Healthy Bites
Taking in the bigger picture, we understand that on the surface, things appear one way but after asking the right questions or doing some undercover work, we learn things are not always as they appear and sometimes it is what is under a microscope. Over time and with experience we see a more complete picture. Natural foods are getting attention
and here is one important thing to consider.
One Example
From my omega research, a farmer, who raises grass-fed cows, gave me numbers on the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio for cows fed on grass and those that are fed on corn or corn finished (mammalian omegas). The cows fed corn developed an imbalance in these essential fatty acids or EFAs (8:1 ratio Omega-6 and Omega-3 respectively). Balanced EFAs are key to maintaining a healthy functioning brain/nervous system, immune system (manage chronic inflammation such as cancer, diabetes, etc.), hormonal balance, and more.
“Omega-6 and Omega-3 are both healthy fats as long as they are in an equally balanced 1:1 ratio.”
How we raise or grow our food, not just vegetables, is important to our health.
People are becoming more aware of how food impacts our health, our thinking and well-being. When I studied “The Seven Stages of Disease” it became clearer that toxins are one of the root causes of all disease along with nutritional deficiencies.
Farmers are people too, and so there is a growing need to produce naturally raised foods for their families as well as others.
One such business is Cranston’s who recognizes the need to supply families with a variety of natural meat options from beef, chicken, turkey and pork at an affordable price, delivered to you.
After spending some time with Milena, I spoke with Kevin at Cranston’s last month to learn more .
“Healthier farming contributes to Healthier families. At Cranston’s Ontario Inc. we support Local Ontario Family Farms and uphold traditional, wholesome & humane farming practices. Truly natural and free range – a more natural setting for animals, fresh water, outside with plenty of room to roam and liberal access to good food.”
Cranston’s offers affordable pricing for local, free-range, all natural meat comparable to commercial factory grade pricing! For more information I ask you to contact Milena at 416-738-5378.
Cranston’s Ontario
Great Variety of Local, All-Natural Free-Range Meat at Affordable Pricing…I highly recommend Cranston’s for its quality and more. “You will taste the difference.”
Cranston’s is a small, family run business that has gathered local, all-natural, sustainable farmers across Ontario to offer you a great menu of selections of beef, pork, chicken & turkey (menu expanding) at affordable pricing. All meat is hormone, chemical, antibiotic free (the feed is also GMO-free).
Our packages are built to offer exceptional quality with affordable pricing comparable with factory farm pricing delivered directly to you.
Milena Vigliotta @ 416-738-5378 GTA [email protected]
3 Reasons Why You Switching from Factory Farmed Meat to Local All-Natural Free-Range Meat is Postive:
- Health: Avoid putting growth hormones, antibiotics, chemicals in your body that can lead to health issues down the road.
- Support Local Farmers who do sustainable farming as it was done thousands of years ago.
- Taste: If you’ve had a quality steak you will know the tender juicy taste you get with all natural meat.
There are several ways to obtain natural meats…hunt/fish, natives, farmers, some health food stores, farmers’ markets. I purchase smoked fish from the natives at the Wychwood Barns Saturday Farmer’s Market. I purchase farmed fresh eggs from a farmer.
Learn more at
For smaller orders or just a chicken, check out
One of the root causes of ALL disease is toxins. Cheryl is known for presenting on The Seven Stages of Disease – educating on well-being, healthy habits, prevention and balancing health naturally.
Cheryl Millett
Champion for your better health…