With more of a history, this depression cake recipe sprung forth from the events such as the Great Depression and war times when the cake recipe ingredients like eggs and dairy were expensive or hard to find. The Wacky Cake recipe (Vita-mix) included cacao or cocoa. I created this recipe called Blondie Depression Cake or cupcake without the brown stuff. When you do not have cocoa in the cupboard, you look for other ways just like the bakers and mothers of the past.
The happy part brings tears to my eyes. I imagine children and soldiers eating cake during these hard times. Let’s give the baker or mother who had to make do with the ingredients available, a big pat on the back, or a big heart hug. Glad they had their cake and ate it too.
Jumping ahead would be our acceptance and gratitude for this simple recipe and for all the variations that have been created throughout the years around the world in times of need.
Blondie Depression Cake Recipe
by Cheryl Millett
2 cups flour (I have used 1 cup buckwheat flour, 1/2 cup millet flour, and 1/2 cup red fife flour to lessen the amount of gluten – use whatever you have available and notice the texture difference)
1/2 cup sugar (preferably organic cane sugar, but can substitute with coconut sugar)
1 tsp baking soda (the natural kind)
1 tsp natural salt (sea salt or Himalayan salt)
1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon (optional)
Why does Cheryl use cinnamon in most of her recipes? For the antioxidants. Helps the body with pollution and oxidation. Add it where you can.
1/2 cup apple sauce
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
6 tbsps cold pressed organic olive oil (soft butter if you have it!)
2 tbsps soft butter (optional)
1 tsp vanilla bean extract
3/4 – 1 cup warm water
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Grease and flour a cake pan (8 inch square) or a 12 large cupcake tin or a 24 small cupcake tin. I usually only grease the tins thoroughly with coconut oil.
- In a Vitamix, add all of the dry ingredients into the container. Turn on high for 5 seconds to mix and make a funnel in the center. Measure the dry ingredients into a large bowl and blend together using a fork.
- Add the wet ingredients into the blender and turn the machine onto high then turn on and off the ON switch five times quickly to mix. Any remaining unblended ingredients? Use a spatula to mix.
- Pour into a cake pan or a cupcake tin.
- If using bowls, in a separate mixing bowl measure the wet ingredients with a mixer for one minute or with a fork until blended. Do not over mix.
- Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix with a fork. Do not over mix. Do step five.
- The cake will take approximately 25 minutes. If cupcakes, check after 15 minutes. Use a toothpick to check if done. Insert in the center of the cake/cupcake. If it comes out dry then remove it from the oven. Cool for 5 minutes and remove from tin to cool further. If icing, wait for the cake/cupcake to cool completely.
It’s A Date Icing Sugar
1 cup or 250 ml dates, pitts out
1/4 cup cacao/cocoa
1/4 cup coconut oil/butter at room temperature
3/4 cup water
1/4 almond flour or coconut flour if using butter
- Place all ingredients into a mixer/bowl. Let the dates soak for 10 or so minutes blending.
- Blend on high until mixed. May need to use a spatula on the sides.
- If using a bowl, mix with a mixer until blended.
- Decorate or spread the icing to your liking. The remaining icing can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days.
Cupcakes make a great birthday cake if put together on a try. Add candles and sing happy birthday!
Variations are plenty. You may wish to add some nuts, raisins, or seeds to your cake/cupcakes. Approximately 1/4 cup or 60 ml.
Enjoy and provide your comments below.

Blondie Depression Cake

Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…