CV Emails #31-40

Continued from BLOG

#31 The Child – CV Emails – December 9, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

The child that dies for whatever the reason is a time to ponder.  I wonder sometimes. Are we doing enough? Or is it another case of sticking their heads in the sand because if something is admitted to then all hell would break loose?  Best, not to admit to anything.  Is it true that there are a LOT of lawyers on standby for lawsuits against the medical profession?

It is the unknowns that baffles me. With all of the smarty-pants people in the science field, I seriously question their willingness to tell the truth because they don’t want to take the blame. You are telling me you cannot figure simple things out? Well, then why discount possibilities? No no, it cannot be the vaccine…prove it. Well, if you cannot know what it is then playing only one side of the coin is illogical.

SIDs have been linked to vaccines. Autism is known to be triggered (not caused) by vaccines. Immune systems can clearly be compromised by vaccines (allergies.) Some people point their finger at vaccines for the increase in auto-immune diseases. And some of you only want to blast that there is no correlation.

The WHO, the CDC, and others list there are harmful toxins in the vaccines. In my opinion, no deadly toxin is safe when injected into a body. Period.

Well, listen to yourselves. There are nanoparticles of toxic material in the vaccines. Why? There needs to be preservatives to hinder any molds or contamination.

There are things in the vaccines to cause irritation in the body so the immune system will react. Only you are too proud to further research just in case it is true that the nano aluminum particles in the vaccines may be responsible for the increases in dementia and Alzheimer’s. Hmm…lots of flu shots these days. Some will never get one again once they have had a very bad reaction. It is a thing that people have an allergic reaction to what is in the vaccines. Why is that? There has to be a reason. Why poison ourselves?

Are you trying to tell me, the world of science hasn’t put 1 and 1 together yet? At the WHO Vaccine Summit, the doctors know about these toxins, about the thousands of serious adverse side effects, and ask for other solutions without success but this info isn’t mainstream.

Children and people at large are being bombarded by toxins not only in vaccines but also in medications. Toxins are also in the water (chlorine and fluoride plus medication residue).


Water, cleaners such as fluoride

Air, chemtrails and leaf blowers

Soil, pesticides


Off-gassing from fabric materials and household building materials




Underarm stuff

Shower gel

Hair dye

Artificial whatevers

Food preservatives such as MSG

RBD Highly processed vegetable oils

Household cleaners like bleach

Wallpaper remover in Cheerios

Waxes on fruit

New clothing chemicals…ever paid attention to the smells in malls?

Insect poisons

Mold in basements

Bleach used in toilet paper

Sawdust in our foods



Electric smog from smart meters and cell phones

One may say there isn’t enough in any one product to harm us but what if people are exposed to several sources?


  1. Fresh air…open your windows every morning upon waking to clean the stale air out of the house.
  2. Wash all new clothing before wearing it.
  3. Use natural cleaning products from now on.
  4. Replace any body wash with a natural soap.
  5. Rethink buying new materials/things and buy used ones. (Maybe not mattresses.)
  6. Absolutely do not invest in any air fresheners…throw out any that you do have.
  7. Only burn clean candles like beeswax.
  8. Clean out all filters as needed such as air conditioners. People get summer colds due to this.
  9. Learn about food safety to avoid food poisoning (those helpful decomposing microbes.)
  10. Buy whole food supplements without fillers and synthetic molecules, and a number of other healthy food solutions.
  11. Keep your cell phone off and six feet away from you while sleeping.

Have you gotten the numbers of how many drugs/medicines people are on, and how much money is spent on drugs/medicines for the people of Canada?

Overdosing is a thing. Overdoing happens. After all, there are very few if not any studies done on a cocktail of drugs. When doctors meet with people my age that isn’t on any drugs, they are shocked. Why would that be?

Meanwhile, people are being put on leave without pay while others are retiring early and even resigning because they question this event and why isn’t the government listening.

Why aren’t our leaders questioning one little bit?

Oh, is there any truth to the attached letter? [only available by request]

Have a happy long weekend. Heading up north early tomorrow morning. Catch you Monday.




#32 CLUBS – CV Email – December 13, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians and leaders,

It is very obvious that CLUBS exist. Bridge Club for example. Hobby clubs are popular in just about any subject from owning a German Sheppard to collecting Baseball Cards. There are networking clubs and community business clubs. There are support groups, and skating clubs. Golf clubs. Gym clubs. Social clubs. Singles clubs.

This is not about those CLUBS. There are CLUBS of another nature. Secret CLUBS but not so secret that millions of people do not know they exist yet some are secret from the many.

Let me share a couple of stories.

Once upon a time, I had the title of Director. This is where I learned that clubs tirelessly contact people with titles by phone…not just anyone. A few to name. This one time, I received a call from a person from BC Canada. Blah blah blah for about 15 minutes. One has to keep their wits about them to not get roped in. There was this special event going on in the US (AZ?) and for 5K, I could attend and rub shoulders with successful people who are out to connect and believe in you – some of the personal growth gurus were to be there too to give ‘motivational’ speeches. I took a pass but decided to pass it along to the President who attended. What I learned was crazy but very very revealing.

Another time but more recent, I worked a brief three months for an entrepreneur who as President joined a CLUB that had member meetings in Arizona – mostly white folk I noticed from looking into the audience which I thought was odd. Well, he asked me for my opinion and I could not for the life of me give him my straight up answer. He had forged new powerful friends that convinced him to join again for $25K a year when he wasn’t committed nor getting anything out of it. He wasn’t a club guy but he did have his dreams and they were going to help him. I did get to pour over the recorded conferences and its speakers only to discover things. The best guest presenter they had was JP Sears, and he recognized some of the things I noticed – he was recommended by one of the members to have him as a guest. CLUBS…not his thing.  Listen…everyone is unique and so there is no success road map that fits everyone.

To skip to the punch line, these clubs are roping successful people into their fold for what…to become cookie cutter people who are pledged to believe in what they say and do. Or else? Don’t want to follow…out you go into the cold feeling lonely and forgotten the second the door slams shut.

Some of the secret hand or other signals give them away. Sorry, no more info here and no book written about them either. Some are obvious when you learn enough but it is the other less obvious ones that help them to identify each other.

Here is a disaster of a CLUB that was cult like and harming people…but having them believe it was for the greater good – fun and games. Nxivm was one of those clubs that were caught and the leader labelled ‘slave master’ where our very own Canadian Clare Brofman (Seagrams liquor heiress) was found guilty and sentenced to six+ years.  Did you hear about this? The trials and details?

Next to mind control experiments, CLUBS are right up there for deceiving people and people being coerced into doing things that continue to get messier over time.

Is there a covid CLUB? Where the leaders of many countries are beholden to follow the demands of certain other leaders because there is a CLUB. Perhaps they are being coerced as well? They don’t wish to get out of line because that would mean they would be kick out of the CLUB. Alone. Connections dry up. Threats perhaps? Question.

Now in the news, is the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. She was the madame for the man named Jeffrey Epstein. How can anyone forget this name. The CLUB here branches out to many famous and known people who visited his homes, his island, and his plane. Unfortunately, people didn’t get to see him go to trail. But Ghislaine is in trial right now.

Not saying you need to go there but much is coming out in the open – the sex slavery, the child porn and the pedophilia. The only question is ‘how many years will she get?’ What is the world going to do about the others? Canada and many other countries continue to bust people, groups, and clubs for pedophilia. Heard about the cop and teacher that got caught in the GTA?

What is going on in this world? How much goes on behind closed doors? What secrets have not been revealed yet? Will we ever know everything? What have you uncovered? Perhaps too much info?

Good thing I say. As someone told me, both pain (fears, fear of death) and pleasure are used to control people. Feeling like you do not matter can get you into cults or wanting to be a part of some CLUB…what is that CLUB all about is the big question? Buyer beware comes to mind. People beware of CLUBS. Safety first…discern and go by your gut instinct. Someone once told me…if it is too good to be true, it most likely is.

This reminds me…a person who belongs to such a CLUB sat before me crying because he left one such CLUB but it hurt him to not feel like he belonged anymore and one doesn’t have access to those mentors, those friends, those connections, that help. Another person who was a part of a satanic cult CLUB here in Canada, voiced to me the crazy things they do to program them and what they use it for. Don’t even try to imagine…imagine blue skies and pretty birds. Imagine little baby turtles making their way to the water to become 300 years old.

Did you know about people who become famous and rich are targets of CLUBS? Want the best of the best to be on your side. People who can ask for favours while connecting you at the same time. Feels good, and fame and fortune are what they desire. But some find out…

Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries.

So what is it? Is there some CLUB here that thought up this event to control people (perhaps go communism with an unelected leader) where many leaders fell into line right away for the reasons they had to? Few questioned. Some did and died (African president.)

Didn’t a USA President voice something bad about secret clubs?

Subject change…

Remember…January is a ‘do not comply’ month. Wouldn’t this allow the good people of the country to come together as one community for freedom and more? In the process, can we save the leaders because they are stuck in a CLUB?

Some doctors and scientists are asking for a debate on the science? A debate sounds very good. Yes, let the debate happen. Some may be asking “why do we need a debate on the science?” In this case, I say “this is why we need a debate on the science.” If you have to ask why then a debate is needed. I believe everyone would be willing to listen to a debate on the science…doesn’t everyone want to know the truths? I know I do! You?!

Any reports yet on how many elderly people are on medications? What is the total government spending?

Story after story…doctors are shocked when someone in their fifties isn’t on any meds. More shocked when someone in their eighties is not on any meds. I know of people that fill their prescriptions but don’t take them.

One of my clients was on 19 meds. Yes, 19 pills. Why? Because the doctor told her to. She told me that she will do whatever the doctor tells her to do.

So does anyone know of a CLUB that is secret? Or a CLUB that does secret things?

Curious, I am.

Enjoy your evening.



Member of None (Clubs)

Pro Community


#33 SAD – CV Emails – December 14. 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

Look forward to you reading about what Dr. Fauci said…better yet a must see short video of him saying it. I am glad someone shared it.

Are we Canadians? Something about Canada being a corporation. Heard this about Australia. About the USA. It is sad to think that most people do not have a clue on how things work. And leaders make decisions and laws and regulations and taxes and so on for the people. People will not have a nice thing to say about leaders on one hand yet people participate in the many rules and laws. I am glad to work for myself to help my family and friends, and others.

Apparently, I don’t have a health card anymore. The red and white one doesn’t fly anymore. Oh well, so sad but I am glad I don’t really need a doctor or such forever and day. BUT what if? What if? That is why we have so many rules and regulations to cover off the what ifs. So sad that we have so many rules when accidents do happen for the reasons they do. Too much paperwork and administration too. In the city, I do like stop signs and street lights but that is what is so sad about the city in comparison with the country. In the country, no need for these things…especially if you were to ride your bike, stay close to the community or have a horse and buggy. Slow-mo and awareness get us there safe and sound. I am glad for walking groups.

Simplify. Away with the big cities/towns! Think about it this way…no city water system [added chemicals like fluoride into our water system], no sewers, no dirty sewer water runoffs into the lake [outhouse anyone? And composting toilets], less electricity needed for street/highway lights, less noise from leaf blowers [stop that anyway], less noise pollution from cars/trucks/garbage trucks, less concrete jungle [and necessary repairs], fewer garbage cans, less street pollution, no huge corporate buildings – more people working from home and needing less STUFF, less homeless, no need for transit [everyone has a bike, mode of transportation or figured something out, legs, a horse and a transporter room], less congestion so less air pollution, no rush hour traffic, no high rises to block out the beautiful sun rays, more fresh air, more blue skies, more birds, more trees and plants, more stars to gaze at, more peace, more quiet, more beauty, more outside time, more clean living, more living. I am glad to know we are planting millions of trees around the world. I am glad that people are aware of the government chemtrails and focusing on creating pure healthy blue skies!

What do some people think?

In a recent email to me “It’s sad that people are so unconcerned with the care of others (eg the vulnerable, and the energy and health of those caring for them) that they won’t do what’s necessary to try to control or limit the spread of the disease. But people have always been driven by their own self-interest. I hope more step up to the plate and get their shots.”

She is referring to people like me, although we all may come to our reasons differently.  I care for others. Yup. Will do what is necessary to assist others with their health…but not with poisons. Yup! Stepping up to the plate! Yup. Where is the baseball? Doing my part. I keep a clean face so people can hear what I am saying, and I offer a smile to cheer them up. I am glad to see faces and smiles.

Hmmm…some people choose to be sad for the reasons they do. Are the vulnerable able to step up to the plate and take care of themselves for their better health? It is so sad that people do not eat well, move well, sleep well, listen well, and think well of each other?  It is sad that people don’t question and perhaps watch too much TV/movies? I am glad for like-minded people doing the best they can with what they have and know.

Two weeks to control the spread to many months later should tell people that what is being done, isn’t working. This isn’t a disease unless it is a disease of fear mongering? If people are sad and worried, don’t they know it makes them more vulnerable? [stress] It is sad that people do not believe in what they are doing…masks, distancing, and being vaccinated. What do they have to worry about? Are they not protected? If not, what are those things [masks, distancing, and vaccines] good for? It is sad that this doesn’t make any sense to the person above. I am glad that there will be opportunities for people to come together more and more.

Dr. Fauci said WHAT

This is sad. Wow. A doctor like him should have connected the dots a long time ago? Thousands would have not died and hundreds of thousands would not be severely injured. One Dr. Fauci says the vaccines are harming people…it has happened in the past and this may be the case again. SO what are you politicians going to do about it? I am glad you are in the position to not take orders from the WHO and the UN and immediately stop all the mandates and educate people on good healthy practices – including a med review and more positive changes to Canada’s Food Guide such as removing refined vegetable oil such as Canola, soybean, corn, and sunflower oils.

First, I would like to say that the school people on here do away with any talk or emails about ‘get your vaccine’ to school-age children. OK watch the video below first and follow up with your brilliant leaders for some answers and positive communication. I am glad that you may be able to do this.

“This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse.” Dr. Fauci

Video Link:

So sad that people didn’t recognize that this was an experimental treatment [not a vaccine in a traditional sense] and the safety that comes up is, well how do I say it, minimum at best. Even the recently disclosed documents showed there were 2000+ deaths in the initial time of distributing the injection/treatment. I would say that things were not disclosed all the way. And governments hide important documents and agreements with the pharma companies. Why? I am glad we can ask questions.

It is sad that people who wrote the statement above aren’t seeing the harm happening. For the greater good some may yell at the top of their lungs…they may lose their voice and that may be a good thing Eh?

Where’s the transparency? So sad, that governments cannot be fully transparent. I am glad that this can change as many things can change.

There is always a Bright Side

Let’s look always on the brighter side…many CEOs have stepped down since the J. Epstein and G. Maxwell affair has begun? Interesting. The plane manifest and lists of people may have had something to do with this? I am still having fun. You? People are showing their true colours. People are paying attention more. People are rescuing dogs. People are valuing choice and freedom. People are finding like-minded friends. People are learning more about themselves and if they can stand being with themselves for days at a time. People are catching up with their reading. Their to do lists. People have begun hobbies. People are walking more. Cooking more. People are successfully working from other locations and their homes. And so on. All good.

Thought this was an interesting share:

“Eternity is the brother of infinity. Where infinity is all possible space eternity is all possible time. Infinity is “where” without end containing all possible physical matter. Eternity is endless “when” containing all possible events and potentialities.” By Charlie on Telegram

Apprehend Vaccine Free People

So sad that someone thought they should create a fake document. Was someone trying to get the unconcerned vaccinated? Was it a game? Thanks for clearing up the letter about the people being vaccine free and put into camps.

Would someone clear up the opposing stories about Omicron. Is it a video game or not? South Africa says no child has died from Omicron. Our experts say it is something to worry about. A South African doctor says it is mild. Some have said the ICU numbers are down. SO SAD. SO WHAT’s THE STORY? I see nothing different in my reality other than people talking about it. I am glad to be done with models that say fear mongering things and done with the speculations. People die because they are not healthy. People die from the flu because they are not healthy. People die because they are not aware and get into serious health conditions they do not understand (cancer/mutated cells/toxic). People die because they are alone. People die because they are sad. People die because they have had enough of life. People die so I am glad for people to stop reporting on cases only.

Short Video/South Africa:

More on what they do know but also that they don’t know everything (still don’t have a cure for cancer and the common cold and never will because it is nature telling you that you are not living a healthy lifestyle – move from guilt to positive action):

Short North Carolina news video on their first case of Omicron and CDC’s info:

What they do know is this person was vaccinated and out of the 43 mild cases ¾ were vaccinated and none died. I am glad for this…people get your life back.

I am glad you can declare this is an amazing day and be the change in the world you would like to see.

With good health, what do you appreciate and look forward to? I am glad to immediately see all kids and their smiles in all the places they wonder.

Enjoy your day your way.



A New Beginning…starts now.

P.S. Where did the name omicron come from?


#34 Confusion – CV Emails – December 16, 2021

Dear fellow Canadians,

Short and sweet.

A neighbour stops by today…she gets eggs from me.

First, the mask is on…omicron. Then the gloves are on…then the mask comes off.

You had to be there.

There is a saying…never talk politics, sex, or religion at a gathering. But I am all in when it comes to CV.

One thing leads to the next in the conversation…and soon, the F word pops out of nowhere.

WOW…people are starting to be very confused – opening, locking down, cases down, cases up, (death…who knows), yes you can, no you cannot, do, don’t do, now you can, now you cannot, almost, not yet, just a little more, wait some more…

One thing they are sure of (in light of the harm being done)…get those injections.

She says she got her 2 injections and recently her booster and yet the leaders (some of YOU on this email) are now saying essential travel only. She has a home in Costa Rica that she wants to go to but now she is fearful/worried that she and her husband may be stranded there. [I could think of worse places to be stranded in.]

After talking for a bit…I told her “don’t you be worried…go to your place. It will all work out. And darn tootin’ she is a going. She is fed up with all of this confusing talk.

You can do this but cannot do that. Another guest today…You can stand in a line with a group waiting for take-out but you cannot sit inside with fewer people.

I see her point.

Might as well share this message from a doctor in California:

Seeing TONS of Covid now! Almost getting back to peak numbers again. But, most people have a very mild cold. So, I think this is likely Omicron. A few thoughts. 1- South Africa saw a raging Omicron replacement of Delta and now their numbers are going down. 2- >50% of all new Covid cases in England is Omicron. 3- This virus is the fastest one I have ever seen. It is everywhere. Everyone in the world will get exposed to it in the next couple of weeks. 4- I am hearing the schools are also experiencing large breakouts. 5- So far, Omicron is nothing more than a regular cold. Nothing like Delta. Almost no hospitalizations. Almost no deaths. No need for intubation or oxygenation. It is replacing Delta. All this is great news. 6- Given all this- I HOPE OUR POLITICIANS DO NOT PANIC! This means that in the next couple of weeks, so many people we know will get Covid- and it will almost all be Omicron and mild. What we should NOT do is close schools or close travel or close businesses! There is NOTHING we can do to stop this- and we should NOT stop this. 7- People who have had their boosters ARE protected against Omicron. So higher-risk people who have had their boosters, should not worry Lower-risk people will also not have to worry about this virus. Just take your vitamin D! 8- Schools should NOT mandate children to get vaccinated! Almost all children will get Omicron and will develop immunity, both B Cell, and T Cell type. If parents want to vaccinate their children, it should be their choice. NO MANDATES! 9- There is a very good chance that Omicron will get us to true herd immunity and end the pandemic. 10- In the next couple of weeks, when you see tons of people with Covid- Do NOT panic. Read this post again. And stay positive!

Yes, take your vitamin D3. A gel cap with oil is better than a tablet, and straight-up oil is best. Get some sunshine on those eyelids all year round.

People are coming clean on being sick from other such injections like with someone today who got the Shingle vaccine. She was really sick for four weeks.

“You mean Cheryl, all of the injections contain toxins.” I say with an honest face “Yup.”

The biggest question today was “why are some people having mild symptoms while others in their families are dying after going into the hospital?”  “Perfectly healthy people” she adds.

Very good question and I can see the confusion because it is not black and white, and no answers from the doctors and nurses. They just died from covid.

Many people don’t make it out alive after entering the hospital. This might be due to incorrect treatment? Wrong meds. Too many meds [blood pressure plummets.] Things happen so fast sometimes.

Consider the doctors saying they were more knowledgeable May 2020 than in Mar 2020 and admitted that they were giving the wrong treatment. Not everyone should have been put on the respirator. But then why was it mandated that all covid patients needed to be put on a respirator? Who gave that order? Who is liable?

My favourite phrase “never seen anything like it” and has had many a doctor confused when tests come back negative but yet the patient is having symptoms. Confuses patients too.

Are you confused?

I am not. But I do have a lot of questions and would like to know who can answer them. Why are simple questions not being answered?

Makes you think.

Can we send some good energy to the brave people…for the thousands of people in Canada who were put on a leave of absence without pay because they didn’t wish to disclose their medical information or wish to receive an experimental treatment. Government employees included. So exactly why are they getting the boot when the good doctor shares what he writes above?

Short video:

You know…some of our leaders are receiving this email so you can change this immediately. Feel free to give me the task. I would love to make an announcement. I will tell them you are all on break and feelin’ very bad about how things got out of hand. You didn’t know any better and were believing in what China said. In this case, you would be making many people and their families happy.  However, I do know one person who is now off and very happy for the break.

Enjoy the weekend…think about my request. No email tomorrow as I am heading up north.

Hope everyone has wonderful plans with family this holiday month.



A Compassionate Person

#34 Confusion – CV Emails – December 17, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

The holiday season as laid out centuries ago is upon us. The emails will be sporadic due to family commitments but also because of client commitments. I have a new client that is 10-20 hours per week. Another story perhaps another time.

Let’s jump in shall we as the title speaks for itself and this is a life or death situation…

Is there a way to learn how many Canadians have committed suicide in 2020 and 2021?

Here are the shared stats and information:

Thoughts…truly everyone can admit that at one point in time they have thought or barely thought about suicide because the youth are familiar with it early and feel at times lonely or unheard/unloved.

Plans…what do you do when you feel you have no future no present umph for living and perhaps the love of your passionate life leaves you?

Attempts…will we really ever know? Could be an accident or told it was an accident?

Successful…too many. The website states 11 people each day are committing suicide. Do you know someone who has successfully committed suicide? Yup and of all ages…mostly under 50 and mostly males. Perhaps there is too much pressure and demands on our males, do not cry, be the breadwinner, be and act a certain way.  Estimated number per year 4,000+.

Why do people commit suicide? Very good question. Why does suicide prevention fail? Great question. There are things we all can do…or not do (as in what is happening during this event.)

This year I participated in a summit on suicide (USA and online). The person who did the interview had been involved in suicide prevention for many many years due to her own daughter’s attempt – wake up call anyone?

She told me a year ago that suicide was up 10x in the USA. What is it in Canada? If 10x then 40,000.

I know of people that know 4+ people who committed suicide during this event (Mar 2020 – …).

Here is a funeral director (not exactly sure what his role is) sharing a heartbreaking real life lesson but very real and more real for those that are affected by it. As he shares “you cannot turn back the clock/time.”

While you may feel that science has shown there is a boogie man out there making people ill and causing death, think about what the mandates, the coercion, the toxic injections, the division, the segregation, the physical distancing, the lockdowns, the no-sense science are doing to good people.

Really? My local farmer’s market only accepts double-vaxxed people to enter and buy. This is a food stop for a lot of people in the hood, and yet the fear and by-laws and such are causing business owners to make poor judgments.

The next time you say to someone “are you double-vaxxed?” or “you have to be double-vaxxed to come to dinner” think about what comes next and the possible consequences.

May your day be full of common sense and good judgment on the future of our children, our youth, our vibrant men and women who raise our children/youth, and of our people in their golden years.

All people matter.

Enjoy your day your way. Enjoy your holidays with all your friends and family no matter their choices.

Here to help people who desire well-being and peace in all time and space.



A Vibrant Soul

#36 Home Testing – CV Emails – December 30, 2021

Hello fellow Canadians,

You are receiving this email because you are leaders in Canada, Ontario, and Toronto and play role in what happens and what happens next. Some of you or maybe all of you have an impact on the children and the health of people and businesses. Others here are aware and along for the ride – witnesses.

Please read the following and submit your questions.

It is very important that you read the limitations before taking the test or demanding that others take the test.

Hey…any $$ numbers for the amount of medication used in long-term care facilities? And in general? Curious about how much the government, insurance/companies, and citizens are spending.

Just in case tomorrow turns out to be a joyful writing articles day with a long walk in the park…Happy ‘soon to be’ New Year!

Enjoy your day your way.



Hello Jon,

I very much enjoy your writing but mostly what is shared in your writing and your perspectives. It is great that you include direct quotes and the links too.

I have a Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test Device in my possession (Toronto, Canada) because the high school gave them out to all of the students. I do hear many lined up for the given out free tests and then proceeded to sell them in the parking lots. I cannot confirm any of that. Just rumours.

My daughter promptly gave it to me as a gift…you would understand why.

What is it? What does the large paper insert say? How does it work? Ingredients it does not have on any of the separately packaged pieces including what the swab is made of. Shall be contacting the manufacturer soon.

Not to my surprise, it says much about the limitations on top of ‘not intended for home use’ but I guess due to the new variant, exceptions were made.

Confusing, to say the least and I even know about healthcare and safety.

Here are a couple of things to consider as written on the product insert:

Section: Limitations of the Test

  1. [this test]…is for professional in vitro diagnostic use
  2. Viable and nonviable SARS-CoV-2 are detectable [see definition below for nonviable – so does this mean someone could be positive but not transmissible – trying calling Toronto Public Health but the line are so busy it disconnected, call back later it says – maybe there are not enough people answering phones?]
  3. As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive clinical diagnosis should not be based on the results of a single test but should only be made by the physician after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated.
  4. Failure to follow the test procedure and result interpretation may adversely affect test performance and/or invalidate the test result.
  5. Results obtained with this assay, particularly in the case of weak test lines that are difficult to interpret, should be used in conjunction with other clinical information available to the physician.
  6. Negative results do not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and should be confirmed via molecular assay. [so why are people taking this test? – starting to sound like a play toy]
  7. The performance of the device has not been assessed on specimens from individuals who have been infected with emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2 of public health concern. [so does that mean Omicron or Delta is not showing up…hence negative results but still having symptoms means you go to your doctor – for all the people actually having colds and flu would this not bog down the doctors/clinics/hospitals?]
  8. The performance of this device has not been assessed in a population vaccinated against COVID-19. [what? Does that mean a person can be positive because they got the vaccination? But no symptoms? With symptoms but only with an actual true-blooded cold?]
  9. This assay is not intended for home testing (or self-testing.) [OK…so why did the high schools get these? Is it because the tests are all going out the window soon so they are being replaced?]
  10. Clinical studies in asymptomatic patients undergoing serial testing are ongoing to establish the clinical performance. [so if a person is asymptomatic this test is invalid? So does that mean you have no symptoms and test positive but you still have to go to a physician?]
  11. The performance of this test has not yet been clinically validated for use in patients without signs and symptoms of respiratory infection or for serial screening applications, and performance may differ in these populations. [SO WHY ARE PEOPLE DEMANDING PEOPLE TO TAKE THIS TEST IF THEY HAVE NO SYMPTOMS IN ORDER TO GO TO THEIR HOUSE/PARTY EVEN IF THEY ARE VACCINATED?]

Excuse my [notes] and questions Jon…they are for everyone here to read too.

The things one learns by reading and questioning.

Nonviable: not capable of living, growing, developing, or functioning successfully.

Do you know what a fomite is?

I do have one question for you. Is the swab below inserted into the nose first and then put in the test card?

Keep on writing and sharing your findings and questions.

Happy New Year!!



From: Jon Rappoport <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2021 9:13 AM
To: Cheryl Millett <[email protected]>
Subject: New COVID at-home test dangerous and misleading: but everybody’s doing it, so who cares, right?

New COVID at-home test dangerous and misleading: but everybody’s doing it, so who cares, right?

By Jon Rappoport

Recently, I’ve been writing fiction, satire, parody, to expose the insanity of the pandemic scam. This article is not that. This article is fact. Buckle up.

Since the beginning of the so-called pandemic, I’ve been attacking the value of the PCR diagnostic test from many angles. The primary angle, as my readers know, is: SARS-CoV-2 was never isolated, never proved to exist.

However, I’ve also ventured into the bubble world where a few billion people blindly accept the existence of the virus—and I’ve shown that even within that world, the internal contradictions and lies abound.

One again, now, I’m entering that bubble world, since the powers-that-be are widely promoting the use of an at-home test for the “virus.” This test is self-administered. No doctor, nurse, or technician is present. What could possibly go wrong, as millions of people perform the test on themselves?

Well, let’s lead off with DANGER.

The reference is an undated FDA document titled, “BinaxNOWTM COVID-19 Antigen Self TEST.” The Binax test kit is manufactured by Abbott.

Here is the key quote: “The Reagent Solution [included in the test kit] contains a harmful chemical (see table below). If the solution contacts the skin or eye, flush with copious amounts of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice…”

Then the FDA document lists that harmful chemical: sodium azide.

Just how harmful is it?

For an answer, let’s look at a CDC document titled, “Facts About Sodium Azide.” We find this statement:

“Sodium azide is a rapidly acting, potentially deadly chemical that exists as an odorless white solid.”

Then there is this: “Sodium azide prevents the cells of the body from using oxygen. When this happens, the cells die. Sodium azide is more harmful to the heart and the brain than to other organs, because the heart and the brain use a lot of oxygen.”

Yes, as with all poisons, the degree of damage depends on the dosage, but you decide whether “potentially deadly,” as the CDC describes sodium azide, signifies a significant risk.

If you read the FDA document I referenced above, you’ll see that the reagent containing sodium azide is involved in the self-administered COVID test, and the whole test procedure is complex enough to allow fumbles and mistakes—such as a spill of the “deadly chemical.”

Don’t believe me? Try this FDA quote on for size: “To perform the test, an anterior nasal swab specimen is collected by the patient, then 6 drops of extraction reagent from a dropper bottle are added to the top hole of the swab well. The patient sample is inserted into the test card through the bottom hole of the swab well, and firmly pushed upwards until the swab tip is visible through the top hole. The swab is rotated 3 times clockwise and the card is closed, bringing the extracted sample into contact with the test strip. Test results are interpreted visually at 15 minutes based on the presence or absence of visually detectable pink/purple colored lines.”

See what I mean? Good luck.

Now let’s move on to the second problem with this at-home self-performed COVID test: it’s grossly misleading. The results are ambiguous.

The FDA document I’ve been quoting contains this gem: “The BinaxNOW COVID-19 Antigen Self Test does not differentiate between SARS-CoV and SARS…CoV-2.”

BOOM. In other words, a positive test, indicating infection, could mean nothing more than infection with the 2003 “SARS virus”—and that “epidemic” was a dud. But wait, there’s more:

“Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.”

Double trouble. The person who tests positive could simply be housing bacteria in his body, AND whatever germ the test is detecting may not even be causing disease.

Other than that, the at-home test is perfect.

This Abbott BinaxNow at-home COVID test is the market leader. About 75% of all retail test-kit sales in the US come from Abbott.

Back in the early spring of 2020, I told you the test was the key to faking the pandemic. Now the government wants the population to perform the test-fakery on themselves. With, of course, the added danger of exposing themselves to a highly destructive chemical in the process.

But don’t worry, be happy. On many days of every week, little Tony Fauci will appear on television and inform you that testing is necessary, and he’ll omit grisly details. Trust him.

And then march forward, secure in the knowledge that lies and omissions keep us safe.


(The link to this article posted on my blog is here — with sources.)

(Follow me on Gab at @jonrappoport)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

#37 Brain Fog – CV Emails – January 3, 2022

Happy New Day fellow Canadians,

There surely are a number of parents and children on the edge of their soup bowl.

On one hand, if the soup is hot then this is a good place to be but if the soup is just right (peace and understanding our true nature) then, on the other hand, we dance around and jump into the warmth that soothes our soul. This is what humans relish in, thrive in. Community, compassion, and connection are something that raises our vibration.

So it is that school children even though they are really at NO health risk and NO risk to transmit anything, are to stay home from school.


Who are you the leaders listening to? The people that have been put in fear, overly cautious beyond human reason, or the people, knowing more than the average person, are sharing:

Dr. Martha Fulford, Infectious Diseases Specialist, McMaster Children’s Hospital (5 minute video, CTV News)

“as lot of people testing positive are not sick”

Apparently, people get concerned over a sneeze or slight cough like it is new to Man. They are going to the hospital out of concern, out of fear perhaps.

“admitted into hospital with a PCR positive test”

“time to pivot” Dr. Fulford says “from testing every asymptomatic person”

Does everyone need to take a booster? No, she says.

“it is profoundly harmful” to keep children out of school

So why is it that our leaders make such a judgment call? Is it fear of not getting the people’s vote? Want to do what is best for the people based on what they want? Do the people know what is best for them? Not from my vantage point. I have one foot in the soup and one foot on the edge of the soup bowl…feeling the times when fear heats up the soup by its energy alone and leaves the train station on a downward roll.

Explain Coronavirus 229E on the Test

Coronavirus 229E is what is coming up on the tests…the common cold. So this is what the governments and medical establishments have to stoop to. The fear that something REALLY existed but didn’t transpire to people dying in the streets. The cover up. People must continue to believe that there really is a threat of death beyond the usual (everyone dies, vulnerabilities, the flu, and such.)

“HCoV-229E is a proven common cold virus in healthy adults”

Now we have morphed into not seeing the bottom of the soup bowl…cloudy, foggy to the eyes.

Brain Fog

The wind blew past my mind when I saw this poster hung in the local convenience store window. Smiles.

Brain fog has been a thing for a very long time…it happens for all the reasons it happens.

When it comes to people indulging in cannabis, alcohol, and medications, and also having nutrient deficiencies such as omegas, and water, people have experienced brain fog a little or a lot, sometimes or not. One could experience brain fog just because they are tired – cannot think anymore.

Hmmm…The lack of oxygen from wearing masks would possibly cause brain fog!

So why the clinical trial? I have placed a call and waiting for someone to phone me back.

How do they determine it is brain fog? Brain fog from covid? Are they testing for or asking questions about deficiencies such as dehydration, omegas, diet, wearing a mask, etc.

What is the modest compensation provided? What happens if there are serious adverse side effects? Is there any compensation for that?

Hope to get these questions and more answered.

If you are experiencing brain fog due to having covid, here is your chance to participate in medical research.

Some don’t even know they are in a fog. It has been this way for a long time…they won’t know to admit it nor would some want to admit it.

Questions are good.

How many children in Canada are on medications? Psych drugs. Diabetes. Autism. Seizures. Cancer.++

Please add this to my questions on meds for our elderly and most vulnerable in long-term care facilities.

Life is a dance…around the edge of a bowl of soup. Balance is key not to fall in. Jump in once in a while to make some waves. Have a seat so you can ponder what life is about.

Time for a breath of fresh winter air…

Enjoy your day your way.



Breathing Living Exploring


#38 Truths, Bribes & Threats – CV Emails – January 6, 2022

Dear School Trustees, Canadian Corporation leaders, and fellow Canadians,

Hope this finds you well and not with a common cold like many people – t’is the cold and flu season you know. The following subject has come to my attention. I believe it has to do with a lot of people in fear and believing they know what is best for our children – are they doctors, are they scientists, are they holistic doctors, are they specialists, are they researchers that look at ALL of the data? By now do all people know this is an experimental injection and not a true vaccine?

Recent document and agenda – January 6, 2022

‘Adding COVID-19 to the list of vaccines in the Immunization of School Pupils Act;’ [note: CV injection is not a vaccine]

Earlier comments – August 26, 2021

Some people are questioning the sanity of the Trustees and all concerned based on the facts and science known to date:

“The Toronto District School Board, Canada’s largest school board–which prides itself on “inclusivity”–will soon vote on excluding children from their hallways and classrooms who have not taken the Covid-19 mRNA shot public, tax-payer funded education, despite the fact that the vaccines have not yet been proven to be safe or effective (clinical trials for the adult vaccines may finish this Oct. but many are slated for 2023) or that the majority of children experience mild to no symptoms, that is, rare severe outcomes, with a statistically 0% chance of dying. …. CALL YOUR TRUSTEES” – Kelly R.

Here is the thing…if you speak to Toronto Public Health, all vaccines are not compulsory for children to go to school. What is mandatory is that they know who has and has not been vaccinated in case there is an outbreak – but the good news is, there hasn’t been one. That’s all. BUT yet most parents were and are not aware of this FACT.

Are you for the safety of children? You are aware that this is an experimental treatment and not actually vaccines?

This would apply to your current message ‘include an experiment treatment/injection for children who are not at risk nor do they pose a risk to the vulnerable.’ You would then have to read my earlier emails to our Canadian leaders about how the germ theory is not entirely correct. Afraid of germs and viruses? You really should read [my earlier emails] on how they are needed for our better health and that of the planet. VIRUSES are all good just not respected or sometimes not in the right place due to human error. People who are vulnerable are dying slowly or as need be. Please research this or let’s have a conversation so you can breathe easier about safety and our future.

I do get it, best to be safe BUT sometimes this is not a healthy thing and threatens the future of humanity. Overkill comes to mind. In my corporate career, I was the business co-chair on the Joint Health & Safety Committee for over 12 years and was fully certified (I and II.) What are people supposed to do when there is an event…BE CALM. We are also supposed to look at ALL of the facts.

I really don’t want to attend a mandatory education session and they wouldn’t want me to be there either. A waste of my time and with questions, I will be a pain in the neck too.

The idea that a child needs to wear multiple masks or a respirator is something to seriously think about. Better protection from what?

All three medical experts CBC spoke with agreed with PHAC’s guidance that medical masks and respirators provide better protection, and agree the same is true for children, too.

I thought masks do not work? Sure is an opportunity to make money…the covid industry.

Mental health is a thing and more and more, it seems like it is written all over the walls and in well-being documents. I have had people come to my door to ask for money to create more space for the mentally ill, more beds, and more service. This just tells me we are not getting to the root cause. “No,” I tell them because “they should be focused on needing fewer beds and figuring out why they need more beds.” Off they go to the next door.

What are the root causes? Artificial convenience foods, abuse of all kinds, medications/drugs, cannabis, alcohol, too many distractions, pushed fears from all angles, too much sitting/inactivity, too much screen time, not enough community living & gatherings, to needing more compassion, more family love, more fun, more joy, more freedoms to think and live [fewer taxes]…++

Did you hear that suicides are up 10x in the US? Wonder what it equates to here in Canada. I understand it adds up to more than the deaths from or with covid.

But that gets back to the FDA discontinuing the PCR test by the end of the year because it is faulty and the current antigen test is identifying the common cold. Enough already. LOL

Bribes are a thing and have been a thing for as long as Man thought it was useful to get ahead and get their way.

A Netflix executive is going to jail for accepting tech bribes. I do hope bribes are not involved here…it would be very unfortunate for our children, and society, and against everything Trustees should believe it.

I imagine a wonderful world on the horizon where such uncalled-for fears are in the past and children are playing happily in nature discovering the real world and what life is truly about…community, exploring, joy, play, and festivals.

This email is to appeal to your common sense and critical thinking in hopes that you will review the data, the WHO’s wish to not get children injected, the FDA’s documentation on the faulty testing, and the CDC’s thought to pull covid injections due to dangerous side effects (heart inflammation, clotting) but didn’t but this doesn’t change death and serious side effects that are caused by these injections.


PCR test not based on isolated SARS but the common cold [read carefully]

Also, understand that Trudeau is embarrassing himself…this video is spreading worldwide and in all the ways I say we should be coming together as a country, this shows up.

Threats come from all angles:

What is this world coming to? In some ways, major disclosures are coming to the forefront so we can ALL see what is happening and how things have been operating.

If you read the best-selling book Sapiens, you will read ‘everything is made up’ which would include our education system, our politics, our wars, our fears, our medical system, our religions, our economy (a con on me), our stock market, our corporations, our borders, our kingdoms, our fashion industry and just about everything except that which is nature and God created.

Happy day. Happy reading. Happy future. Safe children. Clean water, air and food for everyone. Blue skies. Freedoms.



Dear fellow Canadian Citizens,

It has come to my attention and by George, I have seen and heard enough talk about making these experimental treatment injections mandatory in Canada in the last few days but bravo to Alberta and New Brunswick for saying yes to freedoms and choice. Bravo to the ‘s ad on the New Classical FM station. Checking into this soon. And crazy on what Mr. Trudeau got filmed saying on camera in Quebec in French. Yikes. No Canadian should feel shamed or threatened by their decisions regarding their health.

I would rather be on the safe side and wait to see what happens to those people being experimented on…see email below…will send my letter/email tomorrow. Anyone else wishes to write their own letter? Also, feel free to share this email with others.

For our politicians, I would like to get an answer to this question. Why does the Prime Minister swear secrecy to the Queen above all citizens? I watched the first swearing-in of Mr. Trudeau and couldn’t believe my ears. Been meaning to ask this question for a long time.  From my research, it seems like the Queen of England is the big chief commander, someone is the President and Mr. Trudeau is Administrator/Manager? What does this all mean?

For our politicians, what does religion have to do with the state these days? Once upon a time and written in my school history books, they were two peas in a pod.  When I decided to drop in on the 5th Annual Catholic Conference, I was surprised to hear that the Catholic religion (from the Bishops and such) would like to be in charge of all spiritual matters in the world and would be hanging out with the new economic forum people (one world government or state.) The one-world concept would first need to be accepted by the people and for some reason, I do not believe this is going to happen. I would still like to know everyone’s thoughts on this.

It is high time, the children go back to school…with no masks, no distancing, with no tests as the Omicron is mild.

Omicron’s feeble attack on the lungs could make it less dangerous. Kozlov M. Nature. 2022 Jan 5. doi: 10.1038/d41586-022-00007-8. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34987210.

“Early indications from South Africa and the United Kingdom signal that the fast-spreading Omicron variant of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is less dangerous than its predecessor Delta. Now, a series of laboratory studies offers a tantalizing explanation for the difference: Omicron does not infect cells deep in the lung as readily as it does those in the upper airways.”

Why are the media still pushing fear and mentioning cases when over 50% of them are asymptomatic and recently the UK Prime Minister said that over 80% of the positive cases are asymptomatic so not really a good gauge of what is happening. Remember, people that are getting the so called vaccines are testing positive and are able to give it to someone else.

How many healthcare workers are off work with a cold, with a positive test, or let go without pay? With shortages in the hospitals, does this affect how many beds are available to the good people?

Definition of politician

1a person experienced in the art or science of government especiallyone actively engaged in conducting the business of a government

2aa person engaged in party politics as a profession

b: often disparaging a person primarily interested in political office for selfish or other narrow usually short-sighted reasons

May I please share that letting people go from their jobs without pay is not a grand professional action for humanity? It kind of shows the nasty side of the people making the decisions in the corporations. Don’t people have to put food on their table, and pay their mortgages, and their car payments…which gets them to work?

You do know that the number of people that have died is VERY SIMILAR to the flu in previous years.

How many died with or from covid? 30,743 people over 21 months/approx.. two years (and not adjusting for the Government of Canada increasing death rates by 50% in the earlier months along with the number of people who had 2-3 comorbidities) so if you do the math, this equates to .00023 % of the 33 million people in Canada. Also, you will have to consider another number which is the deaths from those mistreated with ventilators, the suicides, the ones that were refused treatment due to covid. What are the total of these cases and others?

How many die from the flu every year? 2018 23 per 100,000 = 7,590 which equates to .00018% of the 33 million people in Canada

I would like to know how many people died (how many children of all ages) from the so-called covid outside of the hospital? At home? On the street? In the workplace?

How many people died from the adverse side effects (heart inflammation) of the covid injections? On the playing field? At home? On the job? Off a plane? At school?

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to give all sides of the numbers instead of and especially cases?

Of course, it is sad for people to lose their loved ones…any age, any time, for any reason whether that be an accident, cancer, flu, or no flu.

Hmmm…we can all then question, why is this event such as it is?

Well, I do have my ideas but let’s just say some details are meant to be mysteries.

Happy writing, and for the politicians, I wouldn’t be bowing down to the pressure from the uneducated people with fears of the NON isolated viruses, the common cold, and the flu. From what I hear…the media has done a good job of planting much fear into people. That may be because they have to sell the news. What do you think?

This shall be set straight one day soon.

Don’t we all wish for the truths to come out? We all cannot be correct.



Compassionate and Curious

From: Jack
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2022 10:22 PM
To: Spiritual Advancement Group

Subject: Requesting Criminal Charges Against Prime Minister Trudeau

Hi Everyone,

This is a request sent to me by Joan. I took this format and added my own comments and invite each and every one of you to make your displeasure known as the PM continues to make us less than human as he whips up the masses to rise against those holding out for the soverignty of their bodies!

It is time to take a stand!



  • – – – –

Urgent call to action against Justin Trudeau .

Deadline Jan 10 : read this, and share

URGENT: This is serious, this is your chance to direct your desire and energy.

PLEASE send in your own version of the letter below ASAP BEFORE Jan10, 2022.

The following is from Suzanne Coles, a paralegal. Please edit the letter & make it your own, and submit to Suzanne as instructed below:

Below is a letter that should be completed by any Canadian citizen who has or may be affected by the recent statements made by Justin Trudeau in regards to individuals who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19. Anyone wishing to file a letter must complete the sections marked in brackets [ ] or underlined spaces by putting in the relevant information as it pertains to them. There is a section to indicate specifically how these statements have or may affect them. Please fill that in with as much factual detail as possible. All letters must include the signatory’s full name, signature, address and telephone number.

Please have all letters returned no later than January 10,2022 to: [email protected] so that they can be compiled for proceedings.

Pursuant to: Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46PART VIII Offences Against the Person and Reputation Public incitement of hatred319 (1) Everyone who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment fora term not exceeding two years; or (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note: Willful promotion of hatred (2) Everyone who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment fora term not exceeding two years; or (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Copy the text below and create a personalized document and send it in.

The Honourable David Lametti

Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0A6

[email protected],

[FIRST AND LAST NAME], being a resident of Canada hereby state: That on/or about December 29, 2021 Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, stated on a public television broadcast in Quebec, that those who have not been vaccinated are very often “Misogynists and Racists”. He then stated that “They don’t believe in science/progress”. Finally, Mr. Trudeau went on to make the statement “This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people? “And “that they take up some space.”

As a citizen of Canada who resides in the Province of [PROVINCE], and who is identifiable when proof of vaccine is requested or when I may participate in lawful, peaceful gatherings; these comments have now left me FEARING FOR MY SAFETY, AFRAID TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC, FEARFUL OF REPRISALS, FEARFUL THAT I MAY BE SUBJECT TO VIOLENCE, EXPERIENCING. [put in your own words and remove the CAPS if you want to use these words].

These egregious statements were made for the purpose of promoting hatred and violence against an identifiable group, specifically, individuals who have not received any or all Covid-19 Vaccination doses. I am asking that charges, pursuant to The Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) s. 319(1) and 319(2) be laid and proceeded upon immediately.

Signed this date _________________ in the City of ____________________ Province of__________________________________________________

NAME (must be signed with signature, digital or handwritten)

Name:_____________________________________Address:___________________________________Phone: ___________________________________


To whom it may concern,

 Hope all is well with you and your family.

 My email today is to inquire about your new mask policy.

 My sister has allergies and she is not able to wear a mask but yet an LCBO store in Barrie indicated that there was a new mask policy where ‘no mask no service.’ The only way they would answer her questions or serve her was if she was wearing a mask. I understand that employees are following orders and that it is the company/leaders/managers to whom I need to address my concern with, over this issue and others. It is clear from your website that you are taking the direction of public health officials.

 Is this true ‘no mask no service’ at this time? I can see from your website that you say people need a provincial legislative exemption. Where can I find more information on what warrants one of these exemptions in Ontario? What does LCBO accept?

 Did you know that doctors are afraid to give out any more exemptions for fear of losing their licenses?

 Unfortunate, isn’t it? In the beginning, everyone was comfortable with exemptions based on the person and it was said that their medical information was confidential.


Face coverings will not stop you from getting COVID-19, but may help protect others.

Medical masks (surgical, medical procedure face masks and respirators like N95 masks) should be reserved for use by healthcare workers and first responders.


In response to the above statement, it seems very odd that the protection doesn’t go both ways. If you wear a mask, you can still get covid. If you wear a mask, you can protect others from getting covid. Which covid? A common cold. So think it about. If everyone is wearing a mask, everyone is still at risk (of what?) Even the mask boxes say the masks do not prevent people from getting covid.

There was no other reference that masks work on the above website. Let me ask you…what published research and science are you using for the requirement of wearing masks (both customers and employees)?

As a healthcare practitioner, I can tell you that most people are referring to the government websites but there is no proof there. Should you have some, please share it with me.

Logically thinking, many people and businesses have been adhering to wearing masks for how long now?


And how much time has passed since Mar 2020 with two weeks to curb the spread?

My concerns go further with businesses where the government and other companies are letting go people without pay because they choose to not get this experimental gene therapy treatment (not a vaccine.) Of course, I hear there are exceptions because bosses really need some of their employees to work. Isn’t it strange that airlines had to cancel a lot of flights because they didn’t have enough people working? Some were let go. Some are home with a cold. Some are positive but asymptomatic so they had to stay home. Some are saying they have symptoms so they have to stay home. Some are retiring early. Crazy eh?

Kindly take into consideration, not only for your customers but for the staff, the actions you are doing to create segregation and health problems that are not in line with being a free human being.

Most people that I speak with see that mask-wearing is unhealthy…their own personal experience and one of a lady who fainted and now has a serious brain injury that includes dizziness and slurring of her speech.

 LCBO may be doing all they are doing for mild flu or even a cold. Omicron has been proven to be mild and many people can attest to this. Also, the UK Prime Minister and others share openly that the tests are testing a good number (50+%) of false positives hence a very large number the asymptomatic cases.

 Also, the government websites are saying something different than what you are hearing. The vaccinated are dying from the injections and a good number of the people in the hospitals have been vaccinated. Their website shares this. Do your research? It is for all of us to be responsible.

 Don’t you think it odd that the Sars COV 2 name is used in some situations whereas a lot of the names now used are coronavirus (includes a common cold and is testing positive on tests – coronavirus 229E) and COVID-19 as the event? Either of these is not specifically SarsCOV2. Why wouldn’t they continue to use the infectious disease name instead of the others which encompass a common cold? One must note that there is no cure for a common cold and no cure for the flu. Both are as natural for unhealthy people as it is for the nose on your face. Let’s just call those people vulnerable or having a stressful time in their life.

Please allow ALL exemptions in your stores as you are a company servicing the public.

Are you exempt from treating all people equally?

I believe that you would not like to see your company in that light.  Let the government only be a guide and not an institution that dictates what a company and people should do. After all, they are supposed to work for us. You may not comply with all their suggestions. Agreed?

Please respond at your earliest convenience. I am very interested in the weblinks that show where masks work. If not, why use them?

I see LCBO and other companies leading the way out of this mess and being the light for other companies. Thanking you in advance for your serious consideration.

Cheers! Slainte!



Truth Seeker

BCC: Prime Minister, Premier of Ontario, Mayor of Toronto, Toronto School Principle, Toronto Chief of Police, Toronto School Trustee, and other witnesses.

Emails #41-50 LINK