Welcome to Covid Event Emails
How an idea to do so came to be…this will have to stay a mystery. Sometimes things just pop in and you just go with the flow. This is how I began sending emails to leaders such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Premier Doug Ford, Mayor of Toronto John Tory, and others including the Chief of Police, MPP, MP, Principle of a high school, and a school board trustee. And let’s include several witnesses of which some recommended I post them so others can witness them too.
Due to time, I don’t always triple-read these Covid Event Emails. Enjoy as you wish and feel free to comment.
It all began on Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Emails #11-20 LINK https://cherylmillett.com/cv-emails-11-20/
Emails #21-30 LINK https://cherylmillett.com/cv-emails-21-30/
Emails #31-40 LINK https://cherylmillett.com/cv-emails-31-40/
Emails #41-50 LINK https://cherylmillett.com/cv-emails-41-50/
Emails #51-… LINK
October 19, 2021 #1 In the beginning there were masks…the CV Event
Good day fellow Canadians,
The purpose of this email and the ones to follow, is to ask you questions, to share information with you, and hopefully to receive some feedback/responses from you.
The emails and above are directed to: Prime Minister Trudeau, Premier Doug Ford, and Mayor John Tory.
The Chief of Toronto Police, a Principle, a MP, a school trustee and several others are witnesses and hopefully curious as well.
Why all of you good people? Because you are the ones speaking, the ones calling the shots, the ones that say one thing but do another thing, the ones that don’t say enough, and the ones that should be held accountable for your actions.
As a citizen, I am sharing information because things do not make sense to me unless you add a dash of crazy activity into the mix with a splash of illogical thinking. What I share are things that I researched myself and had direct contact with certain individuals. I questioned many people and engaged in many conversations while roaming the city. This information is not about mainstream media nor social media.
It is my nature to play but in all of this, there are real questions.
Seek to understand.
First, let me express my understanding of science. It is made up and we are all observers hence all scientists. Theories are abundant in Science. Check out well known Physicist Richard Feynman and his book “Six Easy Pieces” page 24. Over the years, the students I spoke with could not grasp what he was trying to convey. Easy as eating apple pie but if you are into science then it would really tug at your mind.
Quote from his book, page 24: What do we mean by “understanding” something? We can imagine that this complicated array of moving things which constitutes “the world” is something like a chess game being played by the gods, and we are observers of the game. We do not know what the rules of the game are; all we are allowed to do is to watch the playing. Of course, if we watch long enough, we may eventually catch on to a few of the rules. The rules of the game are what we mean by fundamental physics. Even if we knew every rule, however, we might not be able to understand why a particular move is made in the game, merely because it is too complicated and our minds are limited. If you play chess you must know that it is easy to learn all the rules, and yet it is often very hard to select the best move or to understand why a player moves as he does. So it is in nature, only much more so; but we may be able at least to find all the rules. Actually, we do not have all the rules now.
You can grasp what Feynman writes by understanding this…we have no cure for the common cold and for cancer, and the Diabetes Association has negative confidence that their research will lower rates of diabetes in the world. They only project increases around the world in the coming decades.
Darwin’s theory of evolution has been debunked but yet a lot of people I have asked haven’t gotten that memo yet but yet my daughter learned all about it in high school this year. How do you feel about science now?
Go read page 39.
My first question is do the masks really work or do they have another purpose?
Why this question? Because when I look around, I see something wrong with this picture. Healthy people do not need to wear masks especially outdoors – where it is said you cannot catch CV. The added observation was some had fear in their eyes. In fact, if you look up doctors wearing surgical masks, in the research it was clearly shown not to make a difference decades ago but they continued wearing them anyway.
For over 12 years, I was the Business Co-Chair for the Joint Health and Safety Committee for one of the largest retailers/food processors in Canada. Let me tell you there are legit reasons to wear masks but this is not one of them for all the additional research I have done. A hazmat suit for the serious stuff.
The crazy thing is people were wearing them for hours at a time and afraid to touch them from the moment they left home to the time they returned (Canada Post worker share.) I would think this would affect the quality and quantity of the air getting into their lungs and eliminating the waste air. Not to mention that the typical blue mask has toxic chemicals in it. Most concerned about this. I get why the mask has to have chemicals because you don’t want the moths to eat it nor any mold to grown on it.
Back to how people feel they need the mask or they could die. That just sounds offside that a person would feel this way which will lead me to talk about other things in future emails.
People have fainted wearing them and one such lady incurred a serious head injury because of it. When listening to her, she was all for wearing them until she got injured. So is our government responsible for such outcomes? I believe I know that answer to that question but I would like to add that you should be responsible and provide compensation.
I will announce that I have not worn a mask once in or out of stores from the very beginning. I had questions that people were not able to answer. There is no mask on standby in my purse either. Why? Because I don’t need to wear one. I am healthy and not spreading anything. And guess what, I haven’t gotten sick either. I have no fear nor should I. The stores have been OK with me walking about except one that I won’t mention but their loss. Most likely they don’t give it another thought…who am I when there are many people willing to wear them. C’est la vie. I don’t give it much thought either.
In walking about Toronto, I can tell you that the new litter is the mask. Perhaps more than cigarette butts. I have many pictures if you want to see them.
The bigger question is why this event? All in good time and for another email…many topics to bring up with many days, weeks, and months ahead of us.
Curious Cheryl
Toronto, Canada
P.S. My grade 8 English teacher told me to keep things short…he had many essays to read when mine was 19 pages long. I understood.

Tip toe through the dandies!
October 20, 2021 #2 Keep your distance…Covid Event Emails
Dear fellow Canadians,
One of the things that keeps people sane is being around people and especially hugs when needed. Hugs are needed most when people need comforting. Don’t you agree?
From the beginning, there came these two words ‘social distancing.’ Well, not quite correct is it. When you put a measurement of distance between people, it would be best said as physical distancing.
Why did you not use ‘physical distancing’ over social distancing? Use our own heads to figure this one out.
From the get go, I would correct people by saying it should be physical distancing and not social distancing. Started seeing some changes here and there. When institutions sent out emails, I would reply saying it should be physical distancing not social distancing. Let’s think of people’s mental health! Use of language is important especially if you are not thinking for yourself.
Think of others.
Now if science mattered, this got very confusing when it came to what was the best distance to use. Not all countries could come together on this one and at times, the distance changed.
Why does one country have one meter and yet another has two meters? How were the numbers derived? (I like reading research and finding out how things came to be…like how many cells we have in our body is only a mathematical guess.)
Even the W.H.O. had only one meter. Why didn’t Canada have the same? Wouldn’t it be better to be consistent?
The funniest thing was many people didn’t know how to gage six feet or two meters. When walking about, people would go halfway across the road or up a driveway so more like 10-15 feet away. Funny how people think more is better. Just goes to show you how people became very fearful of getting CV.
What was strange about it was the Toronto Public Health said you cannot get CV outside anyway. In asking dozens of people about this, people had no idea. I told them to contact TPH or read their website if you don’t believe me. TPH said it takes an infected person to be inside a room for a period of time in order to possibly infect someone else. Don’t get me started on asymptomatic just yet!
I heard the craziest story last month…a lady was in a car and yelled out the window to the car beside her to say “you are too close.” Oh my, almost split open my stitches when I heard this.
What stitches?
So, here we are and some are minding their distance while others are not. Good thing for no spots on all of the sideways. I might have to start playing hopscotch with the kids in the neighbourhood. Where’s the chalk?
Here’s hoping you can help me understand why six feet.
Happy to add others to these emails perhaps some medical people. You know some of the ones that are advising you to do this or that.
Until the next email.
Enjoy your day your way.
October 21, 2021 #3 Lockdowns have another purpose? … Covid Event Emails
Good day fellow Canadians,
Some are just being added to the email list. Welcome!
This is a long one because we are talking about the basis of this event and about a topic that is dear to my heart, health. Includes the germ theory and a deeper understanding but yet simple.
I want to take a leap by saying we keep healthy people active and going about their businesses and business as usual when there is a flu going around. Because the current numbers are similar to any flu or the like, I question that people/leaders are not questioning but just believing what they hear.
If someone is not feeling well, there should be a check-up of sorts to see what is going on and why, not just stay home.
Why? Because people who get sick have a good reason. Some reasons to mention are stress, a lot on their plate both doings and food/drink, traumas, and such.
Isn’t it true that a good majority of people do not like their job? That is a stress. Some commute hours a day in rush hour.
When I first heard the word lockdown, I questioned.
Why a lockdown?
First of all, China didn’t give up any information and oh my, another thing out of China. How does an organization have so much pull in the world? Who is W.H.O.? If they were smart, they would have demanded more information and an investigation before dictating such action based on a theory that germs kill us and a model to determine this is to be called a pandemic that I didn’t have access to (model). Would have loved to see how they figured out that one. Did I say Math was my best subject then art?
Can I still get the model used? Did someone in the Canadian government get a copy of it, read it, and analyzed it?
Oh my, why would countries just lay down and agree?
Oh yes, the virus that supposedly was killing people in China. I think an autopsy with hazmat suits would have been in order with witnesses of different countries. Oh yes, wouldn’t want to jeopardize people’s health. I have not found any evidence there is an isolated virus nor do the numbers add up.
Health Canada wrote on their website that the death numbers where increased by 50% due to a small study in Europe that not all CV deaths were being captured. How can that be when there is a death certificate and everyone was being labelled with CV? Unfortunately, I could not find the study and Health Canada didn’t provide a convenient link.
Remember…most people who are dying are vulnerable and have 2-3 comorbidities (dying anyway) according to the CDC website. According to the Italian government over 85% of the people that died during that publicized time did not die from CV. Why wasn’t that on the news? Would have given people some hope.
So let’s talk health and why disease, beginning with the germ theory.
Germ Theory
First, it is just a theory and not proven. In fact, once upon a time all cancers were thought to be caused by viruses but not anymore. If you need to read the definition, look it up. Germs are bacteria and viruses and are supposed to be the reason for disease BUT it isn’t and this could be progress.
I thought about this and thought some more. Time for some logic. Time to dive into nature.
So, here is my theory. In the world, we have microbes. These microbes can be divided into two camps.
But note they are all good and needed (unless man made which I hope doesn’t exist or allowed to be created.)
One camp is microbes that support our health, life, such as the good gut bacteria.
The other camp is microbes that are life recycling, break down life because living things die. It is now easy to understand the purpose of fungi and magots. Everything living cannot stay as it is when it dies. It has to decompose and return to the earth. Otherwise, the earth would look like a dump.
Microbes fall into two camps.
Dr. Semmelweis: The story of women dying in childbirth with a blood infection was due to the ignorance of doctors. They went from an autopsy room to delivering a baby as well as the unwanted microbes that are life recycling – microbes in the wrong place and be it in the blood is serious. Sepsis they call it. In fact, my niece had this scenario happen to her two years ago in a hospital where she remained for three weeks and it was an iffy time (baby went home but she had to stay in.) I guess the hospital or doctor/nurse wasn’t clean enough. Giving birth at home just became more appealing!
The black plague is another example of man’s ignorance. Living in a city where fecal matter was just thrown out the window, burning coal stifled fresh air, and too many people in a small dirty area. We think cities are progress but each person having a 2 acre plot of land would be ideal. Since this planet has more than enough land do this, let’s do it! Russia is giving their good people land to create a home to spend time in nature and for some, raise families. Sounds lovely!
Food poisoning is not really poison is it like mercury and fluoride – life recycling microbes in the wrong place, in your stomach/digestive system which protects you from eating rotten food/past its prime. The food that has been butchered or harvested would have the desire to decompose as nature does. Food safety is really key but most people have no clue hence it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of people get it every year. A simple course would help immensely! Happy to teach it.
Let’s jump to another purpose for lockdowns.
Why lockdowns?
Let’s agree that disease is a mystery in the medical arena hence no cure for the common cold nor cancer nor Type 1 diabetes. But is it really? Does the theory above trump the germ theory that makes companies and investors piles of money? The phrase…follow the money comes to mind.
When Trudeau and other leaders mentioned ‘the reset’ or ‘the great reset’ I just had to explore this avenue. It appears that it comes from the Global Economic Forum and what a website this is. Check it out!
Countries, big corporations and many people back them yet they say little and promise things that I don’t believe they can achieve based on the track record today. The different areas include climate and health. I read a lot of words but how they are going to do any of it is very weak. And to put the people in the hands of a small group seems very strange and problematic at best considering how Canada is being run at the moment – no mandating to mandating (dictating where there is no more emergency.) Why? So many small businesses have closed shop? You will own nothing and be happy? Knowing your every move? Linking banking to social credits (China and US)?
So what is the deal?
I do believe that things have to change for the better but this would not include fear inducing events based on God knows what…haven’t figured that one out but then again, I am not in the driver’s seat and have all of the information. Perhaps there is corruption at the highest levels that we just haven’t a clue about?
What I can figure out is that our long term care (LTC) facilities are a joke. The people in them are drugged to the hilt. Kids are often drugged for ADHD when they have a liver condition or such. This I could go on about.
When my grandfather (age 98-101) was in a LTC facility, I had the opportunity to go inside and check it out. Not all of them may be the same. First you have to have a passcode to enter but also to get out because some apparently want to escape. Walking through the sterile like halls, people were in wheelchairs but not all there. I would say hello and get no response…wave my hand in front of their face, still nothing. Yikes.
When my grandfather fell helping another get up, he broke his hip. Walking a few hours a day was his thing. I asked them when they were going to give him rehab so he can get out of his wheelchair. They said not going to happen. Once this happens they have to stay in their wheelchair. I get it but now he was moving less. Moving is good for our health. I run a walk club for this reason.
When I asked if my grandfather was getting vitamin D because he wasn’t allow outside anymore, they said no. Why not? No answer. So they asked if I wanted them to give him a vitamin D supplement. Yes of course. Why wouldn’t all of the patients get this?
I have come to the conclusion that long term care facilities are not an ideal life for a human being. I wonder what they would be like if they were on no meds. I have known elderly people that have come off all of their meds to experience a better quality of life living on their own…no more diapers too. Side effects are plenty with medications and the medical doctors have no idea how drugs work together in a cocktail. In fact, one specialist said they have no proof all these meds are keeping the elderly alive as the research is done on younger people with singular drugs.
I had one client who was on 19 medications. She brought me a copy of the list of meds and she had no idea what she was taking.
Question why you are taking your meds.
My father had a heart attack and the nurses said it was a protocol to put him on five meds else take him out of the hospital. The first day he was out, I analyzed his drugs and there were two drugs that didn’t have any description beside them nor an end date. I asked the pharmacist what they were and she said psych drugs. I asked why. She said he might have been agitated in the hospital. I said, well he is out now. You would be agitated too if you were detoxing from smoking. So I asked her not to fill them. Doctor never said anything about him not taking them.
I am sure there are plenty of stories out there. Isn’t the third leading cause of death due to meds/hospitals/doctors?
So lockdowns.
Let’s agree that there are people who are vulnerable but we should ask ourselves why.
Let’s agree that the W.H.O. and China are responsible for initiating a lockdown but it is still the leaders of the various countries that gave the orders. I read Sweden didn’t lockdown and after the dust settled, they were fine. Many countries today are open and they are fine.
So why the lockdowns? The threats of lockdowns.
Have a good day questioning and learning.
Walking Warrior
Disclaimer: there may be some grammar and spelling errors as reading it over and over again would take a long time. ?
October 22, 2021 #4 And they never mention this on main stream media…CV Event
Good day fellow Canadians,
What is really going on especially with the experimental vaccines/injections? Not really a vaccine but I guess you want to call any injection into the arm that impacts our immune system, a vaccine.
I am not going to call it the jab ever ever ever. Bill Gates is nuts and his shares are insane in interviews. He actually says this vaccine is going to decrease our population. What? He actually says in an interview that he made multi millions off of investing in vaccines. What? Someone should speak to him about what he shares…but it is actually a good thing IF there are leaders listening to him. Good thing he isn’t in control.
So a good friend of mine gets his vaccine and voila he has some crazy adverse side effects but I find the most interesting part is that it seems like the doctor is familiar with this. Why?
Here is what he wrote so you can read it with your own two eyes (and the crazy Facebook Fact Checkers…who ever they are…are trying to say they are safe!):
Just an update – nothing more. I have to fly for business so I have to get the jab here’s my timeline so far. It ain’t fun.
Day 1, 2 and part of 3 absolutely no issues. By the end of day 3 both my shoulders started to ache and I developed a slight fever.
Day 4 my throat was really sore and I could barely lift my arms to put on a t-shirt.
Day 5 fevers intensified and lasted for 45 minute intervals. Body ache intensified.
Day 6 – couldn’t swallow my own saliva, my shoulders were burning as were my hips – off to emerg.
Taken into emerg immediately – doctor seemed very familiar with my situation.
Covid test – throat swab…steroid shot ( already sitting on the desk ready to use) to help me swallow and sent home. I was told it would last 6 to 10 days
Day 7 Fevers continued – still had difficulty swallowing and taking a deep breath hurt my chest like crazy.
Now day 11 – shoulders still aching somewhat and stomach is still unsettled.
Not really looking forward to the next episode.
Well. 4:00 a.m. – pain in my shoulders woke me up.
So. Next update.
Several trips to emerg. Chest pains, difficulty breathing.
ECG…blood work. Elevated d.dimer so they were worried about blood clots. CAT scan on my heart and I’m clear but they did put me on blood thinners.
Day 16…have to wear button up shirts because I still can’t get my arms over my head comfortably enough to put on a t-shirt.
Both shoulders and left hip feel like I fell down a long set of cement stairs…a few times.
Cant even pull the start cord on the lawnmower.
Not sure where to go or what the next steps are.
…back to the doctor today.
Day 19;
Everything has been reported to Public Health.
As of now my throat is about 80% better. Swallowing is still tricky. Seems to take forever for the food to go all the way down. I have to chew solids to absolute mush.
Fevers are coming less frequently but last longer. Yesterday I only had a fever twice but they lasted about 2 hours each. It’s like…normal normal normal – FEVER – 2 hours – normal again like hitting a switch.
Chest pain basically gone but it does hit randomly.
Joint pain – there’s the biggy. Both hips – takes me about 5 minutes to get walking after I get out of bed. They seize up and are extremely painful. After I get going – tolerable.
Left shoulder – I have about 90% range of motion but the pain is brutal when I do move it.
Right shoulder is still shot. Doesn’t seem so much inflammation but acute pain like someone is driving hot needles into the muscles / joint.
I have a good tolerance to pain but I can’t handle that. Any movement above the shoulder is a struggle and extremely painful.
Thai helps me put on and take off my t-shirts
Just to check, I thought I’d try a push up…50 is normally basic for me. I used to be able to do 80 or more.
Tried 1 and collapsed on my face. So much for that. Couldn’t even hold it as a plank for a second.
And so here I am – a complete wreck.
And on that note – I’m going out for a walk / limp.
October 20, 2021
Alrighty then. Getting a lot of messages so easier if I just do another update. Had to take Thai to St.Johns for appointments, my sister drove part way because my shoulders wont allow me to do it.
So…since last time. Two things…i was getting ready to sleep when my whole body started to get cold…then freezing! Got into flannel pj’s and climbed under the blankets. Shook for 15 minutes before I warmed up.
Next day, stepped out of the shower, became really hot and nauseated, almost puked. Staggered to the bed and slumped to one side.
Passed out and slept for 4 hours.
Pain in right hip almost gone just a little nagging.
Left hip…still needs work to get going in the morning.
Left arm/shoulder about the same.
Right arm, no improvement possibly even worse. Pain has intensified and takes a lit to get any movement.
My resting heatrate is aversging 90bpm which is crazy high for me.
…and there it is for today.
Enjoy life folks, ya never know.
Side note: This person is very healthy…works out, eats well, sleeps well and good person.
So there you have it…someone telling his story and not even telling people not to take it and FB FC wants people to believe the injection is safe and effective. Crazy eh? On a different note, he felt he had to take it in order to travel. Well no travel for me when this stuff happens.
What does SAFE mean when used with these vaccines?
What does EFFECTIVE mean when used with these vaccines?
I hear that it doesn’t stop you from getting covid. You can still give covid to others. It will only keep you out of ICU and even that is a stretch when the testing of the vaccine was short. Seems like my friend was in emergency. Since the elderly are at risk why do the children need this vaccine? They are at such little risk when getting covid…if it really is any different than the flu. Hmmm…maybe the pharma companies needed to make a lot of money so they created covid. Goes back to my earlier email about China not sharing any information and there is no proof of isolating the virus. We absolutely know people get sick, from flu, from colds, from illness. Perhaps the government is aware of this but doesn’t wish to admit they were wrong in believing the WHO and hoping this will all go away soon. After all, most people have believe in covid they are calling for safety and mandates. Demands are coming from the people who are afraid of dying and the pressure is on the leaders including companies. Leaders step up!!!
Side Story: in Western Canada, a mother’s son died and died from cancer but the mainstream media said he died of cancer. Crazy eh? She is suing them. Another family’s daughter died from an accident yet they put covid on the death certificate. They raised a stink too. Don’t blame them do you?
You know what a neighbour told me last month. After chatting for a bit, she told me that a good friend of hers said that the majority of the positive cases are people that have been vaccinated. There seems to be a disconnect don’t you think? Perhaps you should speak with the medical advisors about side effects not listed on the Health Canada website https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/summary.html and perhaps someone could have a conversation with the newspapers and news stations because they seem to leave out a lot of information or don’t check the facts or share about doom and gloom.
Preservatives in Vaccines/Shots
When I watched the Vaccine Summit organized by the WHO, it was clear that they know there are preservatives and such in the vaccines causing serious health issues, and the question was asked “can we take them out?” They said NO. So now what? The toxicity in the vaccines/shots are creating havoc with people’s health. Can’t you do something about it? I know…halt all vaccines and flu shots until a big investigation is done. Then I can give a presentation on the true causes of disease and getting sick from a cold/flu/covid so that people can be in control of their health, and the government and companies and would spend a whole lot less money on healthcare.
Cold is Natural, a Detox of sorts. You know all that mucous that comes with a cold. Get it out because it is built up waste products that need to get out and not be dried up. People come down with something when they are doing too much, stressed, drinking too much, etc. Relaxation is the name of the game for ongoing detoxing. It is a balancing act.
Because I am familiar with shelf stability and such (my food processing days), I know they have to have some chemicals in the vaccines because there could be things growing in there (remember the microbes that are life recycling?). The crazy thing is they don’t want to make it known and public, so adverse effects will continue and so what, suck it up, deal with it or the one that gets my goat is “prove it.” What is this world coming to?
Once upon a time, the CDC and others were saying “there is no mercury in the vaccines” but I just so happened to be at a party (several years ago) where a guy manufactures thimerosal (mercury) and tells me that they never took it out. My kids’ doctor said they did. Hmmm…makes you think people are lying somewhere in the chain. Misinformed doctors?
I had a client that was injured by the cervical cancer vaccine…you know the one (HPV). The one they give to boys when they don’t have a womb. Crazy eh?
Within 24 hours she crippled up like a 90 year old person and was given heavy drugs else she could not function. You know what Toronto Public Health said to her mother “prove it.” So the parent was trying to be responsible in letting them know. Not angry because she made the choice after much research. So her lawyer said not to go through with suing the pharma companies because they will win and you will lose everything. Crazy eh? What kind of world do we live in?
I firmly believe that Health Canada should seriously look into the elderly people on too many drugs. Analyze all the side effects from meds and vaccines. A serious look for the health of the good people. I am thinking the pharma companies are taking the government and the people’s tax dollars just so they can make a profit. Something is not right here and the WHO is aware of it.
Flu shots…never had one. Why? I haven’t been sick or ill in many years. Thinking the wonderful immune system knows what it is doing if in fact I am eating well, moving well, sleeping well, and thinking well.
Brings me back to the mainstream media…who is paying for all of the covid and flu shot ads? I hope the pharma companies are paying for them. If not, they should be since they are making the money. If they are not making the money, who is?
My wish is to stop all this fear of covid. Most people get through it and live to tell the story, and those that seem to die is because they are vulnerable/dying anyway. Perhaps some doc just wants to put covid down on the death certificate because they get more money? I hear the TDSB gets more money for children labelled as ADHD and enrolls in special ed. I read an article out of York University that shows their research on fluoride and ADHD. They seem to think fluoride is a cause. Perhaps children are getting too much? In the water, in the toothpaste and in all the water added to food? Look on children’s toothpaste…cannot swallow, must be supervised.
Death Numbers
You see people are not use to hearing about the number of deaths from the flu or other. So the news is sharing something new but not new. Guess what the number one fear is for people? Yup, death SO do you think you are doing a service by sharing this on the news.
I keep telling people to turn off the news. Go do something you enjoy. Have fun. Laugh again. Give a loved one a hug.
Due to all this sharing of crappy info…people haven’t come out of their apartments since March 2020. A member of my walk club just told me this about his friend. Fresh air from the balcony. Crazy eh? I think of the kids too. They are seeing people with masks on. They are witnessing all of the fear. They should be climbing trees and running about barefoot.
So I will be listening for a change in ads and communication about deaths as well as listening for some light good news. It exists somewhere. Someone should really talk to the people who share the news. Seriously, their blah blah blah is nothing but gloomy.
Shall I yell it out more and more ‘turn off the news’ and the newspaper makes good wrapping paper?
You understand. It is good to be aware but two things need to happen. Some good news and honesty.
Enjoy your weekend. Lots of good harvesting this week so in the kitchen I will be.
Shall continue on Monday.
Take care.
Disclaimers…I am not a substitute for a medical doctor but note, the doctors of the past believed in informing the good people about being their own doctor – wrote books about it and for people to have handy in their home. Grammar mistakes and spelling errors may occur because I need to move on to other things. Thanks for understanding.
Psst…look into all the meds people are on. I think that I am on to something.
October 25, 2021 #5 Why the mix up? CV Event
Hello fellow Canadians,
Why the mix up?
By now, people have to know what is happening with a person who dies. I thought there was a medical chart with history and perhaps an autopsy. For some reason, it appears as if there is no protocol as to what to put on the death certificate. Or is there?
Sure does seem like people want to label it covid when it isn’t. This isn’t the only time it has happened. In some ways and if 94% of the people who died from two to three comorbidities were marked down as covid, then it would seem that there is a bunch of mislabeling going on and that the public isn’t hearing about it on the news. In that case, why is the news lying to the people and you don’t do anything about it?
Overstating things is cause for more fear for the people who are already concerned for their lives and those of their loved ones. They don’t have all the information. They don’t understand about the germ theory being incorrect. Most likely most people do not have the time to discern the websites and check up on the news on all of the pieces. Headlines and news blaring from the TV and radio throughout the day is all they have time for. Indeed it is only a small fraction of what is happening here and around the world.
More Vaccinated People in the Hospital
That doesn’t sound right to me. More vaccinated people in the hospital? Heard this about some hospitals in Ontario from nurses. If the government followed faulty logic and the advice of the WHO, then now is the time to come clean. Own up to it. These injections are not perfect (because they have to contain preservatives that are toxic)…they are, in fact, causing deaths and serious side effects…long term I may add. Death is always long term, isn’t it.
Back to the Tests
By now, many people know that the PCR test isn’t working well (never has) and can give false positives. Heard this many times as shared on press conferences.
If fact, I read that the PCR test is going to be replaced soon. FDA points out its faults.
False Positive of a Different Kind
This has got to get you out of your chair. A person shared that he brought his children to a covid testing centre as they had the sniffles. The line up was long and it was a school night so they left before receiving their test. The very next day, they got a call to say the boys were positive. What? How does that happen? I called Toronto Public Health and they were baffled. They said the hospital is responsible for the testing and the reports. The reports are sent to them and they take it from there. They had never heard of a false positive either. Had to tell them that our own government has said it was so…same in the USA.
Heard from my cousin that a person she bumped into, had the same happen to her. Was to get a minor operation and at pre op she was offered a PCR test but denied it. The next day, they called her to tell her she was positive. What? How does that happen twice? How many others?
Can’t you get the memo out to all people concerned? False positive is a fact. No such thing as an asymptomatic person when you call something deadly. You either have it or you don’t. Like food poisoning. Wouldn’t everyone feel the snake bite? If you have more information on how someone with a deadly virus can be asymptomatic, let me know.
What about tests?
I have read a book to two where doctors aren’t quit sure the tests are all they are made out to be. After all, one would have to take a position on what they do and mean but that is a creation it and of itself but not necessarily true. One such doctor is Doctor Kavanaugh out of Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto. A good book is ‘Take Heart’ and unfortunately, I never got to meet him after I was gifted the book. He loved walking for his patients post operation. Best results and recovery.
So what is Canada doing about tests for covid? Are we following in the footsteps of the USA? And who is to say this test is any better?
False Positives in Travel
Just last week, a person told me she had to rebook her WestJet flight due to a false positive (in Central America.) Didn’t matter that it was false. She had to pay for another test and sit tight for three days. Fortunately, she had family to stay with but how about people who have to pay for additional nights at a hotel. After seven hours on hold, WestJet rebooked her flight at no extra charge. (Thank you WestJet.) The crazy situation of unreliable tests is that it cost her $700 for her and her husband to gets tests.
Seriously, that is next to highway robbery. $700 could be an additional payment on someone’s mortgage.
My wish is that everyone is debt free, has a couple of acres of homeland…land with their home on it along with fruit trees and gardens. In addition, people are buried on their homeland dedicated with a tree…perhaps a mighty oak. Not sure why there are so many lawns…what use are they? Herbs and fruit trees sound good.
Might as well wish for this event to be over too and people realize we are stronger then we look and vulnerabilities are created by man. Pull up our big pants ladies and gentlemen and set things on course for peace and prosperity. We don’t need all these things…stopped buying things from China or out of country wherever I can. Buy close to home I say. Use less and buy quality. Better for the environment too.
The mandates should stop right now…not in the new year. Confess this is similar to the flu…many people die every year due to vulnerabilities. Let’s focus on them. Say ‘no’ to our people in their golden years being on too many meds as it isn’t proven in studies to keep them alive. Tout suite!
May you and your families enjoy the Fall time with all the colours.
Our country is beautiful. How much Crown land do we own?
Optimistically Curious
Disclaimer: This information is to bring awareness to all concerned. You may have found additional information to support the logic and shares. In fact, you may know more about what is going on than I.
October 26, 2021 #6 What is being human if we are not human? CV Event
Good morning fellow Canadians,
First off, I wanted to share a link about the WHO and the flawed PCR test.
Psst…any smart scientist or such could have figured this out if they had done their research which I did last March. How come no one making decisions questioned? Question! This is the big word but not really.
Can you imagine the students questioning what they are being taught? What a grand concept and very natural I may add. How would a teacher create learning material and a test if nothing is as it seems? Oh yes, they are given the material to teach with the objectives. Who decides on what material is to be taught?
Back to topic.
Like anything, more research is required to better understand the above. There are supporting videos of Dr. Kary B. Mullis on his creation, the PCR-RT test. You may find out more than you bargained for but how fun is that. Truth is something many seek.
Isn’t it convenient that a healthy individual dies just before this so called pandemic? I wonder what the inventor of the test would say about what is going on. And yes, this pandemic was based on the test showing people were positive yet no isolated virus. That is one fine thread we hung our human existence on from masking to lockdowns.
More smiley faces please!
Still remember about the faulty germ theory, and follow the money as they say.
Human to the Core
What is this about making man part machine? Sounds like something out of Star Trek (the Borg)…that show is very interesting when you study it. “Resistance is futile.” I like being human.
For Canada and on the government website, it is called Bio Digital. UK along with Germany and others call it Human Augmentation.
How many people are aware of the governments wanting to add equipment into our body?
Here is the deal when reading the UK website. It is focused on military improvements but that would mean we are still wanting to create WAR. Doesn’t PEACE sound much better? Who creates the reasons for war anyway? Sure doesn’t seem like the average person who wants to enjoy life and create their own fun, wants war.
If the medical community cannot even solve the cold, the flu nor cancer, then why are they moving forward with something that is experimental (as they say and know) and in a lot of ways unethical?
This current vaccine is experimental too until 2023-2025 and not so great on the numbers with adverse side effects (notice I did not put in side benefits…that would be the research done on raw mammalian omegas where nerves grew back for people with Type I diabetes – I was instrumental in starting this). Like other medications, this vaccine is not immune to harmful side effects. It causes death and even in our young healthy people.
Just listen to them list the harmful side effects in the ads. Why don’t people pay attention to this instead of taking the pills because their doctor tells them? I had one client that was on 19 meds and said she would take whatever her doctor tells her to take. Yup.
If their doctor tells them to walk off a bridge, would they? I think not.
Why do we put our doctors of the day on a pedestal? I haven’t seen a medical doctor in over a decade. Why? I have knowledge and don’t worry about every little thing…others are indeed vulnerable and been separated from nature and the natural.
Do you think it is high time to bring nature back into the picture? It is told and written that most meds are based on nature…only twisted so they can patent it. Back to the money.
I know it could be quite the feat but well worth it. Back to the natural that is.
Here to help with that…and no, I don’t have any medical qualifications as you might call it.
They read and studied to get to where they are…but what did they study and not study?
I have heard that doctors gave up being a doctor because they didn’t wish to continue as it was…they wanted to do no harm and help others (not with dishing out medications.)
Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time, doctors told you to go home get rest/go to bed and drink plenty of fluids and call if things changed. In my research, the research showed years ago that coffee was harmful so all of the healing protocols from doctors was to eliminate coffee and to eliminate it for weeks after feeling better. Coffee…is a neurotoxin. I wonder how many people know this? It is only burnt coffee beans and water. I will never understand what people see in drinking coffee…especially if you have to add milk and teaspoons of sugar to enjoy it. Oh yes, I hear it wakes them up and keeps their bowels moving…more like it agitates their nervous system and is happy to poop it out. Side effects from coming off coffee don’t sound pleasant either and you would think it would alert people to its true nature.
One such friend told me his brother became a doctor and within a year, he quit. Saw the writing on the wall and not what he signed up for. Became an electrician I believe.
One such walk club member and specialist (children and urinary system) so degrees a plenty. He told me that pharma reps would come into his office to tell him about new drugs. Fair enough. This one such time, he looked at the information about this new drug and decided he wasn’t going to use it. In a period time, the pharma reps returned asking him why he isn’t’ using it. Only this time, it was a beautiful lady with gifts in hand. Hmmm….they know how to work people.
How do they know when a doctor isn’t prescribing the drugs? Something fishy about that. Perhaps privacy violations? The government should be all over this one. Get to it!
So he told them his reason and told them he wouldn’t be prescribing it and they marched out of his office with gifts in hand.
I have heard other stories directly from people right down to a doctor telling me cancer treatment causes cancer – daughter had brain cancer. This doctor explored his medical books and found this. He thought he was helping his daughter and now, she has not the same energy as other children. Met him on a Disney shuttle and was inclined to mention to him that I had noticed there was so many wheelchairs (2010?). His daughter was in one but up at the front of the shuttle. My heart goes out to all the people injured by cancer treatment which doctors (for another time) call poison – another study I was instrumental in.
Back to changing man into part machine.
Does this sound right to you? For what purpose? Only in war? Or is there things they can add to it in time?
According to the book Sapiens (which I would burn in a heartbeat if I didn’t have to reference it), it is written that you could be smarter with imbedded AI technology – the future to be accepted by Man…a download of information so you do not have to experience it for yourself. I would like just to figure things out myself, thank you. This was targeted to children and the author had the inspiration to write to this affect – your child will be at a disadvantage if you don’t get them augmented. What? Not sure who this author is but it is absolutely seeding the minds of people to do so. Accept it he says…it is going to happen anyway. NOT on my watch.
Who is behind all the human augmentation or transhumanism stuff? Is it already happening without our knowledge?
I like being human. A swim in the ocean. A breath from the highest peak. The sounds of birds chirping on a Spring day. And so on. Unique to everyone is their experiences. What would it mean for each of us to be knowing ALL and all the same info? Perhaps the download would take hours and one would have to forgo the sunshine outside? Seems like we are being taken away from nature. Reminds me of another story of the Inuit students being forced to be in a classroom instead of fishing on a nice day. The teacher ran after them and brought them back, one under each arm. Funny when you think about it. In the documentary, the teacher and student laugh too.
Do you want to be part machine?
Enjoy your day your way. May your mind be full of pleasant thoughts and looking forward to a grand future alongside nature, our friend and teacher. May your thoughts be your own.
I want to write very little…but it never turns out that way. Maybe one day.
P.S. My apologies for very little links. Sit with the information as you please and research more if you wish. It is amazing what can be found right on the government websites and the likes of the WHO and the Global Economic Forum and so forth. Sometimes logic is all you need to question. For example, is it logical that we lockdown healthy people. In fact, pandemics never required locking down healthy people. Question.
October 27, 2021 #7 Who are the bullies? …CV Event
Dear fellow Canadians,
Let me write about the TDSB (and perhaps other school boards too.)
After reading the email below from TDSB, I question whether or not the TDSB has a clue about the science, about the numbers, about all of the facts.
Top Down
Most vaccines with a death rate of under 100 people gets immediately pulled (USA.) The USA is currently at 4,000+ and growing with the covid vaccine and nothing pulled, and the likes of TDSB and other businesses want to force/mandate (kind of like bullying) people to get something that may kill them.
Something is not right here. Don’t you agree?
I could stomp my feet and wave my hands but what would that achieve.
If a number of teachers leave, then what? Will the school have enough teachers to fill the positions? Will there be a disruption with the kids and their learning?
Will it take one teacher to die before they stop this nonsense. Students have already died or ended up in hospital but that doesn’t seem to stop TDSB. What are the chances of a student dying from covid? Truly dying from covid not from cancer or such.
I truly believe the leaders at the TDSB has a one track mind…everyone should get vaccinated. Really?
Choice is Our Right
They talk about personal choice and yet, get it or else. They talk about privacy yet when a teacher disappears, the students are going to know. They absolutely will know.
What is school about? Making medical choices for teachers and students or learning/education? That is what her title shares below.
While I clear my throat on this one phrase “serious health threat COVID-19 presents to the public.”
Would someone please share the numbers with TDSB. This is like a bad flu and people die every year in the thousands, especially the elderly.
In fact, no doctor nor medical system can stop death from happening. It is going to happen. More than enough people are sadly vulnerable. The food guide is partly to blame, yet it is only suggestions – it still recommends refined bleached and deodorized vegetable oil (such as Canola oil). Yuk! Do you know how Canola got its name? Canada oil…rapeseed oil turned into a new oil in Canada of all places. In the good ole days, people in India use to make their vegetable oil fresh every day…today, it is all about convenience which means more processed foods and chemicals/artificial ingredients.
In some cases, people just lose their drive to live especially if the love of their life passed. It happens.
Here is a known fact. TDSB would write in their many emails over my kids’ school days…vaccines are mandatory. And most parents thought they couldn’t send their kids to school without them. The fact is, they are not mandatory. In speaking with Toronto Public Health, it was only mandatory that they knew who was and wasn’t vaccinated in case there was an outbreak.
You know what? When I asked if there had ever been an outbreak. The person (who I will leave nameless) said “No.”
Hmmm…makes you think what all the fuss is about. What is all the fuss about? Either fear or money is my guess. Or perhaps there is a higher-up bully?
Do the schools get a kickback if kids get vaccinated?
I wanted to be present at a vaccination clinic at the school but I had to get the nurse’s permission. I wanted to see if the trained nurses shared the information about what can happen. My daughter witnessed kids fainting and not feeling well right after getting the HPV vaccine. Why do boys get the HPV vaccine (ages 12-13) when they don’t have a cervix? I asked a college student today about this and they had no clue what this vaccine was for and after I told him what it was for (cervical cancer), he looked very puzzled.
Now I hear and read that the mandates are to be lifted next year…that is the plan should all be well. What does that mean? In the meantime, there is all this pushing to get them.
Keeping people in suspense eh, hopeful, perhaps.
Why don’t you just leave the good people who have a choice alone? I hear they would rather take their chances and get covid…if they were to ever get it, there is a very good chance they would be fine (and have natural immunity to boot.) You know, people who get the vaccine are getting covid. They can transmit it. So what is the purpose of this vaccine? Is it to keep them out of ICU? Well, that would be for the elderly so haven’t you given it to them yet? Fear or money is my guess. Do you have a guess of your own?
What next, you cannot get your license renewed if you don’t have a vaccine.
Bullies come in different shapes and sizes.
Funny how they teach about bullying to the kids in schools.
I say…freedom to choose and I do hope the teachers that don’t want to get it, stick to their guns.
What is this I hear? Pressure on Premier Ford to make vaccines mandatory for kids. Only months away from lifting the mandates and then this. Who is putting on pressure? I hope it is not the parents…for what do they know about health. Most likely what they are hearing on the news. I have spoken with MDs who have children in school (Summer 2020) and they put pressure on the schools for the young kids to not wear masks. What happened? I guess you have to be an MD that believes all these things should be mandatory to get some respect. One would think all doctors would have a voice but it doesn’t appear that way.
Kids are dying. Kids are getting heart inflammation. In fact, I just heard a story today about a college student ending up in the ICU due to heart inflammation and more (Toronto.) Hmmm…do I want my kid to have IT no matter the statistics? Absolutely not. Nope. Nada. Non. Not a chance.
I love my kids and don’t like any of the odds with this experimental injection – not a real vaccine in the way they were originally defined. Remember when the health experts didn’t know myocarditis was a possibility? What else is a possibility that they don’t know? That is probable. After all, this is an experimental drug.
So what are the current odds of a young person dying from the injection? What is the chance of a kid under 12 getting covid? How about any kid under the age of 20?
Enjoy your day your way and think about others at the work they love and at play, with choice, which is something to rejoice.
Disclaimer: I would unsubscribe to the TDSB email but it is far too revealing to learn about what they are demanding, oh, I mean, sharing.
From: Toronto District School Board <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 4:57 PM
To: Cheryl Millett <[email protected]>
Subject: Update on TDSB’s COVID-19 Vaccination Procedure
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The TDSB continues to implement the COVID-19 Vaccination Procedure for Staff, Trustees and Other Individuals (PR734) to support the health and safety of staff and students in our schools and workplaces.
To date, more than 88.5% of our 40,000 staff members are compliant with the procedure.
To ensure that we can continue to support service levels to staff, students, and our community, the TDSB will be gradually implementing compliance measures for employees over the next three weeks, starting on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.
- Any staff who has not disclosed their vaccination status by November 1, 2021, will be placed on a non-disciplinary administrative leave of absence without pay effective November 2.
- Staff who have disclosed that they are not vaccinated have until November 21, 2021, to comply with the procedure. Until then, they will continue to complete the Rapid Antigen Test twice weekly and verify its results as part of their daily health screening.
- Staff who by November 19 have received one dose of a two-dose vaccine will have another month to complete their second dose.
- Staff who have received no vaccination by November 21 will be placed on a non-disciplinary administrative leave of absence without pay.
- Staff who have applied for a medical or creed-based accommodation will continue to complete the Rapid Antigen Test twice weekly while pending the decision on their request. If their request is denied, they have 45 days to comply with the procedure or be placed on a non-disciplinary administrative leave of absence without pay.
- All staff returning to the TDSB after leaves will be expected to comply with the procedure.
We will continue to work with staff to support them in this process and to ensure any unnecessary impact to service to students, staff, and community members.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the TDSB has tried to balance sharing as much information as possible with our families, while respecting the privacy of our students and staff. Out of respect for the privacy of individual staff, we will not be naming these staff or identifying the reason behind their absence and we appreciate your understanding.
We understand vaccination is a deeply personal decision, however, due to the serious health threat COVID-19 presents to the public, this must be balanced against the Board’s obligations to protect the health and safety of its employees and students. Data shows that being fully vaccinated significantly reduces the risks of the most serious outcomes of COVID-19 and, as children under 12 – the large majority of our students – are ineligible to be vaccinated at this time, we must work together to protect them and each other.
Thank you,
Lucky #8 went on holiday!
October 29, 2021#9 Are we not meant to try to help others? CV Event
Hello fellow Canadians,
At times, one has to check in to see if we are all on the same page with wanting the best for humanity.
This article sure does beg to check in:
How is the government with treating and preventing covid? Can the doctors prescribe something that has been tested and around for decades?
Heard a little bit about this ivermectin over the months and people were saying they were trying to keep it from the people and telling the doctors they could not prescribe it. Is this true?
I also went out of my way to ask people. Some have ordered it online but it didn’t pass customs when it usually did. Why would that happen?
Why would we not want to help people stay out of the hospitals (where they could get sick from something else)? Isn’t that the point of our healthcare system? Seems like a sick care system to me…making which companies and people money?
Over the years, I have heard people mention we have too many people on this planet so when people would speak about population control or depopulation, it struck me as very odd.
In the early covid days, people with no knowledge about how the body works or didn’t question would just off the cuff say “people will die but that’s ok because we have too many people on the planet.” Seriously, we got to stop putting crazy ideas into people’s heads…like there is some agenda to program people to think a certain thing. Boy, did I set him straight. Gave him a few things to think about. He thank me and went about his day after fixing my fridge.
So, two things come to mind.
Microsoft Gates
I like to listen to everyone so I can ponder every word they speak and see how it fits with my logic and comprehension. Common sense also rings a bell. When Gates mentioned killing off the population with the vaccine that was a Woah! moment and I had to rewind to listen to it again. Yes, he just said that. But not only in that video, and not only him.
Let’s do some math and logic. I have traveled across Canada a couple of times and determined there were a lot of fields and unused land. Agriculture seems to have taken up a lot of space…I do hear we have a huge amount of food waste (in Canada) so technically we can shrink the farmland. Oh yes, isn’t something written about not being able to do this? Let’s change that.
So why all these fields? Seen houses in some unusual places and know there to be a lot, I mean, a lot of Crown land in our country just ready to be used for something. Some homes and perhaps parks. And I also heard that the likes of Gates was buying up thousands of acres. Who lets rich people do this? If I were in charge, there would be a law against doing this.
I remember doing the math after a guy did the math and showed that the whole world could fit into Texas, USA, and still manage to grow enough food for everyone in this space.
Incredible…I double-checked his math. Texas is not the only land available so hey, we are in great shape.
Too many people sound like some sort of an agenda to me so what is the talk about depopulation all about? You tell me.
Too Much Food
So too much food is being produced, too much food waste, and too much food eaten (obesity and diabetes are on the rise even in younger generations.)
Did you know ‘eat two snacks a day’ is a gimmick…marketing…making money at best?
Eating too much food and not enough exercise would just cause ansy and overweight kids and people of all ages. No wonder the public schools have to put the academics in the morning because the kids cannot concentrate and sit still in the afternoon. Too much food. Too much processed foods (high on the glycemic index).
My daughter’s grade six teacher gave her trouble and made her upset (next to crying) when she didn’t have a snack. I didn’t send snacks to school with my kids. When she told me about it, I thought about it and came up with the ‘No Snack Movement’ then I emailed the teacher (who was a phys ed teacher and in great shape) and explained why snacks are a problem.
Just a last mention on diabetes. When someone eats, they get energy and high blood sugar so they would have to inject insulin to bring down the blood sugar. So, less eating, less insulin…which is a medication with its own side effects…diabetic neuropathy, and all of the other complications. I hope you get my drift…the serious problem with diabetic coma is they take too much insulin. Problems solved…less good, less insulin, less likely to go into a diabetic coma.
Turns out that snacks do not serve people with diabetes. Full stop. BUT did you also know that you can grow back nerves? Yup, I have the published study to prove it (University of Toronto/Diabetes Canada funded.)
Back to the landmass. There isn’t just Texas in the world. There are land masses the size of Texas many times over.
Here is what they are doing in Russia. People are starting communities where each family/person gets a domain (2.5 acres) where they grow trees for future lumber, orchards, and gardens to provide for themselves and the community or sell to earn some income.
They eat as they breathe…naturally and when they are hungry.
What a concept. Eat when you are hungry. Stress causes people to eat and then there is the habit or the distraction. Addictions come into play as well.
So let’s help each other and stop creating the very health risks and diseases that are being serviced by medications (synthetic drugs) with plenty of side effects and that only addresses the symptoms and not the root cause. That opens up a can of worms with the ways people address not feeling well…alchol and other recreational drugs like cannabis. Don’t you ever wonder why you cannot drive under the influence of cannabis yet there is a store opening up in every town?
Next to coffee/caffeine, cannabis is something you can do without because there are healthier and less brain-altering solutions…one client only did it to numb the saddness of her father’s passing. Doesn’t really address the sadness and the possibility of moving forward with more joy and grace.
Here to help others with all my heart. You?
Enjoy your weekend.
November 2, 2021 #10 Is it just me? CV Event
Good day fellow Canadians,
Happy Fall colours as they brighten the rainy days…when the sun comes out, a brilliant sight to be seen. Been harvesting mushrooms, drying herbs, and making crab apple jelly. You?
Is it just me or is Japan easing restrictions because covid 19 is falling off the map?
Is it just me or do I understand Dr. Fauci is being detained for questioning? It does appear that some lab nonsense was going on. What do you expect when these labs have money to spend and their curiosity gets the better of them? Bioweapons are a thing you know, like agent orange.
Is it just me or are people starting to question more? This would include politicians, police, doctors, nurses, scientists, government workers, firefighters, and others – not to put this list of people on any pedestal. It really is a good idea to question…no matter the education or degree of a person. Let’s make questioning a game! Wink wink.
Is it just me that is aware of the ICUs being full at other times in the past and that long-term care facilities were typically on lockdown when the flu season affected patrons?
Is it just me thinking about why all the continued nonsense on mandating vaccines when the mandates are going to be lifted soon?
Is it just me or is it time for the likes of WHO to own up to its major role in calling a pandemic when it wasn’t really one? What was China’s role? Did you see anyone fall down and die? Don’t you believe it is about time the leaders just call it quits and own up to following bad orders, low-level science, and not questioning the WHO? Unless there is something going on that I don’t know about. Hmmm?
The Indian Bar Association has something on the WHO…suing the WHO.
According to the WHO’s vaccine summit, they know that the toxins in vaccines are harming people and yet, they say they cannot do anything about it. They know but let’s just knowingly harm children and people for the sake of thinking they know what is best. Ask the people!
Is it just me or are our healthy young people dying from heart attacks?
Is it just me or are there more people advocating artificial intelligence especially in modifying Man? Such a person name Seth Godin was writing in his email that modern man needs to have knowledge on certain topics and AI was one of them. Plus there were Statistics, Epidemiology, the Germ Theory (well you know where I am on that one), Climate Change, and more. He provided the links for the reader’s keen studies. Laughable especially when reading the info shared. Seems like insanity is spreading vastly across the globe…oh, right, I hear it has been happening for millennia. But things can always be improved, right?
Is it just me or are certain doctors advocating ‘your body knows best’ and ‘the government is not to be trusted with your health.’ Also they share ‘follow nature.’ I have to agree with them. Nature knows best and our gut is to be trusted with our health. Three cheers for our gut instincts, our intuition, our higher self!! The government is not leading with the above in mind which has me questioning their desires and goals.
Is it just me or are you ignoring my emails? I do hope you are at least reading them. Perhaps you know most of this stuff anyway. On top of it as they say.
Enjoy your day your way.
May the many lives upon this planet know nature for all its teachings and healing properties.
P.S. Best of health to you and your loved ones.
Emails #11-20 LINK https://cherylmillett.com/cv-emails-11-20/

Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…
Before the age of 20, it never dawned on me that what I chose to put in my mouth would have such a dramatic effect on my well-being.
On my path of discovery, I learned that our eating choices directly affected how much energy we have first thing in the morning or that it would build our immune system strength during flu season. Part of it was coming to understand how gentle nutritional cleansing directly helped overcome my health challenges. People keep telling me how beautiful my skin is or how I look younger.
As my studies continued, it became obvious that there is an intrinsic connection between the mind, body, and spirit which directly affects our health and happiness. Omegas are another critical piece of the wellness puzzle. The Auum omegas alone turned on some switches in my brain in just one day.
I have developed a deep appreciation for the wonderful miracle workers our bodies are in the recovery process. Our bodies have natural intelligence. I am passionate to share the connection between nutrition and wellness in my practice and my presentations.