Imagine it is Halloween night 2021 (it truly is today, Sunday, October 31, 2021.) The Martha Stewart Halloween CD blares out a speaker from the front window…howling dogs and cackling witches fully equipped with rattling chains and squeaky doors. The leaf filled lawn has been adorned with gravestones and bones while the carved pumpkins sit upon the porch bathed in fog. Candy anyone! Trick or treat! Take off your mask for a moment. From the fun for people small to big, let’s venture to blend such an occasion with the reality of the covid event and its covid health solutions – plain colourful well-being decorated with love and joy using all your creativity.
You will notice no capital letters with covid, and the health solutions include bright topics such as nutrition, eating habits, lifestyle habits and our BOOtiful mind.
A scary thought indeed to be affected by disease in a way it changes your life and that of your loved ones…but isn’t that the journey, the lessons, the experience? You could ask if your body and soul are done. You could ask questions. What are the lessons? Is there really seven stages of dis-ease? Where are you not at ease? Let the detective work escape from its jail – out of the bag.
A mile away the bell tolls and you hear it faintly but it calls you to look inside the haunted mansion of information. What is real, true and honest? One must discern. You have some knowledge from your experiences and the knowledge you believe in so why is cancer still estimated to rise in the decades coming, and the doctors hand out drugs like candy especially to the elderly? There is a little louder noise in your head telling you to eat the candy but you decline, for now, thinking there is another path, another road.
It is only one piece of candy…that may lead to others or not, a whole box of ice cream bars in front of the cottage where kids play near the lake, a sucker or two or three, and yet another day french fries appear and every day a mega cup of coffee (a morning brew stirred with sticks,) and how does the potato chips end up in the bag?
Perhaps you do not know any better? Is it your wish to feel better? Do you have hope? Desire? A BOOtiful life is different for every one but some things are foundational and simply hidden in the closet for you to find when it is your choice.
Get Out of the Closet
The night detects eerie sounds yet there is a stillness, a quiet because the dark hides all to see.
Time to shine the spot light, let the sunshine in…perhaps on the obvious clutter or a locked away package in the corner of the dark closet (subconscious.) Hidden out of sight under a pile of clothes…perhaps no one knows but you. Out of the closet the goblins appear. Not so scary if you look them straight in the eye but for a moment there you thought you were going to die. One by one they say good-bye. Not another sound, off they bound and gone for good as they should. First, the closet needs cleaning, then some fresh air. The mind likes the wide open spaces in nature.
Let the Body Speak
The body speaks to you whether we have the ears for it or not. Listen. The word vulnerable comes to mind as a label only. It is what we call people who have a chronic condition and it is said they can catch something easily, perhaps in the hospital, some contaminated tool. These conditions that make people vulnerable include allergies, cancer treatment, trauma both physical and mental, much stress, depressed, a heart condition, chronic inflammation in the lungs or liver, kidney disease, or diabetes.
Laughter is Good Medicine
If only it was so easy to laugh it off. Laughing your head off isn’t quite the laughable phrase once you learn its true meaning.
Here we are, right here and now. The light is dimmer but the mind is clear.
I truly want to help…bring light to some things you may have left in the closet stored for a rainy day. Perhaps this information is not shared enough because there is no money to be made. Oh how Halloween has evolved from tricking to treating with candies. Great for the dentists and for the candy manufacturers and stores.
Covid Health Solutions
Let’s help each other…HUGS please. Without another thought, give yourself a hug if no one blesses your company at this time. You are loved, not alone. You are not in this covid event by yourself. A ghost appears but with a friendly smile. A fruit fly crosses the computer screen – a creature that seems to have the same amount of protein sequences as we do. All is well.
So far you have gathered the following bolded solutions for your better health:
1 Creativity
Creativity covers a vast landscape with ideas of your own choosing from cooking to drawing, from writing to building, from decorating to travel plans.
2 Mind
This covers such topics as attitude, our thoughts, connections, and our direction. One simple solution is to be in gratitude for all that is in your world. The mind-body connection is a real as the pointy hat on your head, and only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to releasing shite from your closet (your mind.)
3 Stillness
Stillness dives into an area that requires practice. Stillness not only of the body but also of the mind. Creativity is birthed out of stillness. Take pause several times a day. Change an activity, pause. Just before you turn your key in the lock, pause. Before you dig into your meal, pause. Every time you speak and answer, pause. Meditation may or may not be your thing, and it doesn’t have to be when practicing stillness. Pause your body. Pause your mind, your thoughts.
4 Sunshine
Let the sunshine in, welcome it with a grin. The direct or indirect sunbeams will find you in any daylight. Close your eyes, smile and face towards the light.
5 Fresh Air
Breath in the fresh air as much as possible even it means a short break from whatever you are doing. Venture to the window and open wide. Open a door and step outside. First thing every morning for about ten minutes, open some windows in all weather conditions and let the fresh air in. Fluff your pillow and air out your sheets. Shake out the rug. One deep full breath, breath in, pause, breath out, pause. Repeat several times throughout the day…stepping outside or near an open window.
6 Nature
Say hello nature! Nature is unconditional, forgiving and just does what it does with grace and ease. It can teach us so much with just using our limited senses, and it listen to us with full awareness. Ever talk to a plant? Hug a tree? Sit near the ocean? Climb a mountain? Play in the sea? Hike a trail? Pick up a mushroom? Grow a garden? Spend time in nature looking around or close your eyes and listen – a park, a ravine, a trail, a forest. Find the spots near you.
7 Listen
Ssshhh, is that a monster or your heartbeat. Where the pulse is found there is no other sound. Beyond the beat, listen to your body. Are you tired, then take a rest. Relax. Are you overwhelmed, take a break and a walk. Anxious? In pain? Nervous? Are you sad? Is there a clicking sound in a joint? Are your shoulders stiff? Does our lower back ache? Is your balance not what it use to be?
There is a reason for it all, and one you may simply understand and address. While doctors of the past, motivated their townsfolk/patients to pay attention and know enough of what to do when this or that happens, today, we do it another way handing over our well-being to a so called doctor that doesn’t learn beyond a week of nutrition and the likes of anything wholistic – not all doctors/practitioners are the same. There is a time where reaching out for guidance helps you to learn more or if you listen to your gut, you can tune in to the station of your health radio.
8 Laugh
Laughter is great medicine and much wisdom in such a simple task. I recently watched ISMO from Finland…he made people laugh while they learned about all of the English language uses for ‘ass’ and ‘shit.’ From “that is good shit” to “shit, I missed out.” Declare right here…you are not missing out but only have yet to discover new things unless of course, you have forgotten many times (so work on that and for what reason.) Well, no time like the present to remember and to hop on that well-being train. Laugh out loud or laugh inside…matters on the location and who is around. Laugh at yourself or laugh at things that remind you of yourself. Days gone by! You cannot change a damn thing about what has happened in the past but you can right now.

“If not a hug, how about a kiss” shares the Highland coo.
9 Hugs
On my mother’s grave (oh still here). On my father’s grave (right, he is still alive). OK. On my dog’s grave, I solemnly swear that hugging is a daily activity where your social points (if they existed) go up…up the tallest mountain, into the clouds and beyond the stars. What about those brief hugs? Yes, take a pause for several seconds with every hug unless there is a good reason for not doing so like it is your best friend’s wife or the like. Come on. That’s funny. Happy hugging where every day is officially hug day. With sincerity, gentleness and gratitude.
More Covid Health Solutions
One might have thought a list of supplements is what the universe would have ordered but nah, the universe is smarter than it looks.
One thing is for sure and it includes how you feel. If you want a list of supplements to feel better, then let’s do it. What would a blog about covid health solutions be like if it didn’t have some whole food supplements. The reason being is our food in the grocery stores have come a long way to be convenient, easy to prepare and a longer shelf life. Do you pick your food from your garden for your meal? How many of you go outside and kill a chicken for your supper? Do you collect your eggs from the hens for the breakfast fare? Hmmm…I thought so. No worries, I am in the same boat some of the time. Nature provides in many ways and I am learning more about this while foraging wild foods and tending a community garden.
Your Food Choices
There is much about what supplements to take and their protocols on the web for covid health solutions. First, if you can write out what you eat – a food journal – for a week then sit down and peruse it. Ask yourself if your diet is not so good, so so, good, or great. Your essential nutrients should ideally come from your food where it contains a blend of water, fiber and all of the things that are needed for the nutrients’ proper digestion and absorption. All are present (the gift of nature, natural whole raw ripe fresh foods.)
Let’s assume you are a good eater…whatever that means. Shall we review it together?
Should you get sick, that is a sign you are vulnerable or out of balance or needing more harmony. This would tell me that what you are doing is still not enough or stress is using up precious nutrients.

Tip toe through the dandies!
Give yourself permission to explore quality supplements. Only the best for you and if you cannot afford everything, start with the ones on the top of the list.
1 Proteins
If you find yourself eating fast food, sugary/convenience foods such as muffins (carbs), and unhealthy snacks, then a high quality and bioavailable protein shake will replace a meal or two – not only for overweight or athletic people. Undenatured whey protein is said to boost your immune system 500% over the vegetarian ones. Like and like. Chew your liquid for better digestion.
2 Carbs
Vegetables are carbs (carbohydrates) too. Veggies drop into two key categories – greens and everything else. Eat one green and one other and once you have that habit down, increase by one serving every week until you are up to 4-5 servings. It is amazing how one can get a veggie in every morning. Greens powders are available and ones that contain a full range of vegetables and fruits. You may already have your favourites, and I am happy to recommend some. Do the best you can with what is available to you. Drink your veggies by chewing well.
3 Fats
Fats/lipids/fatty acids fall into three categories, saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (PUFA). Both saturated and monounsaturated can be easily consumed with your food but some do take in supplement forms or amounts like a tablespoon of olive oil/pumpkinseed oil a day. There are two PUFAs that are essential and we know them as omega-3 and omega-6. Both are not produced by our bodies so we need them in our foods. There are a handful of reasons why people do not get enough of the omega-3s and omega-6s…it may be how they are absorbed by the body. The plant form doesn’t absorb well, especially if there is a condition/dysfunctioning digestive system.
Most people are consuming oils that are refined, bleached and deodorized which includes plant, fish and mammalian. A good source for our infants is breast milk. According to a survey I conducted, most people believe they get enough omegas in their foods. If they only knew, most foods they eat require cooking or they cook them so they destroy the delicate omega-3. With all the inflammation and rise in health conditions, we need more of these essential fatty acids. With the increase amount of stress, we use up more of them too. I highly recommend eating a variety of good quality fats like olive oil, nuts, seeds, coconut oil (if you can tolerate it), and fatty veggies like avocado. You choose what you like and consume that within the week.
For a supplement, I recommend a raw mammalian source of omega-3 and omega-6 1:1 balance. Auum Omega 3s is the one I have been taking and recommending for over 13 years because it absorbs under your tongue and includes good quality vitamin D and vitamin A. Take 1/2 tsp 2-3x per day and inquire about therapeutic doses. Published research where nerves grew back in the eye – unheard of in the medical neuropathy community.
4 Vitamin D3

Let the sunshine in!
Vitamin D3 is sunshine in a bottle and should never replace the sun on your skin/face. When buying Vitamin D3, buy it in an oil form. Take 5,000 IU per day and therapeutic doses are available for those people with SADs or cancer. To get the best out of the sun, minimize washing with soaps every day on those parts of your body exposed to the sunshine. For more information, read this blog.
5 Vitamin C
Take 1,000 mg per day increasing it (1,000 mg per week) to bowel tolerance (loose stools) then decrease slightly and carry on with that amount. If that amount is higher than 2,000+ mg per day, please note that it is not recommended to quit all at once but to decrease over time – the experience left me getting sick. Quality matters. Some prefer ester C while others prefer in a powder. Explore and ask questions. I consume my vitamin C as a fruit blend powder in water along with fresh fruits.
6 Magnesium
Magnesium is a must supplement but amounts will vary for individuals. The recommended amount is usually 500 mg per day. I take mine as a powder and add hot water. There is also magnesium to bowel tolerance as well and recommended when needed. Take a chill pill and relax the muscles throughout the body and this will help to lower the amount of magnesium required.
7 Zinc
Zinc is helpful for the immune system and more. Take 100 mg/day. I take mine in a liquid spray along with bovine colostrum which also supports the immune system like the undenatured whey protein but more absorbable. This is what my 80 year old parents take.
8 Quercetin
Quercetin as a supplement take 1,000 mg per day or make it yourself using the peels of citrus fruits simmering in water (natural hydroxychloroquine) and drink 1-2 tablespoons per day or follow the recipe and protocol. Consider consuming foods rich in quercetin which is in the skins of fruits and veggies such as apples, onions, kale, blueberries, broccoli to name a few. When you think quercetin, think skins and rinds.
9 Selenium
Take 200 mcg per day. One could get selenium by consuming a variety of selenium rich foods such as brazil nuts (consume 1-2 nuts per day) or any combination of brazil nuts, beef, poultry, eggs, dairy, mushrooms, sunflower seeds and spinach to name a few good ones.
10 Vitamin B Complex
Depending on the supplement brand and form, take as recommended. I take as a tonic (liquid) 1-2 oz per day but some clients have taken up to 4 oz per day depending on their stress levels.
Additional Health Solutions
Such things as trace minerals is also helpful in dealing with covid health solutions and for my calcium (the most abundant mineral in our body), I take my homemade finely powdered egg shells in my protein shakes or sprinkled on my food. A good balanced diet and lifestyle is the name of the game. Right here right now you require some guidance on what is easier for you to put into place…understandable.
You may be familiar with Ivermectin and the fact that drugs have come from nature. Apparently Ivermectin is hard to get your hands on and orders shipped outside of your country do not arrive…stopped at the border. Well, good news. The natural ingredient that Ivermectin mimicked (or based off of) can be obtained from wormwood but caution is highly recommended and perhaps a practitioner to do your due diligence. Some of you are well versed in health and healing plants.
Remember all of these supplements and suggestions are covid health solutions for those that got/get sick either with covid/colds/flus or wish to prevent getting them. You are unique and require a full body picture to understand your needs and likes. Some of the above is foundational and can be used as part of any food regime as a natural way of living. My book All Guts All Glory: Discover the Root Causes of Disease covers a lot of simple and logical healthy suggestions beyond these covid health solutions but in today’s world, health has become complicated and lots of information (not always connecting the dots in the big picture.) If one could do the simple things first then they could deal with what is left over, if anything. None of the above replaces your medications. A deeper understanding of your needs and requirements is to be taken into account.
Keep It Simple
There are no magic bullets/pills. Once your true nature is understood, it is freedom to grow and to just be, to be you and to be well.
To learn more about any of the above, please contact me or consider attending the four hour interactive presentation ‘Awakening You’…reinforcing the understandings of our body, our mind and connecting the two along with simple solutions and exercises.
Where there is a will there is a way with these covid health solutions. Keep on going.
Enjoy your day your way!
Best of health,
‘Live at Five Mondays’ on Facebook or Recordings on YouTube.