CV Emails #21-30

Continued from BLOG

#21 The Big ‘C’ word – CV Emails – November 22, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

Hope you had a joyable weekend.

After all, balance is the name of the game.

If a person is not in balance whether that means enough proper sleep/rest or the right amount of good nutritious foods, then what? There is no way to measure this other than the signs and symptoms…what is enough or what is balance for any one person on any given day, would be different and absolutely time-consuming.

Want an apple? Eat an apple…there is no need to weigh the apple or put it on a machine to determine if it has enough vitamin C for the day. How much vitamin C you need today could be different that another day. Thinking about all the pieces of the health puzzle? This is where stress happens, and where I have had to tell clients to take a holiday from fretting too much about their health. Eat this. Take that. Do this. Meditate on that. Focus on this. Drink this much. Sleep that much. Exercise so much. All of this piled on top of an education, a job, a house, a hobby, grocery shopping, and a family. Too much information overload in the health and life arena. Why? Money-making opportunities. Capitalism. Get rich quick. It’s just business and unfortunately, it is the way people are choosing to live.

A tiny house and a garden on 2.5 acres inclusive of a small forest surrounded by a community of like-minded people, sounds lovely about now!

On a side note, why do you think we need to wash our hands? Is it entirely due to germs? Nope…it is to keep your door knobs and light switches clean. If working with food, then certain foods would require you to keep your space clean and it may include washing your hands if you are touching the very things that may have decomposing germs on them. Remember my emails on explaining the two kinds of germs?


OK! The ‘C’ word is not covid. It is cancer and what a business that is these days. What if cancer was just some mutated cells, that we all have the ability to make and contain, and it was just that and nothing crazy bad?

What is cancer? Cancer is mutated cells. These cells should be removed by the body…call it detoxifying as nature would intend. If we were living as nature intended, then mutated cells would be absolutely nothing to fear. But we are not!

Mutated cells could accumulate in just about any area of the body…brain, liver, pancreas, colon, lungs, skin, ovaries, bladder, blood, lymph nodes, etc.

Why mutated cells? That could be for a number of reasons and a number of things going on at the same time. Uniqueness.

BUT it is, for sure, tied to stress (emotional, physical, mental, spiritual) and to the body not being able to remove these mutated cells easily and efficiently. Could that be because we are tense and nutritional deficient and perhaps an input of external toxins all at the same time? Could it be, we are indoors much of the time? Sitting too much? Stale air? Drugged water? Processed convenience foods? The balance is again key, but we sure could tip the scales to live lovely.

So, indeed, everyone will have mutated cells due to the lifestyles we and the businesses have created today. It is whether or not, the body holds on to them and/or eliminates them is good time. A tumour is just the body’s survival mechanism to pool them together – keeping them separate from the other cells – awaiting the time when the body is able to eliminate them. Hence, cleanses have worked for people whether in the past or today. Why do we hold on to them? Let’s chat.

So, indeed, we are testing or checking for cancers more frequently than ever (i.e. mammograms) and there is fear of death if you have cancer. The worry of getting cancer has caused people to get cancer. True stories!

Did you know that mammograms cause cancer?

Did you know you can bring on cancer if you think about it?

Did you know that chemotherapy treatment is a poison that causes cancer?

Did you know that cholesterol lowering drugs give way to causing brain cancers?

Did you know that processed foods such as hydrogenated vegetable oils, artificial chemicals, and medical drugs’ ingredients are labelled carcinogenic (cancer causing)?

What does cancer have to do with covid? You see, covid is actually part of the colds and flus which is the body’s thriving mechanism to rid itself of toxins via mucous. The symptoms are similar and the flu has dropped in numbers according to the stats – and that requires some critical thinking. Colds? There is no cure and now, you know why.

I may be as bold as to say, love your cancer, love your poops, love your body inside and out, for with the mind at ease and a simple healthy lifestyle, your body will eliminate with ease. Right action today is change for the good, not reaction and fear to something unknown that drives the business of making injections and more medicines – each with a list of unhealthy adverse side effects including death.

Now, you can see where vulnerability comes in. People are vulnerable due to their lifestyle. How it manifests will depend on different factors. But, let’s all agree that the elderly or any age is more susceptible when their lifestyle is not balanced and life giving.

Simple is best. Let’s figure out the rest.

There is no magic potion or lotion or pill. But yet so many people believe the experts still.

Covid or cancer, Donner or Prancer.

A label it is, and that is all it is.

So why are the very countries that are the highest vaccinated/injected, have risen in cases?

I hear Austria locked down the unvaccinated, yet, cases continued to rise. Now prison is mentioned if they don’t pay the tickets for being unvaccinated…something like that.

“Earlier, Austria had tried out a lockdown just for unvaccinated people but it did not slow infections enough.”

Now, Austria with 66% vaccinated, and due to the surge in cases, is making the injections mandatory as of Feb 1st.

So, if the surges have more to do with being vulnerable than ever before, and these injections are more toxic than ever before, what is our body telling us? The cases are surging, perhaps only due to a faulty test as confirmed by the WHO and FDA, and/or due to the toxicity from these injections, stress, division, and the like.

Too much interference. Too much fear. Too much stress. With wearing masks, mandates, lockdowns, and keeping our distance, too much distress.

Media seems to be focused on one side of the story and that is to have more people if not everyone injected with these toxic injections (at their Vaccine Summit, the WHO confirmed that all vaccines must have adjuvants/preservatives/toxins to keep them safe from going bad.)

Buyer beware. People beware. Awareness is more important than ever as the business of making us sick is now looking to inject the younger population, and the schools are looking to add this injection to their vaccine schedule (covid, temporary, not, according to this position.)

Look at this situation guided by our so-called leaders and ask yourself “how do two weeks to curb the spread lead to the talk of a fifth wave?”

It matters not about the people, labeled experts, or the leaders who run organizations like the WHO. It matters if this is making sense to you, to your future, to our children, to their future, and to society as a whole.

All things will pass…think again. All things have a good ending…at what expense. No one would kill people on purpose…been done before. The leaders of countries want what is best for their people…think indigenous people.

Think about what is in plain sight. What looks normal to you? Everyone wearing a mask, inside, outside, and in cars. Everyone keeping their distance, socially and other. Every business with plexiglass between you and another person. Every business with dots on the floor for you to stand on.

In the name of science, be the observer of this situation (and experimental drug treatment.)

Check out the VAERS website where the vaccine’s adverse effects are reported. Canada has one too. Just search it up.

This is not about trading one fear for another fear. This is about understanding the situation and applying some critical thinking so you too can make healthier choices whether that is political changes, work changes, or personal changes.

The world is a better place with questioning and awareness.

How about the biggest lockdown ever? Let’s curb the spread for sure this time. How about all the people and the businesses close down for 10 days including the mail…everyone stays home. No school but homework is given to keep the kids busy. Parents do not have to work if they have kids to take care of. No work except via electronics – family first. Fresh air only by your door and windows and back yard. See no one except who is in your household and other family members/friends can join you. No services are open…get your nails done ahead of time. Stock up on groceries for ten days because no deliveries. All businesses including most of the essentials are closed down. This includes liquor stores – stock up if you have to. Homeless will need to take care of themselves. It can all be figured out. Can’t it? All government services and construction work comes to a halt. The good doctors and nurses are the only ones able to work. Everyone is paid except the doctors and nurses get paid double. Any entrepreneurs and small businesses get an allowance. Transportation is closed. Gas stations are closed – fill up early. Have we ever had a total lockdown? No.  Have people suffered due to the lockdowns? Yes. Can it work where almost everything is closed? Just about as likely as I can make people eat a certain way or live a certain way. Healthy Man is not meant to be kept in a box.

May you enjoy your evening questioning, pondering, and coming up with solutions because the masking, the distancing, and absolutely the injections are not the answer.



P.S. Is there really a cure for cancer? Yes. Is there really a simple solution to end this event? Yes.


#22 Make Believe – CV Emails – November 23, 2021

Dear fellow Canadians,

You need this info to take the next logical step forward… halt the injections, stop any mandates and cancel the injections for all children under the age of 18.

This is a moment of truth. How many times have I been told by people…”the ICUs are full of unvaccinated people.” Too many to count on my fingers and toes.

This statement regarding the unvaccinated isn’t true at all, but it sure did cause some countries to put lockdowns in place for the unvaccinated. (divide and conquer and control)

A moment of truth appears in the headlines following the spoken words by VP Harris and many others. It is the vaccinated that are ending up in the hospitals and the reason for a surge in positive cases.

Why? The vaccines/injections are negatively affecting our immune systems, our nervous systems, and our health. Believe it or not. Boosters are make-believe to make certain people money.

A true story shared by a walk club member via an email today:

Just heard the worst story yesterday, Cheryl. I have a young acquaintance 23 whose friend (22.23)  got shot 1 and developed myocardia. Ever since he has been trying for months to get an exemption. He’s stuck at home completing his final year of university. The university won’t let him on the grounds unless he has proof of exemption. His parents even took him to a costly private clinic with no success yet. They just keep running more and more tests.

Now, all the kids, 5 to 11, are getting jabbed. I’m at a loss for words. And The Toronto Star, the widest circulation in Canada, keeps pushing and pushing this agenda.

Only the tip of the iceberg…there are thousands of stories similar to this around the world. You wanted global, you got it!

It will take unfortunate things to happen to make people realize what is unfolding before their very eyes or under their noses. Seems like a thick gray fog has blanketed many people’s brains from seeing the truths or the make-believe stories.

How many boosters would you like? I believe people will take whatever is on the menu. This will determine the amount of time this charade continues. You see, business is about making money. The elites or rich people are into making MORE money so by being invested in sick care and pharmaceutical companies, they are anticipating to earn millions of dollars. Shall I say tax dollar monies. Shall I further elaborate, your earned dollars. Let’s add newly printed money by the banks. Money money for the sake of our good health! NOT for our good health but for the sick care system that has been created.

Check out the three links below, and a sincere thanks to reporter Jon Rappaport for his due diligence.

Dr. Fauci says Covid hospitalizations are rising among fully vaccinated people who have not had a booster

[Cheryl: Step right up! Get your booster! Never been a better time to finally end covid for good. Keep it up, good people. Keep those boosters coming! It will end soon.]

‘But there is still work to do, he said, including dealing with complicated factors such as vaccination rates, contagious variants of the virus, and waning immunity to infection.

‘In our conversation, Dr. Fauci weighed in on vaccine mandates, booster shots, and the end of the pandemic.’

The public is being repeatedly lied to by elected officials, unelected advisors, and the mainstream media, with all of them claiming that the world is currently experiencing a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated. This could not be further from the truth.

But the lie has now been used to justify locking down the unvaccinated in Austria and locking the unvaccinated out of society in Australia.

Now Germany is about to follow suit, Scotland is about to ban the unvaccinated from pubs and restaurants under the advice of a qualified nutritionist posing as a Pandemic expert who goes by the name of Devi Sridhar, and the authorities and media in England have gone into overdrive on the advice of the “nudge unit” to sway the population into supporting a lockdown for only the unvaccinated.

For the sake of humanity, would you lovely leaders kindly read Dr. Fauci’s above words and tell me what you now believe. Any hint of becoming aware of the real problems?

Enjoy your reading. Enjoy your evening.




P.S. If you are indeed not reading this information, you indeed are a part of the problem and the reason this sorted narrative will continue. Should you be served liability papers, understand you have to live with your conscious choices and agree that you are liable should anything happen to any of the young children. “I didn’t know about this” is no longer an excuse since you are privy to the information and different views in these CV Emails.


#23 Everywhere a mask – CV Emails – November 24, 2021

Good day fellow Canadians,

How do you feel about people all around you wearing a mask for the decades to come?

It seems like fresh air for our lungs has just left the building. Oh yes, these are different times and this cv was to be here today and gone tomorrow. How will children learn to speak? I will say that the preventive practices are a forever thing as long as people are not pressured to work.  I know. People can learn to live within their means. Keep in mind that there are good bacteria/microbes. This is required for our good health. We need to step out of the bubble into the sunshine mask free with all the airborne bacteria/pollens populating our healthy lungs.

Here is one possible future as written on the Health Canada website:

When the pandemic is over

It’s unlikely that COVID-19 will completely go away [WHAT?]. We may see ongoing outbreaks [HOW COME? and we may not!] or a move to a more seasonal pattern like what we see with colds and flu in fall and winter. [YES, BECAUSE IT IS COLDS AND FLUS]

There will likely be ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19 in parts of the world where vaccination may not be available [VACCINES ARE NOT THE SOLUTION]. Even in Canada, some individuals may:

  • choose or not be able to be vaccinated [THESE ARE NOT THE ONES IN THE ICU NOR DYING NOR TESTING POSITIVE]

Good preventive practices should always be part of our normal routine, now and after the pandemic, such as:

  • staying home if you feel ill [YUP, A FOREVER THING]
  • good hand hygiene and covering your cough or sneezes [SOAP WILL DO]

Wearing a well-fitting mask and not getting close to other people have proven to be effective during the pandemic [WHERE ARE THE STUDIES AND LINKS]. These practices could become part of your regular routine for the winter cold and flu season. [IF A PERSON STAYS HOME WHEN THEY ARE SICK THEN MASKS ARE NOT NEEDED]

Some people may choose to continue to use masks regardless of the season [LOWERING THEIR OXYGEN POTENTIAL WHICH IS HARMFUL TO THEIR HEALTH – any studies for the long term effects?] It’s important that we consider this to be a normal personal choice in our post-pandemic world [GOTTA LIKE CHOICES. I THINK I WILL NOT EVER GET A VACCINE NOR TAKE A PRESCRIPTION DRUG BUT KEEP UP A HEALTHY ROUTINE TO KEEP MY IMMUNE SYSTEM STRONG.]


Yes, colds and flus will never go away…this is not a pandemic but a big bright red flag out of China once again.

Wearing masks are not normal…the last I heard, all babies are born without a mask for a very good reason. Our lungs require a breath full of fresh air. The chemicals in the masks are not good for our lungs. Both are unhealthy.

Once upon a time, any ill person was to open the windows and let the fresh air in, change the bedding, and drink plenty of fluids. Today, homes are next to being airtight and the air gets stuffy easily. Open the windows every morning no matter the day for approximately 10 minutes. Keep the blankets at the bottom of the bed to air out the bedding. Fresh as a daisy!

There are no proper stats to show that wearing a mask is effective nor the distancing either. I have lived my life like always…and I have not gotten ill. It is the vulnerable, isn’t it? Have you checked into how many meds Canadians are on? There is more pieces for vibrant health. Imagining many Canadians digging in their heels to take control of their health and decide to be happy. Happy & Healthy! Less doctor visits and a hospital visit is a distant past memory.

How many children now have myocarditis? In this document, they say it has been mild but yet I know teenagers that have been seriously injured and in hospital for several days while others have died. Why is this not mentioned in this document? It only mentions the condition name.

WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) · As of July 9, 2021, after reviewing published guidance from countries including the US (VAERS), GACVS concluded that current evidence suggests a likely causal association between myocarditis and the mRNA vaccines. However, GACVS deemed that the benefits of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the risks in reducing hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19 infections.

So what would you say to the leaders should it be your child that dies…it was for the greater cause so let’s celebrate the loss? What cause? It seems like the injections pose more risks, no matter which one, than getting covid (if I have to use a word.) Both injections cause these heart conditions not just one injection over the other.

Seems like the parents are speaking out about the death of their children.

How are the young children going to properly learn to speak if they cannot see their masked mother and father’s mouths? The family. Friends. What is the new generation going to think is normal? #nomoremasks #smiles #stayhomeifsick #live #goodenergy #eatwell #sleepwell #movewell #thinkwell #bewell

What do you say to the children who now have heart inflammation and cannot participate in sports?

What will happen to these children when they cannot get another injection? Will they be able to travel with their parents or does the whole family have to give up travelling by train, bus and plane?

This past Sunday at my walk club, I had to ask a person three times to repeat her name because I couldn’t understand what she was saying because she was wearing a mask. I will continue to ask people if I cannot understand them.

Why are experts demonstrating the lack of oxygen getting into the lungs if they are wearing a mask? Does this mean people are breathing more shallow?

How come a lady fainted when she wore her mask? Her head trauma caused all kinds of problems, such as a speech impediment.

How come people are still wearing mask outdoors when you cannot catch cv outdoors?

How many people actually died of the flu in 2020?

Interesting times. Interesting choices. Interesting future.





#24 What is skyrocketing? – CV Emails – November 25, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

Let’s have a little fun. Quiz below. Answer to come on Monday.

Starting to feel that any label we have been given, causes division. I am Man…it works for me. Once upon a time that was all it was, then we had to be able to tell the difference in literature/documents so male and female, man and women was created. It wasn’t too long ago that we didn’t have hospitals – didn’t have a need for them. Vaccines either – didn’t have a need for them. You know what I learned…all people lived to be over 100 years old in our pristine origins, and the folk medicines were available for all kinds of ailments because they didn’t have all these man-made created diseases we have today. To get into the swing of truths, one would first have to understand that all stories are made up, including our hi-stories. The victors wrote stories. Who else wrote stories? Leaders. Religion. Science. And they are all connected. What do they say? Follow the money. I will add. Follow the control.

With all this writing and books, there is too much info on how to be healthy. I vote for simplify.

Heading up north for some country air so the next email will be Monday.

Price Increases/Inflation

The only thing I would like to see inflated, is my tires.

OK…prices have gone up and are planning to go up more? This is partly to do with transportation costs.

Once upon a time in my corporate job, I did a fuel tender for our Canadian companies (Purchasing/Commodities Manager) and got to learn all about the fuel industry and pricing. Of course, it is attached to the world market so the prices are up and down based on supply and demand and speculators and other. Gambling I call it as a true market wouldn’t have this occur (natural gas in Canada is one example of prices going up immediately after hooking up to the world markets.) The fuel prices are inflated as well and when the market goes up, everyone pays more but the energy guys/investors make the money. The fuel companies are also all connected. Yup…talked every Friday. Not sure if they still do this. Ever wonder why the gas station pricing is close to each other? Wonder why there isn’t a gas station on every corner? They make sure they are efficient and keep capacity at where it needs to be. It has to look like there is competition because it is against the law otherwise.

To throw a wrench into your beliefs about oil…it is not finite. It is renewal and there is plenty in the ground forever and a day. Although, I hear we could run cars on water but that wouldn’t make certain people money.

So, you now know that the commodities markets are created so they can move pricing around as needed.

That small community is starting to look mighty attractive bicycles and all!!!

You are being prepped for higher prices…20-25% increases.

Think about what you really need and buy that. Change this. Stop buying that.

This may not be up your alley for a conversation but there is really no need for toilet paper, tissues nor paper towels. Be creative and you will find that you do not need much if you had to survive…smaller house perhaps?

Money makes the world go around is built on capitalism and its dark side…more stuff, more debt, need more money, work more, play less. Play less means you are trying to make money while young and vibrant for when you are older and less vibrant. Does this make sense? Work all day and perhaps inside…when the sun is out. Then tasks in the evening when it is dark.

Think about a small community and being self sustainable…you would need to buy no food (gardens and foraging), need no meds (herbs), and need no transportation (small community). You would be in the presence of like-minded people. Would enjoy outdoors in nature daily.

If General Mills and the like want to increase prices…discontinue buying the junk and convenient foods. No time like the present. My kid will only eat this cereal! Make your own granola…the kid will have to appreciate that these times require changes.

General Mills (GIS) notified retail customers that it’s raising prices in mid-January on hundreds of items across dozens of brands. They include Annie’s, Progresso, Yoplait, Fruit Roll-Ups, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charm’s, Wheaties, Reese’s Puffs, Trix and more, according to letters General Mills sent to at least one major regional wholesale supplier last week.

Buy buy no more convenience and fast foods. By By junk foods.

Hello healthy foods. Welcome healthy habits.

Learn about my ‘No Snacks Movement’ and you will save money and gain better health…avoid weight issues and stay clear of diabetes/less insulin.

We eat too much junk food. Too much food period.

What is a four letter word that makes a world of difference to your health. You can do it anywhere, anytime, it is easy to do, and it is FREE?

Try eating only two meals a day. It is doable…been doing this myself and it is very comfortable when the food eaten is nutritiously dense. Now if you are a farmer or physically active in your work then more foods may be needed. This would have not been recommended when I was running marathons (short time). Many people eat just because they have been told to eat three meals per day and two snacks. Well, can you see how this would feed into stress eating and diabetes?

Transition to healthy ways takes as much time as it takes for you to first get your head around it.

Here if you need.

Back to my Awakening You presentation.

Let me know what questions do you come up with?

Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy your pondering of these emails.




#25 Why not… – CV Emails – November 29, 2021

Dear fellow Canadians,

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. T’is a new day and why not check out what Health Canada is sharing now?

Why not check out the last piece on the covid page of what the post event has in store for the good people and we aren’t even there yet with still talk of pus or I mean viruses.

Why not learn that once upon a time virus meant pus. Yup, and somehow in the story (hi-story) the idea changed to a particle of something dead. Hold on? If it is dead material, what does this tell us? Most people still do not know there has not been any isolation of the cv virus. Viruses are not what you have been told…but yet, many people believe they are what they are told. Now, bacteria, that is something different. Alive it is! Viruses are pus and not alive.

Back to Health Canada and what is written:

When the pandemic is over

It’s unlikely that COVID-19 will completely go away [WHY NOT?]. We may see ongoing outbreaks or a move to a more seasonal pattern like what we see with colds and flu in fall and winter [YES, YOU SEE, JUST LIKE A COLD AND FLU. KINDA CORRULATES WITH THE SAME SYMPTOMS AND TIMING AS WELL].

There will likely be ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19 in parts of the world where vaccination may not be available [NO PROOF, SPECULATING, NO SCIENCE, COMPARE THE CASES OF FLUS OF THE DECADES PAST]. Even in Canada, some individuals may:

  • choose or not be able to be vaccinated [GOOD FOR THEM]
  • not develop an effective response to the vaccine [IS THAT POSSIBLE? WHY?]

Good preventive practices should always be part of our normal routine, now and after the pandemic, such as:

  • staying home if you feel ill [BUT ASK WHY YOU ARE SICK? STRESS? POOR EATING HABITS?]


Some people may choose to continue to use masks regardless of the season. It’s important that we consider this to be a normal personal choice in our post-pandemic world. [NOTHING NORMAL ABOUT IT…WHEN MAN WAS BORN, THE BABY WASN’T WEARING A MASK…WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO, IS CAUSE MORE SICKNESS FROM THE FEAR/STRESS OF WANTING TO WEAR THEM – THE PEOPLE GOT TO BE IN FEAR TO WANT TO WEAR THEM JUST LIKE THE ONES WEARING THEM OUTSIDE TODAY FOR NO GOOD HEALTH REASON.]

Seasonal pattern?…hmmm…sounds like reason to have an ongoing injection that doesn’t stop you from getting sick plus you could pass it along (perhaps as there is no science that proves you can infect someone…studies done where pus was placed up people’s noses and only 40% got sick which shows you that it isn’t the only factor…a person’s multi-faceted lifestyle did prove susceptibility – while another study showed ZERO, that is right, ZERO infection in the people who were exposed to pus.)

Seasonal just like colds and flu? Told you as well as many other doctors are trying to tell you (only they are being fired from their jobs, censored from the mainstream media and the like) THAT times haven’t changed. The deaths are a result of the flu but mostly because people are vulnerable/susceptible. Hey, have you checked in on how many drugs people in Canada are consuming? Check all ages. Go to the International website of the Cancer Society and Diabetes Assoc. and you will see that there is negative confidence in finding any cure. Why? They would dismantle a HUGE opportunity to make money and blow a cover that has lasted a long time. How would the good people feel?

Why not, check out the numbers from the flu to see how it compares to the previous ten years? Compare deaths at the same time? Ask for the numbers that Canada spends on sick care…oops, sure to be on the books as health care. But it really is sick care. More meds anyone? Some doctors think of the handful of meds to be a cocktail.

What does one elderly man say to his elderly wife? Is it time for our cocktail? No dear. Soon.

So, Health Canada wants you to wear a mask as a normal personal choice. Why? They do not work…talk of a fifth wave…other countries now locking down again…masses of people are vaccinated in these lockdown countries…people ending up in the hospitals are vaccinated.

Hmmm…why not just stop everything and let’s see what happens? Anyone sick stays home. If anything serious, go to the sick building (aka hospital) right away. Drink plenty of fluids. Include some daily activity.

The usual. Be sure to include below.

In bed by 11 am and keep your phone six feet away from your bed at night along with turning off the wifi. Doable, yes.

Why not share the proof that masks and physical distancing has worked? Because there aren’t any…proof, you needed a vaccine (an injection of chimp pus, poisonous preservatives and God knows what else.) At the end of the day, the pharma companies will not divulge what is in them…proprietary they say. Really now. If you want to put something directly into my bloodstream (which has it possibilities to infect and kill me with infection – sepsis) and it is proven to have known toxins like formaldehyde and aluminum, you better well tell me exactly what is in it. Governments should demand this or else do not buy them. I have been Manager, Purchasing and purchasing power is key (unless you are getting the tax kickbacks from the sale to the good people of Canada – tax monies).

Why not prevent illness with a thorough cleansing of our medical system?

Hey, I hear our Ontario government is doling out 6 million dollars to research cancer in the workplace.


Ontario Investing Over $6 Million to Prevent Work-related Cancers

Funding will support research by the Occupational Cancer Research Centre

November 26, 2021
Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

TORONTO – Ontario is investing more than $6 million to support research led by the Occupational Cancer Research Centre (OCRC) to identify the causes of workplace cancers, prevent them from occurring, and better support workers already impacted by occupational illness. This investment will help scientists identify and track occurrences of workplace cancer and exposure to harmful substances, research the causes of workplace cancer, and ultimately help improve the recognition of occupational illnesses in the province.

“Every workplace injury, illness, or fatality is preventable. While Ontario has one of the best health and safety records in the country, we are continuously striving to better protect our workers,” said Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development. “We’re proud to fund the Occupational Cancer Research Centre’s research in this critical area, which will support our mission to ensure every worker in Ontario comes home safe after a hard day’s work.”

“Our government is committed to protecting the health and well-being of all Ontarians,” said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “This important investment will help ensure the Occupational Cancer Research Centre has access to the resources they need to conduct research and protect Ontarians against work-related diseases and cancers.”

The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development’s increase in funding for the OCRC will significantly expand their research to ensure Ontario has the best available data and evidence when developing prevention and exposure-reduction strategies to improve workers’ health and safety. This data will also help the WSIB in its efforts to support injured workers and families impacted by work-related cancers and diseases.

Today’s announcement builds on the government’s work to protect workers from workplace injuries and illness through the five-year Prevention Works strategy. The strategy aims to help workplaces comply with and exceed workplace health and safety laws and standards to keep workers safe, focusing on occupational illnesses, employee mental health, workplace violence, and harassment.

“I want to thank Minister McNaughton for the substantial funding announced today, which will give us the funding we need to improve identification, tracking, and prevention of occupational illnesses in Ontario,” said Dr. Paul Demers, Director of the Occupational Cancer Research Centre. “This investment also gives us the resources to attract promising new researchers to this critical area and advance our understanding of occupational cancer risks and prevention strategies.”

Why not look at why this is not already a thing decades ago. Someone drop the ball on this.

‘protecting the health and well-being of all Ontarians’ – nice try government. If you did, you would know that people are on too many meds with serious side effects, one of which may affect their concentration. Ever heard of foggy brain? Lots of it going around. You would also know that caffeine (which is drunk by the litres in offices) is a neurotoxin and affects brain function and depletes the body of iron which is required by the blood for energy. You would also know that working indoors all day is not getting fresh air. You would also know that the majority of people are not pleased with their JOB and this would affect their work, and their life.

So am I to think this money is going towards prevention?

‘access to the resources’

‘ensure Ontario has the best available data and evidence’

‘the funding we need to improve identification, tracking, and prevention of occupational illnesses in Ontario’

Research is the big word here. First, the consultants will analyze what to research. Then compile data and build software/databases perhaps. Then, run out of money to apply any actual prevention other than in a presentation which states recommendations and at the end (like any research) “there is more research to be done.”

Yup, if you have read enough published research, you would learn that studies bring on theories and doubt and more research is needed, not conclusive. Aha…you wouldn’t get that from the title. The name of the research paper seems like it is a done deal.

Why not collect data on what the employee eats, what the employee does to keep in shape, and what hours the employee keeps for sleeping. By George, do they have any fun outside of home or is it a rat race from one week to the next?

Why not let me question the project leaders?

Why not question any of the stuff we are being told?

Two weeks lockdowns to curb the spread. Yeah right. Knew that was a joke.

Why not sit in silence for one hour and see what answers you have to some of the above questions?

For example, has it been proven mask and distancing work or is there only wishful thinking or an agenda to keep people in fear so they will get a passport…perhaps some AI technology just like in Star Trek? Anyone heard of the Borg? You really need to look up under the Canadian Government…making man part machine…the way of the future, they say, whether that is to prepare for war or war against some pus.

Remember, pus is nothing but dead material and stuff that has been said to be something to worry about.

Who is in control of your thinking? Your mom. Your job. Your news station. Your best friend. Your social media crowd. Your government. Your teachers.

What do you believe is happening?

Ran into a lady who works in the neighbourhood and she wasn’t aware that boosters would be part of qualifying for a passport.

Just got word…

A friend got a tearful phone call last week from a healthy 30-year old. Although she is hybrid and non-patient facing, her organization is forcing the booster on her. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do. She complied with the double vax to keep her job.

If you really believe that you have the right to tell someone to do something with their body, then can I tell you to do something too?

Let me know.

Enjoy your evening and your silence.



#26 New Reality Show? – CV Emails – November 30, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

Tomorrow is a longer day driving around the farms north of Guelph picking up eggs and chickens and cheese, so Thursday will be the next email.

Have you ever watched a reality show? They have been around for a spell [‘Survivor’ comes to mind] but you may have also heard that reality shows are not so off the cuff…a bit staged so I hear.

Staged eh?

Here is the new one I have just learned about:

Title: ‘Awakened’

Genre: Crime, Drama, Reality

Rated: For all alive to see

Actors: Various…everyone has their role to play

Location: Terra or Earth, Globally

Year: 2020 – 2023

Seasons: 1 – 3

Producers: the infamous ‘They’

Timing: 24 hours a day

Showing: Not on any network or in any cinema although they do highlight some of the global events/news and provide programming.

Description: Man becomes aware of what has been going on for millennia (slavery) but it is a journey to get the world sorted out and tap back into its pristine origins where there is only good health, happiness, creative forces for good, and peace. Some are keenly aware of the situation of control and domination, and need to stay strong with heartfelt compassion for those that continue to dance in the thick fog…dripping with fear and anxiety. Various factors at play to unwound this very day…broken economics, dirty politics, divisive religions, broken financial systems, corporate structure and dark capitalism, debt and sex slavery, mind control and programming, educational institutions, a medical system unworthy of Man, wars and the looming talk by governments wishing to make Man part machine (something out of Star Trek, The Borg). This is never to be seen. Out of the dense and mesmerizing fog, Man sees they have more mind power than all the super computers in the world, learns that transportation is not needed, knows the power to heal instantly, taps into free energy, feels the power of love to create a living earth and community, and remembers the power to create a beautiful eternal life.

Commercial Break

NOW…I took a break to watch this video that I was sent…right on the money. It supports the direction of today and logical thinking. This short interview highlights the desired future by the ‘They’ and it is our turn to let the reality show play out to what we imagine we want for the world (our home) …I have to assume that you do not wish for the future what is happening today.

Take the time to watch this short video. Learn. Respond.

Imagine a different future…one that is bright for everyone especially the children.

#itsnotthelaw #protectthevulnerable #conditioning #inthesystem #socialcreditsystem in China #climatedistractions #carboncredits #problemscreated #boostersforever #trackingall #centralbankdigitalcurrency #dystopian #changingthegoalposts #confusion #AIdarkside #ingestablewearableorinjectable #WEFForthIndustrialRevolution #medicalapparteid

#independence #plantmoretrees #simplesolutions #nomorecompliance #privacyforall #funplaylaugh #landforall #truenature #ManisGo(o)d #foryourbetterhealth

Try to understand…the problems of today were created by the ones (‘They’) that are offering the solutions and how they have the many people jumping up and down, screaming for the solutions like they are the only solutions BUT they are not. ‘They’ will make you think it is the best solution with the best science, experts, and knowledge, BUT it isn’t. A third grader could do better. Like a fiction book, this event mirrors mostly a fiction event. I am imagining the fog lifting and dissipating gradually into the clouds above us giving everyone a full view of what has been unfolding…for some people it will be unbelievable at first.

What do they say…follow the money. I will add…follow the logic.

Interesting. Data is the new ?. Energy is the new ?. (in video)

Children or no children, the future rests in the people’s hands. I am also optimistic…but it is a journey of imagining what you want. With a magnitude of greatness, we charge our dream/imagination. Sweet dreaming. A bright future is all around us waiting for us to call it forth.

Happy imagining.

To conclude, imagining is how the ‘They’ have operated…imagining what ‘They’ want for the future (riches and control to have more riches) BUT good trumps evil every time.

Enjoy your day your way.



#27 Experiments – CV Emails – December 2, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

How things have changed on one hand but yet there are similarities. Change is needed because far too many people have given way too much credit, too much power, over to authority figures – the guy/gal in the while coat.

The white coat syndrome is still prevalent today as it was in the 1900’s but hats off to the experiment participants that quit…they could not turn up the voltage knowing they were affecting a human in the next room (knob value said lethal amount.) In the other room unseen by the person turning the knob and getting instructions by a doctor in a white coat, an actor was screaming and such to make it real. But that was well under 50% of the participants. The majority didn’t want to turn up the knob but they did as they were told.

Are you familiar with MK Ultra…human experiments by intelligence agencies, such as CIA including the governments, the military, etc. Here in Canada too. I know a lady named Lois. She spoke to me about her mother who was in the Montreal experiment highlighted below. Her mother begged her family to take her out of there but were told it was for her own good (lies to experiment on, mind control):

Survivors Allied Against Government Abuse includes victims in brainwashing experiments in Montreal (May 21, 2018) [not all survived]


​“Survivors Allied Against Government Abuse (SAAGA), as the group calls itself, includes both victims and family members of people who were unwitting participants in brainwashing experiments conducted under the supervision of Dr. Ewen Cameron, director of the psychiatric hospital between 1943 and 1964.

Cameron, co-founder of the World Psychiatric Association [yikes] and president of various other psychiatric associations over his career, ran “depatterning” and “psychic driving” experiments [serious yikes] that attempted to erase a patient’s memories and reprogram them with new thoughts [hmmm…I hear some succeeded in the USA].

He tested experimental drugs like LSD and PCP, medically induced sleep for extended periods, and oversaw extreme forms of electroshock therapy and sensory deprivation. Many of his patient’s brains were then left damaged.”

CTV Link:

The not so funny part is our own government (Mr T) along with lawyers put out gag orders to keep it under wraps. Well it looks like the truth is coming out!! Bravo. How else are the positive changes going to surface? Compensation for all of the them…take it out of the drug money. Less drugs, more compensation monies. It may be hard for all the people who were trying to silence the brainwashing event BUT in the long run, it is better for all. To come clean, all to be seen.


Military Experiments on Their Soldiers?

It has been several years now since hearing about various professions from the military to ambulance drivers who have PTSD. What is this? I won’t dive into it other than spell it out post traumatic stress disorder. Can you image a 17 year old, straight out of high school, excited to be joining the army, happy to gain skills and a trade, is sitting in a plane going East for boot camp. He nods off during the plane ride only to be struck hard on the leg by one of the officers. You tell me…what is the purpose of showing this power? This person is now retired but shared with me his journey in and outside of the military. Did you know they are no longer civilians? Chained to command. He also told me of the abuse…let’s call it new recruit jail.

Another story was of a young soldier whose culture is against nutritional supplements or pills. He sent the pills home to get approval. The parents discovered that they were not vitamins. No, they were psych drugs. Whaaaaat? Hey, have you had a chance to find out how much money Health Canada and the good Cdn people pay for drugs/medicines year over year? How much of that is tax dollar money? How much taxes does the government get from the sale of drugs to our people/medical system?

Let me tell yet another story. My father was in the hospital after having a heart attack and had just undergone major open heart surgery. After the surgery, he wasn’t waking up so they tied him down (one week to detox and sleepy from all the meds) so I had plenty of time to speak with the nurses in the ICU. I knew my father was not use to medications and he was a smoker but obviously not able to smoke while sleeping/sleepy. SO, I ask the nurse what meds he was on and she named five…and some were added later. I asked her for the cholesterol numbers and such. He didn’t need to be on all of them so I ask them to take him off of two of them. NO WAY…you either let us give him all five which is the stated protocol or you take him home. He leaves a couple of days after he wakes up with a three page list of meds to get filled. NOW, I got in my car and made an appearance to scrutinize the list. There were two meds with no reason and no end date. In asking the pharmacist what they were, she told me they were psych drugs AND I said “don’t bother filling them.” I got approval from my stepmom who was there beside me. I asked why they would be giving them to him, and she said “he might have been agitated in the hospital.” Yeah…he was detoxing and just had major surgery but why continue? To step back, I remember chatting with a lovely nurse and she told me they took several weeks of training to be in the ICU and were able to prescribe psych drugs if needed.

Another Experiment

By now, I do hope that ALL Canadians know this mRNA injection is an experiment (besides being new). You might as well know that ALL medical treatment and injections were also experiments to begin with, and the number third reason for death in the US is medical treatment/prescription drugs. Less is more I say.

I read that this experiment is going on to 2023. I also heard that some people are getting the placebo while others think they are getting Moderna but they really are getting Pfizer. All are numbered/programmed into a database to see the result. First time ever, a number of deaths caused by a vaccine hasn’t stopped the vaccine program. Hmmmm?!

Could there be more to the story? Why are the number of deaths the same as the flu? Fear and EMFs could account for additional stress on the body. Imagine an elderly person is unable to have any visitors. Not a life. Suicides are up tenfold. Too many crazy movies written about the exact same thing (pandemics/end of the world) with crazy scary story lines and endings. Tele-a-vision programming…the movie kind. Don’t get me started on the zombies and video games.


People who experienced communism take-over and lived through it, will explain to you how it happens. In Hungary and after the collapse of communism, some people from Russia shared with the Hungarian people on how it was accomplished. …just creeps in over time. It is made out to sound good. Promises of certain positions (for your vote.)

Do you think some of the tele a vision programming and fear mongering media could be a part of some experiments? All the news stations parroting the same messages. BBB the Great Reset…and much more.

How Do We Know It Isn’t The Vaccines Killing People?

May I suggest we have to come at sudden deaths with the above question and not just dismiss it. After all, this is an experiment and myocarditis wasn’t initially on the adverse side (crime) effects lists.

My condolences to the family of Mr. Francis Perron of Quebec – yet another athlete dies after his football game:

Here is a long list that have the direct links to the stories of the number of athletes dying suddenly:

May you take a moment of silence for those succumbing to this experimental injection.

In that moment, think about the young children now being pressured to take this vaccine that doesn’t stop them from getting it (whatever it is), transmitting it (whatever it is and if there is really something to transmit – never seen the science on this), etc. WHY do these injections exist? Just to lessen the symptoms? And the young children are not likely to get it anyway? Stronger immune systems?

Enjoy your evening and moments of silence for those giving up their lives young and old for the experiment…perhaps Bill Gates is correct when he says, 20% of the population will die from the vaccines. I listened to him and this actually come out of his mouth. Unbelievable but true. Makes you think. What do you think?

Until another day.



Not a Lab Rat

#28 Loud and Clear – CV Emails – December 6, 2021

Dear fellow Canadians,

Hope you enjoy a wonderful long weekend and that everyone is enjoying the holiday season with plenty of joy and hugs.

Some unfortunate news on the front of young children getting the injection:

A death (VAERS I.D. link 1890705) occurred in a 5-year-old girl who died four days after receiving her first dose of Pfizer. Source Link

What is on the plate today:

  1. Loudspeakers are necessary?


  1. Transparency sounds simple?


  1. Political Leaders speak about what?


  1. What may have happened to Barry and Honey Sherman?


1. Loudspeakers Tell the People What to Do

Loudspeakers were put up in a central of area of towns – Netherlands and Ireland. People have taken videos of loudspeakers blasting out information about wearing masks and distancing to prevent the virus from spreading.

Short video:

Sounds like something that would happen in WWII. What is the purpose of doing this?

Why would a country feel the need to blast out messages every 15 minutes 24 hours a day? Is it because many people are tuning out the mainstream news? Seems like hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the streets around the world. I would like to know what is going on.

As a healthcare practitioner, it is unhealthy to have messages being repeated constantly because they would be picked up in our subconscious as true reality. It is best to have your wits about you – critical thinking and common sense.

2. Important Documents to See Clearly

If someone was wanting to shut down the country, wouldn’t you want to see the information? What would they be exempt from telling you?

If someone was wanting to inject people with an experimental drug/treatment, wouldn’t you want to know all there is about the agreement, the experiment, the ingredients considering to date hundreds of thousands of been injured and thousands of deaths? Now it includes a five-year-old girl.

Listen to this very carefully…it may just spark several sleepy neurons.

EU Parliament

So it is true, FDA has to disclose documents around the EUA and the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine BUT and there is a big but. They are given plenty of time to do so but redacted which means blacking out what they feel is not required. I say give it to us all…what do they have to hide?

“The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked a federal judge on Nov. 15 to give it until the year 2076 to fully release the documents in its possession tied to the approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

“The FDA’s request was made in a filing as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by a medical transparency group. The government told the court it has 329,000 pages of documents responsive to the FOIA request and proposed releasing 500 pages per month to allow for redactions of exempt material. At that rate, the FDA would fully release the records in question in just under 55 years.”

3. Political Leaders Speak Clear

Two weeks to curb the spread to now…what is working? What is not working? What is this really about?

Take a deep breath. The death of young children from this new experimental injection is going to be hard on the people close to her and those that have to make decisions. It is a child’s life. Please take the time to listen to these two fellow Canadians and their researched facts. At any time, one can be open to listen.

Ontario Legislation MPP Nicolls

MPP York Baber

4. Barry and Honey Sherman

Most people have heard about the murders of pharmaceutical giant Barry Sherman and his wife Honey. The courts and family have been dead set on figuring it out. Justice they want. Who knew it could have been tied to this current state of affairs and politics and health (which seem to be tied to politics.)

Supreme Court of Canada Justice implicated the UN and WHO in the targeted murders of Barry & Honey Sherman

To implicate United Nations and the World Health Organization is big…then you have to question their motives to bring out covid in this world without getting evidence from China, using a test that can have a high degree of inadequacy and wasn’t designed to determine viruses (PCR), and using a faulty model to determine the future for their many members and leaders (includes Canada and Trudeau.)

Just listen to all the writing on the wall…doesn’t it make you question?

Wishing everyone a wonderful evening. Until tomorrow.



Truth Seeker

#29 FREE… CV Emails – December 7, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

Starting to believe that globalization wasn’t the grandest thing in many areas…it opened countries up to more dark capitalism and to what the GEF wants. Somehow, wealth, finances and economics played the biggest roles and it took over people’s minds (greed and fame) and people began looking for the cheaper ways, the cheaper raw materials, and in so doing people lost sight of quality and the freedom from acquiring so much material stuff they don’t really need.

Quality is one of those words I just adore and I will go out my way to buy and to support local good quality products and merchandise. Free stands for a lot of things but it doesn’t include forcing people to take an experimental medical treatment when they do not wish to whether that is to work or even to travel. Would also like to include the relatives of some people who are forcing their parents and grandparents to take it or else…no see your grandkids. Hmmm…free to choose wasn’t on the menu.


Free speech

Free will

Land of the Free

Free to be you

Free thinking

Free to choose

Definition of Free…so if I am free which I understand to be true then I will do as I wish where I harm no one (let’s not debate stopping at red light scenarios.)

What I really want is “we are freed from this event, the BBB agenda, the medical over reach, and Maritime Admiralty Law (if it is a thing.)”




  • able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another:  “I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free”
  • not or no longer confined or imprisoned: “the researchers set the birds free”


  • without cost or payment:  “ladies were admitted free”
  • with the sheets eased: “I kept her off the wind and sailing free until I had all square forward”


  • release from confinement or slavery:  “they were freed from jail”
  • remove something undesirable or restrictive from:  “his inheritance freed him from financial constraints”

Here is the thing. We are a people who believe we are in the land of the free (but still with rules and regulations, laws and such) but during this event, why did we lockdown the healthy people without their approval when science was not presented or in fact not available (China didn’t give up any info and still to this day they haven’t done so – WHO)?

Dr. Laura Braden, An Immunologist and Scientist from PEI, Canada shares in a short video:

“We demand a scientific debate.”

Why would CBC interview her then not air this opinion? Have we taken away the freedom to ask questions and to question?

“This is a bad flu.”

“Children are the least affected.”

“Show us the evidence.”

Any time I watch the news, it seems like free speech is not happening at a level playing field. The media who depends on government support and donations has their hands tied. They are not free to report honestly and impeccably the different sides. These days, the reporters look more like robots and sound like parrots.

Because we have free speech, I am going to use it here and should the opportunity arise regardless of the news media, I will share impeccably. I have heard from marketing gurus and they say the best way to share is word of mouth.


This video was put together well with a host of information about freedoms and begs a lot of questions. I have parked pieces of information on this topic throughout the years and was wondering if you could confirm if this is true or not. If not, why does our name present itself in capitals? Elaborate on all that it shares. And if Canada can provide me with my freedom papers that would be just wonderful.

You are free to watch this video more than once…for most people, there is a lot of new info to digest.

John D. Rockefeller in the 1800s used his free speech in the video below, and was free to be him to share what the world was/is going to experience. Following up. Have you looked into how many meds are being used in Canada? It would be good to know the costs as well. (3 minute video)

Have you the freedom to listen and discern?

In essence, is the time coming to make the changes needed to bring forth our freedoms once more?

I look forward to hearing your opinions on any of the videos.

Free to be me as you are free to be you.

Freely enjoy your evening.



Advocate for Freedoms

For All Man

#30  Let’s crack on! – CV Emails – December 8, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

Psst…I firmly believe that the big pharma companies are pulling the wool over our eyes.

They are not making enough money with the usual drugs [users are dying off quickly] so ongoing vaccines/injections/treatments for whatever reason is the new money-making jackpot. They got the WHO and the UN and the Chinese involved. The elites are the major shareholders so this would be great for them too or perhaps they got it started. In the 1800s, John Rockefeller said something about keeping people sick. We will tell them we can cure/help them and feed them more toxic medicines to make them even sicker…they will need more meds and we will make money and more money. They won’t catch on because they will believe everything the so called experts tell them and we will keep feeding them information that we are here to help.

When we think of humans, we absolutely know we are not an insect, not a reptilian, not even a plant.

It just so happens I deal in omega 3s and the molecules and even energy signatures are different from a mammal to a fish to a plant. Very different than a plant.

Now we know that these current injections are using chimpanzees. So tell me, how is that the forth vaccine for COVID-19 is plant based?

One participant shares…”I thought if this is going to save lives and help overcome disease down the line, let’s crack on! I’m happy to do my part. I wanted to do anything that could help get us back to normal.”

Source: [short article]

Back to normal hasn’t been a thing for almost two years now. What is she going to expect? What people tell her.

First of all, we all know that people are not dying from covid (not even isolated) but of other things especially co-morbidities (meaning they are going to die anyway.)

Second of all, people die in the thousands by country every year but yet hearing the death numbers regularly is foreign to people and they have no benchmark. It is throwing people for a loop hearing numbers of cases.

Thirdly, South Africa has come out and said Omnicron is mild and hospitals have been filmed with NO ONE in the them. No kids are dying there. Things do not add up. Can you politicians have someone check it out for yourself? Perhaps, it is high time we don’t take other people’s words to heart. They could be lying.

Here is something humourous…omnicron = moronic if you change the letters around. A coincidence? Maybe the infamous They are making fun of people because they can.

Agreements must have changed…Agreement between the Dekis and Queen Victoria, The Year 1665 on the Bargain 1835

Feels similar to right now…the agreements change, the goal posts get moved, and rights are being taken away. The politicians are suppose to work for us. The police is suppose to stand up for the good people. But things have changed. But why?

Have you good people any more information? Since the major players of our country are listed on this email, you must have some idea of what is going on?

Here is what I propose.

Everyone in Canada stops taking the injections, including the flu. They stop all medications (there will be a few exceptions.) We go about our business. We don’t sign any agreements with the pharmaceutical companies…keep putting it off for another day.

Let’s see what happens then.

Happy New Year! January 2022 is no compliance month and get into shape month. No masks. No distancing. No passports. The only thing that spreads is the word.

This way everyone can just enjoy the fresh air, the space, the community, the silence, and the hugs.

Other Recommendations

Everyone drinks plenty of liquids, stop playing with video games so back to board games, bed early and rise early, leave the phone 6 feet away from you and turned off at night, turn wifi off every night before bed, leave window open a crack for the night, air out the home every morning for 10 minutes, jump out of bed every morning excited to begin the day, walk 30-45 minutes every day, some form of stretching every day for 10 minutes, give up any caffeine (most doctors and even the Cancer Society on getting a mammogram says to stop it), give up smoking if possible as it is only a month, give up alcohols, stop all cleaning products except using baking soda or vinegar or laundry bar soap where needed (there are things now where you need not use any products), give up body wash for natural soap, leave the makeup and deodorant in the drawer, avoid body creams that aren’t 100% natural, dry brush the skin weekly, turn down the temperature in the shower so as not to wash off the natural oils, stop snacking, stop watching any mainstream TV/movies/news, spend time in nature every day, if you live in a city go into nature once every two weeks for a break, leave all vegetable oils such as Canola and Soybean oil in the cupboards and replace with olive oil and/or butter, eat one fruit every morning preferrable an apple or peach or apricot (local fruits), chew your food until it is liquid and if a liquid chew your liquid for better digestion – water is an exception, smile regularly, laugh often, hug yourself, if you gotta go GO – do not hold it in, breath deeply regularly and as often as you think about it, breath in pause breath out pause…feel the body parts including the anus and jaw relax, worry less, clean up any clutter, fix anything that needs to be fix, wash out the garbage can, and you figure out what needs to be added. I trust you understand all that has been shared and if you need any clarification, just ask. There is always more about what you put on your body or in your body or in your head.

Cancer Society – eliminate caffeine in preparation for a mammogram. I wonder why. In many old books, the doctors said the same only they always added to keep off of caffeine for several more months after feeling better. Hmmm…all these coffee shops. All the coffee people drink daily. Hmmm…I wonder.

  • Avoid drinks and food that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, cola and chocolate, for 5–7 days before mammography.


Tip for the ladies and people who have ladies in their lives: read all the information on mammograms and even then you need to look deep to see the adverse effects. I have never had a mammogram and do not plan on it. I would first recommend a thermography test. Address lifestyle changes that would prevent all diseases or imbalances.

Cancer = mutated cells

Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Remember…January 2022 is about sending a message to the ones who need it the most.

Warmest regards,


Seeker of Truths

Emails #31-40 LINK