CV Emails #11-20

Continued from BLOG

November 3, 2021 #11 Just in case… CV Event

Good morning fellow Canadians,

Just in Case What?

Just in case I forget, let me remind you we live in a free country. Right?

Just in case I have forgotten this…Man is a creation to behold and has powers beyond those they give theirs away to.

Just in case…wear your seatbelt. Never understood this one…the stats show you get seriously injured from wearing them some of the time. Perhaps we should have better drivers? Less city driving? Small communities? Found the Professor’s presentation to be very revealing many moons ago on the farce of the seat belt laws. When I have a discussion about this one with people, they get upset. Interesting.

Just in case…get life insurance. This has been a big money grab as I recall an insurance agent speaking to me when I was 18…now that I am in my mid-fifties, I think about how much money I would have spent for what. If I die and I am debt free, then what is the big deal? People can be responsible for creating their own life/success. I get it that good people become insurance agents. People have to have a career and make a living…but I am talking about going to the top and the intentions. What about the size of their buildings? Some of the tallest buildings in Toronto. Someone is making a lot of money.

Just in case…get pet insurance. Firstly, the costs people pay is outrageous and perhaps the education costs are to blame. I do feel that there is a taking advantage of people here…pulling on the heart strings of the dear pet owners. Me. Moi. My dog never went to the vet during the 10 years he was with me (2012-2021). He passed in his sleep and I buried him. Isn’t that what people use to do? Why the hell not. My dirt isn’t any different than the cemeteries.

Just in case…don’t date anyone. You may get hurt.

Just in case…don’t walk in the rain. You may get stuck by lightening.

Just in case…don’t go barefoot. You may step on a piece of glass and cut your foot and bleed to death.

Just in case…don’t climb up the tree. You may fall down.

Just in case…don’t swim in the ocean. You may drown or better yet, get eaten by a shark. Even good swimmers drown there.

Just in case…go to university and get an education or indoctrination. Meanwhile there are so many people out of work after university. A company told me they hire a lot of NDs out of school. How many lawyers do we need? How many dentists do we need? How many teachers do we need? Seems like we just go get the education without knowing there may be a position available. Plumbing anyone? Trades sounds pretty good these days.

Just in case…wear your mask even though there is no proof you will get infected while walking outside or driving alone in your car, or touching objects. Oh yes…health departments know this but many have not gotten the memo.

Just in case…let’s call a pandemic and lockdown the healthy people and put people in fear. Science? Models? Projections based on what?

Just in Case What?

Loads of ‘just in case’ scenarios…who makes these decisions anyway? Seems a little fear based to me. Better walk your child (age 11) to school just in case they don’t see the car. Children and people need to feel free and be responsible. Lessons. What are we creating when we helicopter our children?

Seems like a lot of money going from the good people’s pockets to that of the governments, corporations and institutions. Seems like a lot of fear when I hear the parents speaking to the children…only the tip of the iceberg. Change is the only constant. Let’s get with the program. Change. Change. Change. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Take responsibility. Live happy and well.

Seems like a lot of freedom erosion and even in just my lifetime.

Seems like a lot of taking away responsibility from the people to think for themselves and to take care of themselves. Let’s just make it goof proof while making money at the same time and next thing you know, people will do anything we say. Hmmm…does this sound about right?

Take a hold of freedoms. Wrap ourselves up in it. Breath freedom in to the tailbone as we develop a spine to stand up for freedoms. What does freedom mean exactly? What does it look like exactly?

Enjoy your day your way…I know I will.



P.S. Freedom means I don’t have to wear a mask ever…oh yeah, I haven’t worn one. Drive without my seatbelt too. Now, I don’t text while driving…that’s not safe to do. Every red light get my attention.

#11 has a twin.

simplify life nourishing foods clarity of thought balance

November 4, 2021 #11 I like it when…  CV Event

Good day fellow Canadians,

I like it when I hear someone quit smoking.

I like it when the skies are blue with fancy or not white streaks from the airplanes are left behind.

I like it when people go from 6 cups of coffee per day to one or none.

I like it when people smile.

I like it when Ontario announces no more mandating vaccines for healthcare workers!!

I like it when the health care units are allowing restaurants to not discriminate or segregate!!

Way to go Huron Perth Public Health!! Way to go Buck & Jo’s restaurant.

I like it when it is mushroom harvesting time.

I like it when kids can go to school without masks.

I like it when teachers can go to school without masks…hey how about dropping the mandating for teachers too!?

I like it when people are kind to each other.

I like it when I find a Monarch caterpillar.

I like it when people question and know their rights. #freedom #choice #mybodymychoice

I like it when people like you give your head a shake and say ‘China has not provided evidence so why do we have this pandemic?’

I like it when it is apple season! Crab apple jelly anyone?

I like it when people in the liquor store mind their own business when I enter without a mask.

I like it when people join me for a walk and we talk about nature.

I like it when kids can dream.

I like it when people are creative.

I like it when trees are planted…more please.

I like it when a complete stranger and I can talk about the something nice.

I like it when inspiration is motivating.

I like it when people smile.

You like it when….!!??


Enjoy your day your way.



#12 November 5, 2021 Thank GOD it’s Friday! TGIF

Hello fellow Canadians,

Yup its Friday…every seven days, following four work days of a five work day week. Of course, this is true of some but not for all people.

Who created it? Doesn’t matter because what matters is how people feel and how they go about living. Somewhere in the mix of having a good life, crazy things get created but it doesn’t serve us.

People dread Mondays and call Wednesdays hump days. So far life is not sounding fun for those people.

This means people are not present in the moment and have been programmed to certain phrases that make them feel better while in the moment it is a different feeling. Can they concentrate on Fridays or do they already zone out because they really want work to be over? Kinda sounds like school is out for the day or better yet, out for the school year. Imagining the students pouring out from every door possible without giving homework or teachers another thought. School’s out!

How are people concentrating these days when all there is on the news doom and gloom? Fear and more fear.

What other phrases take people out of the moment?

Oh yes, you could die from getting the flu or that thing called covid so let us help you by giving you toxic injections (that’s known at the WHO but denied by most doctors.)


So here we are. You could put the fear into people a million different ways but fear of dying is supposedly the #1 fear. I really don’t believe it but somehow screaming about a virus that has never been proven (China) or isolated (USA and Canada) makes people’s heads spin and loose sight of the present moment.

I don’t believe for one moment, people were dying in the streets in China. One man fainting could be from many different reasons (fear/panic comes to mind), if not a stunt to put the fear out there. No one I know witnessed a person dropping down dead from getting sick/covid. BUT, I have heard about young people dropping dead from getting the vaccine. Hmmm…something seems backwards. The fact is that young people have a greater chance of dying from getting the covid injection than from covid itself. Now if that doesn’t make people think, I don’t know what will. Oh yes, looking into the future due to fear and believing what the so called experts say.

Fears and Fear

Why fear dying? Don’t we all know we will die someday? Looking forward into the future means people can wish for things (manifest it happening) and do crazy things in order to get there without being in the moment. Like just wear your masks and this will all end sooner rather than later. Just do it for two weeks and it will all end. Just get your vaccine(s) and we can end this pandemic. Just let us know that you are vaccinated or not so we know which kids are allowed to remain in school with their cohorts (even though it is voluntary.) Just physical distance. Just don’t speak. Just stay home. Just wash your groceries when home. Just use hand sanitizer. Just do this for that.

Just do this for that?

Seems to me that expecting Fridays to come, expecting the so called covid pandemic to end, and planting more reasons to be fearful (oh another wave is approaching) REALLY takes the fun out of life and causes more stress which by the way can make people SICK. Hmmm…I wonder just how many people end up getting sick because of this event (staying inside, wearing masks, using sanitizers, not hugging, not seeing loved ones, not travelling freely, loved ones being alone and sick, etc.) and the fear being brought up at every opportunity…TV, News, Radio, Signs, Restrictions, Movies and fellow citizens policing others.

Never seen so many people worried in my life.

Never seen so many people paranoid on what other people are doing or not doing. [me would say…mind your own bees wax…but I really don’t get approached so no opportunity to do so, and would I?]

Let me share this true story…

Last Thursday as I am getting gas at an Esso station, I spied the man beside me. I don’t like to face the pump and smell the gas so I look elsewhere. There between the pump and pole, I see a guy getting into his car after paying for his gas inside. I watch him wipe his hands. I assumed he was pumping some hand sanitizer on them (toxic stuff, people end up in hospital using it). OK…people have gotten into this habit. Then I watched him repeat this. OK…he wants to make sure it didn’t miss a spot. With mask still on, he does it a third time. I am so keen to see what he does next. After he finishes sanitizing his hands a third time, he proceeds to wipe his steering wheel with both his hands, all around like he was getting acquainted with his steering wheel before driving away. Then and only then, did he take down his mask to below his chin.

Oh my…this is what this crazy event has gotten people to do. Over the top. Unnecessary. So, you leaders, why don’t you tell people that they don’t have to do this?

What new phrases and thoughts are going to be created?

What fears are being created?

Who should tell them? me, you, the government? Would someone please tell me why people have to be so afraid and stop living? Oh yes, things have to change don’t they.

What are the options being dished out?

What if I have better ideas of how I want to live my life?

Sure don’t like the sound of “The (Great) Reset” or “You will own nothing and be happy.”

By the way, what does that mean exactly. When I browse The Global Economic Forum, I see a lot of fluffy words and seeing the potential for taking away critical thinking and freedoms…freedom to choose, freedom to live, freedom to be just as we would like to be. Can’t really get into dictating to the kids on what they should be when they grow older. Can’t get my head around social credits – be a good little girl and we will let you use your credit card or travel. Can’t really get into not owning my own house or property. Can’t really see the reason why only a few doctors could dictate what to do with my body. Best for all is a one size fits all and that isn’t quite how it works. People are unique in many ways…like different hobbies and different kinds of foods.

Can’t get into TGIF either when everyday is what you make it…what time is it? Now. Where am I? Here.

Here and now is what matters and most people are fine, able to smile, able to hug, able to walk in nature, able to see their parents, able to visit their grandkids, able to shop without fainting, able to meet for a beverage, able to see that things don’t add up. But why don’t they? Fear of getting something that has never been uncovered other than China screaming out to WHO and out to the world.

What is really going on? Why all the fear? Why all the future projections that really don’t come true?

What a waste of energy and time…time to have fun and enjoy living.

Enjoy your weekend…the covid event shall end soon and not another will take its place. Life will be different as we know it but some have yet to catch up!



Mushroom Hunter

Turkey Tail Mushroom

#13 November 9, 2021 More or less? Covid Event

Good morning fellow Canadians,

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Walkers enjoyed plenty of sunshine.

More or less…at one point, more restrictions then less restrictions, then more, then less and so on.  I am getting dizzy…but perhaps that is the reason for doing so. Confuse us.

Freedoms and Choices

At one point no mandatory vaccines but then more mandatory was needed and less freedom to choose for the greater good (hmmm…economic collapse seems like an odd solution when healthy people should be free to move around – live and thrive.)

More healthcare workers were leaving their jobs (freedom to choose what is best for their health) so less mandatory vaccines for them. We wouldn’t want the healthcare system to suffer because more people need it. Why do we have more vulnerable people these days when less vulnerability is more beneficial for our citizens and country? Without our good health, what do we have?

What is Real

It seems to me, you more or less cannot make up your minds on what is real. What is real? What is truly going on here?

More or less you have a possibility to die from the vaccine.

More or less you could die if you get into your car.

More or less you are going to die one day.

You just don’t want to die from anything they can give you drugs for.

In reading The Star, they more or less take the stance that the cases are real when the FDA and WHO say the PCR test is faulty…new test coming soon!

So what do you mean by new cases? Are they checked with another test? Are they check for any flu?

And what would that new test be? It more or less could be another same faulty reading of something that is not what some science says it is (but for the money grab, more drugs/vaccines and more fear.)

Micro organisms are everywhere. They more or less make the world go around and we need them. Remember hearing we have more bacteria in our bodies than cells?

We more or less are guessing.

If you have these symptoms, which can be similar to colds, flus and EMF sensitivities, you more or less have CV. The test says so. Wrong critical thinking when the test is faulty and not using the actual isolated piece of the virus.

If you test positive with this faulty test, you more or less have CV but are asymptomatic. Wrong critical thinking. How is it, when something that is so deadly (but people older and younger survive) people can have it and not show any symptoms? If everyone eats food with composting microbes, they get sick (food poisoning of our own doing/fault.) So where is the logic in being asymptomatic?

In the past, the doctors would be detectives. They would ask questions. Assess the situation and determine what is really going on (not much with absolute science but with experience) – you caught something so you need plenty of fluids and rest. Someone who has a symptom of any nature, would need to be assessed or in some cases they can self-assess as well.


When you have a headache, you more or less have pain in the head.

A headache has different stories…depending on the person and reason.

One could have a headache because they have tension in the shoulders…a long busy day. Relax and go to bed, the doctor would say. The next time it happens, you know what to do.

Another could have a headache because they were breathing in toxic fumes. Stop breathing in the fumes, get fresh air and drink plenty of water. You know what to do.

And so forth.

Mental Conditions

Diagnosing mental conditions like depression or caffeine withdrawal is based on ‘checking off’ a list/symptoms (DSM textbook) and not any physical exam or bloodwork. Out comes the protocols…meds. Why not ask them why they are depressed or sad?

I see a bigger picture here with the protocols (meds)…given when you have/need/are in a long term care facility, covid protection (vaccine), a fever, a sore throat, mental health condition, pain in the neck, headache, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high sugars and so forth.


So if I ran a publicly traded company and also wanted to make more money every year, I would then need to find reasons to sell more drugs. Keep the system going. Keep the investors happy.

How much does Canada spend on drugs every year? Too much and seriously, the solution isn’t to make them more affordable. Second largest cost in the health care system next to hospitals.

Read it for yourself:

A lot happens in the hospitals…you go there to die (they tell you ‘you are going to die’ and you believe them)…well they actual dehydrate people until they die while being jacked up on morphine for pain the people are going through because they are being dehydrated (don’t get me started on this happening here in Toronto at Sunnybrook and most likely elsewhere.)

Why not get at the root cause? Hmmm…that wouldn’t make the shareholders or company leaders money.

Aha…by George, I think we have uncovered the very root of the problem. Drugs are more or less not the solution.

Drugging up the good people with all its own sad side effects would only make people unhealthier.

This is a money making circle.

What are the solutions? First, the good people accept that this is real. The facts. The logic. The numbers.

Secondly, I/others educate people on the root causes and healthier solutions…to simplify it we eat well, move well, think well, relax/sleep/rest well, to be well.

Thirdly, the people take responsibility for their health…they embrace the education and the good people make better choices. Good changes are grand and possible.

This way, the government and the pharmaceutical companies need not get involved yet. They understand and agree, yes, so they don’t bother the good doctors to promote their (new) drugs anymore.

Once they see the lowering of drug use (including vaccines and flu shots) then they can rebuild a new model and prepare to be a smaller company. Downsize! The medical teachings can shift to nutrition, herbs and the like. The research changes too. The grocery and convenience stores change what is on the shelf. The food manufacturers move to healthy solutions. The doctors stay in business as do the research labs/universities. All for healthy solutions and a good life.

This includes, less money and energy going towards research that only supports the production of these drugs/meds/poisons. Yes, for those that don’t know, the doctors call the chemo drugs poison. 100% of the time, nerve damage occurs. Not only does it kill the tumour cells, it kills your healthy cells too. Side effects…we call them. I call them ill effects for no good reason when cancer has natural cures but it doesn’t make money.

What does this mean for society? It means less allergies, less auto-immune conditions, less Type 2 diabetes, less obesity, less depression, less ADHD, less autism, less acid reflex, less fibromyalgia, less MS, less cancers, less energy spent, less time spent, less money spent. Plus others. On the flip side, it means, more energy, more time, more fun, more money to do the fun and creative things people wish to do for their better health.

WOW…sounds wonderful. How do we get there? We more or less start somewhere. I vote for starting with the people and not a top down/expert approach. The people need to understand and make decisions for themselves and not give their decision making power away. They would ask questions because they understand.

Solutions I do have. Suggestions, I have plenty. Full of ideas. The goal is to have less meds and more healthier happier people. Funny thing is most people more or less are not familiar with this option – “you need to be on this med for the rest of your life,” shares doctors. You need to take all these meds while you are in the hospital (heart attack cocktail) whether you need them or not.

Companies would give their employees benefits that

include more for holistic care. Down comes their insurance costs.

A bonus when they get off their meds!

Win Win Win

Life is better with good health. Build back better includes a healthier population? Instead of globalization for health, it would be ideal to take it directly to the people and make it their responsibility (education, education, education, simple solutions, support, impeccable information) with the support of the leaders, of course. Of course, not for broken bones/accidents and in the interim, we work with what we have. After all drugs make people’s brains fogging so perhaps less accidents and more awareness. Bonus.

But what would happen if less people ran to their doctors or went to emergency? It would cause change.

Great for the Climate

This supports a healthier planet too! Less meds means less drug chemicals/pollution into our water system and earth.

More Fun Living Well

People feel better when they come off their med cocktail. Better relationships perhaps. More socializing because they feel good to do so. Less complaining and more fun. Some have to wean themselves off but now that the doctors are more willing to help, all good.

More healthier people for a healthier planet!

Let’s talk simple solutions for our ‘going nowhere for the good’ problems described above but not limited to.

Enjoy your day your way.



Health Detective

P.S. Both the not for profit associations Cancer and Diabetes have negative confidence that the number of people or rates of these conditions will fall in the future or decades to come. Quite the opposite, they show you with maps the large projected increases into the future. And we give them money? We walk for the cure? They wish to cure with drugs and experiments while making a pile of money for the very research that supports more meds, and that is not the solution.

Disclaimer: Forgive me for any spelling and grammar mistakes. And this email does not advise people to go off their meds without understanding and being a detective first. Your health your responsibility.

White Pine Needle Tea Cheryl Millett

#14 No Rhyme or Reason – CV Emails

Good day fellow Canadians,

Hope you are enjoying the Fall days with its brilliant colours and fresh crisp air.

Never in my life have I heard of so many situations with no rhyme or reason.

Here’s me minding my own business but all ears for what the good people wish to share.

A store owner (whom I got to know over the years) spoke to me about a customer calling him a ‘racist’ because he needed to describe a person and said it was a black guy. The last I heard racist means:

“Feelings or actions of hatred and bigotry toward a person or persons because of their race.”

They had an argument about something because? People are losing their cool and hearing words being thrown around so much they are joining in for the hell of it. It may bloody well make some people feel good to take their frustrations out on others. Is this the only reason?

This guy isn’t a racist because he said the guy was a black guy…how else is his going to describe someone? Why all of a sudden saying black is racist?

I wonder whether or not all the commotion on Black Lives Matter had anything to do with it? There is no rhyme or reason why ALL lives matter isn’t the truth. Amen.

What is this CV event doing to people or perhaps the people who created this CV event doing to people? No rhyme or reason to call him a racist. Did the definition change and I didn’t get the memo (ok email.) Forget MSM…I don’t watch it anymore. All doom and gloom and not both sides of the story. Seriously, who is running the show at the TV networks and radio stations? Is it all about who funds them? I know for a fact it can work that way.

The Ages

Let me get this straight. The mandates are dropping next year yet people are being forced to get something they don’t want to get by this month or next? And lose their jobs? There is no rhyme or reason for this to be happening. Do you see the point? It is indeed a sharp point. If you the leaders are not aware of this, then get on it. It is all over social media.

They, the controlling they, want children under the age of 12 to get the injection when over the age of 12 are known to be susceptible to heart inflammation and too many have died from it already. What?

There is no rhyme or reason for this when the beautiful children are under no real threat of dying from cv. It has been shared that any death of a child was from other causes but if the (faulty and unreliable) test said they were positive a month ago, they died from cv. Sounds like the infamous they wish to push this agenda of vaccinating the entire world. What are they up to? Gates speaks of depopulation. Is that really it? People cannot hear it when he spoke those words?

Faulty PCR tests have long been established by the medical experts/CDC since they first hit the stage (as per the experts at the press conferences), but yet there are positive cases with youngsters with no questions asked about the PCR results – it could only be a cold or a false positive.  It is ‘catching a cold’ season if you have ever raised children.

But we have already established the test is faulty and by George, children really should build their immune systems naturally without having too many toxic ingredients put into their brilliant minds. That is correct, mercury. This has already been established at the WHO Vaccine Summit. These adjuvants have to be in the injections to keep them sterile so they won’t go bad – contaminated stuff in the blood could mean blood infection (sepsis) and death. Not only mercury but formaldehyde and aluminum. Hmmm…could this be connected to autism…tripping the children into a toxic state that we could call autism (a variety of symptoms). It is really only a toxic overload so it depends on the child and if it would vulnerable (there is that word vulnerable again only with the children this time.) Not all children would be tripped up hence we cannot say ‘injections’ cause autism because it doesn’t manifest every time. The CDC had to reverse its statement that vaccines do not cause autism. But, most of the good people haven’t gotten that memo (ok news story) yet.

So, the lovely children have more risk of harm from the injection than getting cv? This is the word on the street and in the numbers. There is no rhyme or reason to give it to them or the over age 12 either. Could it be some people are becoming afraid of a little sniffle, a cough, or a fever?


What is the reason for 8 people dying at a rock concert? Under investigation but could it be from the excitement plus myocarditis (heart inflammation) since they said people had strokes? Let’s ask this question. Did those that died get their vaccines? This is devastating for the families of young people. Youngest age 14?

With the smart people we have these days, there is no rhyme or reason for such chaos at a festival. Did I hear that many people were chanting to stop the concert but the concert still went on?

Is the real truth going to come forth? It seems like some do not want to hear the truth or the truth is better to be kept hidden to protect people.

Breaking up Friendships

It is been shared that people with different opinions of what is going on…some people question while others are not…are losing longtime friends and being kicked out of their families. There is no rhyme or reason for people to be so harsh when it comes to people having the freedom to ask good questions rather than do as you are told without a peep. What happened to different opinions being a healthy thing?

There is no rhyme or reason for leadership not to look at all sides of the science and to consider the rights of the people.

I hear there have been many a letter sent to our leadership about abuse of rights but yet there is no response. After reviewing the consent document by the WHO, it is clear that no medical procedure is allowed to be done on anyone without their consent. That consent requires that the risks be shared. In fact, the Nuremburg Code would come into play should this go array.

Now, my understanding is this cv vaccine or injection is experimental and the experiment is going on until 2023 or so. It begs logic that some people do not wish to be a part of the experiment and that they wish to see what unfolds in the years to come. When you see there is more risk of dying from the injection rather than dying from the cv, one should jump up and ask questions. Some doctors say that never in history has a vaccine/drug ever been produced where so much death has occurred without it being taken off the market. Is that true?

Regarding the above, why hasn’t the injection and mandate stopped? Once upon a time, I heard that the government is happy to offer so many vaccines and shots because they collect the tax money from it. Is that true? Balancing act with the books without concern for people’s health?

There is no rhyme or reason for this. I cannot come up with any. You?

There is no rhyme or reason for moving towards harming people when we should be helping people. We should be coming together and not dividing.

With this said, turn off the TV and the radio good leaders and do your own research. Unless your arm is being twisted for some reason other than for good. Then it begs the question…do the good people have to stand up and get it done for you?

May relationships prosper and the truth reveal itself…sooner rather than later.

Come for a visit…tea? My door is open to people who love a healthy discussion and to those that are like-minded. No masks are required. I want to see you smile! Hugs is mandatory because what is life without connecting.

If everything is energy, then what does energy have to do with this event? What does this event do to our energy?

Enjoy your day your way.



P.S. Did Kamala Harris recently say that the majority of people in the hospitals are vaccinated?

Disclaimer: These are my questions and views, and not necessarily the same questions asked or views held by everyone.

#15 Lest We Forget – CV Event Emails – November 11, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

Lest we forget that people fought for our freedoms but how did the wars all come about? Why did certain people believe they were better than others?

Lest we forget that we weren’t born with a mask. So why do healthy people have to wear one?

Lest we forget that our health is our right and without consent, no company nor government has the right to mandate such injections especially since they are experimental.

But what do I hear…the amount of deaths after the Pfizer vaccine study (when all said and done) was higher for the vaccinated than for the people in the unvaccinated group: Dr. Scott Youngblood

Lest we forget we were born with an immune system that when supported and left to build on its own does an amazing job. I could tell you from personal experience. One child was vaccinated early on and the other hasn’t had a single one. The one that had them was challenged with catching things and such, whereas the other child was clearly well supported and not a sniffle. This really was the only difference between the two in the first five years of their lives. Simple logic actually. The toxins in the vaccines would have caused challenges in such a small body.

I really question why babies require vaccines at such a young age when the immune system is just developing. It would be like making a baby run before it could even crawl.

Please do look into this…for the sake of all the babies. Lest we forget those who are diagnosed with SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and a possible connection with vaccines. If we cannot prove it then recognize that the medical establishment hasn’t disproved it either.

Lest we forget that we are Man and Man is not to be a slave…although if I had to be honest with you, today there is debt slavery, employee slavery, sex slavery, slave labour, and now covid lockdown/mandate slavery. Slavery is not just a ball and chain. The funny thing is most people probably need to see the ball and chain to believe they are a slave, otherwise, they feel they are free.

Lest we forget that mother earth is a ‘full of life’ planet with plants and trees that grow all by themselves (to feed living creatures and to keep us cool – plant more trees please!!)…some call these plants weeds. Silly really. I call some superfoods. Have you ever tried garlic mustard greens? The City of Toronto announced to the people to pull them out because they were invasive. Good thing people don’t always have the energy or time to do it. Yes, they do spread but this plant is also delicious and can easily be incorporated into our diet, or just eat a few leaves while walking. Dried plenty of this special green for a year’s worth of seasoning – like one would do with parsley. High in vitamin C. Good for our immune system.

Mounds of these were appearing in my nearby ravine…I know people are feeling like they are doing a good thing. This is very good food so I shall pick plenty this Spring and announce to the good people throwing them away how to eat them.

Lest we forget that children really shouldn’t be wearing masks…adults either. Speech development depends on children seeing the lips moving. Very very important. Let’s not forget the fear earlier on in life and what that is doing to their IQ…a doctor says lowering it immensely.

Did I hear that PA, USA is dropping the mask mandate for children? I also heard a school in Florida did the same. Do we have any such areas in Canada dropping the mandates for mask wearing in schools?  Perhaps it would be a good idea to learn about why PA did this? Perhaps the facts and numbers did not match the science to mandate masks. Three cheers for the governor in Florida. I heard his speech and he knows a lot about science which doctors on either side of him confirmed. Isn’t this interested? There really cannot be two truths.

Lest we forget that tens of thousands of small businesses in Canada (and in other countries) closed down for good because of the choices made. There was no evidence shared by China. Yikes. Just a model and a faulty test. So who takes the fall for this one?

Lest we forget the tens of thousands of people being injured or dying from the injection affecting the lives of the many left behind. Some are kicking themselves for taking this experimental drug therapy. This isn’t a true vaccine is it?

While I am sharing about the injection and its many serious side effects including heart attacks and blood clots, I might as well write about this aspect of the injections. Why would a drug be created to enter our cells to produce the very thing that we don’t want in our bodies – foreign. I believe they are called spike proteins. I see no logic in this whatsoever. Seems ludicrous doesn’t it? Have our bodies flooded and perhaps keep being flooded with the enemy. Whose insane idea was this? This is like our cells being made to produce the alcohol part found in a beer or a glass of wine. Oh, shall we say this is stimulating and working the liver to get rid of it?

Lest we forget that science is limited in its understanding of how the body works. The medical establishment has no cure for the common cold. Why? You see a cold is nature and helping the body to eliminate excess waste…in the snot and the mucous being coughed up.

Don’t ever hold back again! Get it out. Breathe in warm steam and blow. (Not too hard!)

Lest we forget the elderly who are alone when lockdowns are covid strict. Heard some crazy stories and would rather not write about it. It would be better if families visited them…what do you think they are living for? To see family and friends – to laugh, play some games, reminisce. Better than the food I hear.

You know my position…the elderly are all drugged up in these long term care facilities. Have you looked into this yet? Choppy choppy. Our war veterans may be affected by this as well.

Lest we forget to remember our brave people who are standing up for our freedoms even today.

Because I am an entrepreneur, the vaccine mandates don’t affect me and any travelling abroad will have to wait as there are no incentives BIG enough for me to get injected. I have already shared that I have never worn a mask ever…not in banks, not in stores, not in LCBO, not in farmer’s markets, not in anything. Have I been kicked out? Nope. I am Man so exempt from this foolishness. Man needs to breathe in the fresh air, always, and keep thy body strong naturally.

Would Jesus wear a mask?

If the Dalai Lama is wearing a mask, he is a phony and part of the problem. If the Pope has worn a mask, then he too is part of the problem. I guess faith in who Man is and the almighty God (whatever that is) doesn’t hold any water.

Now I am not religious in the sense of believing in worshipping anyone, we were born sinners or things outside of ‘we are all in this together.’ I do smell some nonsense and those bad apples need their day in court. Who do you think are the bad apples? Think about it. Who gives who orders? Why did people follow those orders without questioning?

Let’s not forget the parts about the children.

Make the phone calls. No more mask mandates and no more vaccine mandates. Physical distancing should have fallen by the wayside a long time ago. It just told you that the masks don’t work. And guess what. After people got vaccinated, it should have told you that the vaccines don’t work because we were told to keep on wearing masks and distance from others. And now that most of the people in the hospitals are the ones vaccinated, the vaccines are actually part of the problem. Remember me writing about confusing people so they won’t question?

Wishing everyone a good weekend as I am heading north for some Fall foraging and hunting for mushrooms.

Happy thinking. Seems like it is a wonderful exercise for our beautiful brains.

A good thing this thinking for ourselves.



Critical Thinker

#16 This CV Vaccine is an Injection and NOT a Vaccine – CV Emails November 15, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians and leaders,

This memo has come to my attention so for today, I am writing with this in mind and sharing it with all of you.

Key change in our language is ‘covid vaccine’ to ‘covid treatment injection’ as this is not a vaccine under the definition of a vaccine plus it does not carry any covid virus because covid wasn’t isolate – imagine a messy pile of body material extracted from someone who is sick but sick from what – similar symptoms to a cold and flu. The spike protein that is supposedly positioned on the covid virus (that wasn’t isolated) is entering cells so that the cell itself can produce more spike proteins which is toxic to our body hence the thousands of deaths from the injection and the hundreds of thousands for severe injuries according to VAERS and the like.

If you have a purpose for injecting people, why would the government share these deaths and facts on the news or at the press conferences? They wouldn’t. It is up to the leaders who are taking orders to stand up, to speak up! (whether that is orders from their bosses – the paycheck – or the people who are demanding things based on information that they are hearing (misleading info and not all the facts.) It is up to the people who report to these leaders to stand up, to speak up! It is up to people like Rachel to stand up, to speak up to the paranoid people! Rightfully so people are paranoid of dying because they feel they would miss out…miss out on what they think they will miss out on. Isn’t it best to enjoy every day with joy and peace being aware of what is going on so going with the flow and being safe?

People, we have an opportunity to turn things right side up. We can look at this from different perspectives to see the reality of it. For millennia, Man has wished for fame, fortune and the fountain of youth. This has affected the thinking of Man whether that includes slavery or annihilation of people.

It is my understanding that the young children have a greater risk of dying from the injection than from covid. You are only concerned with the children spreading it and this too is faulty.

People get sick due to a poor lifestyle and stressful thinking/life. Period. Thinking? Stress…starting with a whole list of distractions – latest fashion and how to become rich, lack of motivation, indeed working for others (employee slavery), debt taking away choices, too much work, too little time to look after themselves, various addictions due to all of the later, and much more.

The people are responsible for their choices but this capitalistic world has a very big dark side which is to only care for making money or the need to please shareholders over the health of the people. Some examples include adding: cancer causing ingredients into foods; dangerous fluoride into our water which also goes into the foods; artificial sweeteners and colours and flavours; refined foods such as vegetable oil so it will be shelf stable; and the promotion of eating more food than needed, for example, snacks. What the medical research world does not do, is to look into what it means to combine many medications together (individually they all have list of side effects, death being one of them) and the accumulation of the various chemicals in our foods along with what the food processing does to kill our vibrant food.

This is a puzzle indeed and it would be time consuming, cost a lot of money, and counterproductive for those corporations/people that/who make money from any/all of the above. Why would they do a scientific research on something that would lower their income potential and make a dent in their lifestyle? Makes sense to me.

In response to Rachel’s latest email, please review my comments to her and others like her.

Do take note that you are now aware of whether that is for the first time or just haven’t paid close attention the risks of this experimental injection, but also to add that the many vaccines on the schedule do have toxic ingredients present in big enough doses and to accumulate to trigger autism and other conditions such as auto-immunity diseases plus allergies.

Ever considered why there were cat and dog allergies? Ever considered why there was peanut allergies? And other allergies too? Think injections.

Look to the ingredients and where they come from to learn the answer. Not that this information is readily available…according to the pharmaceutical companies, it is proprietary information. How convenient. I am sorry, if you wish for me to eat your food or take an injection then I need to consent by having ALL of the information. Makes sense to me.

Remember, anything being injected into the blood stream is bypassing our wonderful immune system we have been given by the creator, God or whatever you think about how Man came to be. But it exists…science says it is so.

Enjoy your research, your clarity of thought, and your day.

I will look forward to your responses.



Someone who cares about the children and people.


“and a renewed call for adding the covid vaccine [an experimental injection that is harming children and people] to the schedule of vaccines needed for students to attend school for those currently age-eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.”

Hello Rachel,

Hope all is well.

Let me remind you that cv is not suppose to be an ongoing thing and that the science does not have the isolated virus plus this injection is not a vaccine, it is a gene treatment or therapy. Under the emergency act, the injection exists only and this is an experimental phase only until approximately 2023 and now you wish to give approval to the school system to continue this ongoingly. Do you see the faulty thinking here?

Do you think that this logic of adding this experimental injection that is harming people/children to a list, is based on being informed? This injection is not a vaccine.

Please do your homework on how this injection works and how it is killing the youth via heart inflammation and perhaps more as this is an experiment after all.

People are getting covid (so they say because the test is faulty) or sick from the injections – due to the gene therapy treatment where our own body is producing the toxic pathogen in the body which of course would create problems, such as inflammation in the heart.

Do you want your body to produce a cold virus? Do you want your body to produce toxic mercury? Do you want your body to produce mold? These things either happen naturally – cold to detoxify or caused by ingestion – mercury or caused by a weakened body – mold.

You and others will have to live with this because now you know, and if you do not do you research and speak up then you (along with many others) should be liable for the side effects of these injections.

Ah…that is part of the problem. Who is liable? Where does the compensation come from? Much to unpack here.

So I will continue to inform parents/teachers/schools/people that vaccines plus this injection is not mandatory to go to school.

According to Toronto Public Health, it is only mandatory for children to present their status…vaccinated or not in the case of an outbreak.

Guess what…there never has been an outbreak. In the case of covid, a case does not mean a death or ICU or give rise to an outbreak. Especially when we know the test is faulty.

Hmmm…where have all the colds and flus gone? Check the flu stats. Zero to 10 deaths in the last year when over 20,000 people per year were tracked as dying from the flu…not the flu really, that is what happens when people are dying or vulnerable (poor lifestyle and stress and too many meds/poisons). The body is shutting down in the sick people/elderly.

Most people do not know this information and feel the pressure to make unscientific and illogical choices according to nature and not the companies who want to make money. You do know that published research has been created to convince people. I have read about one published research that was created out of thin air. Why not, they do it with entertainment.

Let’s change that.

I really don’t understand where people feel they can make a decision on behalf of the parents or others.

I do imagine there is a possibility for you and others to reverse your position. Once again, this is not a vaccine, it is an injection that has caused thousands of deaths in the name of fear of dying from something they have not isolated nor got any cooperation from China. People get sick because they are dying or vulnerable not because of viruses. Some science says that viruses are trying to clean up the site and not the enemy? Clean up the site could be decomposing because the person is dying and on their way out of this world. All living matter decomposes.

Please do your research to review both sides. Ask good questions.

Here if you wish to speak about any of the above.

With your research and findings and change of heart, you will be a hero to many in the years to come.

Most people do not know any better but now that I have informed you, you are informed and do what you do knowingly.

How can I present at the upcoming conference for parents? Open to speak at any coffee meeting. You do believe that hearing both sides is a good thing?

Have a good day.



Dear friends,

This past Thursday, all schools in Don Valley West organized moving tributes to Remembrance Day. I had the privilege and honour of participating in events with students from Hodgson Middle School. We were joined by many senior TDSB staff including our Director of Education, Colleen Russell-Rawlins, Executive Superintendent, Uton Robinson, Hodgson’s Superintendent, Andrew Howard, and Ward 8 Trustee, Shelley Laskin. Together we all walked through the neighbourhood and then down to the mausoleum memorial in Mount Pleasant Cemetery where William G. Barker, Canada’s most decorated Air Force serviceman, is buried. There, grade 8 students participated in a moving ceremony to memorialize Barker and the servicemen and women who have, over many, many decades, sacrificed so much in order for us to enjoy the many freedoms we do today. In addition, students from Hodgson’s media crew club gave interviews to news outlets such as CBC and CTV, and even conducted their own interviews of TDSB guests, including Trustee Laskin, who shared some very special memories and family treasures, including her father’s cap and medals from WWII, pictured above.

In Board news, the advocacy motion I wrote about in my last update, calling for a return to semesters, passed unanimously at Board on Wednesday evening. This means that our chair will be sending a letter to the Minister of Education in the coming days calling for a variety of things that include, but are not limited to, the ability of boards to make local decisions around certain school practices such as secondary timetable schedules (in this case, a return to traditional semesters, for TDSB), and a renewed call for adding the covid vaccine to the schedule of vaccines needed for students to attend school for those currently age-eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. We will also be asking the provincial government to release pandemic funding for the second half of the year as soon as possible so we can plan appropriately, knowing we can continue to ensure our schools remain as safe as possible for our students and staff.

Below you will find a number of updates that will hopefully be of interest. Of particular note, I do wish to draw your attention to my next Community Coffee morning coming up on November 24. At that meeting, we will hold elections for open positions on PIAC (the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee of the Board) and FSLCAC (the French as a Second Language Community Advisory Committee).

Finally, please also note that registration has now opened for the 15th Annual PIAC Parent Conference – Ready, Set Engage: Bridging the Gap. This is shaping up to be a terrific program of events that will include keynote speakers including our very own Director of Education, Colleen Russell-Rawlins. To learn more and register, read on!

Warm regards,


Rachel Chernos Lin, TDSB Trustee, Ward 11, Don Valley West
[email protected]

#17 The Spoken Words – CV Emails November 16, 2021

Hello Meghan,

Hope all is well and this time, I will share more information on the reason that I sending you this email.

I wish to express my feelings on what I heard on Friday, November 12, 2021 at approx. 7:05 am and shortly after.

I will fall back on mental health once again along with caring about your reputation, plus share some information on the topic mention on your radio station (cv).

More than ever we need to come together.

This is not entirely directed to Mike who spoke it but for anyone else who feels it is OK to speak about things they are not qualified to speak about and where it makes the station look bad.

First, I just love listening to your station and highly recommend it to my clients who require easily listening music to soothe their life and mind.

Back to Mike.

Just Get Your Vaccines

The first comment he made was “just get your vaccines” and I want to say that there are people that cannot get them whether they are allergic to an ingredient, or got their first one and had a very bad reaction so learned they cannot get another one, or a person who has had another in their life who either has had a serious adverse effect or died. Yes death due to this covid injection/vaccines. It is a thing. By expressing any comments such as “just get your vaccines” would not be appropriate/leave bad feelings for some.

Some are expressing their experiences this way:

The above link will tune you into a share from a person who lost her husband after he got his injection plus he managed to communicate in his own words his feelings and experience. Please do read so you may understand and express compassion.

Yes, I am not vaccinated but it is for an entirely different reason. As a healthcare practitioner, I know it is an experimental injection (Health Canada/Pharma website – not a vaccine you see, gene treatment/therapy) until the year 2023+ and I have firsthand knowledge of the long term injuries and death. I also understand that this covid virus has never been isolated so the injection is not the virus but a part of another virus from another animal (chimp) and only a piece of it (spike protein). This spike protein is deadly or harmful but if one were to think logically, would you want your body to produce something that could be deadly for your health? The reason why people are dying is because the injection goes further into the body/complete circulation and causes massive inflammation (someone foreign and harmful) and not just into the heart cells…more spike proteins that are produced outside of the area of injection means myocarditis (and the like) and this is where many a person/athlete has died by a heart attack but let’s not forget the clotting/strokes.

I am big on choice so therefore if one wishes to take the risk, it is her/his choice. It sure does wake up others…unfortunately. The position people and governments are taking on the unvaccinated is horrific…hmmm…makes you wonder what the real purpose if of vaccinating the entire population when it is written that China has never share detailed information.

You can see from the BC recreation and parks that their main goal is just that and no care for people getting sick from whatever they get sick from. The ego is out in full force where people are telling people to do what they want them to do (perhaps we can thank the people in power for this with all their one sided news/info.) Much more to unpack here from that position to the bigger picture on science. Enough dividing I say and back to a free country and free to choice what people put into their bodies:

“Remember, the purpose of the PoV card [proof of vaccination card] is to incentivize residents to be vaccinated, not to control the spread of the virus. Virus spread is controlled through vaccination, physical distancing, masking, hand hygiene [Cheryl: not true, not all the science.] By temporarily limiting a variety of discretionary activities to those who are vaccinated, the Province of British Columbia expects to increase the inoculation coverage to a safe range for resuming full societal activities.”

Hamburger-RecipeRemember, people who are injected can still get the virus (as well as from the injection itself,) can still spread the virus and can still get affected by the virus. In fact, someone told me there is a poster up at a healthcare center where the VACCINATED must take a daily test because they could have it and spread it and not know it – that is why they still must mask and distance. True indeed but who is hearing about this?


It is known by the WHO, Health Canada, FDA and CDC (and most likely our medical panels and politicians) that any of the injections/vaccines have harmful and cancer causing ingredients which is primarily because they have to preserved them otherwise people could die from an infection in the blood from contamination/mold (which has happen by the way). The other thing to note is there could be other things within the injections such as other viruses and from other species (such as chimpanzees). It is documented that the ignorance of science and medicine within the vaccine arena have caused the cat and dog and peanut allergies by using pieces of them.


[Happy to share more but you are more welcome to do your own research should it be of interest to you and someone you love.]

Orange Colour

Just love the colour orange. The second comment was around cheezies (sp?) where he and Jean have a good beginning to the subject then move into mentioning Trump and being orange. Yikes…not appropriate. You most likely have listeners that are supporters of Trump. I am neutral as I research both sides. I don’t think your station would stoop as low as to say anything bad about Trudeau although there is stuff to say about him. Best you think about not bashing any politician, past or present and perhaps no bashing of anyone. This just speaks to a person’s character and really like all you guys/gals at Classical FM.

Indeed these are crazy times. Your station provides many listeners joyous sounds and information.

I do hope you will consider my comments for both mental health and your reputation – we really do not need to partake in dividing the people.

All is welcome to have their opinions but let’s support each other in the grander scheme…for our better health. Too many vulnerabilities due to stress and too many medications and contaminated/processed foods/water/air. It is that simple? Yes. But where do people begin? Solutions I do have and one is not to divide and to be open to doing research and asking questions to see the bigger picture.

Enjoy your day your way.



A fellow Canadian just like you!

From: Meghan Chipman <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:24 AM
To: Cheryl Millett <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: The News & My Thoughts

Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for writing in and expressing your concerns.

I have forwarded your email on to our Director of News and radio management team to further review.

We want to assure you that we take all listener feedback seriously and into consideration.

We appreciate your listenership and your feedback.

Thank you,

Meghan Chipman

Promotions & Marketing Coordinator

ZoomerMedia Ltd

70 Jefferson Ave. |Toronto, ONT| M6K 1Y4

Work: 416.607.7717 ext 217

Mobile: 416.500.2796

On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 11:13 AM Cheryl Millett <[email protected]> wrote:

To whom this may concern and M. Chipman,

Every time I get into my vehicle, your radio station is the first to come on.

Just love classical and all the music 96.3 has to share.

BUT…the big but, I am feeling crazed at time on the news portion especially around this event. I am afraid, I and others will be tuning out as this event (covid as they so call it) continues.

There is something called mental health and many are having to tune the news out. As a healthcare practitioner, I will have to recommend that they do so because the fear that comes with your news. Well, most likely not your news. There is a boss that dictates what is in and what is out.

What could be in is the good news! The good news is most of the cases are asymptomatic. Not an issue when the vulnerable is taking care of themselves. Share the good along with the current present moment. Future stuff? Not so much. Beginning predictions never panned out and so many doctors, scientists and the like, show this to be no different than an average flu. Strange? Why all the spreading of fear? Question indeed.

What I heard this morning…a second wave, bigger than the first. How is this person predicting this, is crazy and the fact that he can share this. Fear driven.

Let’s ask ourselves some good questions and think for ourselves. With the rise in stress, from this and before this, is it wise to share such things/predictions?

Until things are adjusted in what is reported on your news segments, I will decline to listen in and choose my CDs instead.

Hope this gives you some feedback that will make a difference to the good people who just love your station and also to those that will listen in and hear some facts, both sides, good news, etc.

Only wish you would think about what the news brings at this time…more fear or helpful information.

Ask yourself why they moved from reporting on the number of deaths to the number of cases. Secondly, it is well established according to the science of the test (PCR) that false positives exist and have always existed. Spin it more and all positives. Spin the machine less, and all negatives. Why is that?

Hope all of you are well, taking care to get some vitamin D and fresh air, and providing music that soothes the soul without the hype of poor unnecessary predictions.

Enjoy your day your way!




#18 Today’s Climates – CV Emails – November 17, 2021

Hello Adriana,

Hope all is well with you and your family, and that my comments below make a lot of sense to you.

Did you just write climate emergency? Guaranteed income for all?

Both of these fit into the push for the building back better (BBB) acts and the Global Economic Forum, ‘you will own nothing and be happy.’

Is it true that you support BBB and GEF?

Climate change is an interesting piece. I believe we can do much more if everyone has a piece of land of their own with teachings on certain skills such as growing their own food and building. Income with no purpose and joy is problematic. I see smaller farms and local distribution opportunities flourish rather than a push for corporate and big business farming and food processing. After all…processed foods for convenience makes for unhealthy eating choices and only increases the health conditions (such as being overweight, obese and diabetes.) One example is refined vegetable oils such as canola oil. This food is very unhealthy as it is highly processed – high heat, bleached and deodorized. Known to some as the lubricant of the food industry while many scientists say it is the key reason for all diseases including learning disabilities, cancer, and dementia. To further elaborate, it gums up our bodies and causes inflammation. While I am at it, I would add that the toxins in our air, food, and water along with stress affects both our physical and mental health. With this said, it would spill over into work, home and play.

It is very unfortunate that people are not yet tuned into the limitations of the Canada’s Food Guide. Although, it has absolutely improved over the years but needs a little tweaking and explaining. Well worth the time for everyone to spend the hours navigating the website. Perhaps this is a course I can teach?

It would be better to create jobs that work from home, and move people around so they don’t have to travel so far. The problem arises when there are two or more people in the family working. One changes jobs. Helping people switch jobs after they move, would be a good business for someone. Isn’t it strange that a good majority of people hate their jobs? Hmm…could be for a few reasons including not having the freedom to speak.

Along with my wish for above, smaller communities rather than larger cities growing larger would be ideal. Nature is healing and supporting of true happiness.

We could plant entire forests and put many trees along the roads. Is it true that there is a possibility for free energy? Because it would be good to hear from you on what your other options are for replacing fossil fuels considering electric still puts a strain and cost on our environment including our body.

So what do you mean by climate-safe future? More trees? Less large farms? Plenty more sustainable smaller farms? People growing their own gardens? Less processed plant foods (such as Beyond Meat)? What is it?

Gotta know that growing our own foods is energetically sustainable and promotes many benefits…being outside with fresh air, moving well, eating whole and fresh foods, less bigger box stores, and an inner happiness from being in nature.

Don’t you think that having people travel less, less on the roads, smaller box stores is a very good thing on our use of energy? Would free up land for the good people.

I do look forward to your detailed response to the above.

Well, isn’t it about time we look at the bigger picture…ask yourself, why does the cancer organization and the diabetes association have negative confidence in their research for the decades to come? This means they only project increases in both conditions, and not just 20%.

Ask yourself. Why are there hundreds of thousands of people getting injured by medications and treatments…third leading cause of death in North America.

Would it be better to mention something about the health of our people and not more sick care as it is in our current medical system, such as improving long term care facilities (LTC).

Let’s focus on the good people taking responsibility for their health with the support of people and organizations just like you.

Shall the promotion of any fears whether that be viruses or climate emergencies, come to an end. After all it is the vulnerable (jacked up on meds, LTC facilities and other) people that are being affected. Noticed the flu numbers are way down…this is only because the covid is the new flu and taking out those that are vulnerable just as it has always been. Sometimes I get the sense that the purpose is for depopulation. Really?! I have had people tell me “too many people on the planet”…as a response to people dying from the covid or from the covid vaccine/injection. Where did this get this from? Of course, there is more to unpack here. Happy to speak with you.

Situations like this would be stopped:

Should we wish to really make an impact on the earth, you first need to impact the people and their health. Healthy people, healthier planet.

Since I mentioned healthy people, what is your take on the mandating of injections for employees and the proof of vaccinations? I would think this would come first. You?

Eat well. Move well. Rest well. Think well. Be well.

Enjoy your day your way.



Holistic Healthcare Practitioner

Fellow Canadian

Man and Free to say so!

P.S. Please note that my email is bcc to the Prime Minister, Premier of Ontario, Mayor of Toronto, Chief of Police, MP, MPP, School Principle, School Trustee and several witnesses. It is my intention to promote a good life through regular emails just like this.

From: Adriana Laurent – Leadnow <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 1:54 PM
To: Cheryl Millett <[email protected]>
Subject: Cheryl and the Throne Speech

#19 Free People – CV Emails – November 18, 2021

Dear fellow Canadians,

Is it true? Austria imposed a lockdown for those people who are unvaccinated. Strange kind of incentive for the people who believe in choice.

Almost creepy in a sense – thinking about the government leadership acting like the parents whom were spoiled brats as kids, now with control written on their sleeve – you stay inside you unvaccinated and don’t come out until you want to get it!! How laughable and can they not see what they are doing? I guess not.

Now, how is it that the injection really is the only solution when antibodies are truly only a segment of our immune system?

Hurry Up and Use Critical Thinking

So things did not add up from the beginning for me (critical thinking)…first red flag, another viral threat out of China (no way Jose), second red flag was the locking down of healthy people (seems unhealthy all around, economics included), and the third and most ridiculous red flag was people could be asymptomatic (in light that this was being pushed as a deadly virus.)  From what I could see, China was the only country where someone dropped dead in the street. That was an act. Wasn’t it?

In the video, Mia hits it right on the button. How is it that only one side of the science is being heard? Others are being shut down? How is it that the injections are the only solution yet with the number of people still getting covid (faulty PCR tested) are vaccinated? It may be the unvaccinated should be able to roam free while the vaccinated who can still carry it be locked up. Either way, it is causing division isn’t it? Perhaps someone is sitting up on a throne somewhere looking into society and wanting to divide and conquer. Right in front of our noses is the answer. Yes most people are still in fear.

If there was ever a time to shake our heads, now would be the time.

Is it not so, that a vaccinated person can spread covid (or whatever it is)?

Is it not so, that people who are being vaccinated are dying from covid? Perhaps they got it from the injection itself? That is the most likely answer because the covid vaccine was to protect people from dying from whatever covid really is. Others like him have also died from covid – another in a plane. So does flying pose a problem for those who are vaccinated? Could it be due to mass inflammation in the heart/elsewhere in the body or clotting when the spike protein is being produced outside of the general injection area?

People are dying due to the toxicity and inflammation caused by the injection. (new link because their website name changed)

Free people…a world that so values freedoms have become many unquestioning people.

If people do not question, and do not see the many sides, where is this world heading?

After talking to many people, I firmly believe the people who are not choosing to get the experimental injection are those that are questioning. Yet, the people who are choosing to get the injection are listening to the so called experts assigned by the leaders, and only that info. When asked about areas that are not on the news, they are like deer with headlights in their eyes. A blank. I guess it is easier for some to just follow orders than to stand up. Perhaps it begins when we send our children to school and teach them to stand in line and do as the teacher tells them to do (let’s include the church too.) My uncle was abused at the hands of a Catholic school and teachers. It was crazy to see a commercial where the Catholic church announced they wanted all of the abused to come forth and get reimbursed…and if they didn’t do so beyond a certain date, then they could not come forth in the future. What nonsense. If you wish to come forth good people and share your stories, you can do so at any time!  [compassion, love, kindness, healing]

Where do you, our leaders, stand with freedoms?

Has Canada only worn a mask of freedoms? It really doesn’t stand for freedom?

Let the messages of freedom, free will, and choice be sung and heard around the country.

Man is more powerful and more brilliant than all the supercomputers in the world.

Man is more complex than what science can figure out, more intricate than the cells that make up the body of Man.

Many wishes of freedoms are blown across our country and the world.

Dream of freedom, of choice for ourselves and for that of future generations.

Psst…still voting for every Canadian citizen to have 2.5 acres of land to grow their own food and be self-sustaining doing what they love and interacting within a lovely safe community of kind and compassionate people.

Question. Dream. Togetherness.



I am Man.

#20  True or Not? – CV Emails – Nov 19, 2021

Good morning fellow Canadians,

Feels like I am being asked to go to the bathroom but upside down.

Unnecessary because nature tells us otherwise. Crazy if you try. Confusing if you think about it. Questionable if you see someone doing it. Divisive if some people want to do it while others are not going to do it.  One could argue about the recommendation but that tears us away from the person(s) who made it up in the first place. WHO and who came up with the idea anyway? And why? Our bathroom time is really none of anyone’s business, is it?

Is it true or not? Canada Post is going to be terminating their employees if they don’t get the injection?

Is it true or not? Some companies/persons like those above are being served cease and desist notices and employees are gladly going back to work when they are in the right? (short video below NB, Canada)

When you hear Dr. Kevin Stillwagon (the first time I heard this last name) speak clearly in this short video, you realize that he is going to the bathroom the right way up:

So why are companies asking their employees to get these experimental injections (authorized or not)?

Here is a long list of athletes that have been affected by these injections…I have searched some and yes, it is true. Wouldn’t want to be an elite athlete these days. Sure wouldn’t want to be liable for all the injection injuries and death either. I think that is why the companies are receiving notices of liability. Oh, my mistake, it is the people within the companies making the decisions (based on what exactly) that are receiving these letters/notices. Let’s make it personal why don’t we!

  1. 33 year old pro dancer Santo Giuliano suffers heart attack 5 days after vaccine
  2. 32 year old Olympic Tennis player Joachim Gerard collapses during match with heart problems
  3. 19 year old Football player Jalen Leavey dies at campus after the game
  4. 23 year old Baseball player Daniel Brito suffers stroke during game
  5. 19 year old Football player Tirrell Williams dies following on-field collapse
  6. 21 year old Football player Okafor Kelechi dies during training
  7. 29 year old Football player Lee Moses dies during training session
  8. 15 year old Footballer Stephen Sylvester collapsed and dies during conditioning practice
  9. 18 year old Football player Emmanual Antwi dies after collapsing on the field
  10. 13 year old Football player Cajetan Chinoyelum Nsofor dies during practice
  11. 15 year old Soccer player Moira Claire Arney died during practice Junior High School
  12. Baseball Pitcher Andrew Roseman died suddenly and unexpectedly, no further information given
  13. 17 year old Footballer Nickolas Lawrinas died suddenly and unexpectedly, cause given by media, unclear
  14. 17 year old Footballer Miquel Lugo collapsed and died during practice
  15. 16 year old Football player Devon DuHart mysteriously died in July 2021
  16. 16 year old Footballer Ivan Hicks dies of Cardiovascular Disease during Scrimmage
  17. 19 year old Footballer Joe Bradshaw dies mysteriously off campus, not conclusion of death
  18. 16 year old Football player Drake Geiger collapses and dies during game
  19. 15 year old Football player Joshua Ivory collapses and dies during game
  20. 19 year old Football player Quandarius Wilburn collapses during practice and later dies
  21. 17 year old Football player Dimitri McKee passes out and dies after practice
  22. 28 year old Rugby play Tevita Bryce collapses during game from heart attack
  23. 29 year old Rugby player Dave Hyde collapses and dies after match
  24. 27 year old Baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita collapses and dies during practice
  25. 32 year old Champion Speed Skater Kjeld Nuis suffered Pericarditis after the vaccine
  26. 24 year old Olympic Cyclist Olivia Podmore dies suddenly and mysteriously in her room and
  27. during that week another athlete sprinter Cameron Burell also dies mysteriously
  28. 23 year old China Olympics Champion Gilbert Kwemoi collapsed in his home and died on the way to hospital
  29. 37-year-old former French professional footballer Franck Berrier dead
  30. Germany goalkeeping coach of SV Niederpöring suffers heart attack
  31. 24 years Bordeaux pro Samuel Kalu suffers cardiac arrest
  32. 25 years old Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten suffers cardiac arrest
  33. 31 years old Fabrice N’Sakala Besiktas Istanbul collapses on the field
  34. 29 years old Pedro Obiang Italian first division after vaccination has myocarditis
  35. 30 year old Venezuelan National Marathon Champion Alexaida Guedez dead
  36. 29 years old José dos Reis (Luxembourg) collapses on the field and has to be resuscitated
  37. Germany C-League Dillenburg a player from Hirzenhain collapses, the game is canceled
  38. 16 years old Diego Ferchaud from ASPTT Caen suffers a cardiac arrest
  39. Austria player of ASV Baden collapses on the field and has to be revived
  40. 16-year-old unnamed football player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest
  41. 27 years old Belgian amateur soccer player Jens De Smet dead
  42. 13-year-old soccer player from the Janus Nova club collapses on the field with cardiac arrest
  43. 17 year old soccer player Dylan Rich dies of a double heart attack during a game
  44. Player from Birati Club Münster suffers cardiac arrest
  45. 24 years old Lucas Surek from BFC Chemie Leipzig suffers from myocarditis
  46. 49 years old Ain / France: Frédéric Lartillot succumbs to a heart attack in locker room
  47. 45 years old Andrea Astolfi, sporting director of Calcio Orsago dead with no previous illness
  48. 22 years old Abou Ali collapses with cardiac arrest during a two-tier game in Denmark
  49. 19 years old ice hockey player Sebastiaan Bos dead. Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly
  50. 40 years old A half marathon runner collapsed during the race and died a little later Germany
  51. Anil Usta from VfB Schwelm breaks on the field with heart problems
  52. 33 years old Dimitri Liénard from FC Strasbourg collapses with heart problems
  53. 37 years old Ex-NFL professional Parys Haralson dies suddenly and unexpectedly
  54. 25 years old Kingsley Coman from FC Bayern Munich, operation on the heart after an arrhythmia
  55. 25 years old Canadian university football player Francis Perron dead shortly after a match
  56. 19 year old FC Nantes soccer player suffers cardiac arrest during training Germany volleyball
  57. trainer Dirk Splisteser from SG Traktor Divitz collapses dead on the sidelines Austria,
  58. 64 years old former goalkeeper Ernst Scherr dead suddenly and unexpectedly Germany,
  59. 42 years old Alexander Siegfried dead suddenly and unexpectedly
  60. A 17-year-old athlete from Colverde collapses while training with cardiac arrest France,
  61. 49 years old SC Massay player dead of heart attack during the game Mexico,
  62. Caddy Alberto Olguin collapses on the golf course after a heart attack
  63. 29 years old Shrewsbury striker Ryan Bowman treated with defibrillator during play with extreme heart problems Italy,
  64. 18 year old soccer player suddenly faints on the field France,
  65. 40 years old A Saint-James player suffers a heart attack after warming up Italy,
  66. 59 years old long-distance runner from Biella dies of heart failure during a race Germany,
  67. Women’s League match, a player collapses shortly before the end without any opposing influence
  68. 25 years German goalkeeper Lukas Bommer dies suddenly and unexpectedly Mexico,
  69. 16 years old student Hector Manuel Mendoza dies of a heart attack while training Brazil,
  70. 18 years old pro footballer Fellipe de Jesus Moreira has double heart attack and is fighting for his life Italy,
  71. 27 years old cycling champion Gianni Moscon has to undergo an operation because of severe cardiac arrhythmias
  72. Augsburg referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker collapses with heart problems
  73. English lineswoman Helen Byrne, heart problems has to be carried off the pitch at world cup
  74. Germany Game abandoned due to cardiac arrest of the referee in a game of Lauber SV Italy,
  75. 20 years old young rider suffers a heart attack
  76. 17-year-old soccer player of the JSG High Hagen has revived during game
  77. 53-year-old football coach Antonello Campus dead
  78. 16 years old collapses while playing soccer and dies a little later
  79. Germany Team leader Dietmar Gladow suffers a fatal heart attack before the game USA
  80. a high school football player collapsed during practice and died in the hospital
  81. Germany player collapsed during the A 2 regional league game suffered cardiac arrest
  82. Germany 15 years old goalkeeper Bruno Stein dead Italy,
  83. 53 years old AH footballer suffers a heart attack while training USA,
  84. 14-year-old soccer player Ava Azzopardi collapsed on pitch, is fighting for her life in an artificial coma France,
  85. 54 years old AH player Christophe Ramassamy died of a heart attack during a match France,
  86. 41 years old soccer player collapsed on the field and died due to cardiac arrest Austria,
  87. 26 years old Raphael Dwamena collapsed with severe heart problems Germany,
  88. Hertha BSC co-trainer Selim Levent dies suddenly and unexpectedly USA,
  89. 12 year old Jayson Kidd collapsed during basketball practice and later died Spain,
  90. 3-year-old striker Kun Agüero had to be replaced in a game due to heart problems USA
  91. 21 year old Senior student athlete John Stokes suffers with Myocarditis
  92. 22 year old Cyclist Greg Luyssen forced to end his career after vaccine due to heart problems

OK…I suggest you go into a thoughtful compassionate state for those affected by the injections and their loved ones [I don’t really give a rat’s ass about the unfavourable part of sports and the unhealthy competitive nature] …now, add to the above list reading about a six year old, a nine year old, a ten year old and a five year old who had died suddenly after the injection. How does this make feel? Well, if you are truly going to the bathroom upside down then maybe you would claim…they died for a good cause…we really need to see how these new treatments work. Then I would kindly say, locate your head as it may be upside down too.

 Side note: Now, if these kinds of deaths occur every year then perhaps we have to rethink about the stress that is put on the elite athletes? Is it worth it?

 Notice of liability is a thing…and it is given directly to the management, the people in the company, not the company itself. How convenient…the companies are unable to be liable? Reminds me of the bill. or whatever it is called, that was put into place in the US (and maybe other places) that states the pharmaceutical companies are not liable for any injuries from any vaccines (because it is costing them a lot of money and they may go bankrupt from so many injuries from the vaccines.) SO, the government does all the work and doles out the money to the injured (after they have been proven to be injured by the vaccines – guilty first.) And guess where that money comes from? The taxpayers. The good people.

Cease and Desist Order Against Canadian Vaccine Mandates (NB, Canada)?

Wrongful Dismissals…won and back to work? The government did not have any right?

Enjoy this short video.

Why has the mainstream media not made this above information in the video public? Why does the government not tell people that the mandates are unenforceable?

Labour boards/companies/people: A person is protected from be asked to show their medical information. This is our rights. What is different about this injection that takes away our rights? Nothing. Everyone has the right to not share their medical information.

Which way do you want to go…to the bathroom? The natural way or a way that comes from people who are not thinking clearly for the reasons they aren’t. Is it true that Canada has done some mind control projects on the people beginning after the second world war? I heard many of the German scientists came to North America under new names. If so, this would explain why some people will not question events or authority? Perhaps a program placed deep in the subconscious and a door is blocking even the best of the educated people (MDs/Psychiatrists) who do hypnosis (article I read somewhere this year.)

Nature is not an enemy. It is our best way to live. This would circle back to my earlier emails where science has observed the nature of things upside down…remember, bacteria, germs and viruses are not the cause of disease and are needed in nature for a good many reasons, and how that works and why, may never be discovered. They exist for a reason as you do too. So life is to be enjoyed alongside the nature things. Together. Healthy. Vibrant. Peaceful.

Have a grand weekend thinking, pondering and going to the bathroom the right way, the natural way.

In the inner silence…a soft voice will speak to you about the nature of things whereas the loud voices outside you, don’t give you time to be silent.

With much compassion,


Nature Lover

P.S. Ignore grammar and spelling mistakes…I forgive myself for any. Pretend that I am new to English…you understand the writings anyway.

Auum omega 3 products vitamin D3

Emails #21-30 LINK