The ‘Awakening You’ presentation and workshop…right here right now. It is about you and the impact you have on your health and your world. Discover the root causes of disease for your optimum well-being. We dive into the mind and its impact on your health and life. Learn what the EGO is and how this knowledge would create better relationships. Plus more. Foundational information to help you eat well, move well, think well, and simplify your life in order to be well. You are worth it.
Awakening You
Awakening You
‘Awakening You II’ is an interactive presentation to learn, grow and expand. Discover your true potentials from expanding your mind to improving your mental and physical well-being. With these learnings, you would be guided on your path to a healthier you – BODY, MIND, SOUL, and SPIRIT. This includes these topics but not limited to:
Energy balance, Discovering our true nature, Healthier relationships with yourself and others, Learning about the role of the EGO, and Simple nourishment.
Discover the root causes of diseases from cancer to dementia including uniqueness. Learn why menopause truly happens – men have a pause too. Find out what is happening to everyone who has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. You keep hearing and reading that inflammation is at the root but it is not the root cause. Join in to appreciate, explore and expand for your better health. Ready?
An Opportunity to Buy Recording (Feb 23, 2025). With any purchase, be sure to include the best email to send the link and passwords.
An engaging presentation with guided exercises.
Stay tuned for Awakening You III, Sign up for Your Better Health News.
Date and Time EST (Toronto, CANADA):
Online/In Person CHOOSE
Saturday, February 22, 2025, 9 am to 1 pm
Sunday, February 23, 2025, 1 pm to 5 pm
Q&A: Included in the times outlined above.
Locations: LIVE Zoom Online/Health Studio Address
Note: Recorded on Zoom
Breaks on the hour with some light homework but let that inspire you. The homework is why you are signing up for this presentation…a seeker of truths and our true nature…a seeker of growth and peace!
LINKS AND DETAILS WILL BE EMAILED TO THOSE WHO HAVE REGISTERED and PAID, 24 hours before the presentation begins.
Payment Options: eTransfer [email protected] (auto-deposit) or pay here using Paypal or to pay by cash/cheque Contact Me.
Participants: Limited to 10 people. Private group presentations upon request.
Is it time to take time for you and your journey?
Awakening You II for All Ages
Since the mid-nineties, Cheryl Millett has been on an education path to explore what health is all about and who are we. “Life is as varied as the selection of T-shirts. There are many unexpected turns and adventures, limited, inventive and creative thoughts, and a ton of questions.”
With over 17 years of presenting and from the comments, three words stand out about Cheryl – knowledgeable, impeccable, and interesting. As an introvert, she enjoys foraging, gardening, research, learning and growing, balance, and simplifying. This is often what she shares about health and life, “it is simpler than you think.” One of her mentors titled a course “Get Out of Your Own Way” and this started a journey of asking much bigger questions and discovering a much simpler view.
What about you? What would peace feel like in your life? Here are some reasons to join us.
More About Awakening You II
- what are the root causes of ALL diseases to better create your healthy life
- what role does the mind play in our well-being
- learn about what the ego is and your ego
- why is nature the best teacher
- check-in vs check-up so you move away from checking out
- learn the key pillars of a healthy lifestyle
- understand the true powers of wo/man
- simple health solutions
- what the bleep is happening today…today is an event as events happen for us
- what do you really want!
- how does manifesting work for your better joyful life
- one thing everyone can focus on right here right now for our better health
- many stories to inspire and teach
Curiosity Feeds Our Soul
What a good time to be curious as the opportunities to grow, circle all around us. But what is growth? What can we be curious about? Perspective is everything? Join in to discover and explore the treasures Cheryl Millett has dug up over the decades and what keeps her interested in life.
Any questions please Contact Us.
What to Bring to ‘Awakening You II’
- your attention
- pen and paper
- your participation
- a box of any shape or size
- your curiosity and willingness
- your questions
Other Preparations
- find a spot where you will have a quiet space to yourself unless you are at the Toronto Health Studio
- a tall glass of water
- count on a couple of stretch breaks
For some people, you can look at joining us as a mystery with wide-eyed anticipation. Do get some sleep. The time will be here soon enough.
Check out the BLOG for interesting shares.
Janet Civiero (verified owner) –
Awakening you was a very insightful presentation for me. There were several new topics that were presented, there were some that I knew however that were put in a different way, one that I could better digest and comprehend. This very informative and uniquely put presentation covered a wide scope of knowledge for one’s better health and a guide to healthy living both physically and mentally. My biggest take-away in a nutshell was that it reinforced and reminded me to stay equanimous in my observing myself and life at large, to flow through happenings, that what we intake both physically through our mouths, water quality,/food/air, and also through our minds, the negative ego, equally effect our over-all ability to live healthy, fulfilled and happy lives.
I am hoping that there will be more chapters from Cheryl in the future, more presentations of this kind to have even more tools to navigate life and enjoy every moment of it come what may. Thank you Cheryl!
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Peter Dennis –
“At this point in human evolution, people are awakening. Awakening to who they really are and to how they can optimize this human experience. Cheryl’s program, Awakening You, couldn’t come at a more opportune and beneficial time. With her insights, wisdom, and ability to convey ideas, Cheryl is putting forth a powerful program for those who are interested in optimal health and personal growth. If these subjects interest you, then, I highly recommend Cheryl’s program.”
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Janet Civiero (verified owner) –
This presentation was great, flowing, and seamless, it was chock-full of knowledge for everyday healthy living that has an impact on our wellbeing. Some topics on health that were discussed are very uncommonly brought up in our worlds, they are simple things that you might never have thought of but that is great to know to help us be healthier. It covered both the physical aspect and was also a great guide to understanding the psyche and its parts, one being the negative ego and its tendencies and how exactly to go about freeing yourself from its clutches so that you can live with less struggle and in a more fulfilled and happy way. I saw it 5 days before writing this and I can say that seeing Awakening You has made me more aware in general, inspired me, and has also definitely raised my vibration since implementing some of the teachings it gave. Thank you, Cheryl!
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Gordon –
Recently, I was Awakened … I did not know I was unawake … I took a workshop called Awakening You, although it was actually awakening me … despite the enigmatic linguistics of the workshop title, I was Awakened to many aspects of living and health of which I was unaware … the workshop was informative, intimate, instructive, and revelatory. There was a lot of humour involved, though of the groaner variety. The information was obviously well researched and obviously well presented. There was a plethora of useful information presented … and it was a long workshop … such that after being Awakened, I was sleepy … and I couldn’t wait to get out of there … and get home to investigate further and try the exercises that were presented … This workshop was well worth the time devoted and the dollars spent. There were a few things that I was aware of previous to being Awakened, but most of it was new information … well, new to me .. so I thoroughly enjoyed the Awakening You workshop, though it Awakened Me … and I would recommend participation in future offerings of this workshop … you will benefit from participation … and it will reinforce much that you do know and teach you a lot that you did not know … hey … are you still reading ??? Alright, go back to sleep … it is your loss.
gg. participant April 25, 2022
***** (I give it a five star rating)
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Admin Cheryl Millett –
Recently, I was Awakened … I did not know I was unawake … I took a workshop called Awakening You, although it was actually awakening me … despite the enigmatic linguistics of the workshop title, I was Awakened to many aspects of living and health of which I was unaware … the workshop was informative, intimate, instructive, and revelatory. There was a lot of humour involved, though of the groaner variety. The information was obviously well researched and obviously well presented. There was a plethora of useful information presented … and it was a long workshop … such that after being Awakened, I was sleepy … and I couldn’t wait to get out of there … and get home to investigate further and try the exercises that were presented … This workshop was well worth the time devoted and the dollars spent. There were a few things that I was aware of previous to being Awakened, but most of it was new information … well, new to me .. so I thoroughly enjoyed the Awakening You workshop, though it Awakened Me … and I would recommend participation in future offerings of this workshop … you will benefit from participation … and it will reinforce much that you do know and teach you a lot that you did not know … hey … are you still reading ??? Alright, go back to sleep … it is your loss.
gg. participant April 25, 2022
***** (I give it a five-star rating)
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Jack D (verified owner) –
The time flew by quickly and I learned many valuable things to help improve my health and personal vibration! I enjoyed the talk about the ego and the role of “spirit vs. the soul” and how they are different but compatible with each other. I also learned about the role of whey protein for betting my health. I highly recommend this program to anyone learning to improve themselves and those around them!
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