
Lemon Water to start the day off!

If there was one little thing you could do every day for a healthy difference, it could be to drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning.

Doctor Seuss has a way with words – repeating the words to help the young child begin the reading process in an interesting rhythmic way. Likewise, a glass of warm lemon water each morning is something you could repeat that would be in line with a healthier lifestyle.

So simple! Consume a glass or two of warm lemon first thing in the morning, and every morning. Making this and water your beverage choice daily will be a healthier alternative to caffeine beverages.

“Try it I say. Try it if you may. Try it and you will see.” Dr. Seuss

Lemon is cleansing, and alkalizing for our body which assists with liver detoxification, increases fat burning and helps skin. Did I write fat burning? Yes I did. The focus is to balance the body for a healthier outcome; weight loss is a side benefit of proper healthy detoxification.

On the other hand, try not to drink cold beverages…this can be a stress on the body such as the kidneys.

“Lemon juice is an electrolyte that restores the acid-alkali balance of the body. Adding a squeeze of lemon, into your drinking water, tea, salad dressings, dips and sauces, is a good way to fight bacteria and viruses and keeps the skin healthy. Lemons are rich in Vitamin A, C and P (bioflavonoid). It has a powerful antibacterial property that helps treat cholera, malaria, influenza, common colds and typhoid fever. Lemon is also considered as a diuretic, which means it is good for people with urinary tract infection and high levels of uric acid, which are the main causes of rheumatism and arthritis.” Healthier Living for You.

Lemon Water – The Morning Zest Recipe

• 2 cups of warm water

• Freshly squeezed juice from one ‘organic’ lemon

• Serve in a glass jar or large glass (Tip: I use a Mason jar which holds 3 cups.)

Note: Do not boil the water. Heat to a comfortable drinking temperature and add water if hot.

Did you know that you do not need to boil water to make tea? Try it.


• May heat water with a small piece of ginger in it, helps settle the stomach

• Add cayenne pepper to finished drink, great blood purifier and more

• Add aloe vera, helps as a digestive nourishment

• Small amount of raw honey, not recommended for people who have sugar sensitivities

• OR keep it simple

Real food! Have a Zesty day!


Cheryl Millett Holistic Nutritionist

Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…

Before the age of 20, it never dawned on me that what I chose to put in my mouth would have such a dramatic effect on my wellbeing.
On my path of discovery, I learned that our eating choices directly affected how much energy we have first thing in the morning or that it would build our immune system strength during flu season.  I came to understand how gentle nutritional cleansing directly helped overcome my health challenges. People keep telling me how beautiful my skin is or how I look younger.
As my studies continued, it became obvious that there is an intrinsic connection between the mind, body and spirit which directly affects our health and happiness.  I learned that Omegas are another critical piece of the wellness puzzle. I became convinced when the Auum omegas alone turned on some switches in my brain in just one day.
I have developed a deep appreciation for the wonderful miracle workers our bodies are in the recovery process.  Our bodies have a natural intelligence.  I am passionate to share the connection between nutrition and wellness in my practice and my presentations.

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