CV Emails #41-50
Continued from BLOG
#41 FW: URGENT: Ontario Call to Action: TDSB and TCDSB – CV Emails – January 17, 2021
Good day everyone,
Times are as such the tides are turning to truths.
We are all in this together…believe it or not. It is never too late to come clean. Much was started from the levels of high (i.e. WHO and country leaders) that it was believable for many that trusted in authority figures. Me as well as many others have worked with our gut instincts that it was clear from the beginning that something wasn’t right.
- Another virus out of China!
- Locking down healthy people!
- People can be asymptomatic when there is a deadly virus and pandemic!
- A dog tested positive but so did a papaya (African President MD)…dog parks closed down.
- The change in the definition of pandemic! Of vaccine! Of constitution under EA.
- The fear mongering! Like mental health matter, not one iota.
- The change in positions: masks worked or no they don’t work, clean surfaces because you may catch it to now you don’t need to worry about surfaces, get it outside to you don’t get it outside, distancing was 1 meter, 1.5 or 2?!
- A vaccine was the answer but yet you can still get it, give it and die from it (as well as from the experimental injection)!
- Division from all angles…on masks, on exemptions, on mandates, on cultures, on unvaccinated…
- Government leaders saying one thing but then doing another. “we will never mandate TO let’s make the injections mandatory to work, to play, to travel, to go to school, blah blah blah.
- People being let go from their jobs for not complying with no pay…naughty people TO justified rallies required to fight for their rights/freedoms.
- Counting cases when the government leaders said right in the beginning that the PCR tests were faulty.
Where events have been harmful and not justified, people will be held accountable.
It seems like this important step has been taken to let every Trustee of the TDSB be aware of their doings for the reasons they do.
I am sure every person is doing what they feel is right…but do consider what it is they are afraid of. What fears have been planted? What fears do you still have? Has there been any doubt about the current event? Any questioning?
One thing is for sure…the truths will be brought to the light and more and more people will have to confess their fears and their worries.
Man is stronger than you have been led to believe. All I ask is you take a moment to read below and listen to your inner voice…if it tells you that you are right then ask why this is so especially when there seem to be two sides here, different information from all walks of life from doctors to politicians, from scientists around the world to Presidents.
One last thing…there is no cure for the common cold and the symptoms are similar (consider flu as well.) Why? Why use coronavirus as the reason for a case (coronavirus 229E)?
May the truths come quicker, come sooner, come as they may.
It takes a special person to admit they are wrong.
I was wrong in thinking more people would have caught on a lot sooner to this planned event. I was also wrong in thinking more people would have the courage to stand up and not comply. I was also wrong in believing all people have goodness within.
Enjoy your day your way.
Dear Parent – Grandparent – Teacher – Administrator – Concerned Citizen
Good News:
We confirm that Action4Canada Toronto has delivered complete and Personal Notice of Liability packages (Attached or linked) which included the Canadian Covid Care Alliance information deck: “More Harm Than Good “as well as the attached Cover Letter to each and every TRUSTEE of the TDSB and TCDSB on January 10, 2022.
Information included:
1) Cover Letter sent to all Trustees
2) TDSB List of Trustees with contact details
3) More Harm Than Good” Pfizer C19 Inoculation Analysis by CCCA ( download here )
4) Action4Canada Notice of Liability for elected and appointed officials.
5) Meeting Agenda for the January 18, 2022 TDSB Trustees
6) TDSB Staff provided ‘Talking points’ for your calls / emails. REMEMBER, when you stand for our Teachers & Principals freedom of medical choice you help our Children!!!
This includes contact info for: Superintendents, Senior Staff, and TDSB Trustee positions.
7) Toronto Catholic School Board Trustee contact information
We have also followed up by direct EMAIL to each Trustee with the live links for ALL the evidence and reference information contained in the NOLs.
The TDSB Trustees have called a new meeting for Tuesday, January 18th @ 4:00 pm: The purpose: “to provide strategic advice and recommendations to the Board on COVID 19 related matters”
* Children are scheduled to return for ‘in school’ learning from Monday, January 17th.
** It seems like ‘they may’ try to establish ‘vax clinics’ in the public schools and engage the Teachers & Administrators in processing ‘Parental Consent Forms’
Let’s inundate TRUSTEES, SUPERINTENDENTS, DOUG FORD, MPP STEPHEN LECCE AND DR. EILEEN DeVILLA, Ontario Medical Officer with respectful, encouraging, strong and demanding communication!
Suggested Message you may wish to copy and paste to an email and/or add your own words:
Dear Elected and Appointed Officials,
It has come to our attention that the TDSB is meeting on Tuesday, January 18, “to provide strategic advice and recommendations to the Board on COVID 19 related matters.”
We wish to reiterate our position that should you support or vote in favour of unlawfully mandating Covid injections for students (and staff), provide Covid vax clinics for the “experimental injection” or mandate children continue to wear masks that you are putting yourself at risk of personally liability.
You have each been served a Notice of Liability and additional letter and information providing you an opportunity to become informed of the violations and risk of liability that you are opening yourselves up to if you continue to enforce any Covid measures as they are in violation of individual Human Rights, Parental Rights, the Constitution, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Rule of Law.
We respectfully request and expect you to decide wisely.
With Regards,
“Thank You” for investing your valuable time and effort to ACT NOW on this most worthy cause…TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!!!
Toronto Chapter Team
102 – 15910 Fraser Hwy, Suite #453, Surrey, BC V4N 0X9
[email protected] | | DONATE
#42 Mandatory & Deaths – CV Emails – January 19, 2022
Hello fellow Canadians,
This should be the shortest email yet only because it deserves our utmost attention for the same amount of time it would take you to read my lengthy emails. Be sure you understand it fully.
Seems like a chore to find it on the web…not too keen on downloading the dictionary when there are so many ads.
Would really be interesting to download the entire book to see what it says!
Athletes…up to date info on their conditions. Young and younger.
Here is a short video with actual articles and clips:
The above video isn’t for everyone…can bring a tear to your eye.
But yet this video hits straight at the heart.
Without a heart, what do you have?
Seems like the UK is being made to shut down their vaccine clinics…something about a criminal case was filed and the police are on the ball. If people are intentionally harming people, this is absolutely criminal. Once you know about it, you can never turn back. Question! Listen! Action!
Imagine the truths being disclosed more and more.
Enjoy your day your way.
#43 Trucker Convoy & Dr. Oz – CV Emails – February 1, 2022
Good day fellow Canadians,
You are all for Canadian freedoms, right? Choice? Your right to choose your profession? Your right to live where you wish? The right to buy the products as you wish, and to support the restaurants you enjoy? The right to choose your medical doctor? The right to ask for a second or even third opinion? The right to shop at any store that is open to the public? The right to wear or not wear a hat? The right to travel as you wish? The right to refuse an operation or procedure? The right to pick your nose? The right to ride public transit or a vehicle of your choosing? The right to decide if you want the flu shot or not? The right to live in the country and have the biggest garden to sell roadside? … Rights and choice are part of living free in a so called democratic society. Demon-cra-cy…are we really free when rules of all sorts are created and have an agenda?
After witnessing the vast number of truckers coming from all across Canada and even up from the south, the USA, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. What is this light? The light that shines on all darkness and the truths rise up.
The trucker convoy 2022 has gained speed all over the world. Even my friend in Ireland says ‘Go Truckers Go’ and she is offering to buy them a pint of Guinness for their success, although in my opinion Murphy’s tastes just as good. Either way, traveling back to Ireland for a walking holiday is in sight.
So how is it that one country can lift all mandates and other countries are still worried? I hear France is following the UK. Yeah.
Tom Woods shares about the UK going from “no plans” to “the mandate is scrapped” in a week:
“Here’s a more plausible answer.
“The Daily Mail reports that what prompted the revision were “fears it could force the NHS to sack around 80,000 staff who remain unvaccinated.””
The interesting thing about today is I know a lady who regularly visits a Toronto hospital…one side of the nurses station is ‘covid free’ while the other side is ‘covid infected’ and guess what. The covid infected rooms are empty. When there were people in there, it was the same nurses going to both. Hmmm…does that make sense? She also said the nurses do not seem concerned about any virus. Perhaps viruses are not of any concern but the concern that was planted. After all, people die all the time. People have caught pneumonia and such because they are vulnerable and died. Haven’t the number of deaths been attributed to other causes and 2-3 comorbidities? Apparently a recent study out of California says that most people in the hospitals are in there for other reasons.
Dr. Oz parrots some good information. Information that has been known by other doctors for months. By hey, he does have a lot of followers so any role to expose the truths the better. Don’t you want to know the truths?
70% of the people in the hospitals are vaccinated. Yup!
Hospitals are incentivized to label people with covid because they get more money. Yup!
Dr. Oz on the news…do humour me and watch this short video. Do educate yourself and watch this short video…then continue to explore some more:
Very perverse financial incentives…
Epidemic of cowardice…
People admitted for other things…test say covid but not infected with covid
Severe shortage in workers…
Inflated numbers to keep these mandates in place…
One size doesn’t fit all…treatments
Locking up kids…harmful for the children and not getting benefit from it
# # #
In light of the tens of thousands of truckers and hundreds of thousands of Canadians in Ottawa, is it true that the Prime Minister was shuffled out of Ottawa and he now has covid? Does he have any symptoms? NO Which test did he use? Which variant does he have…the new sub variant of Omicron? What does he say about all those truckers staying put in Ottawa until something is done?
Here is what I am hearing. The people want you Trudeau (he is copied on this email) removed from office and a criminal investigation conducted. Wow! This is actually happening but not being reported on. So have confidence in our systems in place.
Here is today’s voice of Mr. Trudeau:
Interestingly, a two time war veteran (Afghanistan) is boots on the ground in Ottawa and says the memorials are fine…perhaps showered with roses but that is all. And no one is taking food from the homeless. There is free food available for everyone. Why would you/Trudeau lie?
War veteran shares:
It is sad that our own leader is dividing the country…some choose to follow the leaders while others choose not to have a medical experimental drug injected into their body.
Each of you/us are leaders…leaders in your/our area that can learn from the people who are sharing information that impact this current situation.
Did you know that the Prime Minister swears allegiance to the Queen of England over its own people? Did you know that the Government of Canada is a corporation? Our country is run by a corporation which began in 1867. What do they need $223.41 billion in revenue for? Is it possible to see their statements? Is it public knowledge or private? Why do we still pay income tax if it was only meant to be temporary? Why do we continue to pay GST when it was only supposed to be temporary? If you know answers to these questions, please do share. Seems like temporary blossoms into all the time.
Do we really want to wear masks forever in a day? Do we really want our children, our babies be subjected to this (affects their IQ, their speech)? Do will really want to be subjected to an ongoing injection that can cause inflammation in our cardiovascular system as well as neurological issues and not to mention causing miscarriages? Hasn’t the increase in autism, in ADHD, etc. taught us anything about increasing and subjecting our babies to massive amounts of injections that contain necessary preservatives? Doesn’t natural immunity mean anything to our medical system and the government? Why did CDC have to take down ‘vaccines do not cause autism’? They had to remove this statement because they cannot prove it doesn’t cause autism. Yup. Boils down to the amount of toxicity a baby can handle. Longer story but worth it for all parents to understand. You are a parent…most of you anyway. What are your OWN thoughts?
Enjoy your day your way.
For Everyone’s Right to Choose
#44 Documented and Shared – CV Emails – February 7, 2022
Good day fellow Canadians,
Ladies and gentlemen. Contained herein is and should be bombshell information dropped by people involved with covid. Take a listen! Please read on.
Perhaps the word Canadians means something different when you understand that the country of Canada is just a corporation. The word Canadians does mean good things to the many peaceful people in Ottawa and elsewhere in Canada. This would hold true for the flag. The flag is representing more than one thing, and it can be like this.
Canadian Flag = Peaceful United Canadians for Freedom (to speak, to question, to choose, etc.)
Above screenshot:
For those that will watch the above video slightly before or after 04:20:00, you will hear that they do not have clinical evidence to say to anti-vaxxers they are wrong when saying ‘vaccines are causing more harm than covid’ – not enough information to hit back but what comes next with Steve Kirsch is a quick shot of the screen shot above then he asks “please jump to slide four.”
Steve Kirsch shares,
“vaccines kill more people than they save”
“we were led to believe that the vaccines were perfectly safe but this is simply not true”
“for example there was 4x as many heart attacks in the treatment group in the Pfizer six month trial report”
“there it shows heart attacks happen 71x more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine”
“vaccines boosters and mandates are all non sensical”
“killed two people to save one life”
“411 deaths per million doses and that translates into 150,000 died”
“nursing homes – we killed more than we saved – Death:Life = 6:1” 4:22:00
“Maddie de Garay trial fraud, why was this fraud not investigated” 4:23:00
Me Moi, speechless…as you continue to listen to the ‘Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee’ how can one not be speechless…and why is this not in the main media? Is this politics?
Happy listening to the above link segments.
Look Up! [that is for those who have watched the movie ‘Don’t Look Up!’ and people actually called it funny and a comedy…well the joke is on them]
With boots on the ground, I can personally tell you that the Ottawa and Toronto rallies are peaceful and on point with their asks. Unsure if talking to any government officials will make a dent but something has to give because those truckers are not budging, and I don’t blame them. I salute them all – truckers, farmers, families, doctors, nurses, government workers, school kids, politicians, businesses, and more.
Really want to be tuned in…watch until the end:
Freedom Convoy: Address to the Nation
Life is a bowl of cherries and when you enjoy those lovely cherries all that is left is the pits. But look at those pits carefully. Each and every one is a potential cherry tree. This is a positive flow unlike the direction that the covid vaccines go.
I am not going to be shy…I don’t believe in putting nano sized aluminum particles into my blood and into my brain especially when there is no study to say anything good – the docs/WHO don’t know what it is doing. A little bit of mercury. No thanks. A wee bit of formaldehyde to preserve the vaccines…no way, I am not through with my human existence yet. This living experience is a bowl of cherries.
Canada is making history! Go truckers go! The world is watching! People are empowered.
Enjoy your day your way…what is next!?
Peace Loving Canadian, and
Ottawa Rally Supporter
#45 MP VOTE in House of Commons – CV Emails – February 13, 2022
Dear MP,
For some years now, I am a resident of Toronto, Ontario.
It has come to my attention that there is to be a vote by the Members of Parliament (MPs) on a motion that has been put forward in the House of Commons to end the COVID-19 mandates and restrictions.
Perhaps as early as tomorrow.
As your constituent, I am asking kindly and ever so passionately that you vote for ending all mandates and vaccines passports immediately. If there is a way to stop future interference by our leaders so we are not in the same overreach predicament, then I vote for such.
It is time to follow the medical science instead of the political science and do the right thing for the good Canadian people especially for the children. It matters not the race, colour, religion but the truths and freedoms in which Canada represents.
I take it you value the same things, and will do the right thing. It is time to build back better but without the political agenda of groups such as GEF.
Warm regards,
Cheryl Millett
Nina Street
Toronto, Ontario
#46 Potential Growth – CV Emails – February 14, 2022
Dear fellow Canadians,
I hear our leaders (political, corporate or other) say that vaccines are the way out of this pandemic BUT that is only if one believes we are in a pandemic (as the WHO changed the definition of a pandemic and viruses are not what you think they are) and also, that one believes the leaders and medical team should be making the decisions about our medical choices especially when they poo poo healing herbs and do not study nutrition seriously.
One point needs to be made…people will do things out of fear, fear for their lives and their loved ones. Earlier on in this event, I saw the fear in people’s eyes and in their actions and even in their words when they thought they may catch the virus and die.
People had and have fear of deadly viruses – past virus narratives and the movies making way for today. Deadly viruses is a made up concept but it is true that tens of thousands of women died in child birth due to the creation of hospitals, unknown unsanitary situations, and doctors who refused to believe that they were the cause and that washing hands was the simple solution after their autopsy of a dead body. DIFFERENT MICROBES FOR THE LIVING THAN FOR THE DYING/DEAD. If you don’t see it, how can you believe it. Arrogance at its best. Here is a problem…most people believe that science/doctors/research has the answers…not all the answers but a great many answers. This is misleading. After all…
What are viruses?
“Where viruses came from is not a simple question to answer. “
“To date, no clear explanation for the origin(s) of viruses exists.”
Let’s put this on the table. The virus is a slime according to the older definitions…you know it as that mucous discharge from your nose when you get a cold or the discharge from a snake in the form of venom. The discharges are part of nature (survival mechanisms), just like sneezing, coughing, and vomiting, discharge is a good thing to get out of the body – nothing to be feared just understood that you are run down, unhealthy, etc. The snake’s venom need not be labeled as a virus anymore…now it is venom and yes a discharge. If a snake feels threatened, then this is its protection. All good. It doesn’t mean it is something to be fearful of. It is part of nature.
The train left the station and so many fear-driven people boarded that train of believing there was a pandemic (and they thought it honestly.) It is theatre but this time globally…what will be next? Will the narrative to make more money (pharmaceuticals make billions from covid vaccines) fall on deaf ears? Now what.
Even though the mandates are going to be abolished for good, there will be people who still wear their masks for fear of another. Why? Fear. There will still be vaccine clinics? Why? Because of fear. There will still be a push to add covid vaccine (gene manipulating therapy) to the vaccine schedule? Why? Fear.
How did we get here? A dishful of fear ongoingly for centuries.
If enough people squashed the narrative such as scientists and doctors as well as other people – they uncovered the truths of why this pandemic was created. Would you listen? Would you watch it? Would you pay attention?
You are Man. Your thoughts come from you…but they can be influenced by what you watch and listen to. So, who do you listen to?
If I wish to take a piss on the side of the road because I cannot hold it, I will. Sorry to be so graphic or rough around the edges, but you get my point. It is not healthy to hold it in…of course, once upon a time, the woods were all around us and it was acceptable. What is acceptable and unacceptable today is dictated by who?
People are meant to be free, free to think, free to do, free to eat, and free to choose medical care…as long as everyone is treated with respect and no one is harmed.
Creating a pandemic changed this narrative from free to walk into a public business, free to gather, free to walk outside, free to say no to vaccines, free to do your job TO you will do what is best and best for others. “I wear my mask for you.” Such nonsense. If the mask works, wear it and you will be protected from others (if you fear the so called virus unknown as to what exactly it is.) Others do not need to wear a mask to protect you. You are wearing yours. Feel protected and mind your own business.
Some are wise enough to see through this.
Do we really know all the details? Do we really know who is behind the dishonesty, the lies, and the murder?
Yes, murder, because many tens of thousands of people died without care, without proper treatment, without preventative treatment, and from the experimental injection treatments? Check out VAERS and other government health websites. I will let you do your own research here…but don’t stop when you read, the vaccine is the solution, it is safe and effective, it is the solution, and the deaths from the vaccines are less important than how many lives it is saving. Keep on going.
Do the globalists want only the smart ones to live? Perhaps that is it. Those crazy enough to fall for this planned event, those who didn’t question, those who fell for the new experimental gene therapy treatment deserve to get what they get.
Perhaps I have it entirely upside down. Controlling the mass population and introducing as much fear and AI into the bodies of Man that they will destroy those that desire the freedoms they are entitled to because they are children of higher consciousness.
Have you ever watched the movie Truman with Jim Carey? What goes on behind the scenes here? There are glimpses of abuse, missing children, sex trafficking, organ harvesting, child slavery, Epstein island, government being involved with the influx of addictive drugs, illegal guns, and mind control experiments.
Even as I type, my email now shows me the words I may mean to type.
Technology is great on one hand but it absolutely can be used for nefarious dark reasons…this is written on every website that speaks to biologically changing humans to be part machine. The UK calls it Human Augmentation. Canada has initiatives and a website too.
Oh yes, both websites have disclaimers. This is Canada’s written message “The content of this document does not necessarily represent the views of the Government of Canada, or participating departments and agencies..” UK’s website goes on to say…this AI is for the military and to protect the country. So much for peace.
I wake up to the sunlight and salty coastal air of the Adriatic sea. I don’t live anywhere near the Mediterranean, but my AI, which is also my health advisor…
Because houses and buildings are biomimetic and incorporate living systems for climate control wherever possible, they are continuously filtering the air and capturing carbon. I check my carbon offset measure to see how much credit I will receive for my home’s contribution to the government’s climate change mitigation program. [Note: carbon is needed for living trees…should we be getting rid of it?]
While I’m brushing my teeth, Jamie, my personal AI, asks if I’d like a delivery drone to come pick up my daughter’s baby tooth, which fell out two days ago. The epigenetic markers in children’s teeth have to be analysed and catalogued on our family genetic blockchain in order to qualify for the open health rebate, so I need that done today. [Note: epigentics is not proven so what is going on here.]
The sun is shining, the sky is blue and there is much to look forward to. I open my window to let the fresh cool air in and the woods is all I see. Imagine the world you wish to create, not from fear or a program but from a positive loving creative space.
Thank you leaders for removing all of the mandates forever and a day.
Take note of how you good people are feeling about this. Uneasy. Fearful. Joyful. Happy.
Enjoy your day your way.
From: Toronto District School Board <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 10:20 AM
To: Cheryl Millett <[email protected]>
Subject: Vaccine Clinics Open to All Schools-Feb. 15 to 18
Toronto District School Board would like to continue connecting with you via email. If you prefer to be removed from our list, please contact Toronto District School Board directly. To stop receiving all email messages distributed through our SchoolMessenger service, follow this link and confirm:
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#47 Long overdue…let the truths finally reveal themselves – CV Emails – March 11, 2022
Dear fellow democratic Canadians,
Good day. I strongly encourage you to read and share for the love of you, your family, and humanity.
It has been a whirlwind of information to research especially with the addition of the Ukraine situation BUT very much worth it. This is the tip of the iceberg.
There has been a handful of invasions/attacks by Israel and the US. Did you know of these attacks? Why isn’t the media reporting those? Yemen, Syria ++? Why isn’t the media reporting that Russia is on a mission and not an invasion or a war?
In fact, Russia’s mission included uncovering US/other biolabs (that were set up by the West) to prove there were bioweapons in labs posted near the Russian border – why not in the US? Many people around the world are watching and are aghast at the Western world and NATO’s role in provoking Russia. Many hearts go out to the good Ukrainian people in the drama of it all. Perhaps Russia wants nothing to do with the new world order? I don’t blame them. I do not imagine the new world order or build back better or the great reset either (WEF, UN, WHO). I also heard a rumour from someone in Ukraine that their own country is using their people as human shields and is implicated in harming/killing their own citizens to put the good people in the West in more anger towards Russia. The WEST…’let’s conquer.’ Hmmm…sounds like something out of the history books so maybe things haven’t changed like we were led to believe. What has been and is humanity believing is truths?
One source: Russia announces biolabs to the world:
Read at your own risk and and further experiments in Ukraine
Back to covid and how harm/killing is being done in not only the West but in the entire world.
Many people didn’t believe it was possible or happening, and I don’t blame them. But it is time, for the many people to understand the great reset and the globalist’s plan in plain sight…what do they say, follow the money? This is control but the good people want freedom and if there is a shining light at the end of the tunnel, then freedom will be had because people already have it but didn’t know it and will want it forever and ever. It is our birthright.
Optional read because it could make your blood boil and ruin your day
The definition of slavery could very well change and incorporate the following: corporate job slavery (including the Federal Government – work in a cubicle or else – what are your options); ID slavery (need a passport to travel, a picture ID to drive, a vaxx passport to eat at a restaurant); medical slavery (take these drugs that harm you and we will not educate you on the root causes and share with you how to live healthily); rules and regulations slavery (do this or else – even though seatbelts cause serious harm – we need the ticket money!); insurance slavery (did you really get robbed? Prove it and we will make you feel like a criminal first); disability slavery (only get enough money to survive and not thrive, and heaven forbid if you get a part-time job to get out of this hole); addiction slavery (we will just give you pain meds and all will be alright); tax slavery; and debt slavery. All for another conversion.
Continue here…
This statement in the most recent TDSB share is false:
“Vaccination is the best protection against COVID-19 and the best protection for the progress we have made.”
Why is it mostly false?
It doesn’t point out that waves of flu/sickness happen because people are vulnerable or dying anyway. Where did all the flu go, long long ago…well only a couple of years have past. And for you thinking that the real facts have been shared with you accurately, think again…they really want you to be a part of this experimental injection but why?
It doesn’t take into consideration that many people are being injured by them around the world. See below for proof of serious and deadly adverse side effects.
It does mention that you could still get the cold/flu/covid and end up in the hospital when you get these shots. In fact, if you look at the numbers, one should realize that most people who end up in the hospital would recover anyway so good on them for pulling the Irish wool over your eyes. What a joke. People don’t know any better and the leaders/globalists/coerced medical professionals like Dr. Moore are just doing their job (remember job slavery). Is there a gun to their head? Perhaps something of that nature…but unknown to us and to the government-supported media establishment. They got a gun to their head too!!!
It doesn’t take into consideration that healthy people have healthy immune systems and many doctors have said as such (so has the backtracking WHO as well – but I would rather they close shop or change their purpose) – let’s just carry on with the fear-mongering and political games/agenda. And still today coercion is going on…this pilot on March 7, 2022, is being terminated in May because his healthy ass doesn’t want an experimental drug (remember that mRNA is not a vaccine.)
Are mandates not being lifted – ended for good? Oh right, corporations are able to chose for themselves. Restaurants are able to chose to continue asking for passports. Something is seriously wrong with this picture. Since when is a CEO a scientist and a restaurant owner a doctor? [fear and fear of the people’s opinion and fear of dying!!!!! Or a gun to their head? Perhaps shareholders and governmental and powerful people influence?]
It doesn’t take into consideration there are other treatments less harmful that have always been available (but for some odd reason, the medical and political establishments did not include it in any ‘must do’ protocols to help people who had colds/flu/covid/respiratory illness/comorbidities that was required so hospitals and the similar could make money needed to survive when only people with covid could enter hospitals and the like). Ivermectin comes to mind. Why is it being censored and doctors losing their licenses when they prescribed it? This caused some people to venture into ways to get it (out of fear of dying of course)…but from direct association with some people, it was confiscated at the border. This is just like a Hollywood movie!!!!
Hold on. It doesn’t mention that you may in fact end up in the hospital and die from the shots, or be permanently injured from them either. One such boy, age 17 from Beeton Ontario, stated that the cause of death was from the vaccine. My condolences to his family and to all the others that have been harmed/killed by these experimental injections. You were not told everything.
Oooo…doesn’t that change people minds to get their children injected? Abosolutely…many parents are hearing stories and learning from people about these children’s deaths (heart inflammation) and harm. This just gets the parents started on learning about the corruption. Well, better now than never and no time like the present. Disclaimer…not everyone is comfortable with speaking out and so be it. There are many that are and in large numbers (only the media doesn’t do it justice), more will come out and speak up. It is the people that will make change and it is already happening.
BIG BOOM…or should it be.
In fact, Pfizer was by the US courts and due to the people demanding it, pushed to reveal their findings/documents. They wanted to push this out for several decades. What did they want to hide? Even makes me more keen to dive into their findings which they promised they would do because in fact, this is an experimental drug. Strangely enough, some info is not shared or blacked out. And strangely, the pharmaceutical companies do not need to share them the docs at once…makes you wonder just what do they want to hide. Why does everyone need to take this experimental drug? Are they really wanted to move to digital ID? The Canada government is doing work on Biodigitals…part machine, part human. Look it up…other governments are doing this too…UK Human Augmentation project along with Germany, Sweden, and others. And the funny is the governments put disclaimers in there to say this may not reflect the government’s position.
WHAT?!!! Experiments and more experiments and if you good people just stick your arm out, then you have consented and the insurance companies may not pay out if you die…one such insurance company calls it suicide. You knew the risks…or didn’t you get all of the information so you could make an informed decision. This is the question!
What a crazy thing to happen to people when a loved one unexpectedly dies from something you were told was safe and effective. Please share this email with others. It is time.
There is more…
In the first three months of handing out the injections (Dec 2020 through Feb 2021), Pfizer’s report indicates many hundreds of adverse side effects. Please read the document yourself even though you may not understand most of the conditions listed. The list below is only a fraction of the adverse side effects [happens because of the injection]. And understand that medical people would have seen this list then continue to tell you that they are ‘safe and effective’ so I suggest you go to page 30 of the document shared by Pfizer but held back from YOU and look it over with your own two eyes:
[my comments shared] every letter covered except Q
Acquired epileptic aphasia
Acute kidney injury
Alcoholic seizure
Lots of autoimmune issues… Autoimmune demyelinating disease [let’s destroy your nerves]
Brain stem embolism
Cardiac arrest [heart attacks?]
Congenital herpes simplex infection
Cytokine storm
Drug withdrawal convulsions
Encephalitis brain stem
Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 [and they want to give the injections to people who are vulnerable and with multiple comorbidities?]
Genital herpes
Guillain Barre syndrome
Hepatic [liver] artery flow decreased
Hepatitis [inflammation in the liver]
Herpes virus infection
Hypoglycaemic seizure
Idiopathic [doctors do not understand why, strange name] generalised epilepsy
Immune-mediated nephritis [lots listed as immune-mediated]
Interstitial lung disease
Juvenile psoriatic arthritis
Kawasaki’s disease
Liver scan abnormal
Low birth weight baby
Lower respiratory tract infection viral
Metastatic cutaneous Crohn’s disease
Myocarditis [see…they knew this in the first three months]
Neuropathy peripheral [nerve damage in the hands and feet]
Oral herpes
Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection
Pancreatitis [inflammation in the pancreas]
Pneumonia influenzal [this affects a number of vulnerable elderly every year]
Pulmonary [lung] fibrosis
Respiratory arrest; Respiratory disorder; Respiratory distress; Respiratory failure; Respiratory paralysis
Sjogren’s syndrome
Splenic embolism [spleen bursting]
Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy
Temporal lobe epilepsy
Tumour embolism
Uterine rupture
Warm type haemolytic anaemia
X-ray hepatobiliary abnormal
Young’s syndrome;
Zika virus associated Guillain Barre syndrome
I will end the email here as you have absorbed enough for one day…take the weekend to fully comprehend what is shared. Some of it, you will not agree with or wish not to see it, that is your choice.
Now, millions of people around the world stand up to have choice.
Freedom is ours and not something we fight for. It is something we step into as it is rightfully ours always and forever.
Wishing you a reflective weekend with joy and love in your hearts.
#48 Vaccine Clinics Open To All Schools, Mar.15 to 19 – CV Emails – Mar 15 2022
Hello fellow Canadians,
Hope all is well and everyone is excited to forward the future of understanding Man’s immune system.
It really isn’t a debate. Man is more than what scientists bargain for. For example, figuring out how to solve baldness isn’t in the cards. The body cannot be controlled because of the different layers, known and unknown to science and research.
Let me explain quickly why this is so. Most people will agree that we are mostly WATER. Water is unexplainable in what we call science (human observation and theories.) One example is water expands when frozen whereas all other fluids contract. There are more differences they cannot explain.
Back to our body and a function of it we call the immune function or protector. Remember everything is created from labels to theories to inventions.
Our body, according to our thoughts, is moving towards healing at all nanoseconds unless there is resistance/tension/trauma OR poisons causing massive inflammation in the body. It will be disrupted.
One of the many ways it heals is creating new cells. We are one big cell regeneration machine and to learn this would create in us a passion for living…otherwise, you could say that some chose to die or shut down.
The email below tipped my memory of something that is being shared on our planet referencing these specific experimental injections (mRNA.)
Many rare occurrences of conditions prove causal effects from these injections.
Conditions such as myocarditis (heart inflammation) not yet understood are happening in athletes as well as others:
There are sports teams now requiring their athletes who have been vaccinated to be tested to make sure they do not have heart inflammation that would possibly end in a death on the field.
So why do you continue to inject people, especially the children?
Next to the above, it is being stated that people who have been vaccinated will have injured their immune system (toxin known as a spike protein being produced in our bodies) so when other such infections occur, it would be a problem. UK and Israel have shared this info. Very concerning because the elderly have been on the list of getting continued vaccinations…one booster after the next. They are the group of people who are most susceptible to infections. Would this tip them over the edge? What have we done?
Yet…we see a push to get them the booster:
That would mean that our children could also be harmed by vaccine protection.
So why do you continue to inject people, especially children?
I do hope that you are paying attention because crimes against humanity is real. Nuremberg trials were real. And there are such trials coming forth against organizations such as the WHO, government leaders, and others who promote/give instructions/inject such poisons into the arms of people knowing full well the hundreds of side effects from these experimental injections.
Please do your own research or follow the links in the many emails that I have sent, and discover the many sides of this planned event.
May you enjoy your day and happy thinking.
Warm regards and my condolences to all those families whose loved ones were harmed/seriously harmed by these injections.
Note: The benefit of these injections do NOT outweigh the harm being caused and hidden in secretive documents held back by the pharma companies and governmental agencies.
From: Toronto District School Board <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 10:55 AM
To: Cheryl Millett <[email protected]>
Subject: Vaccine Clinics Open To All Schools, Mar.15 to 19
Toronto District School Board would like to continue connecting with you via email. If you prefer to be removed from our list, please contact Toronto District School Board directly. To stop receiving all email messages distributed through our SchoolMessenger service, follow this link and confirm:
SchoolMessenger is a notification service used by the nation’s leading school systems to connect with parents, students, and staff through voice and email.
#49 Vaccine Clinics vs Adverse Side Effects – CV Emails – April 4, 2021
Good day fellow Canadians,
Once again the push for vaccines for innocent young people.
It is my nature to bring forth things that you may have missed…you may not wish to observe the truths, all of the facts surrounding this event, both sides as some would say, but the info is there for you to see with your own two eyes.
Do I believe that most people do not know everything about these experimental injections? YES
Do I believe people would say no to these injections if they thought they would be harmed for life (including death)? YES
Do some people regret getting them or giving them to their children? YES
Do I believe there is a hidden agenda behind these experimental injections beyond saving people from dying from the non-isolated covid virus? YES
Have I chosen not to receive these injections as well as vaccines in general? YES
You may ask me WHY? And I would simply say this injection is an experiment and plenty of adverse effects have occurred, not just with these but all vaccines AND they carry toxic deadly chemicals such as nanoparticles of aluminum that enter the brain (with no studies to see the long term effects) that is proven to cause Alzheimer’s. Isn’t cancer and Alzheimer’s on the rise more than ever? A coincidence?
Pfizer document listing the adverse events from neuropathy to cancer to paralysis to heart attacks to blood clots to allergies/autoimmune conditions plus hundreds more (Pages 30-38)…read if you care about the human race and your loved ones. Yes, you read correctly, eight pages of adverse events of special interest from the covid injections. And Pfizer wanted to keep this private for many decades to come but was ordered to share it publicly…only people do not have the time nor the patience to read it.
Want to hide in a hole…at some point, it will hit home. You can repeat the words…I was told but chose not to believe it was possible that people are being intentionally harmed for the supposed greater good of covid. What is covid? There hasn’t been any isolation of the covid virus. What is a virus? No proof that they exist either. The injections carry no trace of the so-called covid virus but a virus or piece of from a chimpanzee. Do you really know enough about covid and this event?
OK…check out this CDC website. People believe the death numbers are strictly from covid (the virus that has never been identified nor isolated nor proven where it came from).
What do you believe this means?
980,589 deaths (US) through the week ending 3/26/2022 (two years)
Then it says:
“In at least 90% of these deaths, COVID-19 was listed as the UNDERLYING cause of death. For the remaining deaths, COVID-19 was listed as a contributing cause of death.”
SO not the cause of death. SO 10% equates to 98,000 people on the covid death watch list to have you believe the world is being impacted greatly. The majority of deaths (approx. > 90%) are elderly people and have two to three comorbidities (dying anyway.) And we shut down healthy people and businesses for what? Something that usually goes on. Where has the flu gone? Do ICUs reach their max prior to covid?
SO how do they even sort out these reasons for death especially when the virus hasn’t been isolated? The proven inaccurate PCR test? Symptoms?…perhaps it was because the hospitals would get more money or money to run the hospital? Say you have covid so that you will be admitted and they would get paid. Schools got more money when they tested children and they had ADHD/learning disabilities. An incentive to test more children?
The situation in Italy and published info:
“Most COVID-19-related deaths have occurred in older persons with comorbidities. Specific patterns of comorbidities related to COVID-19 deaths have not been investigated.” June 24, 2021
As leaders, is it not your responsibility to pay attention to ALL of the facts? Crimes against humanity come to mind. Who am I to say I know what is best for the people of Canada? Perhaps many are supposed to be harmed by the injections so that we are witness to the nefarious ongoings of the drug industry? Are the elderly drugged up in the long care facilities? Are some people on 19 medications?
My arm, my body, my mind, my choice! And I am sticking to it.
But don’t blame me when more people are harmed by promoting these vaccine clinics whether that be now or in the nearby future. Did I read somewhere that they are causing infertility issues? Young children are not an issue with covid? No young child has ever died from covid (a recent FDA/CDC confession)?
I have asked plenty of questions so it is your turn to ask questions. With this list of adverse events, you do have some questions?
Happy questioning. And do share how the questioning goes. Let’s share that due to questioning, I have been censored on YouTube (videos removed just sharing the facts from the actual websites above) and Facebook. It really doesn’t matter because other sites such as Rumble and Gab exist to share. Word of mouth works best.
Enjoy your day your way.
Bonus: Listen to a story of someone who spent 51 days in prison to learn more about how the system treats people in prison. Worth the watch and discuss it amongst your peers:
From: Toronto District School Board <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2022 9:45 AM
To: Cheryl Millett <[email protected]>
Subject: Vaccine Clinics Open To All Schools, Apr. 5 to 9
Toronto District School Board would like to continue connecting with you via email. If you prefer to be removed from our list, please contact Toronto District School Board directly. To stop receiving all email messages distributed through our SchoolMessenger service, follow this link and confirm:
SchoolMessenger is a notification service used by the nation’s leading school systems to connect with parents, students and staff through voice and email.
#50 Cases and Toxins – CV Emails – April 12, 202 – Educational & Time Sensitive
Good day fellow free democratic loving Canadians,
As it is and I say this with kindness, there is too much information for people to pour over, and perhaps not enough experience or knowledge to understand and to question. This is where I like to come in! Or is it difficult to question the side the media and government and so called medical/science teams believe in/promote? Some say yes.
Below email: Almost daily, parents are reminded that the so called scary times are lurking in the schools. [a High School email announcing the positive cases in just one school]. Please note that a change in seasons causes colds – Winter to Spring. It was a least a known thing over two years ago but has seemed to slip our minds with this event.
#1 Cases means what, considering the PCR is faulty and the virus (if they exist at all) has never been isolated? Cases are a long way from death due to mild or cold-like symptoms. Why does the government/media keep you in fear by sharing cases? If they understand why people would be in fear, why share what they do day in and day out YET they tell you to stop living in perpetual fear of covid?
A recent article:
#2 Toxins are poison? Yup. Preservatives are toxic? Yup. So does our body want them inside or not whether that be from a mask or an injection? Let the following be a testament that causes a person to pay attention. Best to be aware sooner rather than later? Especially if children who have lived a full life are affected?
Perhaps this is why the following document shared by Pfizer has hundreds of serious adverse events listed in eight pages after only 2.5 months of recording results from the experimental mRNA injection? A document that they fought to not have available to the public. Page 30.
#3 Does our body produce its own waste/toxins? Yup! By product of eating (Irish would say shite) and of energy production.
#4 Did colds and flu happen throughout the ages? Why do you think colds exist? Why do you think there is no cure for the cold? Why do you think cases can continue to be a thing forever and a day? Is it because the PCR test also identifies colds? Have we always worried about dying from colds? Well, colds are a way to get rid of toxins via mucous AND that my friends mean there will never be a CURE for the COMMON COLD. Why? Because the body has to detox the excess waste build-up whether that is from tension, too much-drinking alcohol/processed foods, or constipation.++ Hot dog eating contest comes to mind.
ALERT: Toxins/preservatives are in many products from the PCR, mask, injection, and rapid antigen test kits:
Why? Because they have to put preservatives in them…dampness and molds come to mind and while these things exist to break down matter they don’t belong in a vibrant healthy living entity (a human.)
So how often do you wear a mask or take a test or are going to get an injection of any one of the vaccines? Toxins do accumulate and one would need to understand how efficiently your elimination channels work. This is why vaccines/toxic substance does trigger autism. Yes, my freedom-loving Canadians. The CDC had to back peddle because yes, vaccines may not cause autism every time, but they couldn’t claim that it doesn’t cause it from time to time – a possible factor indeed.
Additionally, there is radioactivity that needs to be considered for our health and how that affects people either healthy or with conditions of vulnerability. Post-dose results in mRNA study by a Canadian company Acuitas Therapeutics Inc. Read Summary Pages 9-10. [Note: a leader in our own government has a stake in the above company…it that legal or on the up and up?]
The one thing that I would like to point out regarding the above test is the use of nanoparticles for this mRNA experiment. Nanoparticles go places they would otherwise not go if natural. In nature, the sizes of molecules determine if they will be absorbed, for example, into a cell. Perhaps it needs to be broken down in digestion or by enzymes. When these very small particles, nano, are created and put into our body, they may go places where the body would not like them to go…like a-cross the blood b-rain barrier (cholesterol medication). Nature knows best don’t you think? Hmmm…thinking about how many side effects (including death) each drug has.
#5 Why is it acceptable for the communication of cases but not of the deaths caused by the injection? Hmmm… do not both cause fear? Just in case you were going to say, it happens rarely and we don’t want to bother or worry the good people that supposedly need to get this experimental injection. Well, isn’t it only fair if you do one, you share both or all sides so people know what they are getting into? People have a right to know, don’t they?
So what is really going on here?
Here is the link where two teenage boys die in their sleep. It was caused by the covid injection. Baffles me that these kids are at such low risk yet they are offered to get this. I cannot imagine how the families are feeling about the loss of their children for doing something they thought was good and safe. At least that is what THEY are telling us. So WHY?
To add fuel to the fire, people are assessing themselves to be compromised when the reality is there is uniqueness and several factors to consider which are not mentioned here:
Be open to listening to all sides, or not. Your choice. At a minimum, choice goes along with being free. Didn’t you hear? But under an unproven and unscientific pandemic, unlawful rules and bylaws can surface and cause actions that cause harm from teenagers dying from the experimental drug to children getting poisoned by the overuse of toxic hand sanitizer.
Wishing you a good day and common sense.
From: Adam Marshall
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 11:36 AM
COVID Report
Dear Parents/Guardians,
In light of rising case counts in the school and the city, I want to encourage students to continue wearing masks while indoors unless eating/ drinking. We appreciate your support.
I wanted to provide you with information about fifteen new reported case(s) (as confirmed by a positive PCR or Rapid Antigen Test) of COVID-19 in our school. While there are fifteen new cases, as each person would have multiple classes, the following classes have been impacted:
Last Day in Class | Class | Class | Class | Class |
4/8/2022 | PPL2OF-E1 | ENG2D1-F3 | TDJ2O1-G1 | MPM2D1-H3 |
4/8/2022 | PPL2OF-E1 | CHC2D1-F1 | MPM2D1-H1 | FSF2D1-G1 |
4/7/2022 | ENG2D1-E1 | TGJ2O1-F1 | GLC2O1-G3 | BBI2O1-H1 |
4/5/2022 | CGC1D1-E1 | PPL1OF-F1 | MTH1W1-G3 | BTT1O1-H1 |
4/7/2022 | GLE409-F1 | BOH4M1-G1 | HHG4M1-H1 | |
4/6/2022 | PPL20F-E1 | CHC2D1-F1 | GLE209-G1 | ENG2D1-H3 |
4/8/2022 | MCV4U0-E1 | ENG4U0-F1 | SCH4U1-G1 | SPH4U1-H1 |
4/8/2022 | MCV4UO-E1 | SCH4U1-F1 | SBI4U1-G1 | SPH4U1-H1 |
4/8/2022 | GLC201-E3 | CHC2D1-F3 | SNC2D1-G3 | FSF3U3-H1 |
4/8/2022 | AWM4M1-E1 | HHS4U1-F1 | TDA4M1-G1 | GLE406-H1 |
4/8/2022 | LVV4U1-E1 | ENG3U6-F1 | SPH3U1-G1 | MCR3U6-H1 |
4/8/2022 | CLN4U1-E1 | CGW4U1-F1 | AWC4M1-G1 | |
4/7/2022 | BBI201-E3 | ENG2D1-F1 | CHV201-G1 | MPM2D1-H3 |
4/8/2022 | FSF1D1-E1 | PPL10F-F1 | CGC1D1-G3 | MTH1W1-H1 |
4/7/2022 | PPL1OM-E3 | MTH1W6-F1 | ENG1D6-G1 | AMS_ALL-H1 |
As COVID-19 measures such as mandatory masking, cohorting, and physical distancing have been lifted at the direction of the Ministry of Education, we are not able to determine who may or may not be a close contact. As such, you may wish to consider public health guidance that states those who are close contacts are required to wear a mask for a period of 10 days after exposure. Your child does not need to self-isolate and can continue to come to school if they do not have any symptoms. Please continue to monitor your child for symptoms every day.
Those with confirmed cases of COVID-19 will only return to school after the period of self-isolation required by Public Health. Should you have any questions, please contact the school or visit the TPH website for general information. For general questions, please call the TPH COVID-19 Hotline at 416-338-7600, Monday-Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, or the Provincial Testing and Isolation Guidance line 1-888-777-0730, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Monday to Sunday to speak with an agent. If you need immediate assistance, please call Telehealth Ontario 24 hours a day at 1-866-797-0000.
Adam Marshall
Toronto District School Board would like to continue connecting with you via email. If you prefer to be removed from our list, please contact Toronto District School Board directly. To stop receiving all email messages distributed through our SchoolMessenger service, follow this link and confirm:
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