Words Upon A Page
Enjoy a mixture of quotes from the likes of Mark Twain and others plus I introduce to you some quotes by Cheryl Millett who is an agent of change and inspires us to be the best we can be. Return here every once in awhile for updates.
“Typing words on a page only gets better when one reaches deep inside to see what stirs the inner fancy while experiencing life enfolding around us. Enjoy and ponder the following quotes that just roll off my tongue to my keyboard or pen,” shares Cheryl Millett of Toronto Canada, someone just like you upon this earth .
Note: All quotes are written by Cheryl Millett of Toronto, Canada (there are more people that go by this name) who freely shares her quotes and should you use any of these remember to kindly quote the author.
“Life just gets more interesting when you say interesting.” – Cheryl Millett (c) on Canada

“Make the mistake over and over again but have the faith that at some point the lesson will shine through.” – Cheryl Millett (c) on Canada

“Oh! whatever shall I do…Eat well! Move well! Sleep well! Think well! Live Well! Be aware! Be free! Be you! Be still! Be well!” – Cheryl Millett (c) All Rights Reserved

“Our Planet; Blue, green, free, and clean. – Cheryl Millett (c)
“The soul is all colours yet one still looks at the outer pitch.” – Cheryl Millett (c)
“There is a world I see that is a projection of what’s inside me.” – Cheryl Millett (c)

“Take heart and follow the beat of your journey.” – Cheryl Millett Sep 2019

“Where is god; Why look down, you are worthy. I am worthy. Why look up, that’s a crutch. I am equal with others. Close your eyes, go within. Feel. Sense. I am part of god.” – Cheryl Millett (c) 2019
“Good things happen when you drink water everyday instead of every other day, but the magic happens when you drink enough water.”
– Cheryl Millett (c) 2019

“Shall humans be more open to those messages that serve our health for good living no matter the century, and not those messages that are backed by greed, selfishness and control, which seems to span many a century.”

Scotland offers many an opportunity to reflect on what nature teaches us. Cheryl took groups on walking holidays – an opportunity to connect with nature and its beauty many times over.
“Are you letting go, or letting ego? That is the question.” – Cheryl Millett (c)

Only the beginning…