Normal Cells
Cancer Discoveries
What man can survive without oxygen?
At a microscopic level, cells require oxygen to survive and optimum oxygen levels to thrive. Important cancer discoveries include the cell respiration research of Otto Warburg (1883-1970) with his cancer breakthrough. Another vital important cancer discovery is the function of the cell wall and its importance of letting oxygen into the cell. More recently it is the discovery of mammalian omega 3 and how it quickly works on oxygenating the blood cells via a sublingual delivery (images included).
Otto Warburg
I never heard of the published cancer discoveries made by Dr. Otto Warburg until I started doing Omega research. This one phrase caught my eye in Brian Peskin’s article ‘The Hidden Story of Cancer’:
“1/3 less oxygen in a cell, cancer can survive” Otto Warburg, Cancer Research, Germany

Otto Warburg
Warburg was a physiologist, medical doctor and nobel laureate. In 1931, he was the sole recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Dr. Warburg ranks with Galileo, Newton, Pauling, Feynman, and Einstein in terms of the importance of his discoveries. (1)
Warburg identified the primary cause of cancer and that there are countless secondary causes. He determined there are only 2 types of cancer, exogenous (caused by factors outside the organism i.e. toxins) and endogenous (caused by factors inside the organism i.e. hormones).
What is the Prime Cause of Cancer?
“Most experts agree that nearly 80% of cancers could be prevented, if all contact with the known exogenous carcinogens could be avoided. But how can the remaining 20%, the endogenous or so-called spontaneous cancers, be prevented?” Otto Warburg
In 1960, Otto Warburg lectured on The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer:
“There are prime and secondary causes of diseases. For example, the prime cause of the plaque is the plaque bacillus, but secondary causes of the plaque are filth, rats, and the fleas that transfer the plaque bacillus from rats to man. By a prime cause of a disease I mean one that is found in every case of the disease.
Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.
All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes
80% of Cancers Could Be Prevented
‘You are only as healthy as your cell wall.’

Cell Membrane
According to many experts, the cell wall is the gateway for things coming and going into the cell. This would include oxygen and vital nutrients and exogenous carcinogens (toxins and chemicals). Here is how Dr. Jerry Tennant describes the importance and function of our normal body cell wall or membrane:
“We now see that the cell membrane is the BRAIN of the cell. It is a CAPACITOR that stores voltage for the cell to use. A MICROPROCESSOR that controls the functions of the cell by interacting with the environment around the cell. Also a LIQUID CRYSTAL that can open and close to allow things to enter the cell or keep them out and also allow things to exit the cell or keep them in. It is a part of a TESLA RESONATING CIRCUIT that allows it to communicate with other cells.”(3) Healing is Voltage by Jerry Tennant MD MD(H) ND(M)
The cell membrane is comprised mostly of phospholipids which contains lipids or fatty acids.(4) The research which shows a concentration of omega 3s (Essential Fatty Acids or EFAs):
‘DHA/EPA phospholipids contribute fluidity and other properties to the bilayer which distinguish these highly unsaturated chains from monounsaturates and polyunsaturates…’ Published Research, Omega-3 fatty acids in cellular membranes: a unified concept, Valentine, Sep 2004 (5)
Unhealthy Refined Oils and Fats
Unhealthy refined oils/fats – including industrial produced Trans Fats or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils – would interfere with cell membrane function.(6) The body will insert unhealthy lipids if that is all that is available. You can liken this to building a house, for the purpose of shelter and survival, with sub optimum materials if that is all that you have available. Will it withstand the stress of the elements?
Healthy Fats
The healthy fats (i.e. omegas) support a healthy functioning cell membrane so the cells can take in optimum oxygen. There are two essential fatty acids, also known as Omega 6 and Omega 3. They are essential because we need to get them from outside sources, our food. With 600 peer-reviewed studies, the Japanese determined that the change in diet created an imbalance in Omega 6 to Omega 3. This imbalance in the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 may very well be the key to the increase of westernized diseases around the world.
“We summarize the evidence that increased dietary linoleic acid (Omega 6) and relative Omega 3 deficiencies are risk factors for western-type cancers, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and also for allergic hyper-reactivity. We also raise the possibility that a relative Omega 3 deficiency may be affecting the behavioural patterns of a proportion of the young generation in the industrialized countries.” It is proposed that dietary intervention with Omega 3 supplementation and the reduction of Omega 6 in the diet could successfully reverse the rising trend toward westernized degenerative diseases in Japan, and the world. The dietary transition to a westernized diet in Japan occurring in the last fifty years and the subsequent rise in degenerative disease is merely a microcosm of the transition, which occurred in the United States beginning with the industrial revolution. (7)
Considering the 20 fold increase in the consumption of refined vegetable oils over the last 100 years, our diet choices of fats could be valuable to our health and in managing inflammation.
How does mammalian omega 3 perform in a blood cell sample?
Blood Cell Analysis Captures A Big Difference
Live blood cell analysis is an effective way to measure what is happening in your body. It uses a microscope to look at a sample of your blood. Used more in the alternative health world to look at the condition of a person’s blood cells and what is its environment (the terrain).
Robert J was intrigued by the results of changing the source of omegas. This led him to do an experiment using live blood cell analysis to show the difference – before and after taking the Auum mammalian omega 3 oil. I asked him to document the findings including images. Here is the Powerpoint notes and findings showing a significant positive change. (8)
Part I Live Blood Samples
Before Picture 1 compared with After Picture 1

Before Picture 1

After Picture 1
- This Live Blood sample was taken upon waking before food or drink.
- Notice the jagged edged cells (Poikilocytes) are evidence of free radical damage.
- Close proximity indicates low cell to cell oxygen transfer (Rouleau).
- Oval shaped cells (Ovalcytes) indicate a compromised intake of B12/folic acid.
1 hour and 15 minutes post Auum Sublingual administration
- This Live Blood sample was also taken before any food or drink one hour later and fifteen minutes after taking a 2 ml sublingual dose of the ‘Auum Oil.’
- Notice the cell wall integrity and the well oxygenated environment indicated by spaced out cells.
- Cell size variation depicts hormonal ideation, an expected observation after administration of an omega 3 supplement.
Part II Samples After Pressure Tested

Before Picture 2

After Picture 2
- This is the same sample after it has been pressure tested.
- Notice the increase of Poikilocytes and the addition of bulls eye shapes (target cells) indicating poor enzyme function.
- Also present are dense looking Poikilocytes known as Echinocytes. They appear after the sample has been stressed and are an indication of dying cells.
1 hour and 15 minutes post Auum Sublingual administration
- This is the same sample after it has been pressure tested.
- There is Echinocyte and Poikilocyte activity the same as the first pressurized sample as expected. However the cell wall degradation is relatively minor compared with pre-administration of the ‘Auum oil.’
Part III Oxidized Samples

Before Picture 3

After Picture 3
- This oxidized sample demonstrates heightened Free Radical activity. This is indicated by the white rivers. (Polymerized Protein Puddles)
- This is also an indication of a marked acidic pH imbalance.
OBSERVATIONS: AFTER 1 hour and 15 minutes post Auum Sublingual administration
- This oxidized sample post-administration of the ‘Auum oil’ shows a marked decrease in Free Radical activity compared with the pre-administration of the ‘Auum oil.’
- Notice the Polymerized Protein Puddles are reduced to mere fissures in appearance.
Robert J’s before and after pictures and comments using mammalian omega 3. Blood samples using Darkfield Microscopy. Product mammalian omega 3 (Auum Omega 3 Sublingual D). His independent observations via Live and Dry Blood Analysis.
Subject: Pre ‘Auum Sublingual’ administration compared with Post ‘Auum Sublingual’ administration
Statement: “As a Microscopist, it is my observation that the ‘Auum Oil’ significantly increases the cell wall integrity of the blood as well as decreasing the susceptibility of damage resulting from free radicals.”
Procedure: The following Live and Dry blood samples were taken before and after administration of the Sublingual ‘Auum Oil’ with Vit D.
Disclosure Statement: This is not a diagnosis, cure, recommendation or endorsement. This is merely an observation of the effects of the ‘Auum Oil’ upon a test subject.
Copyright Protected: Author Robert A J, CDFM as taken from his Powerpoint Presentation to Cheryl Millett.
Recommendations for Article Cancer Discoveries
Now that we understand about the prime cause of cancer and how the cell membrane plays a role in our health along with the role of essential fatty acids (omegas) in our body, let’s consider some healthy directions and considerations for improving your health and that of your cell membrane.
#1 Reduce Stress
Easier than it sounds and yet the most practical advice I can share with you at this moment. Stress reduction involves awareness via a desire to be educated. What do you believe? There is so much information on the internet, in books, articles, from doctors, etc. Over time, I have learned just how the mind and our thoughts matter to our health. Thoughts are things too! One simple recommendation, take breaks in your day. Take a vacation/holiday at least once a year…get away from the city, from the grind of work.
#2 Eat Whole Foods
So many people are disconnected from where the food comes from. It looks like food. Why would the stores sell it if it were not healthy for us? Good question indeed. If you learn enough about politics and business profit, you would be ahead of the game. One simple recommendation, buy certified organic at stores or know your farmers (farmers’ market).
#3 Eat Healthy Fats
Have you ever heard “Fats are bad for you. Fat makes you fat?” Researchers now tell us fats are good for us but not all fats are created equal. Stay away from refined and oxidized fats like commercialized vegetable oils including the organic ones: canola, corn, cottonseed, safflower, soybean, sunflower, grapeseed. Sure some may be better than others. I like Mary’s crackers for this reason – no vegetable oil. You do need healthy fats and from various sources.
What you do with the fat is also important. Frying, BBQing (blackening), or any browning would be turning the once healthy fats, like butter, coconut and olive oil, into unhealthy oxidized fats (there are limits to the temperature of the heat) – that is to say they were healthy to begin with. One simple recommendation, buy certified organic fats nuts/seeds and grass-fed animal products. Ideally your food is grown in nature naturally and the animals are consuming their natural diet. OH…natural and naturally are used so often these days on packaging and in company names. Buyer beware.
#4 YOUR Healthy Lifestyle
We are unique in our likes, location on this planet, culture, DNA , etc.. Physical activity, being outside in nature for fresh air and sunshine, being social, enough rest and sleep, are all healthy for us. One simple recommendation, find your healthy balance.
#5 Supplement
Should you supplement? You may need to consider whole food and good quality supplements. Due to the amount of exercise, the food quality and vitality, how much sunshine you get, how well your digestive system is working, and more, is to be considered for the big picture. Some insurance is good or better yet, your needs are based on ‘you are only as strong as your weakest link.’ Nutrient depletion shows up in symptoms. Essential nutrients are required for our health and any unpleasant symptoms would be an indicator (i.e. Diabetes, Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Pain, and much much more). One simple recommendation, balance your intake of Omega 6 to Omega 3 to a healthy ratio of 1:1.
People be aware of how ineffective and problematic fish oils are (1) and how plant omegas need to be converted. You may watch this Video for more information on omega sources and their differences.
For Your Better Health
I wish I could share everything I have learned and experienced over the past 50 years in one paragraph, even in one article perhaps. Maybe I would need to write a book. This is the one reason I took my client consulting education piece and started a program so I could share the basics with others. What I learned is that health, nutrition and common sense have a lot in common and there are only good questions. For Your Better Health Program
Oxygen is vitally important for optimum health. But just as important is getting oxygen into the cell for intra cellular respiration. The cell must be thriving with using oxygen for energy. When using little oxygen, the oncologist (cancer doctor) will say you have cancer.(9)
The cell membrane plays important roles in our body. They are the windows and doors in the cell membrane to get oxygen inside the cell. For cancer prevention, keep the toxins out of the cell and the metabolic waste removed from the cell. People engaging in a cleaner diet and environment will reap the benefits of optimum health.
Unhealthy fats do not make healthy cell walls…but the body will use these unhealthy fats if needed. Since we are one big cell regeneration machine, we need to have healthy essential fatty acids (aka omega 6s and omega 3s) to rebuild healthy new cell membranes for optimum uptake of vital nutrients such as oxygen.
Omega 3s are vitally important in the healthy function of the cell membrane. But which ones and why? The research indicates that we require a balanced ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 as too much Omega 6 causes inflammation. Japanese researchers believe that this is an important fact for cancer prevention, as well as all other diseases including learning disabilities. All diseases have an inflammatory component.
Oxygen Uptake = For Your Better Health
For more information on mammalian omega 3s click here.
Featured Picture Credit: http://www.3dprinter.in/we-may-soon-have-3d-cell-printed-tissues/
(1) Brian Peskin http://brianpeskin.com/ ‘The Hidden Story of Cancer’ article link
(2) Otto Warburg Lecture Notes Click here for more information
(3) Jerry Tennant MD and Healing is Voltage Book
(4) Phospholipid Definition http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/phospholipid
(5) ‘Omega-3 fatty acids in cellular membranes: a unified concept’ Valentine RC, Valentine DL. 2004 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15458813 Regeneration and Cancer http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22855725
(6) Trans Fats http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0058594/
(7) How important is the balance of Omega 6 to Omega 3? Click here
(8) Blood Cell Analysis Click here for original presentation
(9) The Seven Stages of Disease Click here for more information
Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…