June 18-28, 2021
Welcome! New! Magical Newfoundland Walking Holiday is a private walking holiday created for Cheryl’s Walking Holidays.
Stunning Guided Hikes . Breathtaking Places . Ancient Sites . Friendly Culture . Historic Experience and History
Let’s come together to share in the experience of Newfoundland, the other Ireland with its eastern Canada island stunning landscape. We will be traveling in the West onto the northernly peak of Newfoundland to the most eastern part of Newfoundland and of Canada.
Is Newfoundland on your bucket list? Yes. Could it be? Either way for your convenience, a presentation has been created with the trip details and itinerary – some walk details forthcoming but a secret unfolding for the walkers:
Click here for online Zoom presentation information.
In June 2018 and 2019, groups traveled to Ireland for a walking holiday. Here is what the walkers shared…
Newfoundland is the other Ireland. If you could sum up Ireland in 10 words or less, what would you say?
- Friendly, musical, breathtaking vistas with amazing history and traditions.
- Green, musical, breathtaking views, colourful doors, friendly people and ancient.
- Emerald, manicured, wet, magical, fun, musical, historical, beautiful, majestic, interesting.
- I thoroughly enjoyed the trip – so very very diverse in every way!
- Hikes, entertainment, scenery, personalities, food, accommodation, etc.
- Thank you so much for organizing this trip. Ireland has a soul and you can really feel it.
- I liked the group photos we took at various locations (e.g. Rock of Cashel).
- It’s a unique reminder of our shared adventures.
- I loved it and want to go back.
If this walking holiday is of interest to you, contact us today to book your seat on the bus and/or if you are keen to learn about this walk or any future walks, you may sign-up for the eNews for updates.
For information on the June 2018 Ireland holiday, go to Ireland 2018 Holiday For details on the June 2019 Ireland holiday, go to Ireland 2019 Holiday. Ireland June 2020 was moved to September 2021 due to the covid-19 event.
Memorable life experiences of walking Newfoundland during your lifetime
Join us in June 2021 to experience this beautiful land called New-found-land or the other Ireland. We are planning our adventure with a maximum of 20 people versus a 50 seater coach, so we can explore areas where coaches and large groups cannot reach.
With the help of our trip specialist, Lucia Pintea of Travel Only with Lucia, and Cheryl Millett of Cheryl’s Walking Holidays and Founder/Guide of the Forest Hill Walk Club, this is sure to be another unique walking holiday. Together, we are here to provide you with a unique walking holiday in stunning landscapes.
Sometimes, you have to take the road less travelled before the real journey begins. In Newfoundland and Labrador, the journey can be as colourful as stories told around the kitchen table. As meandering as our thousands of kilometres of coastline. As surprising as a humpback whale breaching in the mist. Or as comforting as bakeapple jam. Even though travel is not possible right now, you can join us on a journey as you experience the stories of this place from home. Every great story is worth hearing, eventually. So come a little later. We’ll leave the kettle on for you.
Newfoundland & Labrador Tourism
This holiday is created with a small group to experience walks off the beaten paths, authentic people with real local music and food, ancient sites, and locally owned and operated hotels with plenty of famous hospitality. Check out these ‘best of the best’ walks and stunning sites:
It took 485 million years for Mother Nature to create Gros Morne National Park, a place unlike any other on earth. A UNESCO World Heritage Site covering 1,805 square kilometres, the park is a never-ending series of wonders and delights, and a demonstration of the spectacularly raw and enigmatic beauty of the physical world.
Newfoundland Walks
1) Gros Morne National Park – Tablelands and cruising the fjords
2) L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site – exploring the Viking ruins and trails
3) Twillingate – Long Point Lighthouse and Iceberg Alley
4) Gander Trails and Lake – home of ‘Come From Away’
5) Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve – both fossils and cruising
6) Stretch breaks and walks in Newfoundland’s Cities and Towns
Lonely Planet shares…
“They call Newfoundland ‘the Rock’, a fitting name, as this is an island of thoroughly elemental attractions and aesthetics. The muskeg and cliffs are barren and salt-drenched. The trees give off the smell of spruce like the air was spiced. The ocean roils, flecked with icebergs and spouting whales. The wind roars, and at any time, a storm may scream across the bights and coves.
If you enjoy the rugged and the rough, there are few more beautiful places. Yet ever contrasting the harsh geography is a culture that is, simply, magic. Bright houses painted like rainbows spill over the cliffs; menus advertise cod tongue and crowberries; at night, fiddles compete with the howling wind; and the ever-present chill is countered by the warmest locals you’ll ever meet. This, then, is Canada’s easternmost, most idiosyncratic province, a marriage of land and salt and storm all its own.”
For the Magical Newfoundland Sights & Activities, check out the detailed presentation.
Sights and activities include Captain James Cook Historic Site and Monument, Corner Brook Stream Trail, the Tablelands, Lobster Cove Lighthouse, a scenic Bonne Bay cruise, guided tour of the Viking encampment, Long Point Lighthouse, Prime Berth Fishery and Heritage Centre, Signal Hill and Cape Spear, a whale-watching cruise, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can go on this holiday?
All are welcomed. The seats are open to all and not just for the members of the Forest Hill Walk Club. Family and friends are welcome. The Forest Hill Walk Club surely heard about it first.
How many days and nights is the holiday?
This holiday is 11 days and 10 nights but some come early or stay longer.
Where will we be walking in Newfoundland?
See PDF presentation above for the walking holiday information, walking details, map, and costs.
How long will the walks be?
This is going to be a moderate walking or hiking holiday which means most walks will be between 1 to 3 hours (3-8 km) and we plan on having 7-8 walks during the 10 days plus town/city walks to stretch our legs.
How much is this holiday going to cost?
The prices are based on shared accommodation, single occupancy, and triple occupancy. The prices quoted are land-only. View the presentation and note the special arrangement for all pricing details and payment plan.
Does this Magical Newfoundland Walking Holiday include airfare?
No. You arrange your own airfare. This gives everyone flexibility and how most travel companies are working these days. Some might want to stay longer. Others might want to book their airfare using points. MUST BE AT DEER LAKE AIRPORT by noon June 18, 2021, for coach pick-up and drive to Cornerbrook Newfoundland.
Can I invite my friend or spouse?
Yes. Anyone can invite family and/or friends. This holiday will be on a first-come basis.
Where will we be staying?
All hotels are 3-4 star properties. View PDF presentation for the names of hotels and their websites.
Do I have to share a room?
No. The cost will be adjusted up for the single accommodation. But there are only so many single rooms available. On a first-come basis.
What if I don’t want to pay the single supplement. Will there be an opportunity to share a room?
Yes. If you don’t know someone going there will be opportunities to share with other walkers travelling by themselves. This will come together as the trip is booked up. I will be sending out a questionnaire to the walkers to make this holiday the best it can be for all of us.
Is there a washroom on the bus?
No. The bus rides are not all day and there will be plenty of places to stop at including our walks and sites. On the good side, having a washroom on the bus can be a smelly affair.
Will there be a suggested packing list?
Yes. Plan on it! In order to assure a comfortable trip, preparation and packing are important. A MUST: wind/raincoat, rain pants, and ankle supportive hiking boots. Every passenger will be required to sign a form outlining the terms and conditions for participants for the best experience for all. Remember, this holiday is designed for us.
Will this be a fragrance-free holiday?
Yes. For everyone’s comfort. Plan to pack fragrance-free products, such as shampoo, and skin creams.
Should I purchase trip cancellation insurance?
See presentation as to what is covered by Away A Wee Walk. If using your credit card, check your credit card company to see what it covers. Insurance company names can be provided for you.
What if I have other questions?
Contact either Lucia Pintea at [email protected] or
Cheryl Millett at [email protected] with any questions or comments.
Hello Cheryl,
Would we actually see ice begs at this time of year?
Also, is there any birding st all? They have really different kinds like the other puffins. Any chance for that?
Is it possible to see the Northern Lights ( I hope.,)
Can the agent arrange airfare at all & is there a transfer to the hotel,,?
Sounds like a great trip Cheryl. Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
Hello Sue,
All great questions. Yes, a good opportunity to see icebergs when we go visit Iceberg Alley but they can travel on either side of the province.
Yes, other kinds of birds and wildlife from us spending time on the water cruising or walking in the National Parks. I am counting on it.
It is possible…the days are longer but we are going to keep our ears open and speak to the locals regarding opportunities. The days are longer so it could be a late night for us because I absolutely want to see them.
I am going to work with the agent to see about a group rate…she mentioned it earlier. Yes, we do have a transfer to the hotel on day one.
I am looking forward to seeing Newfoundland for the first time but not my last.
Any other questions?
Tonight’s presentation is at 7 pm on Zoom.