Live a Little takes into consideration that some of us take life too seriously. Most likely it is all of us but just a matter of degrees and when, and to be positive some have shifted away from taking life too seriously more and more. There may be some that don’t take life seriously at all whether that is here or there is perhaps not of any importance at all because of what comes next.
Live a Little takes into account that we learn from our day to day feelings and happenings. Unless someone has no feelings then this includes every soul, although, the feelings and their degrees will vary from one individual to another for the reasons it does – your uniqueness and journey. Feelings range from blame to anger, from depression to joy, and from jealousy to excitement. Feelings are to be experienced and used to learn from or to release some feelings that don’t serve us (and our peace of mind.) Either way, they are an indicator and one that can be welcomed if one is willing to expose the altered ego and traumas.
Let’s go live on the above…a little deeper for keen comprehension or clarity.
What Happened
There is a saying ‘don’t cry over spilled milk.’ What does this saying represent to you? Did you ever have an accident but wanted to cover it up? not speak about it? Why?
Little accidents happen to us at all ages when we are not aware of our surroundings…simple. When we ‘fly off the handle’ as they say, can we say that we took the event too seriously? There are no right or wrong answers. It just is. How did you react? Live a Little could mean that you step back from the situation and see it for what it truly is. Perhaps you were rushing! Late again! Wanted to do too much! Thinking about something else? Whatever the scenario, you are not a clutz or a bad individual. How many times did your parents get upset with you when you had an accident? That would be on them but children take things like this to heart…and didn’t release it at the time because they didn’t know any better.
Your Are Good Enough
The good news is many of us forget the little things/accidents. These things can add up and create an untruth which is ‘I am not good enough.’ Nonsense. You are good enough but didn’t realize what unfolded.
Those feelings you feel whether from the far past but they still happen today, are your feelings to be reviewed…they matter to you for the reasons they do.
Awakening You
How does one assess feelings and reactions? There are many tools in which to do so, some of which focus on you being aware of what is truly going on and the kind of feelings transpiring. Comprehending them comes next…where did they come from perhaps? and why? The next steps are to release them or dissolve them. This may take a combination of things and your beliefs matter.
One thing is for sure, when you look at your day to day feelings and reactions, in long run you will be heading toward feeling at peace among a few other feelings that feel good.
Live a Little
Live a Little is meant to take you on your journey…see where you take things too seriously…see where feelings pop in that are truly not who you are.
This may be written in a journal or brought up with a practitioner. It is only because I work with clients on this level, I can share this with you…bring it to your attention or awareness. Perhaps a little more or a reminder.
Oh, what a feeling it is to have awareness of living in harmony with everyone and everything around you. Possible? Yes but ‘there are no shortcuts to any place worth going.’ That I can vouch for with my own journey. Still on my journey if I am to be completely honest (that’s life) but more elegant with awareness, comprehension, and tools. And teachers of various kinds, even the ones that do not know they are teachers.
Everything is meaningless. I give everything the meaning it has. – Course of Miracles (simple teachings that bring to light awareness)
Life is a journey. Like you haven’t heard that before! Live a Little and explore your world. Remember to not sweep feelings under a carpet because the bump in the carpet will cause you to trip and the fall can range from this or that. One client broke her arm when she ignored her feelings. Lessons are lovely but you can catch them early.
‘Awakening You’ presentation may be for you or ‘one on one’ may be in the cards. Either way, put one foot in front of the other and look forward.
‘When nothing goes right, go left.’
Live a Little! Laugh a Lot! Love All of You!

Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…
Before the age of 20, it never dawned on me that what I chose to put in my mouth would have such a dramatic effect on my well-being.
On my path of discovery, I learned that our eating choices directly affected how much energy we have first thing in the morning or that it would build our immune system strength during flu season. Part of it was coming to understand how gentle nutritional cleansing directly helped overcome my health challenges. People keep telling me how beautiful my skin is or how I look younger.
As my studies continued, it became obvious that there is an intrinsic connection between the mind, body, and spirit which directly affects our health and happiness. Omegas are another critical piece of the wellness puzzle. The Auum omegas alone turned on some switches in my brain in just one day.
I have developed a deep appreciation for the wonderful miracle workers our bodies are in the recovery process. Our bodies have natural intelligence. I am passionate to share the connection between nutrition and wellness in my practice and my presentations.