RJ Millar and his dog

RJ Millar and his dog

About Robert JF Millar aka RJ Millar, President and Founder of Auum Inc.

Robert J. Millar

President Auum Inc.

Education: McMaster University – Biochemistry

In the late 1990’s research into Omega-3 was limited in scope. The Humane Society had not heard of seals and even fish oil was almost unheard of.

In 2003, Auum Inc., a manufacturer of hemp based Omega-3 skin care product oils, became involved with seal oil as a potential support to its ingredient base. However, by 2005 the Humane Society’s anti-sealing movement closed the door to the USA market and the concept of applied research with seal oil all but disappeared.

In 2006, Auum Inc. began to produce and market mammalian Omega-3 capsules. By 2007, research and development by Auum’s team of biochemists led to the development of a sublingual method of delivery. From 2008 to 2010, products were developed using this sublingual transport method to assist with the work of the Balanced Heart Mission and its studies with autistic children. These involved the efficient delivery of fat soluble vitamins in order to improve speech RJ Millar Auum Inc. Founderand behaviour.

Beginning in 2012, Auum sponsored double blind research in Sports Nutrition involving nerve function and performance at the University of Toronto. The results of the first study were published in June 2015.

In 2013, Auum sponsored research funded by the Canadian Diabetes Association for a 2 year double blind study in corneal degenerative neuropathy. The interim results of these studies are so compelling that they have been scheduled to be presented at 14th International Congress on Neuromuscular Disease July 2016 in Toronto Canada, at which time the study will be complete.

In 2014, Auum sponsored a Canadian Cancer Society funded double blind study in chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy. These results will be delivered at end of 2016. According to RJ, even the interim report is remarkable.

Mammalian oils represent a completely different form of biochemistry as functional oils when compared to those derived from plants or fish. According to Auum’s team of researchers, there is significant confusion surrounding the functionality of fish and plant oils vs mammalian based oils. RJ is here to help us to gain a clearer understanding to ensure this ingredient is made accessible to the nutritional industry.


Generally referred to as RJ, Auum’s reclusive founder, spends the white winters of Canada with his teams of Canadian Eskimo dogs in the far North of Ontario.

RJ’s first year studies in biochemistry and biology at McMaster University won him a summer studentship at a newly opened research centre. With his own set of keys and unlimited access to the labs throughout the new medical school facility, RJ invested 6 years of intense study before his contagious enthusiasm landed him the GM position of a major blue chip company excited about the possibility of a “biotech” revolution.

As an uncommonly young GM with a generous operating budget, RJ embraced novel “lunch room” ideas from every laboratory in every research centre he visited across Canada. By 30, RJ had earned his first bags of gold by creating amazing monoclonal antibody diagnostic kits and refined biological extractions that sold for incredible prices across China.

Catapulted by success in the rapidly developing Chinese economy, RJ transplanted newly emerging ideas from the west. Ideas such as encapsulated fruit and vegetable powders, countertop water and air filtration units, while somewhat popular at home, were enormously successful in the Far East. Beginning with a group of less than 20 independent distributors from Canada, RJ’s team grew to over 20,000 in less than 2 1/2 years —all based out of Hong Kong.

While RJ’s main residence is in Canada where he lives with his Chinese wife and Hong Kong born children, he makes trips to Asia with sights on trips to France, the Caribbean and other parts of the world.

“I am always astonished at how easily these wealthy cultures embrace fundamental concepts of natural medicine. Many of these concepts now originate in the West, yet for the most part, Canada and the US have become increasingly dependant and sick on synthetic drugs.” says RJ.

RJ searched for years throughout his vast contact base for a natural biological to bring healing at the most basic level — the cell. The breakthrough came with a Canadian discovery of a previously unknown form of Omega-3 (DPA) found in rich quantities in the blubber of certain species of seal.

After numerous visits to the Far East, the results sprouted waves of copy cat businesses in Korea, China, and Taiwan. Canadianseal oil was a hot item, with the same basic product repackaged and resold in many different ways by handfuls of start-up companies. Yet at home, RJ’s ideas based upon seal blubber were the targets of vicious propaganda. Lead by groups of US activists, pounded by the US media, this Canadian wonder remained hidden.

Undaunted by foreign-based propaganda, RJ’s enthusiasm leads and coordinates an entrepreneurial team within a novelcorporate framework.

With clinical studies that validate miraculous stories of health transformations and a product license issued by the Canadian Ministry of Health (fully compliant with the Natural Health Products Regulations) AUUM Inc has come of age. Auum has a series of Natural Omega-3 formulations in the pipeline. Some have already received a product license; others have marketing approval pending Health Canada’s completed review of detailed submissions.

“People need to embrace HEALING, not suppress their symptoms with artificial drugs” remarks RJ. “I am not here to fight against the pharmaceutical cartels. I am here to offer a natural and effective route to people who seek a healing balance for their health, and for their life.”


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