Auum Testimonials and Adults
The Right Omegas for the Right Results!
Omegas with natural Vitamin D3 from newborns to children to the golden years.
Auum Omega 3 has been taken by all ages for a variety of reasons, from ADHD to MS, from Cancer to reducing inflammation, and much more. It has been clear to me, people learn from reading the results of others. Here are the Auum testimonials and adults as a result of consuming the Auum Omega 3 products.
Did you know?
In humans, and in all Auum Omega 3 formulations, the fatty acids (DHA, EPA, and DPA) are located primarily in the terminal positions [end] of the triglyceride molecules, whereas in fish oil (DHA and EPA) are preferentially present in the middle positions of the triglyceride molecule. The DPA component is absent in fish oils in any substantial amount. Careful selection of raw materials and specialized processing ensures Auum Omega 3 formulations retain very high concentrations of DPA. This critical component cannot be synthesized in our bodies.
If you have a testimonial please contact Cheryl Millett.
Why I believe that Auum Omegas are the best Omega supplements in the world?
In 2008, I was introduced to seal oil by another Holistic Nutritionist and I started to take Auum Omega 3 as soon as it arrived in the mail. I also gave it to my children. My youngest daughter was three and a half at the time. We would sing a tune while holding the Omega-3 under the tongue and watch the clock to finish 45 seconds. We had fun! I must admit, I did not monitor for any outcomes but within three weeks I noticed that my daughter now knew the whole alphabet and most of the sounds. Previously, she only knew her letters J and O (her nickname was JoJo). Personally, I felt taller and gained more mental clarity in only days. I was impressed.
As someone with a background in nutrition, I appreciate that the Auum Omega 3 formulas provide DPA which is a key essential building block in the brain. DPA is passed to children through their mother’s breast milk. Many children are deficient because of not being breastfed or having less than optimal nutrition.
I highly recommend this product, especially the children and the women who will one day have their own children. I believe that our health is our greatest asset and giving health to children, the generation of the future is a beautiful thing.
For several years, I continue to witness first hand the good results from many others and from conducting the field research studies.
Cheryl Millett, BSc RNCP
Great Auum results for my knee. You mentioned that I could commit to more per month and get it at a reduced price. What do I need to do?
Former dancer, Toronto, Ontario
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“My husband has been taking the oil since the conference and notes that he has been sleeping better and waking refreshed.” Susan
Hi Cheryl,
I will keep in touch.
“People say I look younger.” Molly G.
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Jenn Quench Essentials,
“My dry eye related to wearing contact lenses is no longer a problem.” Hollie H.
Hi Cheryl,
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As a massage therapist, I believe in the body’s capacity to heal itself in the right environment.
Whether you are an elite athlete, a child, a pregnant woman, or a senior, balancing the critical nutrients of Omega 6 and Omega 3 with a “perfect fit” source allows for such healing.
My entire family is receiving benefits from using Auum Sublingual D, such as better memory and increased mental focus, but the “miracle” I witnessed was my daughter. A quiet, sensitive, and thoughtful child, she had been having significant trouble in school. Her teacher, unwilling to help, repeatedly told her that there was something “wrong” with her. She began withdrawing, crying very often, disliking school – and life. After “assessment” and a psychiatrist’s diagnosis of a “Learning disability”, they mapped out a variety of “modifications” she would need in place to keep up with her classmates. After changing schools and having motivated and caring teachers, she began to believe in herself again. She started refusing any modifications – as Emma said “there is nothing wrong with me!” She then started Sublingual D. After a few weeks I noticed her spelling with much less effort. If I forgot, she would be quick to say “Mom, I need my oil.” Her memory issues diminished and became much more manageable. Her reading speed and level skyrocketed. She raised her math mark from D to A. She made it to the finals with her public speaking. She has raw determination and a belief in herself now, and she has decided she will be an honors student this June. Her teacher believes she can and so do I.
It is a true blessing to see our child happy and confident – nature’s own brilliant miracle!
I urge you to take responsibility for your own health and become your own miracle the way nature intended.
Marijane R.M.T.
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I was introduced to Auum Omega 3 at the beginning of September 2009. As a secondary school teacher surrounded by 1600 + kids everyday I was interested in the immune-boosting potential of seal oil and having heard some interesting testimonials thought I’d give it a try. I found it easy to adopt the routine of taking the recommended dose each day and now 7 months later, I’m happy to report an entire cold and flu season has passed and I have yet to miss time at work due to illness.
Darlene Fournier
Curricular Head, Health and Physical Education
Chinguacousy Secondary School
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Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
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Due to a series of incidents that led to an incredible increase in blood pressure, I suffered a small frontal lobe stroke in November of 2006. I had just started to take the Omega 3 capsules the month before; I continue taking them to keep my blood pressure from climbing. The winter was long and I couldn’t get out much. I lay on the couch and watched TV most of the day. The Omega capsules were helping to keep my blood pressure in check, and helped with alertness. Then in April of 2007, I was introduced to the Sublingual D.
I took the required half teaspoon of Sublingual and went back to bed. I awoke twenty minutes later, I felt good, ate breakfast, did the dishes, started my rock tumblers, something I had not done for a year, and then I decided to clean the yard. The Sublingual D helped me break through a depression I was unaware I had.
I feel energetic, alert; I am back to teaching, researching & writing courses. No one can tell that I’ve had a stroke; my blood pressure is pretty stable and feels I am back to normal.
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“I have more energy and mental clarity.” Theresa S.
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Auum and dental health…
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“my shoulder discomfort that I suffered for years from an auto accident is totally eliminated.” Steven K.
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I am convinced that Auum oil protected my brain and my body from becoming completely ravaged by undiagnosed Lyme Disease bacteria. Since August 2007, my health started spiraling down, with constant infections, severe headaches, chills, fevers, exhaustion unrelieved by rest, concentration problems, loss of feeling in fingers, dragging ankle, balance problems, vertigo and more. No doctor or specialist could diagnose the cause for sure and I had a list of different diagnoses, scores of tests and saw many different doctors.
In June 2009 I started taking Auum oil, as a grasping-at-straws effort to try anything to improve my quality of life. Within days I noticed a change, especially in sleep patterns, and becoming more lucid when woken up. Energy levels improved. Although the infections still came, I felt more equipped to deal with them, as well as the myriad doctor’s appointments to treat each individual occurrence.
Finally, in February 2010, I could diagnose myself with Lyme Disease, with the help of a friend who has had a daughter undiagnosed with Lyme disease for ten years. Antibiotic treatment started, which finally helped improve things. Since the disease went undetected for 3 years, the damage is extensive and it will take years to try and recoup the health I lost, and to try and restore the damage done to all my organs. Auum is still an important part of my support system, and I wouldn’t be without it. I firmly believe that without Auum oil, I would not have been able to continue working at the part-time job I had, while being undiagnosed.
My goal now is to get more awareness about Lyme Disease and to add my voice to ask for protection of the patients and the doctors who try to treat Lyme, as well as to ask for better tests in Canada.
Please read more about Lyme Disease on the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation’s website:
Marlene S. from Brampton, Ontario
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I started taking Auum’s Omega-3 in October 2006 when I was seven months pregnant. I immediately experienced more energy and my back pains subsided. After giving birth, I returned to my normal weight within three weeks!!
Before my pregnancy I experienced dysmenorrhea, but after my pregnancy, my period started right away, completely regular with no spotting.
I also noticed that my hair has started growing back in my receding hairline area.
I had been taking other Omega-3 products earlier during my pregnancy but I was still extremely tired between clients. I am a Naturo-Therapist and Nutritionist and I am in my mid-thirties. The Auum Omega 3 has made a big difference for my health and I continue taking it daily. I also educate all of my clients on the positive results of taking this particular Omega-3.
I give this product to my baby Thalya who is now 13 months old. She has never suffered from diaper rash, was never been sick when her front teeth came in, and only lately has she experienced a slight fever due to teething. She is also mild-mannered, very attentive, and alert with wide, clear blue eyes. I most certainly appreciate how easy she has been to care for since she sleeps all of her nights, 8 pm to 7 am, and still has no naps during the day. It is so comforting not to have to worry about her health.
Lisa Lariviere
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Auum and Headaches
Just thought I’d pass on this little bit of good news …It’s from another girl that used to miss a lot of time because of Migraines. This is month three – she’s sleeping better – and feeling better. She just started up a part-time dog grooming business which she wanted to do for a long time but was never able to because of the headaches. Another little victory…read on.
Hey DB,
I just mailed in my order form today for my monthly shipments, so I should be okay until it comes… hopefully! I just started a new bottle a couple of days ago so I should be okay.
By the way… No headaches this week!! Good sign… I didn’t even get one last weekend which is the first weekend in a long time! Hopefully, it’s kicked in!
Thank you!
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Julia von Flotow
Mindfulness Coach for Executives, Career & Life Transitions, Entrepreneurial Success & Leadership Development
When it comes to healthy Omegas, Cheryl knows her stuff and knows how to make it relevant to her audience. Not all fats are equal! The human body requires Omega 3 and Omega 6 in equal proportion for proper cell and brain function and optimum health…it’s the only oil the body requires and there’s only one known source for this essential oil. The more I learn, the less I know! A fascinating and enlightening evening. Thank you, Cheryl.
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