vaccine side effects and aluminum

Every once in awhile, the vaccine issue will pop up in my world (more like every several weeks). A lot of people (at least in Ontario) are not aware of the vaccine exemption form, the adverse side effects and the unproven safety.

Vaccine exemption forms do exist. This past summer when I was walking home from my walk club, I spied the honourable Carolyn Bennett (MD and MP) speaking to a group of people in a local park. I slowed down to see what I could hear, and it appeared she was answering people’s questions. Someone came over to me, and said I could join in, as it was open to everyone. So I did with no intentions to say anything.

Politician Puzzled When Unvaccinated Child Attends School

I asked about vaccine safety. Is this a topic most politicians do not want to address? Maybe they know it is a heated topic? I want to ask as many people as possible. With a doctor in the group, he spoke up and gave me what I call ‘the textbook answer.’ Reminds me of Star Trek where some advocate ‘it is for the many, and not the few.’ I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t cut for me. I went on to tell Carolyn Bennett that my children are not vaccinated for this reason, unknown safety. The vaccines have poisonous heavy metals in them (go to Control Center for Disease for ingredient list), and too many people say they have not been properly tested. This includes Robert Kennedy Jr..

Gardasil Vaccine Causes Side Effects

One my clients, at the age of 12, was badly injured by the Gardasil vaccine (went from healthy to crippled with arthritis the next day). The mother contacted the Toronto health department so they would have a heads up, only to be told she could not prove it. What that f**k is that all about.  If someone calls and their daughter is harmed, one would think the nurse would be sympathetic. It should go on the record, and the nurse says “prove it”.

What is happening to humanity? Her lawyers told her to drop it, as the pharmaceutical companies have a lot more money than you so unless you want to lose your house, do not sue.  I would say, it is likely this child was harmed by the vaccine, since some kids died in the US from getting the gardasil vaccine. So, if Toronto health is not recording this information, how are you to get wind of it in order to make an educated choice?

Bennett said “so your children are not in school?” I said “Yes my children are in school, as it is not mandatory to have your child vaccinated. I have the vaccine exemption forms.”  Soon after that, things wrapped up and that was that.

flu shot vaccinations

Report Any Adverse Effects

In the US, they write that you should call in any adverse effects. Same with Canada.

How many people do not know about reporting side effects of vaccines or any other drug? How many people report to the doctors but fail to know, that doctors may not report? You have to report directly. Your doctor may take you off the drugs, switch your drugs or give you another drug but it is not their responsibility to report it.

Back to the vaccine exemption form in Ontario. My daughter in grade seven just had a vaccine day at her school. There were a couple of kids besides her who were not getting any vaccines. From what my daughter shared with me, other children and teachers did not know about the vaccine exemption form, and may comment that you must be getting your vaccines at your doctors.

Click Here To Get Your Vaccine Exemption Form

NEWFLASH: Here is a recent article about aluminum in the vaccines.  More information continues to pour in on how potentially unsafe the vaccines are for us. Stick around for a document that is trying to convince you that the vaccines are safe, but the references do not add up.

Aluminium and autism

By Chris Exley   November 30, 2017

Does human exposure to aluminium  have a role to play in autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Research at Keele University published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology provides the strongest indication yet that aluminium is an aetiological agent in ASD. The aluminium content of brain tissues from 5 donors who died with a diagnosis of ASD was found to be extraordinarily high, some of the highest values yet measured in human brain tissue. Why for example, would the occipital lobe of a 15 year old boy with autism be 8.74 (11.59) micrograms/g dry wt., a value which is at least 10 times higher than might be considered as acceptable for an aged adult never mind a child?

Vaccine Safety and Testing

Should there be more testing done on the safety of vaccines? Wouldn’t doctors and governments want to be sure on what they are doing, is a healthy thing? In my mind, this seems like the logical thing to do. I don’t want to just believe the pharmaceutical companies. Heck, they are the ones that make and sell the vaccines. They are the ones funding the research. When I hear something different than the textbook answer, you will have my attention. Quite frankly, who has the time to dig into all of this stuff. People are busy and distracted with being busy, and that is why some things do not get the required attention.

There are several people that have done their homework – deep digging and share their experiences. In my opinion, I am open to listen to what they have to say as much as what the doctors have to say. Then what I choose to believe is right for me, should be my choice.

In response to my posting the above article on Facebook, a friend posts this educational piece from a Vaccine Education Center.

Aluminum in Vaccines: What you should know

‘Aluminum is present in several vaccines to improve the immune response. Some parents are concerned that aluminum in vaccines might be harmful to babies. However, healthy babies quickly eliminate aluminum from their bodies without harmful effects.’

Halt the presses. They have references listed, so I decided to look them up. They were not helpful in proving their statements.

References Unhelpful

Here is one of several references from the above article. The key word that stood out, beside the title not adding up, was the word hypothetical.  Now maybe I am looking for any word that is relevant to the vaccines being unsafe? Language is used for a reason because it helps us to understand what is really being presented. This is why a title is not enough to go on. One should read the entire article to better understand. I have found this most useful. Please read the following short published piece referenced.


Committee on Nutrition: Aluminum toxicity in infants and children. Pediatrics. 1996;97:413-416.

Metabolism and possible health effects of aluminum

Vaccine Choice Canada Resource

According to Vaccine Choice Canada, immunization is not mandatory in Canada and where regulations do exist, there are vaccine exemption forms.

Health Canada States That Immunization is NOT Mandatory in Canada

“Unlike some countries, immunization is not mandatory in Canada; it cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution. Only three provinces have legislation or regulations under their health-protection acts to require proof of immunization for school entrance. Ontario and New Brunswick require proof for diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella immunization. In Manitoba, only measles vaccination is covered

[see note below]  It must be emphasized that, in these three provinces, exceptions are permitted on medical or religious grounds and reasons of conscience; legislation and regulations must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization.

Immunization in Canada – Volume: 23S4 – May 1997 — Canadian National Report on Immunization, 1996 Health Canada Website

“… to understand the safety of vaccines, you have to know how a baby’s immune system works and what vaccines do biochemically in the body. That work has never been done” – Hilary Butler

So, if safety first is important in our society, and in health and safety then why not in vaccines?

If safety in vaccines, is not known, then why do so many people not question vaccines/immunizations or complete the vaccine exemption form? If you get vaccines, and after reviewing this information, please share why you do not question the doctors and the government? I sincerely would like to know as the science is questioned.

While I am on the topic of adverse effects, feel free to check out this potential neural risk on a popular antibiotic. How often do people check out the side effects on taking antibiotics, and other drugs?

Summary Safety Review – Fluoroquinolones – Assessing the potential risk of persistent and disabling side effects

Potential Safety Issue

‘Persistent (prolonged) and disabling side effects including tendonitis/tendinopathy (tendon inflammation or disorder), peripheral neuropathy (damage to or disorder affecting the nerves outside the spinal cord and brain) and central nervous system disorders (related to disorders of the brain).’

After several years of working with the Auum Omega 3 oil, I have learned a thing or two about neuropathy. Neuropathy affects over 50% of the people with diabetes (causing blindness and lower limb amputations). According to the doctors at McGill University, people receiving cancer chemotherapy treatment experience neuropathy 100% of the time.

The Auum Omega 3 oil was the omega 3 oil used in the published research out of the University of Toronto, where there was a 29% nerve growth in the corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL). This result won international awards/recognition, and nerve growth was unheard of in research and medical circles.  McGill University’s soon to be published research is on cancer treatment peripheral neuropathy using the Auum oil. The preliminary results are very positive that I look forward to reading it. We need healthy nerves to move all of our muscles, which is important in digestive motility and heart function, to name only a couple.

With my research and educational background, it is clear to me that drugs and toxins (including heavy metals) have a negative effect on our nerves, perhaps more with some drugs/toxins and less with others. This article is about exploring the safety of vaccines but not limited to.

In Summary

In summary, I would like to leave you with this.

If you have adverse side effects, report them. If you are going to be ingesting or getting injected, do your own homework. Either way, it is your choice, so make it your best educated choice with the information presented or reach out to practitioners like myself to assist you in better understanding. Some are more qualified than others. Ask any person, where their sources are from and why they feel that way.

My choice is to explore the safety from both sides, within the science, and including the experiences of others. My choice is to have the vaccine exemption forms for my children, and no more vaccines for me. Do your own research. All I want is the safety of vaccines to be proven, also proven that vaccines are truly effective and not poisonous, and everyone to be healthy especially the infants.

Safety first! It is easier to do nothing. Take control of your own health.

Your health, my passion.


Vaccine Choice Canada

Vaccines: The Science is not settled.

Adverse Effects

Click Here To Get Your Vaccine Exemption Form

Cheryl Millett Holistic Nutritionist

Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…

Before the age of 20, it never dawned on me that what I chose to put in my mouth would have such a dramatic effect on my wellbeing.
On my path of discovery, I learned that our eating choices directly affected how much energy we have first thing in the morning or that it would build our immune system strength during flu season. Part of it was coming to understand how gentle nutritional cleansing directly helped overcome my health challenges. People keep telling me how beautiful my skin is or how I look younger.
As my studies continued, it became obvious that there is an intrinsic connection between the mind, body and spirit which directly affects our health and happiness. Also learned that Omegas are another critical piece of the wellness puzzle. I became convinced when the Auum omegas alone turned on some switches in my brain in just one day.
I have developed a deep appreciation for the wonderful miracle workers our bodies are in the recovery process.  Our bodies have a natural intelligence.  I am passionate to share the connection between nutrition and wellness in my practice and my presentations.

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