.
Are the owners indigenous?
I hope that you are indigenous and have gotten the support of your community otherwise this is appropriation and profiting off of marginalized people is a horrible thing.
This is disgusting, Tepees or Tipis have cultural significance, they are not for white people to profit from! You have appropriated a culture to gain your own profit, you should be ashamed! I am not indigenous, but my husband is first nations and as you can guess all of his family.
I highly doubt you have it, but if you have official designation as an FNMI educator you had better provide it on your posting!
Im curious to know if you are Indigineous?
I’m curious to know if you are Indigenous?
Only in a “past life”. Don’t think that’s how it works. Usually people are indigenous for generation after generation. This person doesn’t get it.
Hello Jeanne,
Thank you for your comment. I am not sure if indigenous people continue generation after generation but I have had my past lives assessed in relation to this lifetime, I was once Egyptian, African tribal person, Greek, and Saxon. In my travels and because I am curious, I will ask about this. Would like to know if this is something that does happen. Shall ask Negar more about her reading. I do understand that New Earth Estate did get approval and a blessing. Does that not matter?
This is cultural appropriation. You should cancel this event.
Seriously, in the wake of all that is coming to the surface with regards to the residential school system here right now, this event is wildly inappropriate.
Shame on you.
Which nation donated the Tipi’s? Also, ‘Native drumming ‘ is the only time you mention anything indigenous about this retreat other than the Tipi’s which is vague to say the least.
Are you benefiting from our culture without expressing it properly with indigenous communities in the surrounding areas?
This is cultural appropriation. Perhaps consider changing out the tipis for tents.
Unless you’ve consulted with an indigenous tribe nearest to you for the goal of cultural appreciation and are giving back to an indigenous community, you have no right cherry picking and benefiting off the back of indigenous cultural traditions.
This is harmful and inauthentic.
Respectfully I ask which tribe you come from? Our culture is often appropriated and used without knowledge on practice or item i.e the tipi and all it’s meanings in regards to the energy and spirits around. In today’s society racism and anti-indigenous sentiment is common and using parts of our culture with no further knowledge taught about our people/tribes or bridging the gap where people still carry prejudice you have this opportunity using our tipis. So I encourage you to bring in an indigenous consultant or maybe choose a different style of shelter like a yurt. I as an indigenous woman on the daily deal with unwanted negative attention and even at work at the hospital. I offer my consultation in good relations
Are you an indigenous owned business?
Are you Indigenous to this land?
I’m severely concerned that you’re benefiting from our culture. Are you Indigenous? Fried egg sandwiches with lettuce and tomatoes?? Are you offering Bannock, fresh berries, hominy soup, wild rice? Are you serving our traditional foods??? Teaching the Aboriginal way of fishing etc…. I’m thinking that you’re putting up some Tipi’s and calling it an authentic village…… it’s clearly a money grab against our culture. Proof that once again….. we as aboriginal people, are battling the truth and allowing these types of people to GLORIFY our culture for revenue. Ignorant and should be taken down. ????????
Did you know if you put these up wrong ..without proper protocol that you will not do well…shame on you…for this
Are you indigenous, or are you just profiting from their culture? Really?? Holy fucking tone deaf!!
This is completely inappropriate and I hope you rethink your “tipi” experience ASAP. Not cool at all. Shame on you.
This is just wrong! I am not native, but I am aware that this tone deaf and insensitive ploy at monetizing a culture that has had so much taken from them is disgraceful! Shame on you!
This is ridiculous and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Serious fraud and pathetic
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You are not Indigenous, stay in your own lane!
You are profiting of Indigenous ways
Umm shut that shit down. #CulturalAppropriation
Hey colonizer!
Tell me exactly how much are you going to be donating back to indigenous people in that area? Tell me how your going to culturally appropriate my land and my peoples way of life. If you aint sponsoring Indigenous innercity families who have been displaced cause of colonialism, then how are you helping if not at all? Are just pocketing the best part of the meat? Well indigenous people are starving and dieing of disease probly kilometers away from you. I hope you think of this when your singing kumbayah at your campfire on those nights. And you never know who will show up when u leave so much information about your where abouts. Nijis might just go and TAKE BACK THEIR HOMES AND NATIVE LAND!!!!!
Is this a parody of blind privilege or are you actually doing this on colonized land?
I’m struggling to understand why you chose the Tipi as your basis for this camping village? Are you an indigenous person? Are any of these sessions conducted by indigenous people? What exactly is the connection, or are you simply appropriating a cultural artifact in order to draw more people and business?
The fact that the first description is ‘You might as well be walking on a Hollywood set’ is insulting… promoting a ‘Tipi Village Holiday’ Is absolutely ridiculous… do you have any Elders at the location? Teaching the indigenous healing? If not then your just exploiting part of the culture for your gain… Tipi shouldn’t be used as a holiday… especially in the way your offering
What in the colonialism is this insanity? Are you seriously profiting off of appropriating culture from a group that has been abused for hundreds of years? Like RIGHT after a ton of their murdered children’s bodies were found? This is horrific.
colonial, appropriative, offensive.
Please read the reports from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and commit to the Calls to Action.
I will read it. Thank you for sharing.
Are you seriously capitalizing on indigenous suffering? How tone deaf can a person be?
I applaud you for offering a lovely retreat for people wanting to get away from it all but I’m disgusted by the cultural appropriation going on here. I would suggest that you not use names of historical Indigenous figures unless you are part of their communities. I’m not sure why you are calling it a “tipi village.” If you are trying to recreate an “Indigenous experience,” then I think that’s in poor taste.
Absolutely disrespectful. Please read: https://nctr.ca/records/reports/ and re-consider offering this program.
Are you or any of the organizers indigenous ? This appears to be incredibly racist and full on appropriation ( I do truly hope that my first impressions are mistaken)
Can you say appropriation?
Hey Colonizer,
Some facts you should know, there are no indigenous nations in Ontario that historically used Tipis for shelter.
The description that you have put up on your site perpetuates stereotypes and creates confusion on the historical context of Indigenous nations and the shelters used.
Indigenous nations are diverse in their languages down to their homes. Please don’t use your new age/hippy health & wellness BS to gain monetary wealth along with appropriation of a ” present in a real tipi village”. This shows a lack of cultural sensitivity or true understanding of tipis or where they originated.
What the hell is wrong with you!?! This is disgusting!! This is taking cultural appropriation to the next level. What a vile thing to do. You’re trying to turn a profit off the backs of the victims of a cultural genocide. You should be ashamed of yourself! ?
Hi Cheryl,
It’s very insensitive to steal cultural practices from indigenous people especially considering the current state our country is in. When you make money off of another person’s culture that is the very definition of cultural appropriation. Please consider taking an anti-racism course aswell as educating yourself on indigenous reconciliation. You should quickly pull down your current social media advertising and change your wording.
I hope this is an educational moment for you.
This is cultural appropriation and racist. I appalled at this and would not support this or your business
Could you tell me which Indigenous tribes you consulted about erecting these tipis? Were they ok with you using their culture for a theme park and profit? Where did you get the tipis from? I’m just curious about the process you went through.
Hello Dana,
These tipis are not mine. They belong to New Earth Estate. It is best you contact the owners directly for accuracy. I am sure any answer is not going to be enough based on the comments to date and those posted on the New Earth Estate Facebook page. Sorry to have stirred up so much unrest and anger. No ill intentions in setting up this 3 day event for less than 6 people. No profit being made by me. Thank you for understanding. My dog is very ill so I haven’t had time to respond to 100+ comments and with the many shares. I cannot manage it as my time is not my own. Warmly, Cheryl
Please reconsider using tipis. Cultural appropriation causes real damage to people of marginalized cultures. Please read the reports from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and commit to the Calls to Action. https://nctr.ca/records/reports/
I hope all profits from this are going to residential school survivors. I’m sure you do not mean the insult, but a tipi village (with names Sitting Bull and Jeronimo) is very insulting to Indigenous people and appears as just another way their culture is appropriated and monitized. They have had centuries of thus and we (as in white settlers like me) have to lead the charge for change. Please.
Are you yourself Indigenous?
WOW. The nerve of you. Seriously??? Cultural appropriation much? Charging people astronomical fees to sleep in a teepee is one thing. But what the actual eff lady?? This is SO not cool… did you even realize all that stuff with the T&RC? Do you even know what is going on in the world right now? Just no. No. Stop this. No. “What in the white woman fuckery” is right!
I don’t think it is appropriate to appropriate Indigenous culture.
Why are you appropriating Indigenous culture for your own profit????
This seems concerning to me. Do you have any Indigenous/First Nations ancestry? Have you heard of cultural appropriation? I really hope you have elders approval and plan to give the money earned back to their communities. Otherwise you may be profiting off of a culture you have no right to profit from.
Absolutely disgusting. Profiting off of appropriation. You should be embarrassed. I am for you. How can you be so insensitive and out of touch? Indigenous in a past life? You are white in this one idiot. Help with indigenous issues, not make money from their culture.
Hi Cheryl,
I’d like to inform you that your “Tipi Village Holiday” is appropration of Indigenous culture, and why that is.
May I ask where the Tipis were acquired from?
You have set up the traditional lodging of Indigenous people without acknowledgement of the origin of these structures. To say that this looks like a Hollywood set is unsettling.
Please take a look at the following Canadian History page that explains how you are using privilege as power for profit.
Indigenous people are still here and we are not some relic from the past, only to be remembered as stereotypes as portrayed in the media. Our lives were ripped apart by the very systems that benefit you as an entrepreneur.
I would be willing to discuss this issue with you further in a respectful manner, so you may better understand the harm this causes.
Hello Toni,
My older dog is regaining his health hence no responses. I have been reading them and absolutely willing to discuss this issue. First, New Earth Estate and the tipi village is not my doing. From the many comments, it seems that many believe I do. You may have already seen, I have respectfully made necessary changes. This event was planned back in February and only a one off to accommodate a very small group. There were no ill intentions. It is clear by the words used, tipi village is not an innocent thing to do. The owner did have the advisement and blessings of the local indigenous people. Beyond that, you would need to speak directly to Negar. I will take a look at the web link as I was not aware of it. How is it best to connect? I look forward to your reply.
Hello Toni,
Quick question after reading the article you posted. Who wrote this? I see that it was written recently and updated last year. If you do not know then I will reach out to them and ask.
Thank you.
Ever heard of cultural appropriation? Even worse when you profit from it, colonizer.
Please add me to your mailing list. Am I understanding I can bring my dog for 30.00?
I would like to know dates for August.
Thank you.
Hello Marina,
Thanks for your message. This is the only timing planned but New Earth Estate is open for people to stay at any time. Please go to their website to learn more and to connect with them.
You are what’s wrong with the world. Deep in your conscious you know this is the definition of cultural approriation lead by white privilege ?. Be more creative, stop ripping off my people and our heritage. We do not welcome you or validate the bullshit you post here ” I was native in my past life ” wtf ??? ? seriously? Do you know how laugable your article is. You’re what gives us natives new Meme material to continue to tear apart white fragility and amo to continue to decolonize this country and the rip the land back from under you. Be careful not to get scalped in your sleep those tipi’s are known to summon the spirit of Colonel Custer’s ?
This is shameful. You need to stop profiting off of the aesthetics of indigenous culture for your own greed. The only “vision” you have is making money off the backs of other peoples’ culture that you DO NOT belong to. Remove the “teepees” and make it a regular campground, shame on you.
Hello Cheryl
I’ve read your reply to Toni regarding the cultural appropriation that is happening at your place of business. We can’t justify appropriation with “intentions”. Many people have commented kindly asking you to learn from this and remove these Tipis and you have placed the control on someone else and haven’t even recognized or apologized your part.. which I find very concerning.
It’s interesting that you run this place but have no say in what kind of space you provide. That must feel uncomfortable.
Can you please advise us on how to speak with Negar directly. Thanks.
Hello Ashley,
Thank you for your comment. The only reason I have not been able to respond is that I have a very ill dog…few hours of sleep every night for the past two weeks. New Earth Estate is not my property nor my business and I highly recommend you contact her for the most accurate answers. I have responded to a couple of private messages but they too were confused on why no response. It is not my habit to check messages every hour nor the same day and besides, there were 100+ of them. Like I mentioned, I have a very sick dog at this time. Perhaps now you understand a little more fully. I cannot respond to all of these comments and some of them are threatening and rude language. I don’t take anything personally and understand why this is happening. I am an easy target and someone made up the words cultural appropriation – probably a white person – it is anger-provoking. Would love to know who came up with the idea. Thank you for your comments and thank you for understanding. If you wish to speak to Negar, please go to her website New Earth Estate.
Wow! placing the blame on someone else and not holding yourself accountable? and also no one cares about your dog, everyone has issues, and how to you feel your an easy target just cause your being held accountable now you bring your white women tears out? NO! UNACCEPTABLE! People will be showing up to your resort! be prepared to have a bunch of indigenous folks taking their land back! take responisibility. this is on your page with your name on it. if you do not respond to me i will be posting you to social media to hold you accountable and tell all my followers to give u a bad rating.
Dear Jenna,
It appears that you are upset, angry and more about what is happening. Very understandable. Justices is a desire of mine too.
The mention of my dog was only due to the impatience people were having because I was not responding. It matters not that you or everyone else cares less. I cared about him and gave him priority.
So if shaming and ganging up is not enough, you wish to slander as well. So be it.
If this is your way (not thinking everyone in your culture feels the same way) of healing then so be it. It is your choice and life and perhaps way of dealing with anger at this time.
Show up if you wish but once again it is not my resort and the only reason I stress this is because Negar is the BEST person to answer and address your questions and the ideal person to help you with your cause and mission. The nature of things is owned by all Man. The plants are not Chinese. The diamonds are not African. And so on.
I have forwarded your message to New Earth Estate and will be contacting the authorities to inquire about such situations that may arise.
And I will gladly post your comment so people can see just how impacted you and indigenous cultures in Canada are…the people have a right to learn.
I will continue to stand by the indigenous people and the horrific things that happened or will happen. None of this will ever change that.
The government today still continues to harm…but most people are in the dark.
Have a good day.
Please be prepared to fight with your indigenous brothers and sisters who are a part of this as well as the local authority who we asked to be present for the safety of all.
Which Indigenous brothers and sisters? Where are they from?
And so you called the authorities on an indigenous person just because ive called you out on your harmful behaviour? Wow your something else. Another karen…. you refuse to see the harm in your actions and take no responsibility and continue to gaslight me. Sounds about right. Well be prepared. I hope your tipis dont catch fire in the middle of the night cause you dont know how to prolly put up one. Or your white settler customers dont die in their sleep of carbon monoxide poisioning cause u dont know how to properly ventilate the tipi. Or our ancestors will send rain and put out yalls fires cause your laying on the grounds of an ancient burial site. Keep it up. We see you. We know where your site is. Apologize, make a statement and cancel the event or tell us where the money is bei g donated too or there will be consequences to your earthy vibes. WE SEE YOU!
Hello Jenna,
I have harmed no one. I didn’t call them but the person who owns and runs New Earth Estate thought to do so…I wasn’t there when she did called so I cannot confirm she did as much. I am not responsible for the harm done to your children or people. Your hopes are up to you but may I suggest that they do not help in your healing journey. Healing is not conditional on what I do. It is up to you to heal. Man is Man no matter the colour or culture, mind you there are evil things done by evil people that have happened to all races from slavery to assimilation and others. I have said many times here, this site/property is not mine. You best connect with the owner to come to an understanding. Yes, the nature holiday occurred. I have already asked where I can make a personal donation as this holiday was not a money maker but something that was created a while back for a very small group to get out into nature. I have never heard of cultural appropriation before these comments and feel that someone created this phrase in the dictionary to cause division. May I suggest that educating people be a positive step in having people understand what has happened without the anger and threats. But I am curious. After all the Catholic church has done to the indigenous people (other cultures too), are any of you still Catholic? You do believe the government had a role in it? Are you believing the government for the crimes they are committing now…wearing masks, giving out poisonous injections which are killing people, lockdowns when you never lockdown healthy people? Are you getting the jab as they call it? What is the saying, once burned, shame on them, twice burned, same on you. Just trying to get a serious word in. Wishing you good health and a deeper understanding of who we all are. I see you as well…a people with much potential to help each other and bring nature back into the fold, with wisdom not all lost. If the good people come together, then the big corporations, churches and government will truly need to own up to their many roles in crimes against humanity. Be curious and ask good questions.
This part: Many comments have been shared here and on Facebook referring to ‘cultural appropriation’ which was apparently created in The Canadian Encyclopedia in 2017 then edited in 2020 (authors are kept private.) For the record, I had no idea this existed and will always appreciate learning.
Why do you have so much attitude when talking about cultural appropriation? The term may be new but we as a society have been appropriating culture for a long time. Myself included. It’s ok that you didn’t know before now.. but now that you do. Keep learning with us. It’s important in everyones healing journey to learn together.
This part: The main reason I share them is so others can be aware of your strong emotions lining up at this time.
What does this mean? If you’re about learning and doing better.. shouldn’t your first priority for sharing the comments be to help others learn too? So we can all do better.
This part:
I do have my questions so that the truths may prevail. No one is perfect. This is a journey for all Man.
Everyone is learning. Every day. We can’t just know everything.. that’s impossible. This is definitely a journey for all of us. Please keep asking your questions and please keep learning with us.
Yes, for everyone to learn. Yes, everyone is learning. Yes, wise words for everyone to read. Yes, we will learn if we question and share.
Pure WHITE PRIVILEGE at work here… playing with syntax to have a politically correct response that at every turn side steps what the Indigenous People are saying. The issue is obvious, it does not need to be explained, especially when it is obvious there is zero genuine concern other than this business’ agenda…shameful and a pure example of what needs to change. Absolutely disturbing.